Il cancro al seno e il mito del tasso di sopravvivenza a 5 anni

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Ci sono tre video rimasti in questa serie di mammografie:
• Perché le mammografie non sembrano salvare vite (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/Why-Mammograms-Don)
• Perché i pazienti non sono informati sulle mammografie (
• I pro ei contro delle mammografie (<br/>
Ecco i primi dieci nel caso ve ne foste persi:
• 9 su 000 Donne male informate sulle mammografie (( 9-su-10-Donne-disinformate-su- Mammografie)
• Raccomandazioni mammografie – Perché le linee guida in conflitto (
• Le donne dovrebbero sottoporsi a mammografie a partire dall'età 40? (
• Salva mammografie Vite? (
• Conseguenze dei risultati mammografici falsi positivi ( -Risultati)
• Le mammografie fanno male? (
• Le radiazioni mammografiche possono causare il cancro al seno? (
• Capire il paradosso della mammografia ( the-Mammogram-Paradox)
• Sovratrattamento del carcinoma mammario in stadio 0 DCIS (
• Le donne meritano conoscere la verità sulle mammografie ( Truth-About-Mammograms)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -year-survival-rate-myth e qualcuno del team di cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in -mito-tasso-di-sopravvivenza
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39 Risposte a “Il cancro al seno e il mito del tasso di sopravvivenza a 5 anni”

  1. How about early detection and replacing chemo with diet and exercise? Maybe the scare of cancer can change people's lifestyle to make them serious about their health. Also, are these stats you used in this video up to date with the latest cancer treatments?

  2. It would be good to see more concrete evidence of diet and lifestyle reversing cancer. Videos like this are good, but essentially is just saying if you are at risk then it's hopeless.

  3. This video is about prostate cancer. Why is the title breast cancer? The video makes the same difference but draw in different crowds

  4. So in a other word, more people dies from cancer treatments. The treatments will only make them think they will prolong their life but in reality, if they wouldn’t not known in the first place, they would have live a better life without treatments.

  5. I feel like i never want to get screened. Why should I ruin whatever years I have left? Perhaps ignorance is bliss after all.

  6. Hey Dr. Gregor, Loving the content, Any chance you could do some videos about how to protect tooth enamel, remineralizing/restoring it if there is such a thing?

  7. I have never gotten a mammogram because of what you explained here. I already knew all this but not in the terms you used. I've watched cancer diagnosis and cancer deaths explode since I graduated from high school in 1980. I've noted all the charity events funneling money into the hands of those SUPPOSEDLY finding a cure but cutting out, radiating and chemo are STILL the norm for treatment. WHY!?!?! And where is the accountability? Where is the report on where we are in new treatments? We're giving them multi million dollars in charity donations for that cure and all we get is cut, radiated and poisoned to death in return. Stop feeding the monster and cancer will all but disappear.

  8. I recall Ben Shapiro implying that Canadian healthcare wasn't as good as the US's because the five-year survival rate was higher in the US. I wonder if he was actually wrong there

  9. Thanks Dr. Gregor for this video and another one you did about overdiagnos breast cancer. I went vegan almost a year ago and I'm glad I did but these studies about cancer really opens a person's eyes to what you die from the actual cancer or the treatment that virtually destroys a person's immune system.

  10. I’ve been vegan for ten months have hypo thyroid. Can I fix it just by eating enough iodine and is synthroid safe.

  11. Please Dr. Greger reply to my question:
    My nephew is 15 and has type.1 diabetes. My question is… theoretically if he stops consuming milk protein for ever. the autoimmune reaction which kills beta cells will never occur again? since he is only 15 he can still grow some beta cells and theoretically not inject any insulin in the future?

  12. Your hypothesis is correct, assuming that finding a cancer diagnosis 3 years sooner will not cure any patients. Which is false, chemotherapy and surgery actually work.

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