Restrizione calorica contro restrizione proteica animale

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DESCRIZIONE: L'estensione della durata della vita associata alla restrizione dietetica può essere dovuta meno a una riduzione delle calorie, e più ad una riduzione delle proteine ​​animali (in particolare l'aminoacido leucina, che può accelerare l'invecchiamento attraverso l'enzima TOR). Che cos'è il TOR? Assicurati di tornare indietro e guardare il mio video “prequel” Why Do We Age? ( <br/> Questo ricorda lo studio che ho profilato in The Benefits of Caloric Restriction Without the Actual Restricting ( i-benefici-della-restrizione-calorica-senza-effettiva-limitazione). La metionina è un altro aminoacido che può essere associato all'invecchiamento. Vedere la restrizione della metionina come strategia di estensione della vita ( per scoprire quali cibi evitare in quel caso. Sia il contenuto di leucina che di metionina possono essere ulteriori motivi per cui le proteine ​​vegetali sono preferibili (

Altri motivi per cui coloro che seguono una dieta a base vegetale possono vivere più a lungo:
• Glicotossine ( • Uno su mille: porre fine all'epidemia di malattie cardiache ( -disease-epidemic/)
• Antiossidanti alimentari e cancro (http: //
• Antiossidanti alimentari, ictus e malattie cardiache (
• La frutta a guscio può aiutare a prevenire la morte (
• Aumento della durata della vita dei fagioli (

Tutto questo può aiutare a spiegare i risultati degli studi sulla carne e la mortalità di Harvard (
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su / e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Great Beyond via Flickr.
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81 Risposte a “Restrizione calorica contro restrizione proteica animale”

  1. I'm sure those in other countries living long lives don't have pesticides sprayed over there food source,like we do here in America other then grow ones own garden what can one do?

  2. Okinawa Diet from wikipedia – referenced

    'Okinawa diet consists of smaller quantities of rice; instead the staple was the sweet potato. The Okinawan diet has only 30% of the sugar and 15% of the grains of the average Japanese dietary intake.[4]
    The traditional diet also includes a relatively small amount of fish (less than half a serving per day) and more in the way of soy and other legumes (6% of total caloric intake). Pork was highly valued, and every part of the pig was eaten, including internal organs. However, pork was primarily eaten at monthly festivals[4] and the daily diet was mainly plant based.[5]
    …. And intakes of carbohydrates and salt were lower in Okinawa than in Akita. [6]
    The quantity of pork consumption per person a year in Okinawa is larger than that of the Japanese national average. For example, the quantity of pork consumption per person a year in Okinawa in 1979 was 7.9 kg (17 lb) which exceeded about 50% that of the Japanese national average.[7]'

    me: A major difference between Oki diet n rest of Japan might be seen to be lower carbs particularly in the form of starchy types and sugar [rice], and lower calories in general ie caloric restriction. They eat more soy also which is high in leucine hmm. They swap out the rice for colorful veg.

    Lots of questions still. 

  3. the word "May" is so indefinite and not proof of anything beyond reasonable doubt …Methionine is needed by the liver to function properly

  4. I just did a google search for "leucine rich foods." Came across a Mercola article interview of some fitness guy. He recommends that we go out of our way to make sure we get the most leucine for muscle growth. They had a chart for leucine content/100g and almonds 1.7g, lean beef 1.7g, chick peas 1.4g, egg yolks 1.4g, pork .4g, milk .3g, and whey protein 8.0g. The point I am making is that mercola is on the opposite track of this method and that if you want to restrict leucine, then you have to restrict certain foods as well. I can make a fruit/veg smoothie and be comfortable for the entire morning and even have a late lunch around 1;30-2. Since I started doing this I have felt a lot younger. Maybe I need to figure out what to have for lunch and then dinner to restrict leucine. Maybe only eat it once a day in the form of beans.

