69 Risposte a “I pesticidi possono essere sciacquati?”

  1. Thank you, by the way, for a scholarly presentation of the information in this video. It was good and informative. However, I have one question, and you may have to answer it in terms of your own opinion, only because I don't know if there is a ready study to draw from: does rinsing with baking soda or saponified/castile soap work more effectively than rinsing with water on non-organic produce? What do you think would be the percentage increase in pesticide removal in comparison to pure water?

  2. @charliecheesenewyork It'd be wonderful if you could post it to this specific video on nutritionfacts. org. This way more people benefit from the response, and I can actually provide you with links (which I can't do on Youtube). Thanks!

  3. Have you ever heard of ultrasonic fruits and vegetable washers, do you think they work on removing chemical residues?? Thanks for he vid 🙂

  4. Damn it, we dont have any organic shops in our town , the only way I could get organics would be to drive for 4 hours. AAAAHHHHHHHHH…………….fuck this world.

  5. I have the same problem :/
    I have been lately washing produce with vinegar, don't know if that actually makes a lot of difference….

  6. Wow! You are the best source of reliable, scientific information. Whatever they are paying you, it isn't enough. 😉

    Are you aware of studies that show a conventional vegan diet is still better for you than an "organic" meat diet? Or something along those lines? Thanks again for life-saving info!

  7. lol yeah. But it's clear from so many other tings that the government doesn't care about the people, or at least not as much as it cares about getting paid by the food companies. For example, the fact that we have a meat industry that allows shit in our meat shows that the government doesn't care about the people (not to mention the animals)

  8. Great info, however, I disagree that organic produce stores better. I have consistently shorter shelf life of all organic produce – from apples to lettuce to potatoes. This is one reason why it's more expensive than conventional produce – it goes bad fast or needs to be replaced sooner.

  9. I'm pretty sure that the pesticides, herbicides and fungicides and any other toxic chemicals accumulate a lot more and our present I heard 60 times more in meat products than in conventional produce..of course organic is best, which is simple food without poison on it…

  10. The common banana was bred to not have seeds. It reproduces through grafting. If you are looking for any organism on the planet that has not mutated, you are on the wrong planet.

  11. This sounds like a pitch for Whole Foods stores. Besides the non existent of pesticides, organic food does not have more vitamins and nutrients than a non organic food. 

  12. What is your opinion on the recent change of the FDA with respect to the USDA labeling of Organic not really being Organic anymore. This might have been true before, but to be honest I think it is just a money making scheme. Most of the tiem they just import the food from the outside and label it with organic.

  13. I read a journal study awhile back that scrubbing your edible plant based foods with eco-friendly soap washes off over 90% of the pesticides. Wish Dr. Greger would have compared this instead of just rinsing with water.

  14. It's a shame that only upper income neighborhoods have grocery stores that stock a decent selection of organic produce.  Most others do not.  Same chain stores in differing income neighborhoods are indeed typically vastly different with the quality of their offerings.  Once again lower income people get the shaft.

  15. Organic apples don't store or taste better, they are always softer and lower quality in the supermarket. 

  16. Soy consumption would be higher in China and Soy allergies have explode to 50% in the UK due to overuse in the last 10 years of soy based products so maybe your statistics need to be revisited DR.? Again I see a little bit of knowledge doing a lot of harm, there aught to be a law against people like you!

  17. use white vinegar to rinse your veggies and fruits even if they are organic.  They have been exposed to people touching them, sneezing in public, children etc. 

  18. Is this covert information?  Is there a reason why you are mumbling it?  Enunciate and project your sentences so your audience can understand what you are saying.

  19. Amazing how much research has been done showing that organic produce significantly reduces agricultural chemicals in bodies. And still people claim that it's a myth that organic is healthier

  20. I now appreciate organic even more considering how little pesticides come off with washing. Chlorella and chlorophyllin are good options to consume with conventional produce if need be.

  21. Can't eat meat, can't eat eggs, can't eat this, can't eat that ? No milk, no cheese, and now no veges unless they're super expensive organic ones. Unfortunately , not in everyone's budget ;(looks like all middle-class people have to die

  22. Pause and read the study at 2:50. No hypospadias in the control group, but 25% with the soy estrogen alone! The Asians eat a lot of FERMENTED soy products, that's the difference. Fermentation digests the phytoestrogens and adds beneficial bacteria, making an unhealthy food into a very healthy one. Miso and real, living soy sauce are inexpensive, too.
    More recent studies in 2015-2016 have proven higher levels and concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats in organic produce and proteins, along with fewer pesticides and weed killers.
    Cost of organic is only slightly higher than conventional in most areas now, especially where it is in demand! Get your friends and neighbors to demand more and better local organic options at your grocer, and the volume will drive prices down dramatically. Support your local farmers, and form co-ops to protect land and begin organic farms near you. It CAN be done, it is being done all over the USA.
    Take charge of your diet and your health. Don't let government or anyone else use you as a lab experiment. Eat food as God intended, not from a test tube. Nothing costs more than food full of poisons, just like nothing costs more than a "free" government program.

