I veri vantaggi rispetto agli effetti collaterali delle statine

Valutazione dei benefici e degli effetti collaterali delle statine. Uno strumento di visualizzazione della Mayo Clinic può aiutarti a decidere se le statine per abbassare il colesterolo sono adatte a te.

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Questo è il terzo video di una serie in quattro parti sulle statine. Ti sei perso le prime due puntate? Vedi chi dovrebbe prendere le statine? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/who-should-take-statins) e i medici ingannano i pazienti sui rischi e sui benefici delle statine ? (https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/are-doctors-misleading-patients-about-statin-risks-and-benefits) .<br/>
Quanto più vivi con le statine? (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-longer-do-you-live-on-statins) . Questo è il prossimo passo che completerà la serie.

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37 Risposte a “I veri vantaggi rispetto agli effetti collaterali delle statine”

  1. Many a doctor pays for their homes by pushing statins. Extra four office visits per year, four blood draws, and hours sitting in their waiting rooms.

  2. Lots of emphasis on benefits and very little on risks. All those patients who, against their doctors recommendations stop taking statins, are not included in the official tally of adverse affects. These people just quietly stop filling their scrips and their experiences with the drug are never recorded.

  3. The Mayo Clinic tool is not designed to be used by individuals with a "history of events such as prior heart attack or stroke, acute coronary syndromes, history of angioplasty or stents, etc."

  4. Benefits of statins? They make doctors and the pharmaceutical industry rich and poison the patient requiring more medications. I was put on statin when diagnosed with atherosclerosis, didn't do much except make me feel like I had been hit by a bus. Went WFPBV 28 months ago and no longer take any Rx, 100% Rx free, labs are perfect and I feel the best Ive felt in twenty-five years and have always been active and never overweight. I was told be my first doctor that my cholesterol was hereditary and that I would be on medication the rest of my life. No one in my family has ever had heart disease, my mother is 90 years old, skinny as a rail and still mows her own yard and lives alone, my father passed away 9 years ago from sepsis, grand father passed away from a hemorrhage and my grand mother passed away from complications of Alzheimer's, both were in their late 80's. Today we have a pill for everything except common scene.

  5. There is essentially zero accountability for dishonest practitioners using heavily biased or outdated methods, which is why it's pretty much anything goes when it comes to informing the patient

  6. Tough one. I guess I wonder if statins help if someone is on a protective lifestyle protocol like Ornish or Esselstyn, or if there is a method to determining how to get off statins. I know so many youngish people, 50's, 60's who take them (statins) prophylactically.

  7. Honestly the most useful metric for a patient compare to would probably be the difference in all cause mortality for individuals with similar risk factors since it can partially account for negative side effects, plus it could be used to extrapolate the average amount of life extension the person might gain from the drug and the person could decide if living x more days is worth the price.

  8. But, but, but…. how is the pharmaceutical industry supposed to profit trillions…. IF doctors don't get as many citizens on as many pills as possible?

  9. Take these pills. Who knows…
    They may actually help your condition through bio-chemical pathways.
    And if not, they may provide you with benefit through the placebo effect.

  10. Statins are off-patent and companies and doctors have made their money off them. So of course, NOW the actual facts are beginning to permeate society (who by the way is skeptical because it's been told for decades (by people they trust) that statins are miracle drugs that can save their lives).

  11. Excellent info. A million people ought to view this. I'm a primary care MD with 40 years experience, now retired. I take Atorvastatin 10 mg twice a week, with a capsule of Coenzyme Q-10 each time. No side effects, whereas while taking the statin daily I had awful muscle pains. So why am I taking the drug? I had a small, silent heart attack ten years ago, is why. I consulted a cardiologist, who had absolutely nothing useful to say, except here, take a statin. I call them STATIN-BRAINS. So I got into regular walking, and drastically cut down rich foods high in saturated fat, sugar and highly refined carbohydrates. For instance, for years now my breakfast is always the same: Fruit, some nuts and seeds, and often some whole grain oats. I do Yoga and/or walk every day. Oh, and have minimized my stress, minimized anger reactions. Well not entirely but a lot! Not easy after being retired and mostly restricted to home with wife, what with Covid! Doing well, by the grace of God..uh…atorvastatin! 😂😂😂

