Il cibo come medicina: prevenire e curare le malattie più comuni con la dieta

La connessione tra le nostre scelte alimentari e la cura delle malattie. Il Dr. Greger ha perlustrato la letteratura accademica mondiale sulla nutrizione clinica e ha sviluppato questa nuova presentazione basata sulle ultime ricerche all'avanguardia che esplorano il ruolo che la dieta può svolgere nel prevenire, arrestare e persino invertire alcune delle nostre principali cause di morte e disabilità. Questa è la presentazione dal vivo del Dr. Greger 2015.

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Registrato dal vivo all'Università di Pittsburgh a luglio 03, 2015 grazie a NAVS e Aaron Wissner.

Credito immagine: Stanford Research in the Impact of Tobacco Advertising; Centri per il controllo e la prevenzione delle malattie; Steven Jackson, Leon Keller e DES Daughter tramite Flickr; 10percentgrey, Rostislav Sedláček e Anna Liebiedieva via 123rf; Nmajik, Gajda-10 e Brian Arthur tramite Wikimedia Commons; e OpenPics e Bambo tramite Pixabay.
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0: 00 Introduzione
1: 30 Polmone e colon cancro
6: 40 Proteine ​​e cancro
11: 26 Ferro eme e cancro
13: 15 Latticini e ormoni nella carne
20: 48 Malattie cardiache e colesterolo
26: 20 Artrite e cibo infiammatorio
20: 13 Ictus e ipertensione
36: La migliore dieta per l'ipertensione
39: 30 Diabete e perdita della vista
46: 10 Il morbo di Alzheimer
54: 46 La migliore dieta per la prevenzione e l'inversione delle malattie
1: 05: 45 Conflitti di interessi nella professione medica

100 Risposte a “Il cibo come medicina: prevenire e curare le malattie più comuni con la dieta”

  1. What a heroic person. One of the best and most important lectures I have ever seen. What if this talk was rotated among the top 10 television stations so that once a week it was aired on one of them, in perpetuity. I think it would have a big impact on our meat infused diet and save tens of thousands of lives, and many more animal lives. I'm gonna watch it again!

  2. Dear Dr.Greger , having the bigger picture view of things using epidemiological data is awesome but what would you advise i study to get a better idea of the pathophysiology behind diet-induced disease and the pathophysiology behind dietary interventions to cure and or prevent these diseases?

  3. Dr Greger, my husband is 59-years-old. In April of this year he underwent open heart surgery for blocked arteries. He has also been diagnosed pre-diabetic, has diverticulosis, has lupus, has rheumatoid arthritis and hypertension. All of his doctors said diet has little or nothing to do with his diseases and that all his diseases are incurable. After studying you, Dr McDougall, Dr Barnard and Dr Esselstyn, we eliminated red meat and dairy 4 months ago. Two weeks ago we became strict vegans. My husband's angina and shortness of breath are completely gone. He threw away his methotrexate and prednisone. He goes to the gym four hours a week and has lost ten pounds so far. I doubt he will need his lisinopril a year from now. I'm positive he won't need stents down the road. Veganism is nothing short of a miracle.

  4. Really?? Africans' meat consumption is low? If you met only 1 African person (really from Africa not an African American!) in your life you would know that the meal that does not include meat is not counted as a meal for an African. Still they out live North Americans, in fact, anyone on the planet would outlive a North American. Why? look at what's in your meat (i.e burger, radiated, GMO soy fed, hormones and antibiotics filled) vs. almost the rest of the world's meat (i.e wild caught, grass fed, quickly slaughtered and well bled)! I don't see you mentioning the fact that most of the meat in the USA (if not all) is radiated before reaching the consumer. Your government is killing you to make some extra money! And instead of defending your food you chose to tell the people to stop eating it. It is not about the meat. It is about what is in/on you meat – wheat – veggies and actually all you food chain is poisoned !!! the Inuit did not have cancer for thousands of years and all they ate was meat!

  5. Hi there, I've been wfpb for 20 Months now, with my bloodpressure having come down to 110 over 70 or lower, bmi about 20, but still my cholesterol is 160. Is that normal and what can I do about it?

  6. It´s so refreshing seeing somehting like this after all these SJW vs right wingers videos. This guy talks about relevant stuff.

  7. This one was great, one of the best I’ve heard! Check meat.
    Sometimes it feels like everyone is addicted to crazy pills and just don’t care.

  8. This one was great, one of the best I’ve heard! Check meat.
    Sometimes it feels like everyone is addicted to crazy pills and just don’t care.

