Infezioni delle vie urinarie dovute al consumo di pollo

I batteri ExPEC E. coli che causano le infezioni delle vie urinarie possono essere trasferiti da uomo a uomo da coloro che mangiano pollo?

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Ecco il video a cui mi riferivo: Come acquistare, maneggiare e conservare il pollo (

Ma aspetta, chi mangia il pollo crudo? In genere è un problema di contaminazione incrociata: contaminazione incrociata di batteri da intossicazione alimentare (<br/>
In questi giorni c'è una particolare preoccupazione per le infezioni resistenti agli antibiotici: Oltre l'età dei miracoli: affrontare un'età post-antibiotica (

Sarebbe meglio comprare prodotti biologici Vedi: Superbugs in Conventional vs. Organic Chicken ( /superbugs-in-conventional-vs-organic-chicken).

E il trattamento delle UTI? Il succo di mirtillo rosso può curare le infezioni della vescica? ( Guarda il video !

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81 Risposte a “Infezioni delle vie urinarie dovute al consumo di pollo”

  1. This is interesting. I have heard about this before but the details in this video are great.
    Before I went vegan in 2013 I got UTI's all the time. I have had 2 since. Probably because my boyfriend had eaten some chicken.

  2. Thanks again for the update. I recently spoke to a government vet on chicken slaughterhouse duty in Spain. Apparently salmonella is pretty well under control however he admitted that campylobacter is endemic in chicken, a normal part of chicken gut bacteria. By the way the chickens going to their deaths that day were 32 days old. I passed on the link to

  3. Never had uti, but I know every time I ate chicken I'd stink pretty darn bad haha. Whether its #1, #2, or BO in general. Also would get pimples within 2-6 hours after eating to. For some reason chicken/eggs were the most pronounced I found compared to others (except bacon for acne).

    Luckily now I have completely clear skin and don't smell of anything at all after going plant based, even after working out – I just don't smell which is great. Haha nothing is more freeing than being able to fart undetected anywhere you want.

  4. Leider hat mir das nicht geholfen, als ich vegan wurde. Den E- Coli bekomme ich immer noch nicht weg. Mal sehen.ob die Aromatherapie hilft und die Urovaxccine, plus Darmfloraaufbau und Vaginalfloraaufbau.

  5. How can they even sell chicken when it is so bacteria and disease laden? Have you ever heard anyone say, “don’t eat that broccoli it’s undercooked and you can die from it!” Cut twenty different vegetables on the same surface and no problem. You can lick it clean if you want. Touch a piece of chicken and you have to call out a hazmat team. I used to eat an incredible amount of chicken and eggs before I went whole food plant based/vegan. I’m a 55yo male and I got a UTI just before I went vegan. My doctor was shocked and I never knew how rare it is for a man to get one. I’m surprised it only happened once.

  6. I used to get UTIs so often when I was omni. Since going vegan I haven't had another. Im so glad to be vegan. IBS is another thing I am glad to have gotten rid of since going vegan.

  7. I just saw Dominion and one of the many things that got lodged in my memory is how all these animals are forced to live on top of their own feces for most of their short lives. It's not cost effective to actually sanitize their living quarters regularly. After realizing that, it is easy to come to the conclusion that it's not safe to eat any animal products. Plants have some safety concerns, but nothing like this.

  8. Yeah, so maybe we should just stop eating everything. No more recalls from all those vegan foods either, listeria, etc. Or, we could just learn to wash our hands before eating. Then there is the idea that maybe keeping ourselves away from germs isn't such a good idea either. We need some immune resistance. Is our germaphobic attitude helping or hindering? There is probably some sort of balance needed. Do we ever see the dangers of vegetable disease spreading on this channel? I think what's amazing is the butchers at my local butcher store are healthy and have been working there all their lives. When you talk about the way we eat, it makes sense. When you use arguments like this, it's not very compelling, really. How many people die of urinary infections? Is it actually worth it to the people who like chicken? I have chicken about 3 times a week and have never gotten a urinary infection. I'm 67. It's so amazing I could have just touched someone else's shopping cart that touched chicken and gotten it.

  9. Yep it’s true. Plant based here but every time I ate chicken started out plant based I came down with this cause the body no longer was used to this bacteria

  10. Firstly Dr. G. You're a legend secondly I think I might play this at a Halloween get-together as it really is horrific info. I have always questioned the handles on shopping trolley or baskets that is why my Mum always said to wash your hands as soon as you come on from the shops.

  11. For many years UTI's were a regular problem for us. I am sure it is no coincidence that it has not occurred again over the past 2.5 years since we have adopted a healthy vegan diet. Eating no oil is hard, but eating no chicken is easy. Especially since learning about this connection. Dr. Michael Greger is awesome and humorous.

