La carne biologica è meno cancerogena?

Ricercatori testati 76 campioni di diversi tipi di carne, sia biologica che convenzionale, per 33 diversi cancerogeni .

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Ci sono anche cancerogeni nella carne ( /cancerogeno-in-carne) che si creano durante la cottura. Questo era l'argomento del mio ultimo video. Di recente ne ho anche fatto uno sulla questione dei metalli pesanti: Come abbassare i livelli di metalli pesanti con la dieta ( Metal-Levels-with-Diet).

E i prodotti biologici rispetto a quelli convenzionali? Check out: <br/> • Gli alimenti biologici sono più nutrienti? (
• Gli alimenti biologici sono più sicuri? (
• Come fare il tuo lavaggio di frutta e verdura ( -lavaggio-vegetale)
• Gli alimenti biologici sono più sani? (
• I vantaggi degli alimenti biologici sono sottovalutati o sopravvalutati? (
• Il glifosato di pesticida Roundup di Monstanto è sicuro? (

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100 Risposte a “La carne biologica è meno cancerogena?”

  1. Nice Doc. I'll pass this onto my buddies who think Organic Meat is better. Like the other person said below. Is Organic Alcohol or Cigarettes better? LOL. Now that's a good one.

  2. Why is it back in the day that people are steak and eggs for breakfast everyday and lived a fairly long life, but do it now a days you are sure to live a shirt life. Why is that? Is it the meat itself out just the fact that meat now a days it's so full of chemicals from out side sources causing the problem? Doesn't those same potential issues apply to veggies as well? Environmental factors may have not to play here than anything else. Thoughts on that?

  3. The organic and "grass fed" industry is wrought with fraud. All a cow needs to do to be labeled "grass fed" is eat one blade of grass in its lifetime. Also 'organic' from other countries is not organic. Its overpriced conventional with paid off regulators.
    A REAL grass fed beef and REAL raw dairy product diet from known sources is superior to vegetarian.

  4. It doesnt matter because you should be consuming very little meat in your healthy diet anyways so we know this is not an issue for those who do it right. If i were eating meat on the daily and lots of it there would be issues like many Americans who do this.


    Result: "Conclusions: United Kingdom–based vegetarians and comparable nonvegetarians have similar all-cause mortality. Differences found for specific causes of death merit further investigation."

    Makes no difference.

    What does make a difference is eating healthy. Being vegan says nothing about how healthy your diet is.

    Whole Foods are healthy. That includes meat, but not processed meat, just like processed carbs.

  6. Well, I agree that eating vegetarian and fruit based diet is superior, but I wonder if there is any positive info on meat and fish? I'm sure there's some positive studies on Meat and Fish since so many well-respected scientists and Doctors eat meat and fish. ( Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Bruce Ames, MD, Dr. Wallach, Jason Fung, MD, etc…) to name a few.

  7. No one needs to listen to this bias crap to know which ones healthier. Their is a reason natural grass fed cows don't need antibiotics and all that other bullshit, they don't have the health problems the cows eating all the grain and soy crap they shouldn't be eating do. You can actually tell the difference by looking at the meat. Grass fed beef doesn't have the "100 day grain fed marble score".

  8. Can you please make a video on JUST Clean Meat? It's an alternative to conventional meat production in that it takes a couple cells from a chicken's feather, then grows meat from that in the lab. Here's a link to a video where they talk about their company and the Clean Meat product:

  9. My life has changed since I read your book "How Not To Die" I have made promoting a whole food plant based lifestyle my business platform and have referenced so many people over to and to your book! Thank you for everything what you do is truly spectacular! Also I have been waiting for this research to be done on Organic meat since I became plant based so I was able to explain it better to those who are on the "grassfed train" like because it's grassfed it's okay, will be spreading this video around like crazy and in my work!

  10. I would like to see the same protocols applied to game meet such as wild duck, bison or kangaroo. Great video again thanks Dr.

  11. Dr. Gregor… Everything has a good and bad side, yes, even food. Nature teaches us this repeatedly, however that's the beauty of vegetables. There are benefits to consuming meat and there are health risks associated with it too and that's where vegetables come in to the rescue. I used to believe in you at point but your arguments lack deeper research unfortunately.

  12. My step father had his PhD.. received the Governor General award. He studied grass. Grass is another word for bales, and fed to cattle in feed lots. FACT! Also my Father was witness to a group of men from the USA that approached our pig farmers and asked “is that section of land organic”? When the farmer said “yes but the pigs aren’t on that land”… he took a picture and told him that was good enough evidence to buy the non organic pigs and sell to the manufacturer as “organic” The picture was all they needed. SO MANY LIES!!!!!!

