Il ruolo della dieta contro l'esercizio nell'epidemia di obesità

Quando si parla di obesità, cosa è più importante: dieta vs esercizio? Si può perdere peso senza esercizio? Le spiegazioni comuni per la causa dell'epidemia di obesità avanzate dall'industria alimentare e dai responsabili politici, come l'inattività o la mancanza di forza di volontà, non sono solo sbagliate, ma attivamente dannose.

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Quando mi sono seduto a scrivere How Not to Diet ( non-dieta/) Sapevo che “ciò che ha innescato l'epidemia di obesità” sarebbe stata una grande domanda che avrei dovuto affrontare. Era inattività, solo bambini seduti in giro a giocare ai videogiochi? Era genetico? Era epigenetico, qualcosa che accendeva i nostri geni grassi? O era solo il cibo? Stavamo mangiando più grassi all'improvviso, più carboidrati? Cibi più trasformati? O stavamo solo mangiando più mestruazioni, a causa delle porzioni più grandi o semplicemente facendo uno spuntino di più? Le menti indagatrici volevano sapere.<br/>
Questo è il primo di un 11-serie di video per rispondere a questa domanda, che ho originariamente pubblicato in un webinar di 2 ore all'inizio di quest'anno. Se non vedi l'ora e vuoi ottenere tutti i video in una volta, dai un'occhiata al download digitale del webinar qui ( /obesità-epidemia-digitale).

Oppure, resta sintonizzato per il resto della serie (nota che ogni link sarà attivo quando quel video sarà pubblicato nelle prossime settimane):
• Il ruolo dei geni nell'epidemia di obesità ( epidemia di obesità)
• The Thrifty Gene Theory: Survival of the Fattest (http:/ /
• Taglia le calorie-ricche-e- Alimenti trasformati (
• Il ruolo degli alimenti trasformati nell'epidemia di obesità ( -di-alimenti-lavorati-nell-epidemia-di-obesità)
• Il ruolo dei sussidi dei contribuenti nell'epidemia di obesità (
• Il ruolo di Marketing nell'epidemia di obesità (
• Il ruolo della pubblicità alimentare nell'epidemia di obesità (http: //
• Il ruolo della responsabilità personale nell'epidemia di obesità ( -epidemia)
• Il ruolo dell'influenza aziendale nell'epidemia di obesità (
• Il ruolo dell'ambiente alimentare tossico nell'epidemia di obesità ( the-toxic-food-environment-in-the-obesity-epidemic)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su exercise-in-the-obesity-epidemic
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100 Risposte a “Il ruolo della dieta contro l'esercizio nell'epidemia di obesità”

  1. The obese people that I see every once in a while attempting to jog and looking like they are going to collapse would do themselves a favour if they ate a proper diet and just went for a walk instead.

  2. So, don't fear the lockdown caused inactivity, sitting at home eating cookies, sausages, fatty & processed foods is much worse 🥞🍳🍕🥩

  3. Sorry Dr Greger but I really wish you would go back to the previous format. No disrespect, but seeing you standing there wafting your arms around adds nothing and totally distracts from the written & spoken messages. Yes, I know I'm in a minority but I really hope you reconsider these changes.

  4. It is impossible to be obese on a raw food diet. Please Doc, quit the acting and theatrical stuff. You are greatest when you are speaking naturally.

  5. Let us not downplay the role of phsycial activity…. boosted immune system, overall hardiness, plus the added psychological benefit of feeling like your participating in your betterment… yes proper dieting is 100% needed! …. but so is physical activity you should have both.

  6. Jim Fixx, noted marathon runner and author died of a heart attack while jogging at 52 years of age. The standard American diet killed him. Running couldn’t save him.

  7. So what changed in the 70's to cause this rapid increase in obesity? You seem to have skipped over that.

    I put forward that it was either the increasing use of "vegetable" oils or the low fat recommendations made by our government.

  8. From firsthand experience, the ONLY adults I know who can eat large amounts of garbage food and A) not gain weight, and or B) actually lose large amounts of weight are thru-hikers: people who hike 15, 20, to 30 miles per day (8 – 12+ hours) with 20 to 40 lb. backpacks over varying terrain, with varying elevations. And they do this for months on end (hiking the PCT, CDT, or AT).

