Ricerca per invertire l'invecchiamento

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DESCRIZIONE: Il primo intervento dietetico indicato per aumentare l'attività della telomerasi. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/research-into-reversing-aging/ e ci proverò per rispondere! E guarda gli altri video sui danni al DNA (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/dna-damage/) e sull'invecchiamento ( http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/aging/). Inoltre, ci sono 1,449 altri soggetti (http:// Nutritionfacts.org/topics/) trattato nel resto dei miei video: sentiti libero di esplorarli anche tu!

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36 Risposte a “Ricerca per invertire l'invecchiamento”

  1. There are also herbs to look into thought to extend lifespan: bhringaraj, black sesame, heshouwu and many more. One sign is slowing gray hair and possibly reversing it.

  2. they also eat more vegetables, spray far fewer pesticides on crops, and as a society tend to have more pride in personal health than other nations. who knows how much healthier they would be if they stopped eating fish?

  3. I've been on a raw #fruitarian diet for just 3-4 months. I have lost 3 inches around my waist, am getting new hair growing on top of my bald head, and several 20-something women who are showing an interest. I am 64. LOL

  4. They also have a high rate of cigaret smoking. I suppose smoking improves life expectancy, or is it that their lower animal protein consumption more than offsets the damage caused by their increased tobacco smoking?

  5. I think everybody interested in this subject *must* read Aubrey de Grey's book "Ending Aging". His TEDtalk left me skeptical – but his book really does deliver the goods. He's not going to LIE to you like the YT videos in the "related videos" over there, because there are no less than seven major mechanisms of aging, telomeres being only one. And we don't have all the answers. But he can justly say, based on being neck-deep in cutting-edge research himself, that we are *damn* close.

  6. I see an issue in the way the telomere length is usually measured. They use white blood cells from blood assuming they'll be representative of all the other cells in the body because in a particular study they found a good correlation between the tel. length in these cells and in cells from other tissues. But they shouldn't automatically extend what they found in a few individuals to the general population. The rate of division of the immune cells may not be always in sync with other cells types

  7. Geez, I love fish. I don't think i'll give it up. Well, I guess it depends on where we're getting our fish from?

  8. But is it really the absence of meat in a vegan diet that promotes longevity? Or is the abundance of vegetables? If a meat eater ate as many veggies as a vegan, would they see the same benefits?

  9. 1:18 The irony of telling us to stop smoking whilst showing an article published by the Japanese, a country with one of the highest rates of smoking and the highest rates of longevity.

  10. Only 32000 views on this video?? LOL!!! People are doomed… A question Dr. Greger: Would intermittent fasting boost these enzymes activity also combined of course with WFPB diet? Any studies done on this? Thank you so much for all your impressive amazing work

  11. I know it wasn't clear from this older video whether a vegan diet can lengthen telomeres, but I hopped on to PubMed really quick and found this 2013 paper by Dr. Ornish that seems to support the idea that a vegan diet, along with exercise, stress reduction, and social support in men with low-risk prostate cancer DOES lengthen telomeres. The abstract doesn't specifically say what diet they used, but if Dr. Ornish is the primary author, I assume it must be vegan. I can't read the whole thing because it's behind a pay wall, but for those with access, it might be a good read: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24051140

  12. I cannot give up my fresh roasted Columbian Coffee. And with it 1-2tsp of truvia. Next, a smathering of International delight. Then 1tsp of cocoa nibs to soak at the bottom of the cup. After drinking, I'll scoop the nibs up with my spoon, chew and swallow the spongey coffee/chocolate that is soaking in each tiny nib. This is my quiet glorious moment of pleasure. I may read a small article or watch a smidgen of You tube. After that, its time to rock and roll and I'm on my way to a better day.

  13. Omg, the Dept of defense is working on this longevity stuff. Them and their Darpa and nasa friends. Them and their Mk-ultra and transhumanism sick societies, really? Who said these asses could put thier luciferian hands in this kind of science. I don't like the idea of them developing super humans that they can use against the average human being. I say take it away from them and give it to the benevolent scientists who will use it for good only, for helping those with autoimmune disorders, but certainly not to the military complex, certainly not them. God, help us!

  14. I don’t think fish is bad for you: salmon is one of the healthiest fat sources there is.

    And I don’t think vegan is anti-aging: some of the best healthy fat sources come from animal products.

    Skin is made up of fat and protein, found mostly in animal products.

    too much conflicting information 🤦🏻‍♀️

  15. I have a feeling that the fish they used in their study was expired canned tuna. Btw fish oil lengthen telomeres according to other studies

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