Iodio e salute della tiroide per i vegani | Il dottor Michael Greger di

Lo iodio è un minerale traccia vitale per il corretto funzionamento della tiroide nel corpo. I nuovi vegani a volte sono preoccupati che la loro dieta manchi poiché gli alimenti con le concentrazioni più elevate tendono ad essere di natura animale. Allora cosa deve fare un vegano? E quanto è diffusa la carenza di iodio? Scoprilo con il Dr. Greger di e tieni traccia del tuo iodio con Cronometer:

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Da dove prendono lo iodio i vegani?:

Sale: Fonte di iodio e morte:<br/> La strana fonte di iodio nel latte:
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100 Risposte a “Iodio e salute della tiroide per i vegani | Il dottor Michael Greger di”

  1. Thanks for the vid Emily. I done some iodine research myself and was more interested in the effects of iodine on babies. Japanese have approx 13mg a day, but the rda is 150mcg. It has been recommended by some people that pregnant women should take 13mg of iodine via lugols 5% solution per day to get a smart baby. However again the rda for pregnant women is about 300mcg. I would love to know who is right. Also I heard that if you take too much iodine, your body just excretes it out. But I heard that too much iodine is bad.

  2. Hi. People keep arguing to me that meat is good because the animal you eat would not have been born in the first place if there was no meat production (because the meat production created these animals you eat), so by becoming a vegan, you would prevent animals from being born in the first place. Or what i mean is that they say something like "oh you do realise that the chicken i eat wouldn't have even been born if it weren't for meat production and surely you would rather live a life and be slaughtered than not live at all?". Does anyone have any ideas on how to reply to this argument (in favour of the arguement for being vegan)?

  3. Megafood Vegan daily food based multivitamin contains iodine.
    take it 2-3 times a week as a backup for most nutrients.  get your nutrients from food, the multi as a backup.

  4. Why is iodine suddenly so important?
    If it is only found mainly in sea veggies and random other difficult to find places that occur naturally, obviously our ancestors had little to no access to it. Yet they continued to live and procreate for thousands or millions of years….

  5. Love your intro…you always make me LOL or smile. =)  Also, what do you think of spirulina?  I probably use it in my smoothie twice a month.  I'm glad you make vlogs with so much educational info. Thank you! <3

  6. Taking a few supplements solves so many nutrition issues. Cheap & easy. 

    Omega-3 is an issue for me now. Most vegan sources – like flax – do not convert omega-3 to DHA and EHA very efficiently. There are vegan supplements from sea weed – they are very expensive. 

    It takes 10X as much flax meal omega-3 to get the DHA from other sources like fish oil, or sea weed. My solution? I think I should take more flax meal. Flax meal is cheap, and it makes smoothies thicker, and has protein, and fiber. 

    BTW: a few years back, when I was eating meat, and dairy, I was diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency. I suggested drinking more milk, the doctor scoffed, and said I would have to drink gallons. Moral of the story: meat and dairy eaters can be nutrition deficient as well. Now I just take a supplement: cheap & easy, problem solved.

  7. I wish doctors were more educated in nutrition.
    over 2 years ago when I became Vegan I told my doctors (Who knew I had Thyroid issues) and they didn't say a word about Iodine!
    I went 6 months of eating all whole foods (nothing from the sea) and not adding any salt to my foods….
    After doing my own research, I found the info you are talking about here.
    I started adding a bit of salt to some of my food.
    I have Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto with Thyroid Nodules!
    You would think at least one of my doctors would have told me about Iodine being important for me to get in my diet!  NOPE!

  8. We do need some sodium in our diet as we use sodium in our bodies (eg we use it is cell signalling) so to imply we don't need any is misleading, we would be very unhealthy if we cut all salt from our diet! I also hear that cranberries are high in iodine, so there is another source. At the moment I am not vegan, I am consistantly fighting with various eating disorders and going vegan is not something I could mentally cope with right now, so I am going to stick with my disinfected teat milk.

  9. Nori wraps ftw! I had a 20 year old dachshund and sometimes all I could get him to eat was nori. It’s fun just as a treat too, we called it 'puppy money'.

  10. This is like the third time im watching this. XD I love how informative your content is!!
    Could you please make a video on seaweed/nori? I honestly thought nothing was wrong with it until I first watched this video. I knew they were a sea vegetable but that was it. I further read the comments below and I'm surprised to see I just might want to skip it the next time I go grocery shopping. I really love nori though. If it's organic nori that makes it safe from absorbing pollutants right? Like they probably grew the nori in a clean place?

  11. Emily, you are a raw vegan, right? so you probably eat a lot of raw vegetables, like kale or brocolli. Are you aware that if your iodine intake is marginal, by eating too much kale (like 10 cups a day) would affect your thyroids health? i had no idea, i found out on Dr.Greger website…and i've been eating a lot of kale smoothies…how do you get your iodione, so eating a lot o kale won't be a problem?

  12. Sooo i'm binge watching some of your videos.
    I have an under-active thyroid, so this looked to be a pretty good video! But i totally zone out when Dr Greger speaks :/ I should probably go and watch your videos designed for kids again!

