Il grasso saturo provoca infiammazione delle arterie e dei polmoni

Grassi saturi e infiammazione: cosa succede entro poche ore dal consumo di un pasto ricco di grassi?

Questo è il primo di una serie di tre video su grassi saturi e fast food. I prossimi due sono Esercizio per proteggere le tue arterie dai fast food ( e alimenti per proteggere le arterie dai grassi saturi ( arterie-da-grassi-saturi).

E gli studi sul “butter is back”? Vedi:
• Gli studi sui grassi saturi: impostati per fallire ( -set-up-to-fail/)<br/> • Gli studi sui grassi saturi: imburrare il pubblico (
• È burro Davvero tornato? Cosa dice la scienza (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Il grasso saturo provoca infiammazione delle arterie e dei polmoni”

  1. It's all more complex than just "fats are bad" or "saturated fat is bad." There are different types of fat, omega 3-6-7-9 ratio's, degrees of saturation, etc. If you eat clean and keep overall saturated fat below 15% your LDL and ApoB will not go awry. Occasional lean meat, max once per week red, fatty fish, seafood, nuts, avocado's, kalamata olives, dark chocolate, a shit ton of veggies and fruits, max 30g fructose a day and extra virgin olive oil will be golden for Keto users. Then when not doing keto replace some olive oil with some more starchy veggies, beans, lentils and gluten free whole grains and you can become metabolically flexible and super healthy.

  2. Might the insulin blocking effect of fats cause the pancreas to overshoot normal amounts and directly cause inflammation of vessel walls?

  3. It would be helpful if you could go in depth on what sources of fat are being consumed in these studies that refer to high fat meals and what was eaten in the low fat diet.

  4. For me also on a WFPB diet no nuts, seeds or soy. All 3 have saturated fats, affect anyone with cardiovascular disease.

  5. This is really great information. I can feel the difference in myself when I’m not eating properly and after I eat things that I shouldn’t. It goes right into your body, and literally the effects are the price you pay. However, I never connected the dots to breathing difficulty and those yucky fats. Really great information and video. Thank you.

  6. This is excellent information. My brother and I, both asthmatics, noticed years ago how we began to wheeze soon after eating fried chips. It's good to find that we weren't imagining it.

  7. Surely the studies should be between something like a high and low fat meat balanced with unsaturated vegetable oil and vegetarian / vegan alternatives with vegetable oil. It would be good to see more detailed triangulation between the experiments / epidemiological studies and the underlying biochemistry to make a stronger argument.

  8. I'm digging the beard, Dr Gerger! Anyway, any studies on food coming out of Japan or food from California effected by the Fukushima disaster? We know the radiation was released into the water and traveled abroad. How is that affecting California's produce, particularly rice? They had about the world's average in arsenic levels, compared to America in general that won't label where it comes from minus the country as a whole that I have ever seen.

    Thus the arsenic in general is much higher than other parts of the world due to arsenic pesticides used on cotton plants in the past that leeched and has stayed in the soil.

    Curious if buying California rice due to lower arsenic levels, may now not be a good idea due to higher radiation levels. Any evidence on that? Thank you.

  9. My health and overall well being as improved drastically since I cut out animal products and eat a Mediterranean style plant based diet. My blood pressure is finally in control, I'm down 30 pounds and enjoying life. Thank you for Dr.Greger for what you do.

  10. Obviously reducing saturated fat would be preferable, but I'm curious, would there be a difference in the impact of eating high amounts of saturated fat in a single meal vs distributing that same amount across three meals? You put emphasis on the fact that with typical eating patterns people spend 16 hours in an after meal state, so would acute but less frequent saturated fat intake be less bad?

  11. “lunch time!” haha

    i keep telling my pescatarian mom, who gets health issues all the time, to cut out all animal products. i can tell she doesn’t listen though, even if it could reduce her suffering and that of countless animals

  12. I guess all the carnivore eaters are rapidly dying off and all the low inflammations they experience is pure imaginations. I wonder where the studies are that eating sats. isn't mixed with carbs like sugar and starch?

  13. “High fat diet” is a very broad term for any conclusion, putting something like cocunut oil and ultra processed seed oil in the same catagory z nuts!

  14. Another excellent video, Dr. greger. Just one problem though and that is the other 2 videos you link to 'Exercising to Protect Your Arteries from Fast Food' and 'Foods to Help Protect Your Arteries from Saturated Fat' are dead links. Are they going to be put onto your site soon?

  15. Not sure about any of this being true. All of these studies can be easily manipulated. It's understandable that WFPB followers will watch Dr. Greger to validate their choice just as the meat eaters watch carnivore videos for the same reason. I decided to eat like my great great grandparents ate because there was very little Heart disease, diabetes, macular degeneration and obesity was quite rare. Stay away from processed foods and refined oils. Keep the wheat and sugar low, not absent. If you need to eat oil free that is your choice, but not necessary. Good luck on your journey.

  16. But nuts, oils, avocados, etc have saturated fat. Are we talking ALL saturated fat or some saturated fat in particular?

  17. In his book, "The Future of Nutrition," Dr. Campbell argues that it's the animal protein rather than the saturated fat, which he says is less biologically active. The video didn't mention whether these studies tried to tease out these factors.