  13. How about you not buy meat that comes in packages but from the forest. It tends to be safer and have generally better nutrition than most farm feed animals. Also my body needs more protein or I'm constantly tired and can't go through out the day and meat is still way more available to me rather than any tiny amounts of protein I get from plants.

  14. What about studies with pasture raised meat and dairy? How about studies with home grown vs organic market produce? A lot of so called organic produce are contaminated during transport and storage. Contamination also occurs at the store where it is sold since many retailers use pesticides to control rodents and insects. It is like the organic pasture raised milk being put in dioxin laced containers; you can have people producing high quality products with good intentions but then inadvertently contaminating them at the same time. I remember I bought a can of organic tomatoes and when I opened it it was lined with BPA laced plastic. Now that would be worse than buying a regular can with no lining in my view. I believe the studies need to explore larger scenarios to get to the truth and to find solutions. Sad that the world is so polluted but there are solutions to every problem. They just have to be found.

  15. There is no doubt meat is anyway cancerogen. Organic or not. Thanks for the Video i share to all my friends – always telling me organic meat would be the better choice. Doubt is selling meat products + cancer on top!!!

  16. The study doesnt differenciate between grainfed and grasfed.. that is like differenciate between a fake superman and the real deal. Our brain grew bc we ate meat. Japan have the healthiest living people on earth, their diet looks like: vegetables, fish, meat (the most fatty ones) and fruit etc. Its not meat which are the problem, Its grainfed meat, and things that accompanties the meat: potato, pasta, rice.. or vitamin/mineral sugar.

  17. Hey Dr.Greger,
    Is there any nutrional differences between consuming oat groats vs steel cut oats? Someone told me that the germ is lost in steel cut and rolled.

  18. Thanks for putting out this video. After that garbage, apologetic, propaganda film with Natalie Portman came out, I get the feeling people will be turning to "local farms" to get their meat, dairy, and eggs. None of it is good for us and ALL of it is horrible for the animals who are used as commodities and machines.

  19. Only 10 Americans die each year (out of 310 million) from commercial food. It's the continual and excessive metabolism of carbs in the presence of fat that causes the 3 major chronic diseases in our modern society.

  20. Does this mean that the food given to organically raised animals is the source of the contamination? What are the levels in wild game?

  21. Look Dr. Greger, i can tell you just this:
    I live in Italy where i know a lot of old man 80-90 years.All of them consume meat daily,red meat and olive oil and wine.All of this things you said that is bad it s partialy true.Studies are one thing,and reality another.I respect you a lot but you cannot make just selective studies,where you show just the studies you like.They are a lot of studies where show benefits from olive oil,even meat and bone broth.You should show even the studies with the chemicals founded in plants.I just wanted to tell you that this people arrive at 90',and they ate organic meat and animal foods for all of their life.For me veganism it s not the perfect diet,because of the lack of certain nutrients like fatty acids(don t tell me that we should eat alga beacuse it s not normal for a human being to go and eat algae from the sea),B12(even if you tell me you tell me that if you eat plants not washed,a lot a vegans take b12 supplement,because they are deficient).Even the okinawa s peple eat pork and fish.I think (my opinion) that the best diet is a one with lot of legumes and fruit and some fish,meat 2-3 times a week with healthy fats like seeds,olive oil,avocados.Cheers!

  22. Organic, tho.

    Yep, decomposing flesh full of saturated fats and dietary cholesterol, which make your arteries look like they're made of yellow candles. (Ever try to pass a liquid through a candle ??😵)
    Then of course there's blood, urine, feces, bile, pus, vomitous~ only in those pesky "acceptable levels", naturally, with cortisol, adrenaline and other "natural" as well as synthetic hormones, antibiotics, antivirals and whatever else their feed was "fortified" with~ never forgetting that good old B12 animals "make", lol.

    Hey, but 100% Organic~ just for YOU!!. YEP, All the disease you can take on board.

  23. My coworker’s family owns organic farm, he has diabetes, his mother passed away from non Hodgkin’s lymphoma, she was still in 60’s. That convinced me that organic animal products are not healthy at all.

  24. Dr Greger , I recently have been trying to keep a vegan diet, I'm convinced a WFPB diet is the way to go, and I'm already collecting fruits of my new lifestyle, but talking about cherry picking, I'd love to hear what do you'd have to say about Dr T Colin Campbell conclusion over dairy being carcinogenic because of casein effect in rats, when he hides his own results showing whey protein combats cancer? After all, milk contains both. Same thing for fish protein and fish oil, which is aka fish. Is that true? Did he, or did he not cherry picked? What's the truth? That's really bugging my mind. Kudos for your superb job in spreading the truth to us, mear mortals.