  9. You can't out exercise a bad diet.
    Go Vegan, eat more plants and vegetables and get some exercise daily.
    Cities need to do more to encourage people to ride bicycles. More protected bike lanes are needed.
    Bike to work, school or for fun. Time to get the kids out of the mini van and on to a bicycle.
    Bicycles are healthy exercise and fossil fuels free transportation.

  10. Physical activity is of course important, but you can never compensate a bad diet enough with exercise.

    A couple of years ago I used to train kickboxing. It was the most intense training I have done. It was about 2 hours each training, and when it was over I was soaked in sweat. I calculated that one session was about 1200 calories burnt.

    The same amount of calories can easily be consumed by consuming pizza with soda.

    So let's say you eat fast food three times a day. Would you be able to do intensive workout 6 hours a day to compensate? I guess the answer is no for most people.

  11. That old chestnut. All things considered it's calories in calories out, end of the story. Trouble is, people just don't like to be reminded of their gluttony, so they're making excuses.

  12. I consider it a combination problem. I started walking every day and that's when I started losing weight. A combination of a daily walk and eating only healthy food 3 times a day brought me back into bmi normal.

  13. Obesity? It's called gluttony, selfishness, greed, ignorance, and narcissism. How many animals can they raise and slaughter and stuff into their gluttonous mouths? And the fatter they get, the harder it is to exercise and move!!

  14. We know what happened in the 80s. Scientists(along with ethanol manufacturers etc.) used the cholesterol hypothesis of heart disease to cajole manufacturers(fast food) to switch from fats people have consumed for thousands of years(tallow,butter) to PUFA oils…which people NEVER ate in quantity since our time on this planet. The only time you want nut and seed oils is in the fall, when they drop from the trees, and you need to put on fat for the winter. If PUFA satiated human appetites, people wouldn't have eaten enough in the fall, and we wouldn't be here.

  15. Another awesome video Dr Gregor! Your editing skills are getting better and better. Thank you for the high quality video, the entertainment, and the information.

  16. Imo the cause is a rise in people relying on take out, restaurants, and fast food versus cooking at home, eating junk bc of overscheduling and as entertainment in front of TV, advertising bombardment on TV showing the unrealistic image of attractive fit lean people feasting on oversized portions of restaurant/processed foods, popularity of sodas and fast food takeout in general. But what do I know? 😆🌱

  17. This makes so much sense!!! Also a lot of the time people eat foods that have a lot of calories but don’t make you feel full like whole plant foods do!

  18. I know this is true because once I switched from SAD to a plant based whole foods diet I dropped weight whether I exercised or not – and believe it or not, it was about the same amount of weight either way.

  19. Dear lower body temperature in vegans a thing?I thought I heard that somewhere in an article about normal body temperature.I am not able to find any solid info one way or the other.Just asking due to recent events.Thank you for helping so many live better lives

  20. The zoonotic virus epidemics and pandemics also started to increase dramatically since the late 70's, right? Can't be a coincidence, it is proof of what is so wrong about our world, our lives today.

  21. ive started adding "healthy fats" to my diet via chia, flax and hemp seeds and been eating brazil nuts for selenium and mixed nuts and also pepitas everyday for zinc and ive never put on so much weight so fast in my life, i came from a mcdougal style diet and was convinced that fatness was only caused by saturated fat but i now know ALL fats make me fat, (i think i discovered why you are always on a treadmill!) if its not the nuts and needs it must the stress of having to worry so much about getting individual nutrients, caused me a mid life crisis

  22. Dr. Gregor with all your knowledge of the truth and statistics and all the rest why are you not coming against the coronavirus so called pandemic you know as well as many other doctors the numbers don't match the hype and the shut down of our country you guys watch Pam popper or Dr. Bergman they say it straight

  23. You're a charlatan. Not a doctor, or a scientist. Anyone who claims that fat causes insulin resistance, should be punched in the face and jailed.

  24. Dr. Greger, yes nutrition is more important that exercise although exercise is important, please exercise more to inspire more ppl that mostly plants is the way, thanks.

  25. I was disappointed to see the updated version of Biggest Loser still emphasized ridiculous levels of exercise for extremely obese people while never addressing diet at all. At least Dr Now on 600 lb Life tells his patients exercise doesn't really increase weight loss.

