Quali sono le cause della resistenza all'insulina?

Il prediabete e il diabete di tipo 2 sono causati da un calo della sensibilità all'insulina imputabile al “lipide intraramiocellulare”, l'accumulo di grasso all'interno delle nostre cellule muscolari .

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Se questo video suona familiare, è perché è un redux di un video che io uscito l'anno scorso. Ma mancava questa nuova fantasiosa animazione, per gentile concessione di Scientific Animations: www.scientificanimations.com. Mi hanno contattato e si sono gentilmente offerti di donare un'animazione a noi: lo adoro! Se c'è qualcun altro là fuori che vorrebbe gentilmente offrire i propri servizi per aiutarci ad aiutare meglio gli altri, ci piacerebbe vederlo.<br/>
Questo è stato il primo di una serie di video in tre parti sulla causa del diabete di tipo 2, in modo da comprendere meglio gli interventi dietetici per prevenire e curare l'epidemia. I video di follow-up sono The Spillover Effect Links Obesity to Diabetes ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-spillover-effect-links-obesity-to-diabetes), in cui parlo di come quel grasso possa provenire dalla nostra dieta o dalle riserve di grasso in eccesso; e lipotossicità: come il grasso saturo aumenta la glicemia ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/lipotossicità-how-saturo-grasso-raises-blood-sugar), dove mostro come non tutti i grassi siano ugualmente responsabili.

Ho menzionato le diete a basso contenuto di carboidrati nel video. Per ulteriori informazioni sui potenziali effetti sulla salute, guarda video come Diete a basso contenuto di carboidrati e Flusso sanguigno coronarico ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/low-carb-diets-and -flusso-coronarico).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-causes-insulin-resistance/ e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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100 Risposte a “Quali sono le cause della resistenza all'insulina?”

  1. Inflammation caused bye processed sugars and processed packaged high carb foods, fats from oils and a consistent bombardment of more than 25grams of processed sugars every day. Its not fat in the cell its as down right lie to push a personal agenda. Its the cell it's self. Yes the body can run on glucos but it prefers ketones because its a cleaner and more sustainable. Think about it. Every carb no matter was is converted into fat. Now the fat thats converted from the processed sugars and flour carbs is not easily used, its much harder for the liver to convert that back into energy. The animal saturated fats are easily converted so thats why the body prefers it.

  2. Why do you need carbs that causes shit loads of detrimental consequences in your diet… If carbs are eliminated… There's no sugar in the blood… So why need insulin??? Stupid analysis…keto is carb free so insulin in not required… No carbs, no insulin production…. so no insulin resistance. You can have all the fat without worry of insulin or insulin resistance.

  3. Hi doc; I watched few videos on insulin resistance. can you or any of your reader help me understand insulin resistance. Since the cells are insulin resistance to the insulin that is produced by the body, Insulin can't get into the cell doors because of insulin resistance to absorb for energy, how does taking insulin pills or injections open the cells doors to absorb the energy?

  4. Warning to watchers of this video. This is just 1 study out of 7 and 6 or the 7 studies shows the complete opposite of what this study says. Take it from me, I did the complete opposite of what this Dr. is proposing and I dropped to a normal A1C. I dropped processed carbs and increased my fat. I'm calling BS on this one.

  5. I'm super confused……https://youtu.be/IpedthIpUnY says just the opposite yet has worked for me with losing 40 lbs…now 195lbs now the same weight i was 27 years ago into and out of boot camp. Showing the diversity of peoples body types?…… I respect both of these Doctors and subscribe to both their channels. But why so drastic difference? Are we really that different?

  6. THIS IS A LIE!!!!!! I Am A Keto Winner!!! I Was A Prediabetic! No longer!!!
    *DO EAT FULL FAT SOUR CREAM.. Cream cheese Etc. ( ratio on calories and fat as close as you can get them)

    visit Dr Eric Berg on YouTube!!! He speaks TRUTH!!!

