Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni alla prova

L'alimentazione a giorni alterni previene il rallentamento metabolico che accompagna la perdita di peso o migliora la compliance alla costante restrizione calorica quotidiana ? Il digiuno intermittente viene messo alla prova.

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Whoa è stato lungo, pieno di roba buona. Quindi, in conclusione: non sembra fornire un vantaggio rispetto al tradizionale taglio delle calorie, ma se ti piace di più, perché non provarlo? Forse dovresti sentire prima il mio prossimo video, Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni è sicuro? (
<br/> Nelle prossime due settimane, completiamo la serie con:
• Il digiuno intermittente aumenta l'aspettativa di vita umana? (
• La dieta 5:2 e la dieta che imita il digiuno messe alla prova ( -la-dieta-e-il-digiuno-imita-la-dieta-messa-alla-prova)
• Il mangiare a tempo limitato messo alla prova (
• I vantaggi del mangiare a tempo limitato ( alimentazione limitata)

E il digiuno totale? Se ve li siete persi:
• I benefici del digiuno per la perdita di peso messi alla prova ( /benefici-del-digiuno-per-la-perdita-di-peso-messa-alla-prova)
• Il digiuno è benefico per la perdita di peso? (
• Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro? (

Ho un intero capitolo sul digiuno intermittente nel mio nuovo libro How Not to Diet—preordina ora (! (Tutti i proventi che ricevo dai miei libri sono devoluti in beneficenza.)

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100 Risposte a “Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni alla prova”

  1. I did it and it worked out great for me. But I made sure to eat only extremally nutritious foods on my eating days to be certain I get absolutely all the nutrients. I presume that people who are already nutrition deficient may have a very bad time. Also, you can't later go back to eating all the junk you used to eat. You do have to switch preferably to whole food plant based. I just loved the laziness of not cooking/shopping/cleaning that alternate day fasting provides.

    Mind you, it was no struggle at all. I wasn't ravenous and suffering when fasting. If it was I'd drop it.

  2. These studies didn't look at true alternate day fasting where you fully abstain from food for 36 hours. 500 calories, especially dispersed thru a day, would impact your insulin spikes.

    Idk, I've lost 56lbs so far over the course of a year and a half using variations of intermittent fasting, occasionally periods of adf included. Works for me. 😊

  3. I've personally been thru several prolonged Fasts. 21 days, 55 and 60. Prolonged Fasting I feel is much easier than alternating day or low caloric daily consumption.

    The body goes into full fat storage usage. Eating things intermittently seems to confuse the body to hold onto fat and maintain Ghrellin cycles.

  4. Dr Greger is looking at everything through a weight loss filter because of his new book how not to diet. I wish we could get a more holistic view of these subjects.

  5. I'm a huge fan❤ two questions: 1 when the body runs out of glycogen stores and turns to fat only, how much muscle wasting occurs compared with continuous caloric restriction for these shorter fasts? I'm remembering your videos about longer fasts and also ketogenic diets. 2 how much has gender differences been studied? I've dabbled with IF, and despite having weight to lose and not going too crazy during "feeding" times, i didn't lose weight, one month I even gained 5 pounds! I've heard that in at least the case of fasting, men and women's bodies react differently. As slways looking forward to future videos.

  6. So eat normally, then have a green smoothie day. Kind of like the documentary: "Fat, sick, and nearly dead", except not doing green smoothies every day, but every other day.

  7. This is a terrible series of videos. Lots of talking, but no thesis or conclusion is ever reached. We keep waiting for Greger to get to the point – which never happens. Each video is just an advertisement for the next video, which itself is an ad for the one that follows. And what Greger does say seems to be in complete opposition to every other study on the subject.

  8. Dr. Greger, there are many reports about Impossible meat having linked to glyphosate. Is there research or videos you can show on these alternative meats and how safe they may be?

  9. Dr Gregor you are the King of the cliffhanger!!! I want to know which is the safest and most effective way to fast. I guess I should work my patience.

  10. intermittent fasting only got popular because keto/atkins dieters had to plug an obvious hole in their dietary philosophy: that you can't lower the calorie density of food when you get your calories from fats. absent this restriction there is little point to torturing yourself by restricting all food for any duration. just eat when you want to, but eat calorie sparser foods that satisfy you and taste great.

  11. I do IF because it is when I get hungry. I had gastric sleeve, in 2010, and I do not do well with putting solids in my stomach, most days, until around 12:30 pm. If I eat two small meals, I am good for the day. Sometimes I eat one large meal and then do not actually have room to eat anything else later. Because of my GERD, I do not eat for at least three hours prior to bedtime. Once a week, or so, I may wake up hungry, if I do, I eat. On the days I try to eat early, without hunger, I get nauseous…

  12. Your videos are like intermittent fasting on information.
    Q: Is this safe for your health?
    A: We'll find out next.
    Q: Can I eat?
    A: We'll find out next.