  12. I was talking about this recently! I used to get UTIs rather often (once a month). When I went vegan, I stopped getting them completely. My doctors always told me I wasn’t drinking enough water so I upped my water intake (still eating meat). It still didn’t help. So when I went vegan I assumed I was consuming more water and that’s why I stopped getting them. I slipped up at the beginning of my vegan journey and had a burger and got a UTI. That’s when I made the connection. I’ve been trying to find research to prove this but there wasn’t very much out there. I wish doctors would have told me to stop consuming meat years ago. It would have spared me from all those days of discomfort. Sorry if this was too much information but I needed to share because I think it’s amazing that people are doing more research to prove this plant based diet helps not only heart disease, diabetes, so many other illnesses, BUT UTIs as well. Thank you Dr. !

  13. When you vegan''s are done patting yourself on the heads for not eating meat. Chow down on the fact of plastic cabbage, genetically modified every plant sold in the U S.. for food consumption. Understab that the risk of being unhealthy due to the food we consume is still great with very little nutrient value due to depleted minerals in tbe soil, contaminated h2o, chem trails and those genetically modified favorites!

  14. The notion that you must avoid touching contaminated surfaces, in my opinion, is flawed. If you are plant based and healthy, you are will unlikely to become infected. And even you are infected, your recovery will be quick and the symptoms would be mild.

  15. After I showed my daughter the videos you did a few years ago, talking about the link between eating chicken and getting UTIs, she quit eating chicken, and her chronic UTIs went away and haven't come back 🙂

  16. + Good video but this style of video is harder to watch than your pre-highlighting videos. Especially problematic is the word-by-word highlighting. Either let me read or let me listen, don't force my eyes while I'm listening. Liked it better when the exert was just shown. You can read at your own speed and gleam the data. Block highlighting is fine, just not the slow bits, thanks. Also if I watch at a faster speed I need the block not the slow highlighting to watch. Just present the data don't stand in the way of how I watch. Let me follow the narrative myself, not how you think I'm following.

  17. Thank you for sharing these videos, they have inspired me to do a vegetarian challenge on my YouTube channel, I will make all information public for anyone who wants to try with me,you are most welcomed to join

  18. Wow! Thank you so much for this video! This explains it all! No more chicken in my house. And I love the Daily Dozen Ap. It’s been my life saver 👍🏻

  19. Before I went vegan, I had them every month. Even had antibiotics for a whole year… It was horrible, so glad I saw the light. Not only for my own benefit but also for this planet and the animals.

  20. I did ketogenic diet & urinated frequently, got UTIs, flu/colds & my feet swelled. I am now gluten-free vegan & have never felt better. My weight is slowly going down too. TFS 🙏

  21. People around me think I'm like an alien. I avoid touching the lift button, doors especially in public places, and I washed my hand like 10 times per day. They think I overthink all these stuff but the germs is for real man. The worst thing thay I saw was my friend was touching the lift button and then she ate with her hands and licking and sucking the leftover on her fingers. It was a nightmare to watch someone did that. Regarding my diet, I'm trying to eat firsh more than chicken nowadays. I know eating too much fish is not good too but I can't eat vege alone(I'm not vegan). I learned that chicken causes more inflammation than fish so I'll go with fish. 🐟🐟🐟

  22. I had that bladder infection and it reoccurs once a year for a few years after. I believe it's VRE which kills most people. Came up from Florida and Texas and paralyzes kids. That or gives them a brain infection called autism. That or chronic migraines that are so bad you commit suicide.

  23. How do you explain it???

    Not a scientist have ever doubted FECAL DUST's existance and its role in microbe dispersion, however no hygiene measures are imposed or any relative medical advice is given.

    “ FECAL DUST: It comes from fecal residue, left after incomplete wiping. Through drying and friction it turns out to dust, going to all surfaces. That is more intense in hospitals, as the patients are usually debilitated, weak, with mobility restriction etc, particularly if there are hemorrhoids or hair. It could cause Hospital Infection, UTI, food contamination.

    It seems to me the fecal dust theory is so evidently right, that needs not any proving. ”

    “Is it a good science to have so many research done on how to kill e.coli etc and not ONE on how to prevent fecal dust forming, which disperses around those microbes? Isn’t it CDC's or WHO's duty?”

  24. Women’s bathroom was worse? Probably because women do most of the shopping— while men are working most of the time.

  25. You have to wash your chicken once you get home removing intestines feathers and all other types of stuff then Ziploc bag and freeze it rewash your chicken

  26. When I moved to Ireland I have UTI all the time! So annoying and depressing And this little monster is resistant every antibiotics, no one is working for me… At home (Hungary) have UTI just every 3-4. year and drugs was help, and I was eating chickens and eggs a lot! It could be the irish chikens are contaminated? I am thinking about be vegetarian after this….

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