  7. Ok I been on board with why fat causes type 2….but. if the insulin doesn't unlock the "door" to let the glucose in….why does shooting more insulin in you bloodstream make it work?

  8. Does a majority plant based diet mean most of your calories are coming from veg? Or do you just think you're eating loads of veg, with the calorie count from your carbs being low.

    Let me explain. You can eat 200g of kale, which looks like loads, but only has around 100 calories. If you minus the fiber, only 2-3g of carbs.

    Then say you eat a handful of nuts. With the calorie content being say 300 calories and 30g of fat. See what I'm getting at here?Veg is really low calorie and low carb.

    How do you actually eat 2000+ calores of plant based food per day? Aren't you just going into ketosis and getting most of your energy from fats?

  9. A ketogenic diet causes muscular insulin resistance, but this is a good thing because it preserves glucose for the brain. A ketogenic diet is low in dietary glucose. Insulin resistance does not necessarily lead to hyperglycaemia if there is little glucose intake and production. The insulin resistance caused by ketosis is reversible by reintroducing carbs into the diet over several days. An interesting question is what problems may result by consuming a diet high in both carbs and fat. Combining the two might be the cause of problems.

  10. I don’t consume saturated fat and I’m not obese and don’t consume sugar either. And I have insulin resistance. So this is bogus.

  11. I have been on Keto + Intermittent Fasting for 3.5 months. My fasting insulin is down 50%, my inflammation is gone, I've lost 45# of fat, my energy levels are thru the roof, my mind is clear of "fog". I'm not qualified to say who is right or wrong about the biochemistry, but my experience is that high-fat + very low-carb diets work amazingly well to lose fat and to increase athletic performance.

  12. Why would your body want glucose in it cells if it's burning fat for energy in a high fat low carb diet? Is the glucose intolerance coming from a high glucose meal(s) from a person that has been on a high fat low sugar diet? How long does the glucose intolerance persist within a person on a high fat low sugar diet?

  13. K. Cool. Now explain all of the cases of people on a Ketogenic diet reversing their instance of type-2 diabetes with a high-fat/low-carb diet.

    If you can explain that I'll be willing to listen. I've been through your website a bit and it definitely seems biased towards a very vegetarian/vegan way of thinking. This isn't an attack or a point of contention, I'm simply seeing information that contradicts much of the research on peer-reviewed studies that I've done so I'm curious as to what explanation you would have for that.

  14. This video is endorsed by the American food industry, they want you to EAT MORE CARBS.

    I've dramatically increased my health and blood sugar and everything by doing the exact opposite of that this video says.

    The key is you have to regulate REFINED sugars and grains. Your body makes all the glucose it needs, you don't need DIETARY CARBS.

    Search Dr Jason fung whose an actual kidney doctor for his thoughts on this please, this video is trash in my opinion, the studies he's trying to cite are cherry picked cause you can find numerous studies where people with brain disorders (like epilepsy) went on A THERAPEUTIC ketogenic diet and amazing things happened

  15. PS I do intermittent fasting and it helps my keto adaptation.

    I can empty my blood glucose quicker because I'll fast for 20-24 hours, do HIIT and I keep my carbs under 50g per day.

    And I'll out work and have more energy than all my carbed up Co workers


  16. What the hell kind of flat-earther conspiracy BS is this? Is this April Fool's day? Fat absolutely does not cause insulin resistance nor diabetes. Excessive carbohydrate in the diet does. This video is like the opposite of true. I'm truly baffled. I'd love to see the peer reviewed studies cited which demonstrate this mechanism.

  17. But carbs also converts into fat if it is in excess. Incomplete information please read glucolysis, gluconeogenesis and conversion of glucose in to fat in liver leading to non alcoholic fatty liver.

  18. Oh wow….. after watching this video I told my diabetic wife “forget the steak, we are going out for donuts!”

  19. To those of you that have indicated that increased insulin causes the insulin resistance: I have searched the internet and so far can not find an explanation (other than Dr Greger's fat inside the muscle cell) of how this resistance process works. If there is an alternate "resistance" process please explain how biochemically the insulin receptors are affected. Thanks.

