La dieta del gladiatore Come si accumulano gli atleti vegetariani

Confronto tra le diete dei gladiatori romani “orzo men” e dei soldati dell'esercito con i moderni spartani di oggi.

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Questa è la prima di una serie in 3 parti sul vegetariano atleti. Resta sintonizzato per The First Studies on Vegetarian Athletes ( e Vegetarian Muscle Power, Strength, and Endurance (<br/>
Indipendentemente dalla dieta di base, ci sono alcuni alimenti che possono aiutare a migliorare le prestazioni atletiche e il recupero:
• Ridurre l'affaticamento muscolare con gli agrumi (
• Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche ( /)
• Prevenire lo stress ossidativo indotto dall'esercizio con il crescione (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/preventing-exercise-indotto-stress-ossidativo-con-crescione/)
• Metodo di punteggio dei nitrati dietetici “Veg-Table” (
https: //
• Semi di finocchio per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche (
• Acqua di cocco per prestazioni atletiche vs. bevande sportive ( Bevande da prestazione contro lo sport)
• Alimenti per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche e il recupero (
• Zenzero macinato per Riduci il dolore muscolare (
• Recupero atletico migliorato senza compromettere l'adattamento ( /video/recupero-atletico-migliorato-senza-minare-l'adattamento/)
• Anguria per alleviare i dolori muscolari (

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100 Risposte a “La dieta del gladiatore Come si accumulano gli atleti vegetariani”

  1. Sorry but but the articles shown are not accurate.first Gladiators were slaves and not athletes they ate Barley and beans because they were forced by their circumstances.never the less they didn’t live very long so it’s difficult to assess the benefits of such regime
    Roman soldiers ate salted fish and meat barley and bread .The Spartan soldiers ate a staple food called Black soup which was made with pigs blood and pigs fat along with some no they weren’t vegans or vegetarians.

  2. hi, can you do a video on gastroporesis caused by a viral or bacterial infection? I had an infection over the summer and I have been consuming a whole foods plant based diet for years now, and still do. I know the gut may take time to heal but any more info on this would be so helpful. I'm seeing a gastroenterologist but more info would be great! im doing my own research but it's hard to know what is and isn't valid

  3. I tried the vegan diet for 3 months and started feeling weak towards the end. I do weight lifting, basketball, boxing, running so all kinds of different training and for me personally a balanced diet with animal protein and fats works best for me. I'm in the best shape of my life both mentally and physically and I eat animal products at least 3 times a day. I recommend you to stop listening to these yt videos and "science based" studies. Studies are very easy to manipulate and so are humans, think for yourself!

  4. You mean slaves have always been fed grains? I bet it was easy to get men to fight to their death just for a chance to eat some meat and get some nutrients for once

  5. I dont believe any of this bullshit anymore. I eat what i feel like when i want. If i die tomorrow, at least my stomach will go out with a smile. I dont care anymore. I just want to enjoy myself. Whats the point of eating sand if you feel like killing yourself?

  6. Well..this is very angled as usual! MOST gladiators ate a high animal protein diet. Just look it up. They have done similar studies on lots of other gladiator groups and they absolutely weren't vegetarian. Even THESE guys weren't vegetarians! They ate a predominantly vegetarian diet, but that's not equal to a vegetarian diet! And…regarding the other studies; they compared vegetarians to "flesh eaters". Remember that vegetarians are not vegans. Vegetarians eat eggs and dairy for the most part. Many "vegetarians" eat fish too and still call themselves vegetarians. It's unclear what kind of vegetarians there were in these studies. So they probably ate eggs and dairy and perhaps seafood too. And so to those long distance runners that you call vegetarian. They weren't vegetarian! They ate predominantly a vegetarian diet. Again; that's not A vegetarian diet! That's a PREDOMINANTLY vegetarian diet. Still not vegetarian. And the Roman diet wasn't even predominantly vegetarian. They ate TONS of seafood. This is very well recorded by archeologists. My gosh….get your nutrition "facts" straight atleast…😉

  7. Conflicted on this. I spent a year cleaning out my diet sodas to candy etc. I drink goat, cow milk water and coffee only through out the week. I eat eggs, chicken breasts, 1 red lean meat and 1 salmon/perch dinner (baked) a week. Also a medley of vegs ranging from broccoli to Brussels sprouts etc. I eat white, brown and quinoa weekly also. I never felt better, I also eat whole oats. I do not eat swine, hamburger I haven't ate processed foods in over a year.

  8. I’d like to know how they were eating potatoes over one and a half thousand years before the discovery of the Americas. Complete bs.

  9. I feel so bad for my friends who fail to comprehend how bad their diets are and how negatively they're being affected by them…

  10. Complete lies. Slaves don't get to choose their food. Gladiators consumed the diet they ate because they had no choice. Totally stupid. Also, everyone in the ancient Roman world including slaves ate garum. High in calcium, protein and omega3 fatty acids. Please learn some history before posting these things.

  11. I agree with almost everything presented in this video except the claim regarding the weekly distance run by vegetarians vs omnivores as a function of health. There is ample evidence that running at distances greater than 32 km (20 mi) per week leads to cardiac fibrosis and left ventricular hypertrophy.