  5. Amazing info, thanks for your research and for sharing. So the real question is since this is "truth" then why was everyone in the world lied to and brainwashed into thinking high protein diets are good when that is actually a way to kill and cause disease. I would say this had been orchestrated by satan and the fallen angels and those under their power. Because the plant foods, natural foods, gods creation are "holy" foods so they strengthen your temple, which is a temple of the Holy Ghost; which is the spirit of truth. SO, the core, the keystone to all of mans problems and all the deception is diet and of course they throw some vaccines, fluoride in the water, toxic perfumes and fragrances and all that isn't enough so they came up with chemtrails and GMO.

  6. This is yet another example of Dr Greger  "cherry-picking data" conveniently forgets to mention  soy Leucine: one of the staple foods of the  
    Okinawa Diet.  soyprotein isolate
      being almost the highest in Leucine of all foods( higher than meat) also L-Leucine is an essential amino acid. Therefore, everyone needs Leucine to maintain basic health.Leucine deficiency can result in muscle wasting, depression, low energy levels, muscle weakness, and blood sugar irregularities like must have enough  Leucine in proportion to other amino acids in order for your body to make use of what you eat…. vegetarian or "veganism" can become a religion and one can lose scientific objectivity to an ideology.

  7. NWO agenda 21 propagandist? Many pathways affect Foxo. These studies are biased by agenda and or targeted pathways ignoring know and unknown effects from other pathways.

  8. I didn't see any fruit in the Oki diet? I also need to find out if sweet potatoes are nightshade because I have started avoiding nightshade because my hands are getting arthritic bumps and I have been eating a lot of tomatoes and potatoes lately.  I'm almost  44 and vegan for over a year now.

  9. Your videos always forget to mention any evidence that contradicts your position. Something Daniel Dennett would refer to as a floor that's been swept with Occam's Broom. Calorie restriction has been shown to fall short in studies as well. mTOR has been a target for cancer treatment for quite a while now. However, there are a lot of instances where we want to stimulate mTOR, like in the prevention of age-related lean body mass deterioration, following exercise, sports, performance, etc. Have you ever noticed that the majority of vegans, yourself included, look like they're suffering some kind of degenerative disease? That's no coincidence.


    Source: Calorie restriction falters in the long run

    "…the findings, published this week in Nature1, suggest that genetics and dietary composition matter more for longevity than a simple calorie count."

    "One reason for that difference could be that the WNPRC monkeys were fed an unhealthy diet, which made the calorie-restricted monkeys seem healthier by comparison simply because they ate less of it. The WNPRC monkeys’ diets contained 28.5% sucrose, compared with 3.9% sucrose at the NIA. Meanwhile, the NIA meals included fish oil and antioxidants, whereas the WNPRC meals did not. Rick Weindruch, a gerontologist at the WNPRC who led the study, admits: “Overall, our diet was probably not as healthy.”"

    Assuming that there is even a benefit (regarding life-extension) with calorie restriction, there are a myriad of things that could be contributing to the effect. To point to leucine as the sole culprit of reduced life span and present it as fact is simply misleading. Great hypothesis, but far from fact.

  10. Ur videos inspired me to go vegan! Im 100 percent vegan and will be for the rest of my life now! thanks for the great videos Dr..

  11. This is what went thru my head when I watched a tv-program about fasting and the 5:2 diet. The guy ate eggs and bacon on his fasting days even though he was told it's the animal proteins that were the bad stuff. Why not just cut out out the bad food and replace it with the good food.

  12. good health is measured in 1. muscle mass 2 strength 3.basil metabolic rate 4 bodyfat percentage 5 aerobic capacty 6 blood sugar tolerance 7 cholestrol/hdl ratio 8 blood pressure 9 bone denisty ect your muscle starts at 40 to drop 1% to the day you die the ONLY WAY ST STOP THIS BY PROTEIN PALEO DIET u will look like a disaster at 65 10% protein 

  13. What is your take on fasting to reduce IGF-1? You could have the 5/2 fasting with standard diet and lower IGF-1. Also, what is your take on high protein diets for hypertrophy… people who exercise and have good amount of muscle are generally heathier

  14. This is utterly amazing.  I'm so glad i have up protein powders, and you're encouraging me to eliminate fake meats, and cut back on tofu, etc.

