Proteine ​​animali rispetto al fumo di sigaretta

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La storia di IGF-1 è così fondamentale, che è una delle prime serie di video che abbia mai fatto su Sono così felice di poter finalmente arrivare al tanto atteso aggiornamento. Se vuoi un tuffo nel passato, puoi vedere la serie originale che inizia con Engineering a Cure (

Per ulteriori parallelismi tra l'industria del tabacco e l'industria alimentare, vedere:
• American Medical Association Complicity with Big Tobacco (<br/> • The Healthy Food Movement: Strength in Unity (
• Nutrizione basata sull'evidenza ( nutrizione/)
• Big Food utilizzando il playbook dell'industria del tabacco (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/big-food-using-the-tobacco-industry-playbook/)

Per ulteriori informazioni sulla salute invecchiamento e longevità, vedere:
• Aumento della durata della vita dai fagioli ( from-beans/)
• Restrizione calorica vs. restrizione proteica animale (http ://fac.nutrizione
• La dieta di Okinawa: vivere fino a 100 (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/the-okinawa-diet-living-to-100)
• La restrizione della metionina come strategia di estensione della vita (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/methionine-restriction-as-a-life-extension-strategy/)
• I Flexitarian vivono più a lungo? (

Si noti che il cosiddetto apporto proteico “basso” è in realtà l'apporto proteico raccomandato, associato ad una maggiore riduzione del cancro e della mortalità complessiva nella mezza età, sotto l'età 65, ma nota che non dice tra gli individui più anziani. Tutto trattato nel mio prossimo video, Aumento dell'assunzione di proteine ​​dopo l'età 65 (

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100 Risposte a “Proteine ​​animali rispetto al fumo di sigaretta”

  1. So, Dr. Gregor, if humans eating animal protein is as bad as what you say , why would you speak out in favor of people, ANY PERSON, eating an engineered animal meat based protein product like "Supermeat"? 
    Very disappointed in you. Your fact based articles were a big part of the reason why I turned vegan. All the studies you touted convinced me that it was the BEST diet for humans. Now I'm not so trusting of you because I wonder if your biases led you to cherry pick those articles. Dr.Gregger, you could have at least waited for some legitimate studies on how consuming Supermeat would affect humans.

  2. As if one needed to be a rocket scientist to live a long and healthy life. Fewer calories & EMOTIONAL BALANCE, y'all!!! I personally know – and also know of – quite a few people who live/lived simply, happily and healthfully to OVER a 100 years of age. They ALWAYS have/had a smile on their face. They eat/ate meat, too, and eggs, etc…. and many of them even smoked and/or drank. Simple people of whom no one ever hears… simple people who've never known this Dunning-Kruger modern mental illness called vegetarian/veganism… and if they did, they'd laugh at it.

  3. You're going too far when you say "animal protein". Vegans now have food products that pack in tons of proteins with the exact same amino acids. They are even starting to produce vegan burgers with heme. So, yes, if you're a vegan that eats mostly vegetables and fruits, you can feel good about this study. But if you are a vegan body builder that packs in all of these vegan protein powders and synthetic foods, you're getting all of the same amino acids, nutrients, etc., found in meat.

  4. I struggle greatly with these videos. I see the science, but then I see the people around who have lived long, productive lives. My great-grandmother lived to be 102 and ate eggs and dairy every single day of her life (she grew up on a farm). All of her siblings have had similar life spans. My grandfather worked his way through school by working on the university's farm–where he consumed full-fat ice cream for almost all of his meals for three years. Then I see my own struggles with a plant-based diet of losing just a handful of pounds after months and months of eating this way (HCLFLP) and wonder if this lifestyle really is worth the effort (it takes some effort to stay below 10% fat).

  5. Vegans are pompous af. They are 80% self-absorbed and bask in their own illsuperior complex.

    Rare to find one that doesn't just share knowledge, but they mainly forces beliefs and guilt on others.

  6. For humans who only eat human foods this is typical news. For carnists however, well they don't understand very much anyways and will ignore it or pretend its not true. Carnists are pretty much just as intelligent as the animals they eat. if a cow can't understand it, neither can a carnist. You are only built as well as the components you consume. If you eat cows, your pretty much a cow.

  7. Question: Are the people with dwarfism caused by IGF-1 deficiency otherwise living as healthy as average people? I don't doubt that they have a significantly lower rate of cancer, but I'm curious as to how cancer-proof a human being can get.

  8. Dear Dr. Greger,

    I'm a strength coach and I work with athletes who consume a lot of protein. I'm also a PhD in public health. Your video intrigued me, so I read the full paper.

    You did not mention the following in your video:

    1) [From the abstract] "These associations were confined to participants with at least 1 unhealthy lifestyle factor based on smoking, heavy alcohol intake, overweight or obesity, and physical inactivity, but not evident among those without any of these risk factors."

    2) [From the full text, p. E4] "The positive association with all-cause mortality for animal protein intake and the inverse association for plant protein intake were restricted to the unhealthylifestyle group (P for interaction <.001), although the association with animal protein intake did not reach statistical significance."