  12. 0:58 – Legionaries daily ration consists of 78% carbohydrate, mainly from barley or wheat…

    What other 22% consisted of?

    Defiantly not enough to support conclusion "Best fighters in the ancient world were essentially vegetarian".

    Please note that in ancient Rome average life expectancy was around 25 years! You can eat whatever you like and live that age…
    This is pour constructed and highly misleading clip.

  13. I've read that the gladiators ate a lot of barley and beans because it made them fat. The extra layer of fat protected their internal organs and muscles from bladed weapons and acted as sort of an additional "armor" and helped them fight longer. Makes sense, I'm pretty sure that the gladiators weren't really concerned about having six pack abs when they were fighting for their lives.

  14. Your voice is so annoyingly smug that it was really a struggle to listen to you drone on, which was a shame because the content was quite interesting.

  15. Some Greek citizens engaged in special diets for various purposes. Olympic athletes were instructed to eat meat-heavy diets and to restrict dessert and wine consumption before the Olympic Games. (Milo of Croton was said to have eaten 20 pounds of both meat and bread each day.)

  16. Well gladiators where slave destined to die young in a clown circus for the entertainment of sadist enslaver and aristocrats, the plant based diet was part of the torture i imagine lol

  17. These gladiators were slaves thus they ate a slave based diet consisting of a plant based diets. I wonder what the kings ate ? I don't think it was plant based

  18. Gladiators were not the best fighters of the ancient world they were slave soldiers. Roman Soldiers probably ate a more plant based diet cause it was easier to preserve and cheaper to gather for soldiers on campaign.

  19. They were called "Barley men" because barley was the main grain in their diet. Romans considered barley to be inferior to wheat because it was heavier, with reports of soldiers being punished by switching their wheat diet for a barley diet. Best way to compare gladiators are modern racehorses: well looked after, but disposable.

  20. Gladiators were slaves, you give them roots and beans, not the best delicacies Rome had to offer. This is so misleading and the comments section is filled with mostly fakes and larpers.

  21. You work well with what you are adapted to. That's all. We adapt to our diets. I only eat meat. I'm very fit. I used to eat lots of veg and small meat, I was very fit then too. We adapt to use what we have available. That is why we survived.

  22. I like your video, though it seems you are struggling to talk, were you okay at the time you record this video?

  23. They were simply slaves and they had to be fed with the cheapest available food. Period.

  24. To me, giving up meat wouldn't be that tough! I think chicken and turkey tastes bland and boring. Most beef is too tough. Bacon is my favorite and also of course: The absolute worst thing for your body! Besides bacon and an expensive melt-in-your-mouth prime cut of beef – I could care less about meat. Certainly not worth the price for taste and lack of health benefits… Let's be honest though – no matter how used to legumes, vegetables, fruits and whole grains you may be: Nothing will ever taste as good as a pizza and that's a fact! Moderation is key =p

  25. Not exactly true. According to Roman records, While gladiators did mainly eat Barley and Beans, they still ate meat. Same with legionaries.

  26. When I was growing up my mom and step dad were having financial issues, so I used to eat a green soup every day, for lunch and dinner. My mom is very smart, she put peas, spinach, pumpkin and cilantro. I also had rice cakes and sugar cane juice for breakfast. I loved those the food those times, though my mom is embarrassed to remember them. Still, I was the strongest kid in my class and went up and down the mountain for going to school. I rarely got sick.

  27. During the Roman Empire the average height was between 5' and 5.5 ft tall based on skeletal remains and written history. The original Roman had a wheat bread based diet, lack of protein kept heights low. Inhabitants of the Roman Empire had a life expectancy at birth of about 25 years. If infant mortality is factored out, life expectancy is doubled to the late-50s. Pretty low numbers compared to the EU nowadays, for example.

  28. You used to need more calories a day because the average person burned as much energy as a minor league athlete. Carbs produce more energy.
    Also meat spoiled more easily for lack of storage options.
    Most roman soldiers were paid in salt, not gold, because both gold and goods traders would accept it as currency for its rarity in nature and it preservative qualities.

  29. Strange the best army at the time was the Roman Legionaries where fed meat and other animal products and Gladiators ate only plants. My theory is vegetables are for peasants and it was cheap therefor it was cheap to feed these slaves my only reason they would be fed only vegetables.

  30. anyone that thinks a meat based diet is healthiest just is brainwashed….. not even talking about the animal issues and our dominion over them, plant-based diet is reported in studies to decrease cardiovascular disease, decrease weight and improve performance.

  31. 🤦🏻‍♂️ they fed them mainly vegetarian meals because it was cheaper. Feeding prisoners, the athletes that competed back then, meat back then without refrigeration would have been super expensive. Way to cherry-pick and warp the narrative.

  32. I dont know why need to talk about this…. without vegan protein powder, if anyone eats like you, then gonna be look like you,… and we dont want this! eat meat once a week.

  33. "Our gladiators eat a great deal of (broad beans) every day, making the condition of their body fleshy – not compact, dense flesh like pork, but flesh that is somehow more flabby."

    Gladiators were fed beans and barley, not to give them muscles, but to make them fat and flabby.

  34. Let's not forget that a confounding factor are that plant sources vary heavily, both geographically and over time. In the present, the mileage of your vegetarian foundations on the human body's performance will vary.

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