I test SIBO per la crescita eccessiva di batteri intestinali piccoli sono validi?

Anche se potessimo diagnosticare con precisione la SIBO, se non c'è differenza nei sintomi tra quelli risultati positivi e quelli negativi, allora qual è il punto ?

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56 Risposte a “I test SIBO per la crescita eccessiva di batteri intestinali piccoli sono validi?”

  1. Talk about timing! This video was released while I was in the middle of taking my sibo test. I'm two glass vials into the test and up pops the video.

  2. I did a full upgrade of my gut microbiome by adding probiotics like :

    Lactofermented Soda (until, all the sugar that is added is eaten up by the bacteria, making it sugar free),


    Dishes like Idli, Dosa.

    Vegan Kimchi,


    Beet Kvass,

    And most importantly giving a feed to the bacteria in the form of soluble
    and insoluble fibre.
    I feel like the SCFA and Butyrate is helping me without taking an unnecessary animal meat way.

  3. SIBO 🤣 I cured Crohn's simply by going whole foods vegan with 2 or 3 meals weekly using Beyond Burger or other replacement. Greatly improved MS (zero signs of change for over 12 years on MRI, with marked improvement cognitively & physically), no more fibromyalgia, and I've lost over 80 pounds. And, shocker… I still eat a little sugar. 🤣 Just eat whole fruits, veggies, rice, whole grains pasta… you'll be fine. I have never messed with anything fermented except sauerkraut maybe 4 times per year when I make vegan Reuben's. 😋😎✌🏽💚

  4. I was diagnosed with SIBO but my symptoms continued after taking antibiotics. It wasn't until I got help for anxiety and PTSD that my "SIBO" resolved. I'm not saying everyone's SIBO symptoms are related to mental health, but in my case, mirtazapine and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy changed my life and improved my gut health.

    Edit: I learned how the gut and mind are connected, and that made a huge difference, too.

  5. Woo I was just about to Search haw to get rid of sibo and this video was just there in my feed.
    but now i have to wait until the next vedo.. i really need to get rid of this bloating. Its painful at times and my family is really tired on the stink I keep making.. it's just not normal.

  6. sibo/candida doesnt exist – just eat starch and fruits and ull live a long happy life and will never turn ex-vegan
    all the symptoms u "allegedly" have dont exist! and u r just crazy! "obviously"! – the tongue thrush, dandruff, eye slime and brainfog..its all just in ur head! (figuratively or literally, u decide 🤭)

  7. Cranial-Rectal Inversion Syndrome (CRIS) is a dark and debilitating disease that strikes 9 out of 10 elected official and at least 1 out of 10 in the general population. 
    But now there's Sunshinium. Sunshinium helps to relieves many of the symptoms CRIS by pulling the patient out of the darkness and into the light.
    Sunshinium may cause incontinence, eczema, diarrhea, liver failure and sudden death. In rare situations, it actually works as advertised when taken as prescribed.
    So come out of the darkness and into the light with Sunshinium.
    Ask your doctor if Sunshinium is right for you.

  8. Eating lots of summer melons in the morning with a greenish blueberry smoothie for dinner made almost all of my big belly go away. As weather cools here in Florida I will shift to yummy soaps. Before the summer, I considered doing the testing ; thank you again for coming to the rescue, Dr. G. My hero.

  9. Thank God the horror-doll is gone! The nightmare is finally over and we can all go back to learning about nutrition. Thank you.

  10. I have quit all the animal products except milk. I used to added milk to my coffee and after drinking I used to get severe cramps in my stomach and abdominal discomforts. Also same things happens after eating Wheat(I am gluten sensitive) and fruits which are high in fructose like apple, oranges, mango but it's okay if I eat blueberries or strawberries. So, I stop consuming milk, fruits and wheat, I am totally okay now but had little issues with potatoes which bring allergies, I can't give up on it because I love potatoes.

  11. Thanks for this video.
    Just a couple of months to late though. Lol
    I just finished working with gojiman.
    I had so many symptoms of so called sibo so I went to gojiman for help.
    All’s that did was made me worse. I spent nearly £2000 on tests, a consult and antibiotics with him.
    I took rifaxamin for six weeks like he advised and when I said it’s not working I feel worse he wanted me to book another chargeable consult with him.
    Well that was the last straw I wasn’t wasting any more money with him.
    The guy is a fraud. BEWARE
    Thanks for all your good work dr Greger

  12. Looks like a good business like the so called candida syndrome as i always thought.
    GojiMan wont be happy with this serie of video. 😅

  13. Gregor, you're great, but cut the intros. We viewers already understand the topic from the title of the video. There's no need to waste time by telling us what you're about to tell us.

  14. lol seriously, people think antibiotics get rid of the SIBO, but that they don't have to DO ANYTHING to actually FIX the reason they got SIBO in first place? LOL our system is so dumb. Yes, of course you're going to have SIBO again, if you don't FIX THE UNDERLINING PROBLEM!! Gojiman might agree with the breath test being 100% accurate, but there's a reason he gets you to do multiple different tests as it paints a bigger picture than 1 test alone can do. Not to mention, all the tests he gets you to do are all the information he NEEDS, so he doesn't have to guess.