    3) [From the full text, p. E7] "Protein intake from processed red meat was strongly associated with mortality, whereas no association was found for protein from fish or poultry."

    Based on the above, I think we should realize that these results were limited to "participants with at least 1 unhealthy lifestyle factor based on smoking, heavy alcohol intake, overweight or obesity, and physical inactivity" and restricted to processed red meat. Based on these results, I think it's unfair to imply that all animal proteins are harmful for the general population.

    Perhaps these limitations should be the focus of another video?

    Best regards from Montréal,

    Etienne Juneau, PhD
    Doctor of Public Health

  9. How I love Dr. Gregor's sarcasm – it's so effective in communicating his truth-telling. His humor gives "value added" to the facts. Don't you just wish main stream media had someone like him on the national news each evening so more people would get this knowledge? Oh that's right, the advertisers and bought out media executives wouldn't stand for "the truth and nothing but the truth". No body would want to buy their products.

  10. This video is complete bullshit. Let me repost the comment from Dr. Juneau:

    Dear Dr. Greger,

    I'm a strength coach and I work with athletes who consume a lot of
    protein. I'm also a PhD in public health. Your video intrigued me, so I
    read the full paper.

    You did not mention the following in your video:

    1) [From the abstract] "These associations were confined to participants
    with at least 1 unhealthy lifestyle factor based on smoking, heavy
    alcohol intake, overweight or obesity, and physical inactivity, but not
    evident among those without any of these risk factors."

    2) [From the full text, p. E4] "The positive association with all-cause
    mortality for animal protein intake and the inverse association for
    plant protein intake were restricted to the unhealthylifestyle group (P
    for interaction <.001), although the association with animal protein
    intake did not reach statistical significance."

    3) [From the full text, p. E7] "Protein intake from processed red meat
    was strongly associated with mortality, whereas no association was found
    for protein from fish or poultry."

    Based on the above, I think we should realize that these results were
    limited to "participants with at least 1 unhealthy lifestyle factor
    based on smoking, heavy alcohol intake, overweight or obesity, and
    physical inactivity" and restricted to processed red meat. Based on
    these results, I think it's unfair to imply that all animal proteins are
    harmful for the general population.

    Perhaps these limitations should be the focus of another video?

    Best regards from Montréal,

    Etienne Juneau, PhD
    Doctor of Public Health

  11. Is colloidal silver good for you? There is a lot of confusing information about it. But are there any good studies about colloidal silver? I would love to get your recommendation.

  12. its ridiculous how sooooo all about the money everything is…what a great video, as always Dr G. I mean, as a nurse, it is definitely economically against my advantage to teach my patients about plant based nutrition, but at this point, with all this data and knowledge out there, i can't help but to want to spread the word! its my main motivation to go to graduate school, get my masters in nursing and become a Family Nurse Practitioner. to be even a more influential spot with my patients and have the ability to follow them! and to taper down their medications as they progress and eventually take them off of them! so in turn, they don't have to be a patient of mine! just another plant based advocate!!! ah!

  13. Hmm, I'm 5 years older than Dr. Quakenstein yet I look half his age and I can guarantee I've done a hundred times more both mentally and physically as Doctor Vegetable Brain……….Think it's about time for another juicy hamburger.

  14. Towards the second half of the video I realized I knew what he was going to say next, right down to the exact quote. Pretty much my first church experience.

  15. Drinking green tea is known to be very good for cancer prevention due to the high level of polyphenols especially if its loose leaf. I've been drinking tea on a regular basis for three years. I'm sure it certainly can help with my somewhat new smoking habit I picked up. Just combine that with whole foods but I need to work on that and lay off the potato chips and donuts I've been eating lately.

  16. WHAT ABOUT EATING FISH??? People in Okinawa, Japan once ate fresh produce and high intake of fish and lived to 100+. I would be interested in what Dr. Greger has to say about fish intake.

  17. So to me this thing with animal protein makes a lot of sense. As plant-eaters the only time we are supposed to get animal protein is from our mother's milk. Therefore our liver releases IGF-1, because when we are kids we need to grow most. Somehow, this production is not turned off when we grow, so when we eat animal protein as grown-ups the liver releases excess IGF-1 that cancer then uses to grow.
    Just a theory of mine…

  18. Freaking thank you so much for this video:) this'll make it so much easier to defend my recent vegetarianism + cutting out dairy to my family + friends

  19. Still don't get it, Low Carb diet is bad? Because recently is so popular among famous doctors, nutritionists and dietitians (which appear to be very healthy people lol)… I'm into raw, but after reading the book Grain Brain I got very confused.

  20. 1)  How can knocking out one gene double the worms lifespam.  Who cares it is a worm!!  Not equivalent.2) Who says IGF 1 is bad in the first place?  No shit a growth factor would feed cancer, that doesn't make it bad.  HGH might increase cancer, but as you admitted yourself these growth factors are critical to growth.  So looks like animal protein helps us grow big and strong, not surprising.

