Il 98% delle diete americane è carente di potassio

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DESCRIZIONE: Meno del 2% degli americani raggiunge anche il livello raccomandato apporto minimo adeguato di potassio dovuto principalmente all'assunzione inadeguata di alimenti vegetali. Alle persone che seguono diete a base vegetale viene spesso chiesto dove ottengono le loro proteine . Forse dovrebbero quindi chiedere dove le persone che seguono diete convenzionali ottengono il loro potassio – o la loro fibra per quella materia, vedi Alleviare te stesso dall'eccesso di estrogeni ( video/alleviare-da-gli-estrogeni-in-eccesso/). Per ulteriori informazioni su ciò che ci siamo evoluti per mangiare, vedi Paleolithic Lessons ( Questa è la prima di una serie in tre parti sul potassio. Domani esploreremo il suo ruolo nella prevenzione dell'ictus con la dieta ( Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere! Credito immagine: Fir 74 e Evan-Amos tramite Wikimedia; National Portrait Gallery, Londra: NPG 2546; e Sam Wilkinson. • Iscriviti: iscriviti • Dona: https://nutritionfacts. org/donazioni • Podcast : https:/ / • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Libri:<br/> • Negozio:

27 Risposte a “Il 98% delle diete americane è carente di potassio”

  1. HA! I just read a comment on one of durianriders videos about how stupid it is to eat 30 bananas a day because you will get potassium poisoning hahaha (bananas aren't even that high in potassium as far as i know, dates are way higher). Bottom line, Vegans =NOT PROTEIN DEFICIENT, 'Omnivores'=POTASSIUM DEFICIENT. Thanks Dr Greger

  2. Vegans = mostly obnoxious skinny (as in: concentration camp escapees) people, usually have pale skin, and generally weak… not always, but mostly. Omnivores = most people, mostly unhealthy. But there are very healthy vegans, and very healthy omnivores. And I choose to enjoy the wider variety of foods an omnivore can enjoy, which also includes all the vegan foods. Good day.

  3. If less than 2% of the US don't get enough potassium then why do articles/people often say not to take a potassium supplement? I know, I know it's best to get it from whole foods and vegetables but I'm just wondering why if it's so low we don't advocate or have more potassium supplements?

  4. Can elevated potassium levels be a problem for vegans? I subsist on mostly beans and broccoli, and I eat a big box of dates on weekends. My doctor said my potassium level from a blood test were way too high and actually retested me. Still very high. Am I a goner?

  5. One of the reasons why all the puppets on fake news ( mainstream- controlled by big corpsnews journalists are told what to say[with old the real truth]) and controlled programming are falsifying that BANANAS ARE DANGEROUS, is because, the Doctors, Government, and elites want all Americans to be DEFICIENT in potassium, in addition to missing out on all the other healthy benefits BANANAS provide.
    Is it true Banana plants can not reproduce( grow new plants) without people cutting and planting them?

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