  13. Dr Greger encourages a taste for sea vegetables like dulses, nori, and arame (which are kelp) but claims that kelp has too much iodine. The more common concern is not that iodine content of sea veggies are too high, but are too variable/unreliable (and may contain toxins). NIH states that "Seaweed, whole or sheet" includes "kelp, nori, kombu, and wakame" with between 16 to 3000 mcg of Iodine per serving (11%-2000% Daily Value). Sea veggies also often contain huge amounts of sodium. Additionally, there is confusion in labelling nori, kelp, etc, brown or red algae, etc. In all, it's difficult to know what one is actually buying, eating, and absorbing.

    FYI, in the United States, 1 gram (1/6 teaspoon) of Iodized salt contains ~50 mcg (~35% DV) iodine (back of napkin calc). To get the RDA of iodine from salt one would also get the RDA of sodium, which is already far higher than Dr Greger himself recommends.

    Personally, I chew a tablet.

  14. Why doesn't he mention potatoes I wonder? Cranberries and strawberries also contain iodine, no? Not enough? Please anyone who knows answer 🙂

  15. Yeah, good luck finding actual wasabi and not horseradish with food dye. The powder he suggested is 9 times out of 10 riddled with artificial colors and other trash added ingredients. Wasabi is crazy expensive if you can find the real deal.

  16. Literally impossible to be defiant in iodine, unless you eat a pure vegan diet. almost everything has salt in it, and most salts have iodine added to them. Iodine makes thyroid problems worst in 3/4 cases. With hoshimotos the most common cause of hypothyroidism is causes the degeneration of your thyroid to increase dramatically. It's only in severe cases of Gout that iodine will help.

  17. So I already have a crib o meter account, but you should get in touch with them and ask them about being able to add your children on your own account, because I want to put my three-year-olds stuff in, but I don't want to make a separate account so I have to keep logging in and out, so what I do is I enter my daughters info first, then delete it all and then enter my own just to see what each of us are getting

  18. I drink miso soup daily, made with konbu. I then "re-use" those spent pieces of konbu to cook beans. I make beans in the pressure cooker, and instead of using oil as an anti-foaming agent, I use the spent piece of kombu. And yes, I do end up eating at least a cup of beans cooked that way daily. So, might I end up getting too much iodine? Is there a blood test I can get to be sure–something more accurate than just thyroid function tests?

  19. So (and yes I'm vegan) is iodine absolutely necessary for thyroid health, like, will I get thyroid cancer in my future because I don't consume any iodine or will I be fine without it?

  20. Hi! Do you have a video on hair loss on a vegan lifestyle? If not, could you do one because I can't find any ( Dr. Greger or you ) All the other videos on the matter are from other vegans based on personal experience. Thanks so much!!

  21. I hope Dr. Greger is getting enough rest.  He's a man on a mission (spreading the word about a healthy, plant-based diet).  But sometimes he gives me the impression that he is wearing himself thin.  We care about you, Dr. Greger.  Please take care of yourself. 

    On another note, thank you for this video, Bite Size Vegan!  You both are great!!

  22. The iodine in milk used to come from the use of iodophor (phosphoric acid and iodine) to clean the all the stainless steel dairy piping tanks as it is a no rinse sanitiser. However in many places oxy (Hydrogen Peroxid) based sanitisers have replaced iodophor bot for tit dip and dairy cleaning. Meaning no iodine in milk whatsoever in some places in the world now, for instance in Australia the soil is very low in iodine micronutrients, when they stopped using iodophor in the dairy industry and people switched to sea salt iodine deficiencies and low levels became more prevalent.

  23. Does Dr Greger imply htat himalayan salt is bad because it has 20 times less iodine than iodine salt? Sorry I love you and your videos but as a non native speaker it is so hard for me to follow him I dont know why

  24. Dear Bite Size Vegan, many people really need subtitles on the video. For example, it is very important for me and a lot of people with a thyroid problem to know what is being discussed. My English is not so good as to understand everything about what is being said. So could you make subtitles for this video. I, many people and my thyroid, would be very grateful to you. And also I wanna say a big thank you for your time and your work. My respect for you and dear Dr. Greger

  25. I know this is old and I didn't read through all the comments but I hope that you all know that white table salts which is iodine enriched is really bad for you and the iodine is not absorbed in your body.

  26. I'm getting so much mixed info… Some people say pink salt is low in iodine, Some say it is fine. Some mention vegetables to eat, others say the soil is depleted of iodine so those veggies have minimal.. I'm not going to use table salt because I feel like iodine is the only positive to that. so what to do…I'm not a fan of the sea plants

  27. Hi! Just to let you know that cronometer link is not working, at least on my mobile phone, I'll check on my PC tomorrow, thanks for your job Emily!

  28. Why not just eat cranberries? Also cranberries are number 1 in Dr Greger's top fruit for cancer prevention. Just add frozen cranberries to your smoothie. No nasty seaweeds, metals and harming the environment.

  29. Thank you! This was informative and thanks for the Cronometer tip. I was thinking the app was incomplete not realizing it had this feature. The same can be done for biotin (Chronometer).