  9. I’m taking crazy pills watching everyone I know neglecting their addictive eating habits, and I run a restaurant. I hope one day people will change, I will try my best to be part of the tipping point. Best video yet!

  10. I have seen people who became vegetarians who lost their teeth and / or hair. Even though they ate a very high calcium and protein diet. This is because not everyone has the genetics to go all vegetarian. Dr. Greger also mentioned that cereals can sometimes contribute to arthritis but he zipped right past it. There are also some vegetables that can contribute to arthritis. This topic is a lot more complex than presented. I gave the video a thumbs up because many people need to reduce their animal protein intake, but some people cannot completely eliminate it. Dr. Greger should be a little more cautious and not make the issue sound so simplistic.

  11. WTF dude, the "Association between low colonic… high colon cancer risk populations" paper does not have a "Table 3", where does that table come from?

  12. In Bhagavad Gita food for Health is explained . Kindly amke Research on it. Rajoguna-food cause disease and sorrow. Pl see 16,17,18 chapters for what is Rajoguna food and precisely Chapter-17-sloka9, If you want to get rid of any disease take only swathik food-ch-17-sloka-8 and if you are lazy or cruel- you will defintely like-tamo gunafood-cha-17-slok10

  13. I spent years trying various diets, this one did it for me, i am hooked, 40 lbs lighter, no more constipation or high blood pressure, i feel like I am 20 years old and my body looks it, the face? Not so much LOL. Try the daily dozen for a month and see if every medical problem you have goes away, when it does you will not miss the old food, I hope you try it and see. Peace

  14. eggs on its own dosen't cause high cholesterol levels
    the number 1 food that lead to a high cholesterol is vegetable OIL due to its high omega-6 content which increases the chances of getting inflammation in general and Heart disease

  15. how old is this dude… bold and soccer face and glasses… yeah… never take advise from someone that looks worse than you … vegan shit is clearly working for him

  16. Do you think sea moss and Bladderwrack is harmful please currently I ve just started following Dr. Sebi diet but it is very very restrictive but he does to seem to talk sense on not eating hybrid food please could you give your input please

  17. Completely ignorant regarding cholesterol. EVERY cell in our body needs cholesterol and if you eliminate it from your diet, you'll end up with a multitude of problems.

  18. You should not go around by car.

    Because you might get killed, you might kill people.
    You might lose your arm, your leg, your eyesight….
    Your friend your family would be sad.

  19. ZOG spreads disease and is poisoning the western nations of the world in many ways, Bromated Flour used in pastry scavenges Chromium and Vanadium turning us into Type 2 Diabetics.

  20. Remove all of the smokers, the alcohol drinkers, drug-users, the obese and those who eat chemically processed meats, high amounts of refined sugar, white flour and devitalized processed foods from the equation and then get back to me with studies and the numbers about cancer rates correlating with quality meat and animal food consumption.

  21. I personally feel we should wait until an animal dies of natural causes than slaughtering them.Here's why it says as 1 of the 10 Commandments Thou Shalt Not Kill. It doesn't say animals/people it's more like an in-general sentence. Anything & everything wants to live heck even Cancer & Fleas want to live. We don't want them there but their there same as for cigarettes or alcohol or drugs. When an animal is slaughtered it's not in a sanitary way also their soul is now out of their body which means maybe their seeking revenge & maybe not. Look if you were an animal you wouldn't want to know you were going to be killed by a certain age same as for Christ. He sent the sins to the pigs. Why do we call cops pigs? The Romans were either the pigs & they hated the sins showing Christ's followers & his enemies just how much they hate sins just as much as he did. He threw the money at them b/c he hated money & what it was being used for Gambling & then Judas turned him in for it. Judas kissed his check why b/c maybe he felt Christ wasn't for gays. I think Christ was just being for himself. He wants us to love each other he even says this,one of the Commandments is Love thy neighbor. So if you live next door to a gay couple/lesbian couple the law expects you to have courtesy for that relationship. being Gay/Lesbian/Transgender isn't for everyone. It's the same as you wouldn't discipline a child the same way as an adult or one that has learn disabilities or is mentally challenged. However we must walk our own path & way of life PEACEFULLY. This might be why Mad Cow disease exists,Ecoli, Cancer, etc. We are not being respectful in the way the animals are being killed. Same as for those that smoke & those that don't smoke. You have to be respectful of each other.

  22. Indeed. I guess the inuits were 💯 % plant based. Never listening to this guy again. Cant imagine how data can confused like this. And i thought the MSG mafia was bad.

  23. I’ve watched family die from diabetes. And they won’t even try 16 dam days to save their life: they just want to argue it’s all stupid. They are willing to die for mere food. it makes me sad.

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