  21. wait so..this entire hypothesis takes base in that these "igf" values that have an impact on…well…something the size of an insect, also impacts human lifespan aswell? i mean lets not forget that chocolate kills a dog even in small moderations, while for a human at worst you'll increase chances of getting diabetes. i'll take this with a handful of salt tbh

  22. Another terrific video, Dr. Gregor. The twisted logic that was used by Philip Morris and that doctor in the Guardian article made my brain hurt, but what a fascinating report!

  23. but can't it just be the fact that vegans usually take better care of their overall health and wellbeing than people who eat meat. testing people who stuffed mcdonalds down their throat their whole life, not doing exercise and not taking care of their body will of course develop deseases more than people who are following a healthy lifestyle. so isn't it a risky comparison, saying the cancerrisk sinks by eating vegan when it could just be the whole package of exercising and eating healthily?
    just asking because I remember the fighting after it those cancer studys came out, everybody was saying it is bullshit, meat doesn't cause cancer, so I am wondering if meat and other animal products are the ACTUAL problem or if it is something else that vegans in general do or don't do.

  24. But why does animal protein cause this? The amino acids are the same are they not? Doesn't cooking and digestion denature complex protein structures like IGF-1. What is this mysterious cancer and inflammation causing miasma you link to all animal products?

  25. so there is vegetarians and there is meat eaters??!!! Not a single person eats meats which means there is no such thing as meat based diet !! and you shouldn't compare meats dairies to veggies cuz obviously you need both. and having a balance based diet is the functional and normal way to live, especially when we have people who live in a Desert based or Ice based countries.

  26. It is not at all like saying 'might as well get stabbed because its better than getting shot'… How illogical can you be to even say that. Death is unavoidable.
    Death is a constant and EVERYONE will face it. Who truly wants to live until they are 100? Few people do live that long, and its not just based off of their protein consumption/vegetarian/vegan based diet… it's based around physical activity levels and MENTALITY+dealing with stress and heartbreak.

    It's inevitable… we all will die. Deal with it. Death is among us. Change is GOING to occur in our lives. We won't always be physically fit, even if we eat healthy forever and exercise properly forever. Yes, some things are 'healthier' than others to consume, but there are people who live to 100 and eat meat everyday, and people who live to be 80 who have a vegan diet… so whats to say that one lifestyle choice is any more or less harmful or 'better'than another?

    This sort of logic is like using that same analogy about the knife VS the gun…. For example its like saying… '80% of boxers get dimensia or severe head issues when they are 65 years old compared to 60% of American Football players.'

    Well which is better? Well, looking at that stat you'd want to play American Football. Little does the information above about either sport inform you though, that American football players have a 90% higher risk than Boxers to get knee or hip replacements and a higher risk of getting a surgery on the shoulders.

    It's selective choice of sharing information. Live your life as you want to, don't NOT pursue a sport, don't NOT eat a piece of chicken, don't NOT eat a bowl of salad because 'a study proved it is healthier '/better for you. It's all relative to so many things we as the human race truly can't completely stand behind. Alot of this is all about ones beliefs, and having a belief system. These aren't whole heartedly OBJECTIVE truths just yet because so many other factors matter as well.

  27. if bean consumption did not have the longevity impairing effects seen with meat and dairy consumption, shouldn't the thesis that the saturated fat is the culprit be lent a bit more scrutiny? Seems to me you're just glossing over it here. Amino-acid profile wise, protein from beans is not hugely different from animal protein. Just a bit less leucine and a bit more arginine.

  28. So, since IGF-1R is the main cause of cancer(at least that is what this video implies), does that mean that if we eliminate meat and dairy, we get protected against other cancer-causing sources, such as cell phone radiation and smoke?

  29. Valter Longo who was quoted in this video just did a lengthy interview with Rich Roll in which he said a vegan diet may be desirable but a pescatarian diet may even be better.

    He also mentioned that people over 65 may benefit from extra protein and fats even animal fats.

    The quote here makes it appear Longo supports the same view as Greger but he does not. You can find the podcast on Rich Roll's site.

    To his credit, Rich Roll who is a staunch vegan interviewed him in a reasonable manner unlike many vegans who shrilly attack anyone who doesn't agree with them 100%.

  30. Sometimes he bashes mouse studies saying it doesn't apply to humans, but worm studies he does? Cherry picking? No more than 1 study proof on one bullet point?

  31. Could anybody bring a research, which reveals the difference between the people who are "little-meat consumers(such as pesco and flexitarian)" and vegans? I questioned what is sound that the bad result of meat eaters was caused by "eating meat(whatever small amount of it)" or generated by "too much amount of animal proteins(possibly too much cholesterol because many meat contains lots of it)". If the research chose "too much meat eaters" to compare with vegans, the good result of vegans was not because of not eating animal proteins, but because of eating adequate amount of proteins. Also, we have to consider other effects; many meat cusines are salty or smoked, you can easily imagine ham and smoked salmon. Thus, the bad result of meat-eater was likely because of too much salt or smoking method. I want to take someone's side, who says "Everything is moderation" sometimes.

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