  20. This guy is as fruity as an apple orchard.

    He talks about how athletes load up on carbs to increase their fat stores in the tissue and then goes on to say that insulin resistance is caused by excess fat in the bloodstream.

    Any reputable doctor will tell you that you can lower your blood sugar by losing weight. If carbs store fat in the tissues, wouldn't it be common sense that if you continue to eat high amounts of carbs that more fat would be stored and your weight would increase?

    The main culprit of insulin resistance is chronic dehydration. Blood is normally 94% water. When you become dehydrated, it loses 8% of its water volume and this causes it to thicken. And it's because the blood is too thick that insulin can't get into the cells.

  21. Lmao….
    Yes you are correct sir!
    When fat enters the blood stream or the muscle certainly causes insulin resistance but there is no evidence that eating saturated causes fat to be stored in muscle or the blood.
    The two studies you are referring to are ….
    Study one, inject fat into the blood stream.
    Study 2, squirt fat on a dish and add insulin.
    Neither one of those studies prove that’s what happens when you eat saturated fat!
    As a matter of fact ,when you eat saturated fat and on a low carb diet then triglycerides drop very low.
    SO,how do triglycerides get get stored in the muscle and blood?
    Insulin tells that to happen.
    What raises insulin?carbs!
    How much does saturated fat raise insulin? It doesn’t!!!!
    Stop the horse shit and quit fooling people.
    I suggest you listen to Benjamin bikman and make an honest video!

  22. Appreciate the info graphic doc ☺ it facilitates learning about cellular processes and how they pertain to our bodies. Thankyou x

  23. Seriously? Ur killing people dr gregor with saturated fat is the cause of insulin resistance . Ur actually just so fucking biased. It is when fat is eaten with sugar that increases the insulin. Fundamentally it is the carbs and sugar that together with fat increase insulin. How the fuck are u going to blame fat on this ur such a fucking liar and biased as fucking shit fuck u and ur shit.

  24. If you`d like to get rid of diabetes and wish to switch to a more healthy life style, then you could depend on this “Vαnοjο Fivu” (Google it). As I`ve read it, I learned how fat impedes cells from feeding on glucose. With “Vαnοjο Fivu” (Search Google), I had been able to avoid the damaging effects of diabetes to my whole body, and eventually, demise…

  25. This is literally ground breaking information. Why don't more people choose to educate themselves with information like this? Every video I watch and every article I read from NutritionFacts leaves me saying "wow". Best of all there is no scam associated with Dr. Greger or his website. Sure he sells some products, but you know what? His book was pretty damn good.

  26. 80% Fat is not a healthy ketogenic diet. 90% Fat 7% protein 3% carbs is a better diet. I reversed my diabetes with it. Until i found out that there was a much healthier diet.

  27. I don't buy it. Cells will take in so much glucose and then stop. R u saying that this natural stopping mean u've become insulin resistant? No!
    So to say the cells become insulin resistant because of the FFA's in there is like saying they became insulin resistant because they were already full of energy.
    You would also find that the cells become insulin resistant because they're already full of glucose.. does this then mean glucose is the problem?
    You say decrease the fat and u can decrease the sugar in the blood.. Why not just reduce the sugar? Then the fat is not the problem!

  28. Dont know what to listen anymore.
    Eating high carbs, hight faft are all cause high in insulin.
    We need advise from the japanese, they eat the most rice on this planet, they dont have much health problems..

  29. So, does the intramyocellular lipid interfere with glucose uptake, before it's breakdown/oxidation, and free radical formation? Just wondering if higher antioxidant intake would help offset this process- allowing more fat intake, without the appearance of insulin resistance.

  30. This is information is WRONG! Its your body turning sugar and carbs in to fat that is causing the resistance. Every person I know who goes KETO drops their fasting blood glucose levels dramatically almost instantly. Flawed info here….sugar and carbs cause insulin resistance,,,,not dietary fat. In 30ndays on Keto, my BP dropped 20 points to 120/80, I lost 10 pounds, and fasting glucose dropped from 95 to 80!