  30. If you are low in Iodine, limit exposure to fluorine, chlorine and bromine, radon and radiation. Bromine is added to processed flour.

    I live in what they used to call the "Goiter Belt" which is the Midwest, away from the oceans, and had an enlarged thyroid.
    I take Lugol's Iodine, half strength, two drops per day, because I also limit salt.
    Processed salt often has ant-caking agents in it that have cyanide in it.
    Now my thyroid function is better, and my neck isn't swollen anymore.
    Iodine also helps if you have been exposed to radiation. So take it before and after x-rays.

  31. Thank you for the information. I just wish get to to the point instead of beating the bush. Seriously we do not have much time spend here
    We need fast easy answers
    Sorry if I hurt any feelings ..

  32. So Emily, I was eating nori sheets untill I learned about the destruction to the sea bed it causes in the making. I was hoping you were going to comment more on this situation. But I guess it's just don't eat it eat dolce.

  33. Everybody has bind spots. Dr. Greger is no exception. The healthiest, longest lived people in the world (Okinawans who eat their traditional diet) eat seaweed at EVERY MEAL and are estimated to get 200 mg of iodine every day of their adult lives.

    To understand "how much iodine is too much", you have to consider how much exposure you have had to the toxic halides (fluoride and bromide). Most Americans have been heavily exposed to both fluoride and bromide, so taking high amounts of seaweed or higher dose supplements will inevitably result in "detox" symptoms as the toxic halides are excreted.

    How much is "too much" also depends on how much mercury is in your body (seafood, silver/mercury "amalgam" dental fillings). Mercury (and cadmium from cigarette smoking) deplete our bodies of selenium. Selenium is extremely important for liver function.

    Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium.

    Dr David Brownstein is my iodine hero. Here is a presentation he gave in 2011:

    After reading Dr Brownstein's book on iodine, I doubled my iodine every day until I got to 6,000 mcg. I bought my first bottle of Iodoral (12.5 mg) and increased a half tablet every week until I got to 50 mg daily.

    You may want to take it slower than I did. lol

    If you are dealing with a serious disease I highly recommend finding a medical doctor who is familiar with Dr Brownstein and go faster.

    I have recommended this slower approach to friends, family and customers for over ten years and have had excellent results.

    Start with a supplement that has 40 or 60 mcg iodine per drop. Increase a drop a week until getting to 10 drops daily.

    Finish the bottle at 10 drops a day and then move up a 600 mcg per drop supplement and again increase one drop per week until taking 10 drops daily.

    Then you can move on to Lugols solution, Iodoral…or what I am using now SSKI.

    Or use SSKI from the start and custom make your own dosage per drop.

    I went from Bernard Jensen's "Liqui-Dulse", to Heritage "Atomidine", to the 12.5 mg Iodoral, to the 50 mg Iodoral, to the maximum strength SSKI by Morgellons.

    I took 200 mcg of selenium by New Chapter (400 mcg when I was smoking cigarettes) and now I eat a few brazil nuts every day.

  34. ive spent the last week glued to the computer all day and all through the night.. the amount of shit we have to worry about as vegans is fucking bullshit man, i love animals and cant eat them.. but im not able to live myself.. i dont eat animals because they dont want to die.. dont eat mushrooms because of the death cap.. potatos because of solanine.. grains because of phytic acids.. nuts and seeds because of cyanide.. leafy greens because of oxolates or other anti nutrient eg kale and spinach.. and salts or refined products because they are kinda dangerous.. and i use that same way of safe thinking which has led me to fruitarian, (dont eat what doesnt want to be eaten) but now.. i face the possibility of all these deficiencies including b12, iodine, selenium, zinc and sodium.. what the fuck… how am i supposed to live some1 please tell me…

  35. What do you advise? I now am quite wary of consuming dulse or kelp given the state of California warnings printed on the package stating that the product contains heavy metals. Supplements I've found so far are all kelp-based, so seaweeds there too.

  36. I'm 5 years vegan and I have been struggling with Hypothyroid for the last year. At first it went away when I supplemented with selenium and tyrosine, but it has come back so I switched back to using regular Iodized salt and eating nori sheets and it has been better, but not normal so I will start supplementing with Kelp.

  37. Doesn't the iodine in table salt have a different structure, chemically, than iodine from a whole food source? Similar to oil in food vs oil in a bottle.

    And wouldn't it be fair to assume that natural salt, like Himalayan pink salt, with over 80 trace minerals, is going to be way healthier than refined table salt?

  38. I think Gregor is wrong on salt. Wholefoods plant based eater that dont eat any processed food should absolutely add some good quality salt to their foods. Pink himalayan is a very good and tasty choise

  39. Thanks Emily. "Medical science is only in its infancy, yet it has shown that our natural diet is that which grows out of the ground. The people will gradually develop up to the condition of this natural food." ~ 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahai Faith

  40. Nori sheets would now b active, full of nuclear waste from damaged plants during Japan, earthquake ???? 😞I believe the contamination has been traced as far as California sadly 😥

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