  15. Why are so many many happy about this? SIBO was just a name for a cluster of symptoms that bother so many people on a daily basis. IBS or SIBO whatever we call it, people need real help for a very real symptoms!

  16. As a result of ulcerative colitis my colon was removed. I have a J-pouch, where the gut bacteria that normally live in the colon are nested. As a result of most likely bacterial imbalances (since the antibiotic ciprofloxacin reduces my symptoms) I have a chronic inflammation in my J-pouch. It was interesting but also worrying to hear that bacteria living in the small intestine that are supposed to be in the colon can cause issues. Since my J-pouch is made with small intestine. If that were the problem, then it would be hard to fix since these bacteria will always be in my J-pouch since my colon is gone.

  17. What about Foodmarble's AIRE device for breath testing? I have been using one for a while and seems accurate: when I eat lots of beans I always hit the maximum level after a few hours.

  18. Dr. Greger, I would love to see you do a video on the accuracy/efficacy of all these home microbiome tests that are available now, such as Viome, GI MAP, etc. Are they any good, or just a waste of money? Functional medicine practitioners love them, but regular MD's seem to think the information you get from them is not that useful (even if it is accurate), in creating a treatment plan.

  19. Does this mean the main excuse for many use to suffocate fish in a slow painful death is a lie? I'm sure we will come up with new excuses to justify that the animal cruelty we cause is necessary not just because we enjoy the taste of their flesh. Follow the science, and follow our own ethical stance.

  20. Definitely need more info here. I was diagnosed with SIBO and literally couldn't eat anything and suffered incredibly. It has taken me 1 year about 80% better. I used herbals, 1 round rifaximin and lifestyle changes. If not SiBO then what was it that tried to kill me? Literally I wasn't even digesting well enough to absorb nutrients

  21. I've got gilberts syndrome and I swear that has something to do with my troubles especially when I over do it exertion/dehydration wise. No doubt beer, or just alcohol in general, won't do digestion much good especially in covid habit excess.  
    Trying not to eat too much later in the day and kicking the morning coffee helps get the appetite up …after I'm eventually up and running (not literally!) -maybe a light jog.

  22. cannot wait for the next video. The only thing I can eat and feel 100% well is white potatoes with no peel. only thing. Atrantil helps a lot and celery juice. bit it doesn't cure sibo 100%

  23. AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL: Dr. Greger isn't an expert in this complex topic you should take some of what he says with a grain of salt, no doubt there's absolutely a ton of bad information out there and SIBO is thrown around like a buzzword. Now most studies have a very narrow and simple understanding of SIBO, to complicate matters further SIBO is generally too simply defined and understood at this point. And yes it can be misdiagnosed or treated incorrectly by those who know very little about SIBO. Also don't self diagnose, talk to a Doctor first who also specializes in SIBO, it has to be a case by case basis and customized treatment plan with an expert, in some cases it can take up to 2-5 trials of treatment before SIBO is fully resolved. What we should realize with SIBO it should be looked as one component of understanding in the bigger picture as so far as it pertains to the overall health of the intestinal tract.

    A good resource to start to get a understanding of SIBO is linked below:

    Gojiman's The SIBO Hub: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUTh3RWqF1sf5qJ5TKY4BDrQ

    Also strongly recommend watching this comprehensive playlist on SIBO/IBS/IBD by Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C, CFMP:


    Hope this helps someone have a broader & fuller perspective, and be free from chronic health woes.

    upvote if you found this helpful so others may see it as well

  24. It looks as if Gojiman (Simon) has responded with a pretty scathing video, one of three to come. And, he makes some really compelling points that Dr. Greger et al. actually did just pick one small study, among many, and larger ones, to site and also misrepresented what the studies he sites show. So much so, that what he concludes is completely contrary to what the study showed! So, I'm hoping Dr. Greger and team will respond, as the rebuke from Simon was pretty scathing and sounded accurate in all of the points of criticism that he made. I love Dr. G and have depended upon him as a primary resource for information for many years now. This tends to call things into question for me. I guess as lay people, we ought to do as much as we can to follow a variety of sources and all we are able to to do fact check the information we are following.

  25. Gojiman is a little pee'd off with the info in the video. He says that the info Dr. Greger gave is different from what the studies/papers actually says. He's looking for an friendly debate video with Greger. I think that would be a very very interesting video to watch.

  26. Ask your Doctor to discuss the benefits and side effects of taking Xifaxin (Antibiotic.) It's a Great drug. You should take a full course, stop and 3 months later you take another full course. So on and so forth. I don't take the use of Antibiotics lightly. Xifaxin is highly needed for those with severe SIBO/Gastroparesis/Colonic Dysmotility/MCAS etc. The benefits of such a drug have outweigh any unintentional side effects. Xifaxin and Motegrity has made a wonderful difference. I don't know how long, yet I'm grateful.

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