I rischi per la salute e i benefici del consumo di carne

I benefici della carne superano i rischi per la salute? Lo stesso studio dell'industria della carne ha concluso che il consumo di carne aumenta il rischio di cancro, malattie cardiache, diabete e morte prematura.

Cosa significano effettivamente i numeri di rischio relativo? Vedi, ad esempio, quanto cancro provoca la carne lavorata? (

Questa è la sesta di una serie di otto parti sull'impatto delle industrie sulle linee guida dietetiche e sanitarie. I primi cinque video sono:
● How Big Sugar mina le linee guida dietetiche (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-big-sugar-undermines -dietary-guidelines)
● How Big Sugar ha manipolato la scienza per le linee guida dietetiche (https:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/how-big-sugar-manipulated-the-science-for-dietary-guidelines)<br/> ● Gli studi osservazionali mostrano risultati simili a quelli randomizzati Prove controllate (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/observational-studies-show-similar-results-to-randomized-control-trials)
● GRADO fallito per Annals of Internal Medicine Meat Studies (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/failing-grade -per-Annali-di-studi-sulla-carne-di-medicina-interna)
● Conflitti di interesse negli Annali di studi sulla carne di medicina interna (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/conflicts-of-interest-in-the-annals-of-internal-medicine-meat-studies)

Gli ultimi due sono How Big Meat Manipulated the Science (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-big-meat-manipulated-the-science ) e quanto la carne influisce sulla longevità? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-does-meat-affect-longevity) .

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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94 Risposte a “I rischi per la salute e i benefici del consumo di carne”

  1. How information like that gets published is simply beyond me. We are supposed to be living in the era where scientists pursue objective truth. I guess that's what happens when big meat gets involved…

  2. Until the health care industry stops pretending that taking a pill is a reliable substitute for conducting a healthy lifestyle, people will continue to believe that they have a choice.

  3. I've been following a whole food plant-based diet for several years and have never felt better. My energy level remains high and I'm rarely ill. Why people don't give more thought into what they consume is beyond me. We've instead given this essential responsibility over to food and medical 'industries' who are focused on profit.

  4. Are there any studies of the dietary histories of vegetarians, vegans, whole plant-based eaters, examining their motivations for deciding to switch from earlier eating patterns?

  5. And the hits just keep coming! What still unseen damage the counter indications from the Annals of Internal Medicine meat "studies" has occurred? Plain malfeasance!

  6. Talk about a worthless job and a waste of money… They think people are so stupid that they actually need a panel of so-called “experts” to tell them what they themselves PREFER to eat? A toddler knows what he or she prefers to eat!

  7. I like salty foods, so in light of this new study, I’m going to be committed to a strict sodium-based diet 😭

  8. How true I covered the benefits of plant based diet in my health curriculum and had a parent breathing down me on the philosophy for good health! People just don’t want to change and hate being told too
    Love your info doc!

  9. So those guys are basically implying that the dietary guidelines are something like a huge sommelier and not a public health tool. It's not just methodological and epistemological nonsense, it's a more fundamental issue with logic itself.

  10. A risk reduction of 13-24% is very very small, and very likely related to the fast-food factor bleeding through the data. If meat were a problem you would see much larger changes in risk reduction. The problem is not the meat. The problem is the refined grain vegan bun, vegan potatoes fried in oxidized industrial vegan oil, and the sugar-laden vegan sodas and condiments. Please show me a study done in a population where meat consumption is not associated with fast-food consumption.

  11. I had an epiphany the other day…Everything we ingest seem to be mostly poisonous. Give it all you can every day I'm guessing, all the best to everyone here.

  12. I used to enjoy eating meat and thought I could never give it up. I was programmed from the fraudulent food pyramid I was forced to memorize as a child, to all of the marketing and promotions from industry thorugout my 65 yo life. Thanks in part to Dr. Gregor's work I have reversed this programming. I am on a mission to promote plant based diet to my family and friends. But it's hard because years of marketing and misinformation like this study has convinced most people that they need meat. Enjoy/like really means programmed.

  13. Why is it that heart attacks were rare in America a hundred years ago despite Americans eating a lot of meat and animal fat? The problem with vegan propaganda is that it takes the focus off of the real problem with the Western diet, which is all of the processed crap. This is 99% of the problem. 99% of Dr. Greger's videos should be about eliminating the processed crap. Then maybe we can debate about the other 1% of the problem.

  14. Look at brain scans of folks who don't eat meat. If you consider lunch meat or burger King "meat" then that might be the issue. I had immune system issues, increasing red meat consumption cleared it. Read oliver twist… they knew back in the day meat made folks harder to manage. If you go vegan, it might be good for a while but you are bound to have problems. Look at the liver king and tell me meat is bad. This doctor is ignoring so much research of the past. The big guys want you weak and easily manageable

  15. For some people lack of pain is more important than presence of pleasure. There are even people for whom the lack of pain IS pleasure. Are they another species?

