Il digiuno fa dimagrire?

Cosa mostrano i risultati del digiuno per dimagrire e dimagrire: Digiunare per una o due settimane è come la dieta cheto-può effettivamente rallentare perdita di grasso corporeo piuttosto che accelerarla.

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Questo è il seguito di Benefici del digiuno per la perdita di peso messi alla prova ( -alla prova). Sembra che il digiuno funzioni solo a lungo termine se può fungere da punto di partenza per una dieta più sana, e farlo solo per una o due settimane può essere controproducente come la dieta cheto. Ed è anche sicuro digiunare più a lungo? Prossimamente: il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro? (<br/>
Ecco la storia del cheto:
• Teoria della dieta cheto messa alla prova (http:/ /
• Risultati della dieta cheto per la perdita di peso (
• La perdita di peso durante la chetosi è sostenibile? (
• Le diete Keto sono sicure? (
• Diete chetologiche: crescita muscolare e densità ossea ( bone-density)

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38 Risposte a “Il digiuno fa dimagrire?”

  1. I am disappointed that autophagy was not mentioned in this video, how can anyone discuss fasting without discussing this topic? I get the impression the omission was intentional, is this true? If so, then why? Isn't autophagy the primary benefit of fasting, above weight loss? Also, this research is not applicable?? –> 1,422 subjects monitored during periodic fast??

  2. Interesting!! Unrelated question: I was recently diagnosed with (possible) colitis. I go to a GI doctor tomorrow for further evaluation. But I am curious if a fully plant based diet will be beneficial for my gut? I have been a vegetarian for about 7 years now, and I'm highly considering the WFPB lifestyle cause I am desperate to not be in pain without taking a million and one pills everyday. Thank you!!!

  3. Hey everyone 2 weeks ago I was looking for an easy way to lose weight fast when I found this article https://howtogetxfast. com/2019/10/31/8-easy-ways-to-lose-weight/ (remove the space before the "com")
    and so far I lost 15 Kgs(35 lbs) with the minerals african red tea and without any special diet (you can still eat whatever you want)!!
    check it out guys!!! 🙂

  4. " Fasting only works if its a jumpstart to a healthier diet". As it pretains to weight loss. There is some promising work on fasting for longevity that i find interesting ( we have so much work to do). For me , ill take fasting ( either multiple day or intermittently) as a way to reestablish your relationship with food and possibly ritualize your eating patterns to a more mindful practice. Thanks again Doc and your research team- true public service at work. Im going to call my Congressperson and suggest Dr. Greger as the next Surgeon General. Lol.

  5. I lost 113 lb fasting, I'm a year-and-a-half post I have regained only 22 lb of that which I call refeed weight and muscle restoration.

    Still 91 pounds lighter and loving it I'm going to go out there use data

  6. I tried 11days and i thought i was going to die all these vegan youtubers claiming that fasting makes you feel better is a complete bullshit

  7. I’m let down that it takes doctors a case study to realize that eating a crummy diet after fasting will make you fat. Nothing makes the body impervious to a poor diet. One main purpose of fasting is to be an official marker of a change to a better lifestyle. It heals the body. Gives you time and space to work through difficult emotions you’ve suppressed with food. I prefer juice feasting, every post fast I find myself craving more of the good foods and being turned off by the processed junk/fast food. And for the record, Greger knows next to nothing about fasting, just as any other doctor bc they don’t study it. He should begin by reading Shelton’s books on fasting. He fasted tens of thousands of ppl.

  8. 15% of the US population have food insecurity. Meaning they don’t have enough food to eat. America has a food inequality problem… fasting is for the rich. While the poor go hungry, the rich fast. Solution: donate the food to the shelters and food pantries

  9. Hi Dr LeGrand,
    I like to do 16:8 six times per week and OMAD on Sunday. I do this 80% of the time and take periodic diet breaks where I don’t fast.
    This Protocol works really well for me. I feel great and it keeps my body fat low.

    Thanks for the video

    Best – Mike

  10. the loss of muscle in most cases is not good quality, its normally full of poor materials from years of poor diet so the body is smart and breaks that down and gets rid, so there is space for new better quality muscle, there is a lot of stuff sadly science  always misses.

  11. My experimentation with week long abstinence from food tells me that fasting for that duration of time is only good for autophagy, and probably nothing else. After each fast, I would regain the weight back within 3 or 4 days, and my body composition to shifting to a higher body fat percentage even though my weight stayed the same, meaning I was losing muscle and actually gaining fat.

    If our bodies burn through so much muscle when fasting, I wonder if it's possible to starve to death with a substantial amount of fat on the body? You'd think the body would have a way to burn fat and preserve muscle. Otherwise, what's the point of storing huge amounts of fat instead of there's no way to use it for energy?

  12. Maybe they went back to vegetable oils and sugars after a week long fast. Can’t fix the broken diet with just a week of fasting. If only they picked up good diet after losing all that weight !!

  13. Hmm. I'm on day 9 of a water only fast. I intend on going 21 days which I do almost annually. I like the fat loss but II also do it for the rapid removal of toxins, autophagy, and accelerated healing of tissue. I believe it also cleans out soft plaque from arteries which I find very desirable. When done I eat mostly plant based whole food but I'm not a nazi about it. I really enjoy a good burger on occasion or a nice desert. For me a balanced life includes feasting and fasting.

  14. 5:56 Sounds bogus. You're saying I will hardly burn any fat during starvation and instead burn proteins? We would be extinct. The interpretation of the study is flawed. Water counts as lean body mass. The brain and skeletal muscles also start using ketones, which is derived from fat, but was never mentioned.

  15. Intermitent fasting for weight loss??
    Doubtfull, difficult

    Drop from average 5'10 185 lbs
    To 159 eeeeaaaasely, no sweat
    Eating bananas and apples, vegies

    Maintain weigh eating:
    Low calories, calories are calories no matter what experts say
    Not processed, like bananas veggies, apples
    Low calories, check ingredients
    Be mindful, daily, every time you eat
    Low calories, weight daily

    Average American eats 3600 daily
    No way to loose weight eating 3600 calories of keto, paleo, whatever

    A health full walk of 100-200 calories will do
    Noooo thing w those extra 1500 daily calories

    USA and the world is now the land of the fat

    People don't care they're 80 pounds over
    12 yrs Olds, teens, 20s, 30s, 60s

    Nobody cares

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