  15. You are so full of it (in a nice way). Protein restriction increase the lifespan of mice by 30%. There are no 120 year old vegan populations. Quite the opposite, most people over 100 are still eating meat. However, I do agree that plant base is much healthier but is not the key to immortality.

  16. when you think about it, it really is a no brainer.
    plant foods are less calorie-dense than animal foods, so by restricting animal foods, you´re also getting less calories.
    unless, you´re stuffing yourself with 3000+ calories of plant foods. but mainstream does not typically do this, they´ll just have normal size meals. so i´m also guessing, that the people in the study were eating this way too.

  17. Wikipedia says this about sources of leucine:

    Sources of leucine[12]   Versus  Food g/100g
    Soy protein concentrate 4.917      <——– number one densest source is soy???
    Soybeans, mature seeds, raw 2.97
    Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, raw 1.76
    Peanuts 1.672
    Salami, Italian, pork 1.63
    Fish, salmon, pink, raw 1.62
    Wheat germ 1.571
    Almonds 1.488
    Chicken, broilers or fryers, thigh, meat only, raw 1.48
    Chicken egg, yolk, raw, fresh 1.40
    Oat 1.284
    Beans, pinto, cooked 0.765
    Lentils, cooked 0.654
    Chickpea, cooked 0.631
    Corn, yellow 0.348
    Cow milk, whole, 3.25% milk fat 0.27
    Rice, brown, medium-grain, cooked 0.191
    Milk, human, mature, fluid 0.10

  18. Easy to prove especially to yourself after experiencing complete elimination of all physical problems and "common ills' after one eats a truly healthy diet for a significant time. It is literally impossible not to agree, unless one is brainwashed & thus stubborn to change, & put forth some effort, (which is by far the crux of the health crisis).

  19.  leucine is found in greater concentrations in soy and seaweed than any meat – Its a fact.  The other fact is that most Seventh Day Adventists who do practice a vegetarian lifestyle are ova-lacto vegetarians and consume eggs &  dairy liberally. Vegan vegetarianism in the SDA church is rare…  

  20. The chart makes no sense. It's just obvious that plant foods will have much less leucine, as they also have much less protein per gram. The whole point is knowing the foods that are low on leucine PER GRAMS OF PROTEIN…

  21. This is why vegans like to eat tofu shaped like pork chops? ha h ah ah  of course the good Dr. fails to mention restricting lucine with not eating meat also restricts the protein and enzymes need for proper digestion. He also suggests this why Japanese live longer..  but fails to say this is the reason….  sad research a faker.

  22. From what I researched (1 min) soybeans seem to be rather high in leucine (quite a bit more than beef), so what is up with that? Of course I am pretty sure soybeans contain less methionine than beef. How the beans have been processed also makes a difference (proper/traditional fermentation vs. commercial) and I have, as of yet, not checked out his additional links. 

  23. Very interesting facts. I have started going for 5-7 months now seeing good results. After restarting weight / power lifting I notice that while on a vegan diet I am deficient on something since my recovery is very bad. I used to achieve 48 hours between lifting sessions on a mainly plant-based diet with meat 5-7 times a week. I suspect a leucin deficiency.

    Are there some good plant based nutrition sources for leucin as well?

  24. This video is very misleading and biased. There are many studies that one must read and put it all together see that meat consumption offers many benefits that vegetables do not.I'm not saying Mcdonalds is healthy or high meat consumption,but fish and lean meats are good for your health.Meat eaters live just as long as vegetarians even though most go overboard on how much they consume.

  25. I eat a plant based diet and add up my nutrients each day.  For the last year I have consistently been eating 150-200% of the US RDA requirement for Leucine and getting it just from plants so I not understand how a plant based diet equals low Leucine?

  26. Crap! Isn't leucine absolutely essential for building muscle? Even pea protein powder contains lots of leucine. So does this mean man faces a trade off between strength and longevity?

