Integratori di vitamina D testati per BPCO, malattie cardiache, depressione, obesità e sopravvivenza al cancro

Prima di guardare il video, puoi indovinare per quali condizioni è stato effettivamente dimostrato che la vitamina D funziona in studi randomizzati, in doppio cieco, con placebo? studi controllati?

Il video generale sulle malattie cardiache che ho citato è Come non morire di malattie cardiache (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/come-non-morire-di-malattie-cardiache/).

Ne ho molte altro sugli integratori di vitamina D, tra cui:
• Quanta vitamina D dovresti assumere? (
• La dose ottimale di vitamina D basata su livelli naturali ( -based-on-natural-levels/)<br/> • Il modo migliore per assumere vitamina D: sole, integratori o saloni? (
• I rischi e i benefici di un'esposizione solare sensibile ( -rischi-e-benefici-dell'esposizione-sensibile-al-sole/)
• Gli integratori di vitamina D dovrebbero essere assunti per prevenire le cadute negli anziani? (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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67 Risposte a “Integratori di vitamina D testati per BPCO, malattie cardiache, depressione, obesità e sopravvivenza al cancro”

  1. I run every day that I am well. My blood test showed my vitamin D was very low. I have increased my Vitamin D supplements, and it has helped me feel better, and my hair stopped falling out so much.

    I take liquid vitamins, vitamin D liquid capsules, and a vitamin D and K2 spray.

  2. The differentiation for those starting with low D levels / deficiency should have been done in all studies: likely showing effects in more areas.

  3. That is misinformation…Please follow the vitamin D experts Dr Michael Holick, Dr Hollis, Carole Baggerly……Dr Greger doesn’t know enough about vitamin D

  4. When considering the validity of conclusions made by published vitamin D research, consider if the following criteria were met.

    Based on Dr. Robert Heaney’s “Guidelines for optimizing design and analysis of clinical studies of nutrient effects,” published December 2013.

  5. Vitamin D is strong enough to reduce the expression of certain bad genes including the ones that cause obesity, diabetes and certain types of cancer, there is actually a RCT that tracked the expression of these genes.

  6. By the end of February (the 28th), I got spasms and muscular cramps at my legs (mostly left calve): it lasted until May, the 15th. Yeah, that's two and a half months of fear, as I couldn't sleep very well at night as I knew that cramps could happen at any time. That day, I took a 20 000UI vitamin D supplement. I really don't know if it was that stuff that turned into a miracle, but I didn't change anything else in my diet or in my activities. I still have some slight spasms in my left calve, but nothing comparable any more.
    Furthermore, I had a similar situation last year (or the year before ? Can't remember), I believe that it was also by the end of the Winter, and it solved itself automatically (I mean, without any external deliberate intervention) when sunny days came back.

  7. A video by Dr Roger Seheult @medcram has proposed that some of the benefits attributed to vitamin D might instead be caused by near infrared light causing production of melatonin in mitochondria in deep tissue. Melatonin produced in this way is thought to play an important role as an antioxidant in mitochondria. He cites an RCT study that used a vest lined with NIR diodes that showed a significant benefit to ICU patients suffering from COVID-19.

  8. My vitamin D levels were extremely low because I work a lot indoors. So, what I have done is get lichen vitamin D in both of my seaweed & lions mane supplements. (Dr, Seaweed Immunity & Lions Mane Focus, these two brands) But that together only goes up to 1,300 IU. Just really hitting the minimum target lol. So I searched more, found that Chlorella offers a overwhelmingly considerable amount of Vitamin D & even B12. I got it from KIKI Health, & ever since it has felt better. Not to mention I get B12 from all these 3 supplements as well, so I'm getting above the minimum targets, which for a vegan may seem unnecessary but to me it's great. I've only intaked these supplements for 30 days & my Vitamin D levels increased over 150%. It's staying near (but not in, it takes time) the adequacy range now.

  9. The whole point of this channel is to figure out if these studies were done well no? if you are going to just skip to the bottom and take their word for it, we won't even need ChatGPT to replace you! The Obesity study? you know D is fat soluble right? so what did they give them? the RDA amount? (600IUs)? you have to double it for obese subjects. On the whole this was good, but also I cannot believe you left out Covid!! lot of indications that D helps prevent and make it less severe.

  10. Fun Fact: Vitamin D is added to cows milk so you absorb the calcium better. There's plenty of normal mineral water that has "more" calcium effectively.

    And besides, cow's milk is not a good idea since you're not a cow

  11. I lived in Florida for 15 years…moved to the southwest…both lots of sun exposure and I had no Vitamin D in my system. I have to supplement daily.

  12. Vitamin D takes a while to build up in the blood to see any difference clinically. It takes about a month to bring the levels up to any appreciable amount.

  13. What I find disappointing about this video is that when talking about Vitamin D having no effect on disease outcome he doesn't mention what people's levels are or what dose people were given.

  14. Which brand of Vitamin D and Calcium supplements does Dr Greger recommend we take? I need those supplements but I don't know which ones are the best.