  26. About 50 years ago the Food Pyramid, emphasizing carbs (potatoes, wheat, beans and other plant-based products) over meat, while at the same time cultivating a baseless phobia of saturated fats and dietary cholesterol (like butter, bacon and eggs) was introduced by the FDA. Over the next few years that bogus Pyramid was adopted by the rest of the world. It has nothing to do with calories. I can eat 2000 calories/day and still lose weight as long as I don't eat carbs.

  27. Im eating only what dr Greger says and I’m exercising (well not as much as he says. Like 20 minutes a day) and I’m always 3 kilos heavier than I should be. What can I do to lose these 3 kilos without losing nutrition my body needs? If I eat less, cronometer shows I dont get enough iron and calcium. And I’m eating 2000 kcal every day. I’m 1,64 kg and I weigh 59,5 kilos. Should I eat less calories? If i run everyday 45 minutes I become too muskular. Also now it isn’t easy to do as much exercise. I live in Greece and we are in complete lockdown. We are only allowed to run around our neighborhood .45 minutes running in circles is not what somebody wants to do. I eat all the nutrition dense food. At least I think so… is there any way to become thinner? It would make me happy. Since I’m vegan firstly I became thinner but now I don’t seem to lose weight and I will never go back to eat a non vegan diet. Thank you…

  28. Louis le Gros was corpulent and other aristocrats, but also the members of the highest clergymen of the catholic church.

  29. Hmmm. In my limited experience the easiest way to lose weight is through consistent low level exercise over an extended period of time, you know kind of like what hunter gatherers did, the modern lifestyle with excessive sedentaryness has always appeared to me to be 90% of the problem. I guess when they do research they’d be hard pressed to find a comparison group…

    Sleep was not mentioned here, poor sleeping habits is likely another contributor.

  30. All I heard growing up was “drink three glasses of milk and eat all the bread you want.” We feed our kids like livestock and wonder why they’re getting fat.

  31. my kids are pretty thin and it’s probably because i don’t support fast food. they eat a lot, and even some junkfood at home. We eat a lot of beans and homemade soups with beans consistently. I was an overweight teen, and we ate fast food almost everyday. It’s amazing that just cutting that out of their life has had such positive results. It’s fast and easy to make minestrone soup, bean burritos, scrambled tofu etcetera.

  32. construction workers still have horrible rates of disease because of their diets and lifestyle (alcohol, drugs, and tobacco) regardless of their non-sedentary work

  33. It is not clear to me from this presentation what caused the start of the obesity epidemic. As stated, it started simultaneously across the world in the late late 1970's. So is what you are saying is everyone in the world began eating too much at the same time? If yes, why?

  34. I hold Dr. Greger in very high regard but he is straight up wrong about his assumptions of inefficiency of exercise and over consumption of calories.

    It is a universally accepted fact that exercising does indeed balance out hormones and improve neuro-physiological pathways to normalize metabolic dysfunction.

    It is a universally accepted fact that a higher lung capacity will indeed lead to that a greater portion of the total amount of energy derives from fat than otherwise, provided the hormonal balance is intact, which exercise assists in retaining and/or restoring.

    As for claims that excess calories make you fat, this is wrong and does in fact not align with his own previous statements either. Excess carbohydrates are not store as fat but rather as glycogen. The theory of de novo lipogenesis has been falsified over and over again – which Greger himself along with other physicians like Garth Davis also acknowledge and support in other sources. YOU CANNOT GET FAT FROM EATING CARBOHYDRATES!!! …other than from sugar substances, because sugar substances as opposed to other types of carbohydrates such as fructose and dietary fibers do indeed have a quite significant adverse hormonal impact.

    Protein is not even an energy source. It is solely used for building cells and maintaining their function so let us not even go there, even though they do have a much higher ability than carbohydrates to be transformed into and stored as fat.

    Sugar makes you fat. Fat makes you really fat and seriously diseased. Cholesterol makes you fat and really diseased. Physical inactivity makes you an inefficient fat burner, hence makes you fat over time and causes mechanical degeneration and hormonal dysfunction too leading to lifestyle diseases in and of itself. Exercise is a corner stone of weightloss and healthy lifestyle. PERIOD!

  35. It's due to snacking and calorie intake (soft drinks) between meals. Before 1980 we never had vending machines or even round-the-clock food. We ate at mealtimes only.

  36. And just this week, a prominent Florida Republican just voted down a bill to cap insulin prices noting if "fat people just got up and moved and lost some weight, there'd be less demand for insulin." The leanwashing continues to damage our society

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