  31. I've also seen videos and "evidence" that too much sugar is the problem … that you can create a fatty liver in weeks with a few sodas and some candy every day, and that that leads to insulin resistance. These are real studies too, and keto proponents point to them as evidence that carbs and sugar are the problem. And don't they cure diabetes with a high fat, low-carb diet? Who to believe?

  32. awesome video, could you make a video about casein and go into depth about casein-b
    how one extra chromosome from a animal cell can cause so many complications in humans.

  33. I know this is B.S! Not saturated fats! What does it more than anything is frequently eating! You get insulin resistance from frequency! Ex: If you drink a beer once in a while that beer will have an effect on you! but if you drink it everyday you will build a tolerance! This science has equal or better science that says differently! I cant post urls sorry. I may not be a Dr but ive done more research on nutrition than most Drs ever will! Its the trans fats you want to stay away from though if you want to point fingers at fat!

  34. Quite the opposite actually. When you eat carbs and glucose your blood glucose goes up. This causes and insulin response and we build up a hedonic resistance to insulin.

    In essence a tolerance and it stops working as well. Fat does the opposite, it does not contain glucose and does not increase glucose or insulin.

    Why lie about biology? Just makes you look stupid.

  35. In case of typ 2 diabetes with the intra myo cellular lipids. Why is it so that an insulin injection is getting the glucose into the cells anyway??? I mean the pathway is still blocked it doesn't matter how often you use a key.

  36. This is what the NIH has to say about fat and insulin resistance:

    "…It appears that insulin resistance starts in the hypothalamus causing a disruption in the balance of satiety and hunger signals. This leads to overconsumption of calories. Although excess calories can be theoretically stored safely in the adipose tissue, as the inflammation increases in this organ and insulin resistance develops in the fat cells, the ability to safely store excess fat is compromised. One of the consequences of insulin resistance in the adipose tissue is that excess fat is released into the blood stream and is sequestered by other organs (liver and skeletal muscles) that are not equipped to safely store this excess fat. This is the start of lipotoxicity…. "


  37. Here a more helpful video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbwRYFMPZS4
    We need insulin that docks to an insulin receptor so that through a complicated process sugar can enter the cells.
    What makes that fat can enter so easily? How exactly does that get into the cells?
    You are talking about muscle cells. How do those "muscle cells" so full of fat or did you mean fat cells instead of muscle cells?

  38. Sir, new subscriber here.. i would like to he educated, this is very much appreciated info, i would love to know if you can make how to improve, increase more of insulin sensitivity in the same way you presented here, thank you sir

  39. In the last 30-40 years in the US the consumption of dietary saturated fat has decreased. however diabetes had increased. This objective data from reality shows no correlation between the two.

  40. The claim being made is that intramyocellular lipids buildup is caused by dietary fat. Yet, there is zero explanation or indication of how intramyocellular lipid are formed from the food intake. Liver food metabolism is a very complex process and it's not fat in -> fat out. The dextrose tolerance test mentioned in the paper discussed measures insulin response only after 2 hours and very outdated.
    Modern tests developed by Dr. Joseph Kraft measure the progression of insulin response and the insulin resistance is determined by looking at the pattern of insulin spikes.

  41. I finally understood what insulin resistance is.

    The most objective and concise visual explanation for that !


  42. That study was deeply flawed and it should be obvious that neither diet should be the typical diet. Also, to only do a diet over two days does not allow for keto adaption, again a fact which should be obvious. Very sad!

  43. You doctors must show experiments, for ex.; one year a group of people will eat only carbs… see what happens. For one year another group of people will eat only fat and see what happens. Got it? Show me this kind of research…

  44. This is Dr Greger's BEST video (and I've watched all of them). The clear and direct explanation, backed by current science, is so important to human health and the economy (rising cost of medical care). How can we get the message out to everybody?