  16. Those people are causing deaths. My opinion is they are murderers.
    Oh, and the idea of doing other types of studies are just to gain some time. Though, causing more deaths.

  17. They were counting on most people's cognitive bias, and a tendency to welcome "good news" about their bad habits. They focus on the conclusion, and ignore the rest of the paper because they prefer eating animals and what comes out of them.

  18. They should add a study on the personal costs and benefits of inflicting horrific pain and suffering upon animals in order to enjoy that meat-centered diet.

  19. A wonderful series! Another triumph for Dr Greger. Now, paid meat industry trolls toiling away there in your mother's basement … lets have some pointless, empty snark. We've been missing your brilliant insights in these comments columns.

  20. No amount of taste pleasure justifies the suffering of non-human animals, being vegan and putting the animals first is the greatest motivator even more than for the health benefits of going onto a Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPBD).

  21. Actually question. Is meat that bad or is it commercialized meats are bad? To me, most meat is like any other processed junk… Too high in fat and riddled with chemicals.

  22. When people say, "I'm now vegan and have never felt better". My question is, compared to what? Compared a junk food diet? Or an excessive diet of any kind? Of course, you're going to feel better. My suggestion is, compare how you would feel on a wfpb vegan diet vs. a wfpb diet + sardines (or another small omega rich fish) 2x/week and a few eggs per week. These extra ingredients would make the diet more complete with less risk of nutrient deficiency. I bet a lot of people would feel better on the second diet. But I doubt there is such a study. It is always compared to something bad.
    This comment is genuine, I'm not trolling, I'd really like to know.

  23. I'm going to keep enjoying riding with the wind in my hair, until somebody can show me a study that used a placebo helmet.

  24. This is disgusting. I am all for free speech but, in this case, there should be a regulatory body preventing the publication of such heavily biased rubbish.

  25. The problem with anti-meat bias is that it ends up harming people. How many people died early or were debilitated by trans fats like margarine? How many people now have diabetes because of the low fat movement of the 1970s and 80s? How many people are currently having strokes or getting dementia because of the enormous amount of linoleic acid in "healthy" vegetable oils? How many vegans are failing to thrive or getting dementia because of a lack of B12, choline, carnosine, creatine, omega-3s, calcium, and zinc? How many vegans are suffering from toxic build-up of oxalate in their body? I respect vegans who take their position because of the unethical way in which animals are treated by the modern food industry. But I have a problem with propagandists who claim to be scientists.

  26. Dear Dr. Greger et al., What are your best "facts" or even guesses at what we can ACTUALLY do to affect food policy once and for all!? Real actions. I have drilled down into Big Sugar for years past starting from the devastating Red Tide and blue-green algae blooms (i.e. real effects on people, sea life, tourism, and so much more) caused by farm and other related severe eutrophication (phosphates in particular) of our state's waters, and even tried my hand at starting a "business" and making content for "Alive Florida"–the idea being that a truly alive Florida is one ideally turned back to Nature's most amazing and natural balance and most certainly a state, environment, and biopsychosocial-sphere stripped of ALL the ills of the sugar industry… Consistent with the message of this video, the inherently utter bankrupt value of this empty-calorie commodity AS related to a Farm Bill complete with an actual Sugar-rider to prop it's Cartel Barons (no hyperbole intended, I truly gave considerable thought to both terms) is just ludicrously mind-blowing no matter how much we all know to "follow the money." …not to mention as also related to it's similarly inexplicably anti-health contributions to our lives as the meat of this story… Aaaaanyway… 🙄😔 Best Wishes and Be Well All.

  27. Great video. Plant Predominant Flexitarian here. No need to totally eliminate anything. The dose makes the poison. Zero coronary calcium score and CIMT consistent with bio age >10y younger than chrono age (54), despite elevated Lp(a). Last cholesterol <140 and non-HDL <100 with BP 110/65.

  28. 5:50 there IS no need to be vaccinated for good health or are we still believing the lies of big pharma..

    in fact if you live healthy vaccination might causing more problems than it solves.. always depending on the vaccine.

    Most of them are rather useless

  29. Pretty bizarre…..at some point one would see the wisdom of going plant based and giving up animal protein…..this inability to go…."cold turkey" is something I'll never understand….does the meat industry put some type of additive chemical in their product like the tobacco industry does? because I just can't see why the "enjoyment" of always eating meat is so hard to overcome……..I use to be primarily a poultry eater, but have since given that up as well…..I will occasionally dabble in the fish realm for animal protein, but that is about it these days……I do try to avoid dairy products too…….anyways, its funny how people can't seem to understand EVERYTHING improves if you go vegan or even vegetarian……and there are a LOT of good stuff to replace animal protein……but whatever…….eventually people will figure it out for thesmselves;;;;;;;;

  30. Fantastic video, well put and what a horrific content. Really unbelievable. How can people writing that sleep at night. They're actually supporting current epidemics of obesity, diabetes and so on.