  13. You discuss alot about weight loss but the gurus of fasting are claiming that digesting is a heavy process for our body thus eliminating it for a long period of time leaves the body with more energy to repair itself. What does the science say about that?

  14. Unrestricted amounts of above ground vegetables sounds good for 'fast' days. A clever idea, this seems doable and good as an option at least, on certain days. It could take the form of a hearty stew, with a sauce of cooked tomatoes and spices and flavourings. I suppose onions though below ground could be permitted.

  15. Could you please explain deeper what related to insulin and insulin resistance by intermittent fasting. I have read Dr. Hiromi Shinya. But your opinion is always very important in order to feel sure.

  16. One of the great advantages of fasting, I always thought, is that: after a while, you no longer feel hunger. That makes fasting easier than other diets.

    Fasting on alternate days would mean you are distracted by hunger half the time. You may even have trouble sleeping.

  17. I look at it as something to do on top a healthy diet of whole foods. I fasted one day a week eating 3 meals a day, no snacks the other days, and lost the last 20 lbs that got me to bmi normal. It helps even when you don't fast because spacing meals is much easier.

  18. If your going to do an intermittent fasting series, then your going to have to touch base on the 21hr fast human growth hormone benefit and whether or not it's a myth or not. Because at least half of the IF community isn't doing it just for fat loss, but for HGH increase. Additionally, you'll need more detailed data on actual fat loss vs general weight loss. If people can retain more muscle on IF then it's better…….. Lastly, touch base on the life expectancy increase from IF. Thanks!

  19. I’m sorry but some of the results you cite are misinterpretations of the studies. I picked at random the Iranian study and they don’t say that on the fast days you only eat “above the ground” vegetables. They simply say that on the 3 fast days test subjects eat 30% of their caloric needs and that non-starchy veg are always unlimited

  20. Last Friday I only ate greens and broccoli, but limited it to 6 fist-sized servings throughout the day Ala Esselstyn. Pretty hard, so maybe this week will try unlimited non-starchy veggies. I don't really need to lose weight but I do have a small stubborn bit of adipose tissue around the belly. BMI is 22…

  21. I do hate the "We'll find out next" part. It's something I follow, fast helped and I lost a lot of weight… only to find out about thiamine and dying. I would be interested in finding out if I'm about to die or not…

  22. Proven Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
    – Promotes fat loss
    – Improves insulin sensitivity
    – Promotes longevity
    – improves hunger
    – improves brain function
    – improves immune system
    – reverses diabetes
    – improves fatty liver
    – reduces inflammation
    – improves cellular repair
    – normalizes blood pressure
    – Improves lipid parameters
    – rest for digestive organs

  23. Well I hope you find something that works for you Dr Greger as you seem to have put on a little around the middle of late.  Ive been fasting once per week for 5 years and its worked for me.  Zero calories every Monday.

  24. Why have you taken only weight loss into account? A vegan diet, combined with regular periods of fasting is the best way to keep your body healthy.

    A friend of mine could not have a baby for more than 10 years. After doing 4 10-day fasting cycles, together with eating only raw vegan food in between them, she finally got pregnant and gave birth to a happy healthy child.

    In addition, the 2017 Nobel prize winner on medicine Yoshinori Ohsumi did quite an amazinf research on the subject

  25. What about intermittent fasting every day? 16-8 for example ?

    I'm doing an intermittent fasting and I can't get rid off my 10 extra pounds.
    Little history : 75kg (165 lbs) from 16 years old to 27 years old. I moved to USA and I gained 22 pounds, reaching 85 kg (187 lbs) in 4 months, something I could never achieve even if I NEVER cared about any diet and I was eating a very very big amount of food in France. Now I'm intermittent fasting for few months, exercising almost everyday and I still have 10 pounds more than my usual weight in France…

    I'm really considering trying a whole plant based diet (I just discovered your channel by watching one of your TEDx talk, and watching The Game changers)

  26. Great series.
    It would be great to see any info on what type of weight was lost; was it fat, water?
    Also, if possible, could you let us know if you came upon any info of whether people keep or lose muscle mass during adf?
    Thanks for your great work!!

  27. Autophagy genes get activated after 24 hours of no eating. A scientist got Nobel prize for that. But no, Dr. Greggor only want to focus on weight loss and nothing else.

  28. Started to combine my Plant-based diet with intermittent fasting in spring. Lost 20 pounds in no time, adjusted then the amount of veggies on my eating days and got more balanced.
    Overall I must say, more energy, stronger, more focused. Oh and on my no-eating days I consume my smoothie (one!) but a stretch it with water to 2 liter.
    I mainly started it because of the autophagy effects, which are already strong due to plant-based diet, but are this way accelerated.
    Keep the good work up Doc!!!