  23. I'm curious to know what kind of test a consumer can perform on produce to determine whether or not it is organic. The organic movement arose in response to known toxic chemicals being added to foods for various reasons including pest resistance. To eliminate the chemicals the focus switched to the farming practices to ensure that chemicals were not used for food production but even when the best practices are followed, these chemicals can wind up on food. Neighboring farms can overspray, produce can be accidentally mislabeled, maliciously mislabeled, or simply mixed up at the grocery store if a consumer grabs an orange without a sticker then puts it back in the wrong bin. The consumer can accidentally buy the wrong stuff too if they do not read carefully. Really, organic should be about the produce itself at the point of sale because that is what needs to be healthy and non toxic. So how can the consumer test what he is about to buy/eat to ensure that it meets the standards?

  24. Organic crops are sprayed with substances that have the same effects as Conventional Pesticides. They are those substances approved for Organic farming aka "The National List" substances. Why are you mistating the facts Dr. Greger?

  25. Some of you may not know this but if there is a farm nearby that is using pesticides on their food and there is a farm close to it that is not. The organic farm or soil can become contaminated because to this. There is a video about this on Youtube

  26. Dr Gregor I've always appreciated the content of your videos BUT the photo of the infant without limbs was inappropriate. Nothing you spoke about indicated that would happen. You discussed hypospadius. I'm sad you stooped to that. Why?

  27. organic industry is a total SCAM.. this is just another way if increasing the price of food… I know supermarkets that spray their organic fruits and vegetables before putting them out for display with pesticides… just wash your food properly and don't waste your money on a label that says "organic".

  28. Solution: buy organic, grow organic, raise organic. Try planting and scattering cilantro seeds among your edible crops for easy, safe pest and disease control. These are Hardy, grow easily, and produce lots of seeds that you can easily harvest to repeat and expand the process.

  29. i know that when i eat fat,, AND I MEAN ANY KIND OF FAT ( NUTS INCLUDED YOU FKIN GREGORE) my hypospadia comes back and i keep peeing my fkin boxers its so anoying and disgusting,, (late peeing after peeing during and around 15 min after peeing and while those 15 min not a perfect number)

    this happened to me for eating 4 hands of nuts WALLNUT PACANS the LOWEst omega 6 to 3 there is (ofc only alge flax chia are good fat since they the only ones who doesnt give me those fkin 23 symptoms headack depression irritation acne hypospadia stabbing inflamation brain fog tired addictionState where i feel more hungry for dense fat and sugary products,, ofc i have to fight it everytime to get out of it)

    it used to be onlydairy then oils.,, then now sugar and nuts same time

  30. This is nutrition opinions not facts. As soon as he reads study segments out of context it becomes opinion not validated by the peer review process.

  31. Environmental Working Group’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ produce list stokes pesticide fears in an ‘already anxiety-ridden world’ An open letter to Mr. Ken Cook, President
    – Environmental Working Group

    Your announced plan to release the so-called “Dirty Dozen” list under current circumstances is misguided and concerning. As you are well aware, this list is not only scientifically unsupportable but peer reviewed research has shown it negatively impacts consumers and discourages consumption because it erroneously raises produce safety fears. On behalf of the organic and conventional farmers we represent, we ask that you rethink your decision to release and promote this list due to its undermining effect on health efforts to increase consumption of the very foods we are urged to eat more of to boost immunity and prevent illness. Now is not the time to release more inaccurate and fear-based messaging into an already anxiety-ridden world.

    In addition, your list has been repeatedly discredited by scientists. A peer reviewed analysis has shown that your organization follows no established scientific procedures in the development of the so-called list. Moreover, this analysis found that your list’s recommendations to substitute organic forms of produce for conventional forms does not reduce risk to consumers simply because residues are so low, if present at all, on conventional fruits and vegetables.

    Further, calling fruits and vegetables “dirty” is exceptionally disrespectful to organic and conventional fruit and vegetable farmers. These are the farmers who continue to work hard every day to ensure Americans (as well as citizens in other countries) have an adequate and accessible supply of food in these very troubling and uncertain times. It should be noted that the government has deemed farmers and farm employees as “essential” to our nation’s security – something most of us have recognized for a long long time.