  31. A diet should include everything nature has given.
    Vitamins = fruits/vegetables/roots
    Minerals = animal sources (because minerals from plant sources cannot be absorbed efficiently)
    Fats = animal sources (specially sea food – look how japanese,korean, Chinese population are the healthiest)
    Protiens = offcourse animal sources (since they contain complete amino acid profile)

  32. I have tried to go completely meat-free. It doesn't work for me. I am a very active person and I end up feeling exhausted while completely plant based. Even with just a few servings of meat a week, I am able to exercise and not feel like I'm on the verge of exhaustion. And before anyone says anything, yes I was eating WFPB and eating plenty of nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

  33. Something I'm been wondering: is it really so bad to eat a big meal before bed time? Anyone know off hand if this has been PUt tO tHe TeSt?? 🧐

  34. Eating animals results in damage to the environment. Causes people to go hungry and lack water. Animals suffer vile living conditions and die a traumatic death. For anybody to choose to continue eating animals and ignore these things is gross selfishness.Sadly humans are a selfish lot though more are waking up. I have been vegan 28yrs now 14 years veggie befor that.

  35. Unfortunately it seems to be the case that people love their meats, even if you inform them about the hazard it causes. That’s my conclusion as well. I generally try to avoid the subject because it makes me feel bad. No meat or processed foods for me though. I’m not in to drop dead once I finally retire. I want to be as healthy as my genes allow me to and we already know genes are suggestive. But what I do know is that every once of meat is a slab in the face of a hungry child and threatens the future of your own children. I don’t know what excuse can compete with that. Immoral I think!

  36. Question that is not about food . In this modern world of high strength radio wave with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connected devices . Is the computer device you are using do you harm . Using a tablet on a Wi-Fi band and sitting with it close to you but , not on your lap . Or using a laptop with it on your lap on Wi-Fi . Either way , is this harmful to the body . It there a risk to health in any way ? I tried to find the answer but it's like the food industry . Some say no harm to you . Others say it's dangerous and causes cancer ? What's the true answer and people should be aware is the dangers .👍

  37. More veggies and less meat leads to better sexual health (less ED, etc.). People (especially Americans) don't care about the effects of meat production and consumption on the climate, fresh water supplies, disease and cancer, and on and on. But they might respond to the fact that animal products inhibit blood flow to the unmentionables – in men and women. But how can polite society, such as committees of scientists and doctors, nutritionists, et al, talk of such things? (My intention is not to be crass, but to be pragmatic.)

  38. After a few years living as vegan, i too, find it acceptable for meateaters to die from their diets. I'm sorry, but they continue to not care about the animals they kill, the environment and their own health they wreck.

  39. I want to say a big thanks to God for giving me a second chance in life through Doctor Elemomodu on YouTube who cured me from HPV with his herbal remedies, he has really proven to be a real doc. Contact him today and be cured too.

  40. How are these blatant liars not held accountable for their actions? I'm guessing that… maybe it's just another example of the broken scientific peer review process?

  41. I mean recommendations should be scientific..let the consumer make up their own mind about following it or not, just like alcohol consumption.

  42. Veganism must effect the eyes in a bad way. When vegans look at each other and in the mirror and they can't see see they look sick must be proof that veganism effect eye sight. Look at dr Baker , Chaffee, and and and.

  43. I thought channels like this will be open for discussion and different point of views. When you block people to comment on your stuff with different views, then you know they are not confident in their statements and believes. That makes you weak

  44. some time before the yr. 3000 Dr. Greger will bless us with a meat study that deals with health effect of small and occasional amts. of low fat meats instead of the "processed" and high quantity studies he constantly (always) uses for his anti-meat arguments.

  45. The difference in smoking and eating meat is that a carnivore diet depends on cruelty to other life forms for our pleasure.

  46. The binary argument of meat vs veg is not useful. There are so many other things of far greater dietary concern. Refined ingredients are the primary health risk. Any diet that focuses on reducing refined ingredients is a health benefit regardless of the meat-to-veg ratio. Healthy eating has less to do with what is consumed and much more to do with what is not consumed.

  47. I have followed your diet recommendations for 10 years plant base diet but I have watched keto high fat diets say fat does not cause heart disease I do 3 day. Fast every month for brain health what is your opinion

  48. I am mostly plant based. I do eat some meat though simply due to my many food allergies to nuts and fruits. I stick go organic pasture raised eggs and turkey breast meat and sometimes rainbow trout and wild caught Alaskan cod, oysters, and mussels. But all other meat is out. No beef, pork, lamb, etc, etc.

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