  29. If there could be a video to do with alternate day fasting and other health problems like inflammatory or cardiovascular, then this would be very insightful. I know for a fact it's great for weight loss and mental clarity to do these fasts regularly, but just need more science based factual information on how these fasts help reduction in inflammation, joint pains, skin problems, and many more issues that many people have and have also switched to a plant base diet to counter these problems.

    I believe a combination of whole food plant based eating and fasting is one of the keys to possibly reducing many health issues that people have and are constant in this day and age. Just need someone to help support it with some more science evidence.

  30. I'm loving these fasting videos!! Extremely helpful and informative! Thank you! I hope they keep coming! I'm very curious about the effects of total calorie absence on fasting days with a every other day eating pattern!

  31. The most wise comment on fasting is given by Dr.Mcdougall only.This wisest Doctor explained that if you eat whole food starches…u r taking lower and cleaner calories but no hunger.Eating starches is more scientific than any other fasting.Fasting is good for the people who have no idea of human food.

  32. These studies are only a starting point. The only way to truly know is experiment on yourself and become an expert in understanding your own body and mind. Also, any expert worth their salt talking about fasting would have mentioned insulin sensitivity and autophagy but nope.

  33. Hello Mr Greger. I just watched a bunch of people healing cystic acne with vitamin b5 superdose, after trying everything else… this seems as a really simple solution for such a complicated issue. Has there been any research on this… why is this not widely available information. Any information that you can share on this will be highly appreciated and acurate.

    Great video as always!

  34. When on high carb diet IF is almost impossible to do, hunger and cravings are unbearable, I was weak and very agitated, now that Im on high fat diet its super easy and even when I dont eat for 18 hours I still have energy and Im calm, fat adaptation is def much better than running on sugar in my opinion, also appetite is not spiked so its hard to overeat.

  35. We live on a world where some people think than not eating all day falls in the "fasting" category, lol. If you are eating at least once a day you are not fasting, period.

    Do you think people of old times (without gas, fridge and precooked ready-to-eat foods) would wake up and start a fire/oven for cooking? People would wake up, work their ass all day (often to procure food) and then relax, cook and eat in reunion with their families/friends.

    Most modern city humans are addicted to exogenous energy, losing the ability to function without their timed calorie dose.

    If you have a healthy bodyfat level on you, and you feel drained and weak because you did not eat anything today (or you skipped a meal), then you've got some metabolic training to do.

  36. Intresting video. 2 things aren´t mentioned here. The insuline response while eating 500calories vs 0 calores. And the autophaphy effect which you need to be on starving mode, 0 calories. Not some calories 🙂

  37. Hunger will depend upon whether you are already fat adapted or not. If you go into a fast after eating a steady diet of a lot of carbs instead of keto, you will suffer and it probably isn't even good to do… Eat keto or close to keto first.

  38. I switched to good fats and protein and vegetables, dumped sugar and refined carbs. I fast 18hr everyday, sometimes 24-48 hr fasts. I don’t get very hungry anymore, I went from 210lbs to 175lbs. Blood pressure dropped, all my metabolic blood panels greatly improved. Been doing this for over a year and feeling better at 70 than I felt at much younger age.

  39. I fasted for 7 days, about 6 months ago. Just water. I lost 1kg per day for the first five days. Stopped feeling hungry at day 3 and was more energetic, physically and mentaly. At day 5 I stopped losing as much weight (about 0.2kg per day). I'm not recommending this to anyone, just sharing my personal experience.

  40. What about bowel movements when people do IF? How does that go? Thus far if I’ve learned anything from plant based doctors is that the larger the end products, the better your body’s ability to keep diseases at bay!

  41. Where can I find more information about the Iranian alternative to fasting? Is there a complete list of above ground vegetables they were allow to eat and did they use salad dressing?

  42. Studies done on people who are regularly eating toxins don't help us much actually… all it points out is the toxicity of the standard diet. These are terribly cherry picked and on an odd subject of every other day fasting which is rather rare protocol.
    It's just writing to get more books out … not a good view into fasting.

  43. In my personal experience, this feeding schedule should be called the intermittent diarrhea plan. I guess it’s one way to lose weight.

  44. I would love to see a study with a weekly prolonged fast (48-72) mixed with cyclical ketogenic diet and a strength training regimen, has worked wonders for me .

  45. Media built us to think about food all the time, and make weight loss seem something impossible to archive, but the truth is weight loss is much more simple than that. I’ve been fasting for a little bit over a month and lost almost 20lb. I do alternate day fast, feast fast repeat.
    I honestly feel great, lot of water and coffee on fasting days, but on feast days I eat whatever I want as long as it’s not processed food (still eat my pasta and rice) and make sure I eat some veggies and protein, I would still have a little dessert on feast days but I don’t feel as guilty because I know I can fast the next day and my body will get rid of that before it turns into fat.
    Fasting changed my life and my relationship with food.

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