    Mr. Cook, we all must adapt to this evolving environment, make difficult decisions and change. We have called on you previously to abandon releasing this list. But, now more than ever, we ask for your leadership to stop your organization’s practice of knowingly stoking misplaced food safety fears and denigrating the work of farmers through the release of this list. Now is the time to put consumers first and support their choices whether they choose organic or conventionally grown produce. Now is the time to use your organization’s considerable resources to help promote a healthy diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. With only one in 10 Americans eating enough each day, the EWG could help make positive and important strides in improving diets. Please, do the right thing.

    Teresa Thorne, Executive Director

    Alliance for Food and Farming


    Update on the condemnation of release of a 'Dirty Dozen' list during the pandemic:


  32. Debunking the pesticide residue myth by Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND

    I am a registered dietitian who believes that any form of fruits and vegetables are healthy – organic or conventional. However, there are so many myths surrounding pesticides and fruits and vegetables that it’s mind boggling for consumers to wade through the confusion. So much so that research has found that some consumers are even scared to buy fresh produce! Here’s a look at the research and what you should know about pesticide residues and fruits and vegetables.

    A Recent Survey Among Registered Dietitians (RDs)

    A recent survey found that 95% of RDs agree that it’s important for consumers to know that conventionally grown produce is safe because not all consumers can afford organic produce. However, peer reviewed research has previously shown that fear-based messaging regarding residues resulted in low income consumers stating they were less like to purchase any produce—organic or conventional.

    Researchers at the Illinois Institute of Technology’s (IIT) Center for Nutrition Research surveyed low income consumers to learn more about what terms and information about fruits and vegetables may influence their shopping intentions. Among the key findings, misleading messaging which inaccurately describes certain fruits and vegetables as having “higher” pesticide residues results in low income shoppers reporting that they would be less likely to purchase any fruits and vegetables – organic or conventional. There is a plethora of research which shows eating any form of fruit and vegetables provides more health benefits than skipping them altogether.

    In the aforementioned RD survey, 94% of RDs agree that these sorts of inaccurate, fear-based messaging regarding pesticide residues has a negative impact on consumers because it causes concern about whether conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables are safe to eat. In addition, 93% of the RDs surveyed agreed that consumers should eat more fruits and vegetables every day, whether it’s organic or conventionally grown. Both are safe and can be eaten with confidence.

    Facts About Pesticide Residue

    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released its latest (2018) Pesticide Data Program (PDP) results. The findings were consistent with past results, and complementary to other state and federal testing programs. The summary showed more than 99% of the samples tested had pesticide residues well below benchmark levels established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition, 47.8% of the foods tested had no detectable pesticide residue at all. These EPA benchmarks were set to ensure that pesticide residues remain at safe levels.

    The Alliance for Food and Farming has created a fabulous tool called the “Pesticide Residue Calculator” to help consumers calculate the amount of fresh produce they would need to consume in order to exceed the EPAs pesticide residue benchmarks. For example, a woman could consume 453 servings of strawberries in one day without any effect even if the strawberries have the highest pesticide residue recorded for strawberries. With 8 strawberries per serving, that would mean eating a total of 3,624 strawberries in one day!

    What About Dried Fruit?

    One of the most popular dried fruits (and one I use regularly in my cookbooks) is raisins. Raisins are a natural and healthy dried product, an easy and quick snack for kids and a non-perishable pantry staple. According to the USDA PDP Report, which included raisins in its 2018 sampling program, the vast majority of residues found on raisins were well below safety levels established by the EPA. The raisin industry is also subject to an annual comprehensive survey, which shows that raisins are grown in compliance with pesticide safety standards established by the EPA.

    The Benefits of Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

    According to the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans, approximately 90% of Americans do not meet the daily recommendations for vegetables and close to 80% don’t meet the daily recommendations for fruit. A peer reviewed study found that if half of all Americans increased their consumption of fruit and vegetables by a single serving each day, 20,000 cancer cases could be prevented annually. This overwhelming difference between the benefit and risk estimates provides confidence that consumers should not be concerned about cancer risks from choosing conventionally grown produce.

    As a registered dietitian, I am “pro-choice” when it comes to produce—but the choice is the consumer’s alone. Whether someone wants to eat organic or conventional, it is important to eat fruits and vegetables of any type (fresh, dried, canned, or frozen). No matter which fruits and vegetables you choose to eat, be proud of choosing foods that help contribute tremendous health benefits." https://www.safefruitsandveggies.com/blog/guest-blog-debunking-the-pesticide-residue-myth/

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