Infectobesity: Adenovirus 36 e obesità infantile

Studi su più di mille bambini suggeriscono che un'infezione virale può svolgere un ruolo nell'obesità infantile aumentando sia il numero che la dimensione del grasso cells.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Altre teorie non convenzionali sull'obesità sono esplorate nei miei video Obesity-Causing Pollutants in Food ( e Gut Flora & Obesity (<br/>
Ho affrontato il associazione tra pollame e obesità prima di:
• Carne e aumento di peso nello studio PANACEA ( e-aumento-di-peso-nello-studio-panacea/)
• Virus del pollo che causa l'obesità (
• Mangiare obesità causa obesità? (

Ulteriori informazioni sui virus del pollame:
• Esposizione del pollame legata al cancro del fegato e del pancreas (
• Retrovirus cancerogeno Trovato nelle uova (
• Pollo Diossine, virus o antibiotici? (
• Cancro del pollame e del pene ( /)
• Esposizione del pollame e malattie neurologiche (http:/ /

E altro su come mantenere i nostri figli sani:
• Le malattie cardiache iniziano nell'infanzia ( la malattia inizia nell'infanzia/)
• Come prevenire il prediabete nei bambini (
• Infanzia Costipazione e latte di mucca (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti suà-infantile/ e ci proverà per rispondere!

Crediti immagine: GrahamColm via Wikimedia Commons.
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25 Risposte a “Infectobesity: Adenovirus 36 e obesità infantile”

  1. …. an then a global famine ensued, and only those folks infected with Adenovirus 36 survived, and fat was the new normal for humanity.

  2. A follow-up would be interesting. Does a plant-based diet counter the effects of the virus and does it put the virus in remission? Is this virus linked to any cancers? 

  3. So… does the virus do permanent damage leading those exposed to be permanently fat? Or is it a perpetual virus that our body does not create an immunity to?

  4. Interesting and kind of scary, but did this study control for how much rice was eaten by the participants? Chicken is often eaten with white rice. Maybe eating lots of white rice makes you heavy.

  5. So do we know if the virus will go away, say if stop eating chicken and meat? And it doesnt seem too infectious if only 15% have it, or there would predisposing factors to getting infected in the first place, and immune system against it.

  6. I am really not religious but that virus could be seen as god just giving the humas back what they did to those chickens just to give them something to think about : ) / 🙁

  7. Great. So a healthy vegan may catch this fat inducing virus from a fat chicken eating slob now? That's a bit unfair.

  8. Hi Dr. Michael,
    can the virus be killed by natural antivirals such as elderberries, garlic, goldenseal, olive leaf, oil of oregano, and St. John's wart?

  9. Figgity fuck. Chicken (and fish) are the ONLY kinds of meat I eat. Always assumed beef & pork were worse in terms of fat/calories. Lovely.

  10. They have know about this virus since the late 70s early 80s. NIH wrote an article about it and the correlation of obesity starting at that time. The virus comes and goes but causes your body to produce twice as many fat cells than someone who has not been infected. After that you are trapped in a bad spot. Unless of course you take action against the effects and change your lofeatyle accordingly just as you would with any changes. YOU CAN OVERCOME IT.

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