  25. Very informative! You would think that 'organic' meat would not have these toxins, but clearly these environmental pollutants don't discriminate which fields they land in . . . Thanks for posting!!

  26. Thank you Dr. Greger , I learned a lot about my nutrition and plant based diet,
    My everyday smoothie recipe is banana, beet, fresh Amla, frozen blue berry, pinch of clove, lemon .

  27. What about lab grown meat Dr. Greger? You openly support lab grown meat industry which generally use fetal bovine serum (blood extracted from the heart of a cow fetus until it is dead) to grow the meat. To move away from using bovine serum, lab grown meat industry is making artificial serum. We don't know what chemical they might be using to make those artificial serum, can potentially be carcinogens but you support them blindly without any research. At the end of the day it is still going to be meat which is linked to CVD, diabetes and cancer.

  28. We Asians learn something, whatever we eat, don't eat American or western diet and don't eat anything coming from their countries either. Even their animal meat is as toxic as hell.

    Gotta go join the japanese eating some grilled beef right now. the 94 year old owner restaurant just so nice giving us good quality beef.

  29. There is ZERO evidence that eating steak causes cancer. Impossible to prove.

    Eating fast food burgers meals everyday, which are 80% calorically vegan friendly (buns, ketchup, sauce, fries, Coke) is not an indictment of the 4-ounce burger.

  30. All regions on planet earth where they live the longest are both meat and vegetable/fruit eaters. The KEY is a balanced diet. There are NO study where meat/fruits/veggies were taken together and it showed negative impact of health.

  31. Don't cook meat with toxic charcoal lighter fluid. You can start a fire without it. I use tinder and a magnesium stick for sparks.
    Don't store foods and drinks in plastic.
    Dont use toxic cleaning chemicals in your home.
    Stop buying products that use POPs in their production. Stop investing in these chemical companies. Check your mutual funds and disinvest in them.

  32. BIOACCUMULATION of pollutants (metals, chemicals, bacterial/viral) occurs in animals/humans.
    This is basic Science 101.

    Even if an animal is eating tested 100% organic food (pollutant free)… When animals inhale polluted air (and drink unfiltered water), these pollutants bioaccumulate in their muscle/meat tissue. There are certain pollutants that the body of animals/humans cannot detox/excrete, thus the build up (accumulation) of pollutants in the body which leads to sickness/disease.

    Out of the 2 evils: Pesticide sprayed apple or 1 year old meat?
    The lesser evil is the pesticide sprayed apple.
    The 1 year old meat have bioaccumulated more pollutants that it cannot process/detox/excrete, which then in turn you are going to eat. It is like a piggy bank, a harvesting collection of dangerous pollutants…. hmmm yum yum 🙂

  33. You are THE BEST! Nobody else is so data-driven , erudite and precise in their observations and conclusions as you are. GOD BLESS!!

  34. Man I’m scared the meat and dairy companies going to take a hit out on you stay safe 😂 you are so intelligent too intelligent

  35. And grass fed free range is worse for the environment because you all eat way too much meat and there is NOT enough grassland on earth to grass feed the amount of cows you people eat. So no you aren’t helping carbon footprints. You’re making it worse

  36. Grass fed, organic meat is awesome. I had to quit veganism because I was so sick and lethargic (yes, it was whole-foods plant based) and I feel much better now eating my high quality steaks.

  37. I dont disagree with the information in this video but if you have to choose between grass fed meat and factory farming meat, the grass fed is the better solution cause is more rich in nutrients (minerals and vitamins) and make sure that grass fed animals are not injected with antibiotics to grow faster and bigger. Althought all different meats has pollutants, grass fed meat is the better choice, because of the nutrients.

  38. I hate the shrewed snakes dumping misinformation to mass media. Let freaking truth be told. Not ur biased slanted manipulative pseudoscience. Eat ur meat and you are fine. Thx 🙂

  39. where we can get the complete protein then ? Meat is the best source for protein ..plants just don’t have that much ..and the bioavailability is low as have to eat lots lots bean and nuts to hit the protein requirement ..not to meantion nuts and beans have a lot carbs if u consume too much .

  40. So, was that the grass-fed, grass-finished beef, pasture-raised chickens, etc.? Perhaps our grassy fields are still too exposed to acid rain, etc.

  41. Thank you so much for your impartial insights, Dr. Greger! You work has changed my life. Although it is frustrating that many people I know will not understand or even look at it.

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