I preferiti del venerdì: i migliori cibi da evitare per l'eczema e le diete di esclusione per l'eczema

Studi randomizzati, in doppio cieco e controllati suggeriscono che l'esclusione di alcuni alimenti, come uova e pollo, può migliorare significativamente la dermatite atopica. I neonati di madri randomizzate a eliminare uova, latte e pesce avevano una probabilità significativamente inferiore di sviluppare l'eczema anche anni dopo.

Per ulteriori informazioni sull'eczema, vedere:
• Trattare l'asma e l'eczema con diete a base vegetale (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-asthma-and-eczema-with-plant-based- diete/)
• Trattamento dell'eczema con olio di cocco, olio minerale, vs. vaselina (http:// nutritionfacts.org/video/Eczema-Treatment-with-Coconut-Oil-Mineral-Oil-vs-Vaseline)<br/> • Trattamento dell'eczema con olio di enotera, Olio di borragine contro olio di semi di canapa ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eczema-treatment-with-evening-primrose-oil-borage-oil-vs-hempseed-oil )

Altri video sulla salute della pelle includono:
• La bellezza va oltre la pelle (
• Prevenire le rughe con la dieta (
https://nutritionfacts.org/vid eo/prevenire-le-rughe-con-la-dieta/)
• Semi di Lino Per Pelli Sensibili ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseeds-for-sensitive-skin/)
• Prevenire il cancro della pelle dall'interno verso l'esterno (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-skin-cancer-from-the-inside-out)
• Trattamento naturale per l'acne e le infezioni fungine (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Natural-Treatment-for-Acne-and- Infezioni fungine)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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36 Risposte a “I preferiti del venerdì: i migliori cibi da evitare per l'eczema e le diete di esclusione per l'eczema”

  1. I have asthma, and have problem with my skin on my elbows, I don't drink milk, milk products. Very little egg, no meat or chicken. However I think it may be to having 4 cats. 🤪 Yeah, I know what the problem is yet I love my cats.
    Donkey or horse milk isn't kosher! Not going there. Meshuganah

  2. And I self have noticed the exact opposite: if I eat eggs the dry flaky skin around my eyes and nose becomes normal again in a few days. It almost looks like a lupus type rash but when I eat eggs I get normal skin again. I tried bunch of other things like fish oil etc. but to me it is starting to seem it is actually something in the eggs that might be helping, perhaps the arachdonic acid. Maybe I have trouble converting LA to AA or something like that and need the rich source of AA. My father had psoriasis but I'm over 40 already and don't have it yet atleast, unless that thing occasional thing around my eyes is it. I also read: "While arachidonic acid metabolites can be proinflammatory and proproliferative, they may also be important in the healing process for psoriasis"

    I also have no reason to promote eggs, have had periods of years of not eating them at all so could give up them easily if it wasn't this effect I'm personally seeing and perhaps also the choline content that might be good for the brain long term.

  3. I generally haven't drunk milk and cutting out eggs made no difference. During the Human Genome Project, it was discovered that cuts in childhood mutates genetics, that then causes allergies and skin conditions. However, central heating does impact upon skin conditions, so the winter is worse than the summer time.

  4. I started suffering from eczema at about 14 years old, having moved to a new place a few years earlier. So from the age 12 to 19, when I moved away from home, we got fresh milk daily from a herd of Jersey cows, still warm in a big aluminium churn.
    So could that be the reason I appear to have ADHD!

  5. I have no eczema but huge issues with rosacea I'm on medication that does help but would like to get off the medication. Eggs and cheese I do eat a bit. Will eliminate all eggs, cheese and milk and see if it helps.

  6. Ha its funny I've learned about the eczema egg correlation in highschool and I never went back to them! Thanks for spreading this information. I'm sure there are tons of people who dont know and have to deal with it

  7. I’m symptom free finally after a lifetime of itching and eczema that developed in my later years. I’m so lucky to have had a doctor who knew diet may be the answer. Beginning with gluten elimination which helped, then becoming a plant based eater, I’m nearly in disbelief at how it has reversed my misery. She is fully responsible for my improvement. Thanks for covering this Doctor Greger.

  8. Wow…..these Friday Flashbacks/Favorites are truly helpful in reminding me of some of the "No-Nos"……my wife and daughter bother suffer from eczema, but my wife essentially stays away from eggs and dairy products. My daughter loves eggs but has gotten away from dairy…….so, I'll remind her, if she is willing to listen (she's 21 years old) to try to avoid the eggs for breakfast routine that she follows……her eczema this year has been particularly bad for whatever reason…..weather or of course her diet.

  9. It's too bad that eggs are bad. They are a complete high protein food and I feel better after an egg or two. But having a small patch of ezema is quite annoying. I found intermittent fasting and vitamin D has helped. And only one or two eggs a week. And less dairy for sure.
    And more plant based for sure. Every-body is different. Try to see what works for you.

  10. Fascinating perspective, however I have a very different perspective. I was a lifelong sufferer of eczema until I stopped eating gluten, corn, and cruciferous vegetables. I eat A LOT of eggs, meat, dairy, and organs. No skin issues. Added bonus: my overall health and fitness has gotten much better.

  11. Not only Eggs contribute to skin problems, But to Depression ! i noticed that my depression skyrocketed when i added only 2-3 eggs in the past. cutting out eggs and meat totally reduced my bad moods by 98 %

  12. ugh. stopped watching after that dangerous little bit of information. soy. … no mention of the other problems that causes, even when non-gmo and not drenched in micro-biome killing catalytic carcinogen and mutagen glyphosate. like hormone disregulation and digestive burden. not cool. might just unsubscribe. 😛

  13. Been wfpb for years still have pretty bad eczema. I recommend try to stop itching and Petroleum jelly. Dr Greger suggested both of these in an earlier eczema video. But I usually forget to put petroleum jelly, and not itching is hard too

  14. Could eczema be partly caused by too much washing? I sometimes think we are too harsh on our skins, and our children’s skins. When I over-wash, my skin starts to feel dry and itchy. Body lotion helps, but washing less often and less vigorously, fixes the problem better.

  15. I spit my green tea all over my keyboard hearing the benefit of ASS MILK. Shows the absurdity of the drinking the squeezings of animals

  16. Its basic science. A lot of it is caused by yeast and the mites that eat it. The yeast feeds off of B12, the cutting out of eggs dairy etc just got rid of that food source. Best is cutting out yeast loving foods especially processed wheat products.

  17. 🙏once I tried WFPB diet my inflammation disappeared. Even when stressed or eat processed food it never goes to the point where it was when consuming eggs milk or meat It’s definitely diet related as skin is the largest organ of elimination

  18. Parents also please be aware there is milk powder included in almost everything and eggs are showing up in sneaky places too like gluten-free pizza crust and Taco Bell chipotle sauce on the fiesta veggie burrito. Thanks Doc 🥦❤

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