  12. Still stand by my decision to not take a statin my doc prescribed for mildly raised cholesterol and gallstones and go the dietary route instead. I need to improve the diet more as have slipped in recent months but I still feel diet is the better choice.
    Folks with v high cholesterol who can't manage it even after going WFPB are, IMO, the only guys who should consider it. But we all gotta take our choice ourselves. But it's great to have this honest information so that we can make an informed decision.

  13. The simplest solution is usually the best.
    Eat a whole food plant based diet and do some exercise daily.
    Walking a little more or riding a bicycle for short trips is an easy way to get your daily exercise.
    Eating a healthy diet and moving more is a simple way to get and stay healthy.

  14. All of these calculators place a lot of emphasis on having higher HDL to reduce risk. Being a vegan whole foods lower fat along the lines of Esselstyn/McDougal is going to lower HDL along with Total Cholesterol and LDL-C. I am finding that I am going into the statin recommended range (above 7.5% 10-year risk) no matter how low cholesterol and LDL-C are because my HDL is also low.
    But Esselstyn and others have explained that HDL will also go down with lower cholesterol and LDL and lower HDL does not raise risk in that situation.

  15. What about statins making your wiener soggy and listless so you can then take another pill to give it a mild plumpness. At least this is what’s reported.

  16. I am absolutely in the lifestyle change camp, however, some research statistics have shown that statins have helped reduce covid morbidity. As in over 80% less death with either form of statin. Thank you so much for your organization. I can'even begin to imagine the number if people who have lived longer and better thanks to you.

  17. What about the risk of age related brain disorders ie Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s or memory loss and statin long term use?

  18. Ok, so I took the tests, and here's what I found for me:

    Relative risk: 25% higher if no statin
    Absolute risk: 1% higher if no statin
    However, the risk factors do rise significantly with each decade of age.

  19. Such a big decision, lots to consider, risk factors, side effects, mortality, studies, relative v absolute risk, etc. If only there was a better way.
    Dr Greger enters stage left, with a bright green tie, a smile, multiple books, a free website, and even an app.
    Bless you doc. Bless you!

  20. Superb public service. Statistics and risk assessment are extremely difficult to communicate and understand properly. This is been shown to be true for many people in the medical and science field as well.

  21. Are 5 or even 10 year time frames long enough though? It seems to me that heart disease is something that happens over multiple decades and the benefits derived from statin use would increase if you extend the timeframe in which they are used. For example, a 30 year old male statin candidate likely would see the benefits in their 50's and 60's not necessarily in their 40's.

  22. Totalmente de acuerdo.
    Felicidades doctor.
    Sabemos que la medicina no sirve me realidad.
    Como dice el maestro Casanova lenti no busques el mejor médico en otros países búscalo en tí.
    La única medicina que sirve el la medicina hipocrática verdadera.
    Que tu alimentos sea tu medicina!!

  23. why bring up the breast cancer risk in the early part of the presentation, only to say it was discounted later on? It should not have been mentioned at all.

  24. My neighbor, an 81 yr old MD, told me 40 years ago to "stay away from doctors." I did, I will. Now I'm 81 yrs old…I wish I could find a way to stay away from dentists.

  25. taking a statin causes me constipation which makes me wonder where is that water going ? and if statins are causing inflammation that requires fluid to be diverted from my colon?

  26. Dr. Gregor I would love to shadow you for a month. You seem like such a high producer!. I just started fasting and eliminating most animal products. I do have more energy but I just started. I need to publish so much b4 I leave this earth!

  27. i'll just take statin and eat delicious food instead of torturing myself by only eating vegetable for the rest of my life

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