  27. I looked up the Leucine amino acid content of soy, beans & legumes (one of Dr.G's favorite foods) and I see that they have similar high levels of Leucine per gram of total protein, when compared to milk , dairy products, eggs and even meat.
    So what gives??? Should we stop eating beans and legumes too???

  28. I was watching Jason Fung series on Aitiology of Obesity part 3.   He is very clear that ANIMAL protein raises blood sugars and often leads to diabetes.   He talks about the importance of whole foods, and whole grains.   I didn't expect this since he has connected his fasting with low carb diets.   But his videos are low REFINED carbs, and Low animal protein.   (However, he is also pro fat.)

  29. Carbohydrate restriction is shown to be more effective than calorie restriction as well. Don't take my word for it look it up. All while eating high levels of animal fats and proteins. Diets from the extremes of Ornish to Atkins show life improving and extending benefits. The most likely culprit is they all lack processed foods. They are whole foods be it whole grains or whole legs of lamb.

    There are several cultures who's main dietary intake is from animal foods with high amounts of saturated fats. The inuit tribes lived off of 70% saturated fat and 100% of their protein was animal based. When they started integrating with the non native Canadians they started developing heart disease for the first time after never having a word for it prior because it didn't exist. Several African hunting tribes live off of animal protein as the main caloric source with no ill effects.

  30. Some of the youngest and healthiest looking people at old age do strength training. Strength training actually stimulate the mTor pathway. Just saying, its not as black and white as people think. Besides, you should not eat a low protein diet as its linked to depression and a bad mood in general.

  31. You are truly one of the greatest people in America and perhaps one of the most significant medical physicians in history. Thank you just doesn't say enough. Blessings of health, love, joy, and peace in abundance my friend. You are a lamp placed on a lamp stand, giving your light to all in the room.

  32. i think low ceucine amino acid diet is not practical. You have to cut protein intake too. What is the effect of low leucine ? I m sure if it is an essential amino acid there must be something that is affected. How cn you have protein but without Leucine ? I have read many articles on low Leucine and it is impractical. No scientist tell us how to have low leucine and how low to have same effect as calorie restriction ? Can Dr Gregor explain?. Dr Gregor is too biased towards Vegan diet I think. I am sure Beans have high leucine too. I am not against Vegan diet. The advice should be just eat less protein instead of Vegan per say. Some people can eat too much Protein even if Vegan. Too much beans and tofu.

  33. In fact meat has lower leucine level as a percentage that beans. I know Dr Greger is a fan of Vegan but this Video is not based on facts.

  34. One of the amino acid most affected by exercise is the branched-chain amino acid leucine. … Studies feeding amino acids or leucine soon after exercise suggest that post-exercise consumption of amino acids stimulates recovery of muscle protein synthesis via translation regulations.

  35. Or… a high fat, high non vege oil diet. Butter, Lards, Thickened cream and reduce the proteins to min. Avocado, occasional meats. If you get cancer then….glutamine and glucose inhibitors, and ketosis, fasting, IV vitamin C protocol, Press Pulse protocol – and quit meat proteins.

  36. Beans have a lot of leucine, especially soy beans. I'll just eat the reccomended 2.7 grams, no less and no more. I love Dr Greger, but it sounds like he's saying a whole foods based vegan diet is enough to avoid excess leucine. 1.5 cups of black beans is already 80% of reccomended daily intake, and by the time the other foods add up, I find it difficult to stay beneath 120% of reccomended amount… I wish he would clarify this issue.

  37. Dr. Greger, On this video you are reporting that dairy has a content of 1648mg per each 100g. Looking further to othe data sources to compare (specifically on I found that whole milk contains only 266mg per each 100g, which is similar to the values shown in your graphs for plant based foods. What kind of dairy are you referring to on the graph on this video ? I just what to know really which dairy products are the ones I should really avoid to ingest high amounts of leucine.

  38. This guy changed my life I’m grateful for him and his movement. No hidden agendas just doing it to better the human race.

  39. Human milk only contains 1% protein by weight and 6% protein by total calories. If nature dictates such low protein even for growing babies, adults would need even less proteins, especially as humans have evolved to recycle proteins.

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