  18. Not difficult to find many videos on utube by reputable Doctors and researchers saying that Saturated fats are not the problem as once thought and in fact advocating we consume more saturated fats and less polyunsaturated fats which have been shown to cause damage to DNA and lead to all manner of inflammatory disease.

  19. Hire hot gals do celery asmr. I maintain greek coffee is the way to go if your endothelium is injured. It is likely to improve our microbiome. I feel good when my coffee has bitter taste component. Terpenoids may be good for us vs common view

  20. By analysing the relative proportion of different plant parts consumed by primates, researchers suggest that primates may be intricately and subtly shaped by two key families of plants: Moraceae and Fabaceae

  21. I looked up the Jimmy Dean Meat Lovers Breakfast Bowl, it has 16g carbohydrates and an unspecified amount of soybean oil. Nice try Greger.

  22. Whau what a beginning : “we are only as old as our arteries” – this seems to be the information that could and should nearly be able to change human cultures … 🙃🎶

  23. Dr. Greger!!! Are your videos being ripped off? Is The Real Truth About Health Conference 2022 a real thing or is it just an elaborate plan to rip off other people’s content? Your videos, obviously copied, are showing up there.
    Okay, I see that you took part in one of their conferences. I find it sad that you and other well respected people are associated with the Hippocrates Health Institute which is a total scam organization and run by quacks. Apparently they have been sanctioned for treating people with cancer with ridiculous methods.

  24. Can you you clarify if there is variation in the fats we eat in terms of heart and lungs health? Ok saturated fats . We get it, but vegetarians and vegans both eat fats too, can those fats cause similiar affects?

  25. Saturated fat is also in nuts, avocados, cocoa and peanut butter is that also included? (You know, all the tasty food that is left that is vegan lol) Is it just animal sources or ALL SOURCES? I am pretty sure that I feel a change in my heart after consuming these foods as well if I over indulge in them -which is not hard to do when you are going without so many other yummy foods. Can you please clarify the type of saturated fat? It is really important. Thank you.

  26. Plant sources of fat.

    Saturated: Coconut fat, cacao fat, palm oil.
    Monounsaturated: Avocados, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, macadamia, pumpkin seeds, pecans, and peanuts.
    Polyunsaturated: flax, chia, hemp, walnuts, soy, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, sesame seeds/tahini and poppy seeds.

    Processed foods will have palm oil a lot of the time, coconut and dark chocolate are ok here and there. Plenty of wholesome plant fats to choose from.

  27. Only 14 gs of the 50 gs of fat in the meal was from saturated fat, how can you conclude the effects was from saturated animal fat not the pufas from the processed seeds oils, I'd love to see the results from a grass fed organic steak cooked in beef tallow

  28. Another great video from the Church of Vegana Anorexia. What a deluded cretin!?
    Saturated fat is the ultimate food for Homo sapiens. The genus Homo owes its existence thanks to the consumption of saturated animal fat by its ancestors Australopithecus.
    There is fossil based evidence that saturated animal fat has played a crucial role in the human evolution since 3.5 million years.
    On the other side margarine, plant seed oils, palm oil, are part of the human diet since less than one century.

    Check the nutrition of the Inuits in the north of Canada or the Siberian tribes and their overall health as well as cardiovascular issues in particular. Unless you're a vegan zealot it's easy to figure out that there's nothing wrong with saturated animal fats.

    Grass fed beef dripping, butter, ghee, are excellent sources of good fats.

    The problem are the oils with high poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) content and processed carbohydrates eaten together with them.

  29. I love this video and the reasons in the video. That's all I need to continue eating 99% plant-based, but still enjoy the company of others with some saturated fat for 1% of my meals.

  30. Well I'm still not dead after 45 weeks of flipping my high refined grain carb low fat diet for equal calorie amounts of saturated fats and carbs at 10% of total caloric intake. And my triglyceride/hdl ratio has improved. total triglyceride went down total hdl went up ldl no change a1c is now good. I lost the fat beer belly got off the insulin meds and never felt and looked better till now. You can have my heart attack and stroke thank you.

  31. The world is a vampire sent to drain…. This isn't true Dr.. it was the muffin.. you can't mix high fat with sugar… Sugar kills .. corn flakes kill you

  32. What Bullshit! Dr. Padip Jamnadas explains the truth about "The Fat Lies". Check him out on YouTube… This Greger is incorrect about animal fat being the cause of cardiovascular disease. It's uncommon knowledge that a diet high in sugars and omega-6 polyunsaturated seed oils are the root causes of calcification and atherosclerosis of the arteries. This man is probably a hyper-vegetarian or maybe even a crazy vegan, blind to the facts; he's stuck on Ancel Keys' dietary doctrine from back in the 50's! People, check into this and avoid confirmation bias… Anyway, I consume 240g of saturated fats daily and have lost 27lbs and feel better than I have in years. My diet consists of tons of whole vegetables & nuts and tons of saturated and monounsaturated fats, like butter, coconut oil, and olive oil and just a little bit of animal proteins, and I feel grrrrrreat! This teaching Greger is spreading is outdated and proven incorrect.

  33. I eat lots of chocolate.. even though it is 100%.. mostly organic.. still it is high in saturated fat. I hope this isn't too detrimental to my health.

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