  45. I don't understand, an adult needs 2000-2500 calories per day, low fat would mean eating large carb meals. Which would be bad for diabetics or those with insulin resistance.

  46. Insulin spiking from high GI/GL is also a factor in insulin sensitivity. The cells actually down regulate transport mechanism if constant maintained hi glycemic generating diet. How that interplays with saturated fat response process I don't know, which appears an interesting topic?.

  47. I must be an "outlier" I ate a LCHF diet for 4 months, all my numbers went down by half, much lower, within normal range Triglycerides, Glucose, Insulin, hsCRT, my HDL went up to its highest number in ten years. My Total Cholesterol did go up however.

  48. What about De Novo Lipogenesis (a process where dietary carbohydrates are turned into triglycerides and other fat molecules)? Are you aware of the fact that carbs raise palmitate, triglycerides, and VLDL (small dangerous LDL particles)? Also, what about all the meta-analyses that show no link between saturated fat and heart disease?

  49. If this is true, then explain to me how people who go on a Keto or Atkinson diet, lose weight and blood sugars normalize? My brother-in-law is a type 2 diabetic and he follows the low fat, high vegetarian diet with little fats and he is overweight and dependent on daily insulin injections. I think more pathology is necessary to understand what causes diabetes. If you wear a blood glucose monitor you can see a direct correlation to blood sugar levels after foods you eat and see how long it takes for the blood sugars to normalize. This test clearly demonstrates the positive effects of eating high fats as it relates to blood sugars and causes you to lose weight. Keto diet is high fat, high low carb vegetables and no sugar. If you go on a vegetarian or high carb diet, you are always hungry and you will suffer from cravings all the time.

  50. There are actually – at last count – 47 different things that can go wrong in our physiology to cause blood glucose levels to rise. For example, low chromium levels means Glucose Transfer Factor becomes dysfunctional.

  51. I have a question though. What kind of fat causes the insulin resistance? You mentioned specifically that saturated fats contribute. Because I thought that not all fat acts the same. Do all fats cause insulin resistance? Also does fat that is produced by excess carbohydrates cause insulin resistance? Thanks!

  52. The cause for diabetes is not yet fully known, most scientific bodies dont make any certain claim. The vegans say its saturated fat, the low-carbers say its sugar. both are wrong, however the biggest risk factor is obesity

  53. To make this analysis proper, the correlation….or even cause and effect correct is to say that high dietary intake of fats/saturated fats is highly correlated with HIGH BLOOD LEVELS of fat. This video doesn't make that case. It only uses observational testing of fat intake and then jumps to "high fat" blood levels.

  54. Sorry, the first minutes does not demonstrate insuline resistance. There was no measurement of insuline. Just the response in blood suger level to sugar water. That is NOT the same thing.

  55. For anyone with questions:
    high saturated fat diets lead to insulin resistance as described in the video.
    It can ALSO happen if a person sonsumes a high PROCESSED simple carbohydrate diet(junk food,fast food, cheap cereals and sugar filled “healthy” bars ect…) which is MOST – BECAUSE: they are void in fiber for 1 to slow down glucose to give the body time to process it but for 2 – they are VOID in vitamins and specifically MINERALS that the body uses to process glucose in the cell into energy.
    The Malnutrition of chromium and thiamin ALONE can absolutely destroy the body’s ability to process glucose in the cell. The majority of diabetics are extremely low in thiamine and 9 out of 10 people are chromium deficient, the majority of people are deficient in magnesium ect…these are necessary basic nutrients to body absolutely NEEDS to process glucose and without them: high blood sugar, diabetes are simply a matter of time. Why do you think around 70% of the population HAS insulin resistance??
    EVEN if insulin allows glucose into the cell: The soil have been dramatically depleted of those basic minerals needed by the body to process glucose and therefore the machinery in the cells get CLOGGED and can’t do it effectively: so blood sugar builds up like a BUNCH of ships all waiting to get into 1 shipping doc. A line of ships will build up just like blood sugar!
    Hopefully this answers a lot questions and for anyone interested in there insulin and overall health.

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