  15. I dont like how they give 1200 IU, yes its okay compared to other doses you need 1000s for real effect

  16. What is the stuff we call vitamin D supplement and where does it come from? There’s quite a bit of info around if you go looking – they didn’t find a magical thing called vitamin d – they found a level of something in our blood that they called the ‘vitamin D level’ and people with higher levels of it seemed to be healthier so they went looking for a substance (they tried all sorts of crap) that they could feed people that made that level in the blood higher. It turned out that a substance that they found in the lanolin in sheep wool raised the level so they called that a vitamin D supplement but the people who took it didn’t become healthier than those who didn’t.
    The truth is that people who spend more time in the sun have a higher level of what they call ‘vitamin D’ in their blood and they are healthier because they spend time in the sun and the level of “vitamin D” in their blood is just a marker of being in the sun enough.

    The stuff they call vitamin D supplement isn’t a magical substance – the sun is the magical element that makes us healthier. All the supposed tests of people who take vitamin d supplements have higher levels of it in their blood after a while but they aren’t healthier than people who don’t take them and certainly not healthier than those of us who get loads of sun exposure.
    The sun doesn’t cause skin cancer by the way – cancer isn’t even remotely as we are told (take a dive into German New Medicine) and covering your skin in known poison as a way to protect yourself from the thing designed to give us health while taking a pointless supplement is kind of nuts isn’t it?

  17. This was a very effective format of video; the information is easy to understand with the addition of the visual checklist. NF is famous for nutrition checklists, so please continue to use this format when it benefits the viewer!

  18. No, Vitamin D3 does NOT PREVENT OR TREAT depression. The 8-week improvement effect you see is typical in depression patients. Why? Because most people with major depressive disorders don't stay chronically depressed for every minute of every day. Their depression waxes and wanes over time. That's why antidepressant manufacturers use these 6-8 week timelines, because it will look good in the results. However, follow these people for 1 year, and you will find that their depression will return in adbundance many times. So why does it outperform the placebo? Because these extremely high doses like what Wang et al (2016) gave (50,000 IU) will have side effects. It is these side effects that result in patients breaking blind AND experience the active-placebo effect. If you want to learn more, take a look at the work of Harvard's Placebo Studies director, Irving Kirsch.

  19. It’s all a money making scam. The vitamin d levels were raised years ago without any proof that it enhanced health but what it did do was make everyone need to buy vitamin D. I live in Florida and play tennis and walk and my vitamin D level of 29 was deemed low. Nonsense! I then smelled a rat when I realized that many of my fellow Floridians who also got plenty of sun were also tested low in vitamin D! Don’t fall for this scam.

  20. I haven't been able to find a vegan d3 supplement with a legitimate certification. Also looking for same with b complex and b 12 and vegan omega 3s. Any suggestions? Nothing I've seen has nsf or usp certification.

  21. I’d be happy for some qualified feedback on a paper titled ‘Vitamin D: Bolus is Bogus’, which maintains that monthly, weekly and daily doses are necessarily equal, that monthly bolus dosing can be not just ineffective, but detrimental. Most meta analyses don’t stratify by the dosing schedule. It would be helpful to find out how much this affects the course of the conditions mentioned.

  22. You need to find studies that involve actual sunlight, not pills… I bet ALL of those would show benefit… or just do a video showing the difference in bodily functions and hormone/chemical/cycle regulation from sunlight compared pills.. like sleep cycle, serotonin production, etc etc

  23. Were there any notes in these studies on the type of vitamin D supplements given like D2 or D3? Or any notes on synthetic vs natural D found in something like cod liver oil?

  24. But an huge important point is Gluthation because without enough of it in your body you can’t really use additional Vitamine D supplements.

  25. Plant based diets are the biggest scam of this century. The amount of misinformation regarding the ”ethical” brainwashing propaganda is criminal and utterly sickening. Malnourishing yourself and your children. Listen to your body, and research without content what our ancestors true diet and lifestyle was

  26. That's exactly what he says good vitamin d levels are on marker of good health. If you have bad vitamin d levels it's because your metabolically unfit. And that the real reason we need vitamin d which is made from cholesterol is protection from the Sun.

    So tired of my doctor telling me that my D's off I've been supplementing with 2000 units of d and still I have low d levels according to him. I don't even care anymore All my things are off because I have so much damage to my body.

  27. I think a lot of people don't realize how difficult it is to show an effect in a clinical trial. A positive finding is much better evidence that something works than a negative finding is evidence against it.

  28. nice video but it would be nice to emphasise:
    1) many studies use a dose that is too low
    2) it takes at least 2 weeks for VitD levels to rise in the body after supplementation. Some say it can take a few months. Many studies do not take this into account.

  29. It's 10 years now I had severe colon issues. Doctor gave me pills, "You have to shove those up your a*, for the rest of your life. And if you're lucky, we don't have to remove parts of your colon."
    Well, it took me some days and I started to search the internet. The only study that seems legit to me, was from the US-Army on soldiers with colitis ulc.
    It included a nice chart, one could see how remission began at about 75 – 90nmol/l blood value. Under and above that area, there was no remission or a worsening.
    My conclusion from that study was and is: It's not about the UIs per day, it's way way more about the vitamin D storage in my body.
    Since doctors and health professionals, still to this day, struggle with the daily intake and the overall VitaminD blood levels. What's safe and what's not. I highly doubt, A LOT, that these studies you mentioned here, Dr. Greger, are a good source, because of conservative study architecture. Please do it right the next time and compare or choose studies that deal with higher, non-conservative overall blood values, in a long term scenario. Vitamin D is not for short term results. And like all drugs, you have to screen the intake and blood values dependent on age and body weight. NOTE:THIS IS NO MEDICAL ADVICE; ITS MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. By the way, my colon is healthy. It took about a year. D worked and works for me 🙂

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