La dieta migliore per l'ipotiroidismo e l'ipertiroidismo

Perché una dieta a base vegetale è la migliore per la salute della tiroide? L'apparente protezione delle diete a base vegetale è dovuta all'esclusione degli alimenti di origine animale, ai benefici degli alimenti vegetali o ad entrambi?

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Questo è il terzo di una serie di quattro video sulla funzione tiroidea. I primi due erano i vegani a rischio di carenza di iodio? ( e The Healthyest Natural Fonte di iodio (

Restate sintonizzati per il video finale: Dieta per l'ipotiroidismo: un trattamento naturale per la malattia di Hashimoto (http://

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71 Risposte a “La dieta migliore per l'ipotiroidismo e l'ipertiroidismo”

  1. Do a video on the difference between a WFPB diet compared to a WFPB with a maximum of 10% fatintake(and protein) per day from a health standpoint please
    I'm tired of opening up all those studies to see which form of WFPB diet has been used to get the "benefits" xd

  2. Very interesting and relatable! Not only did I develop a goiter and hypothyroidism in the 90’s, a few years later later I was diagnosed with MS! 🤷‍♂️ Long story short, since going vegan 16 years ago, I’m off meds and haven’t had a symptom (afaik) to date! I’m in better shape now at 40, than back when I was 25, which is pretty cool! My older sister and her son also have hypothyroidism. They’re both omnis. He is basically eating the opposite of me, since apparently he’s allergic to almost all fruits and veggies. His health is sadly not good, been quite obese for a while now.
    Looking forward to the next video!

  3. if they were eating near vegan diets where were they getting enough iodine from? is it possible that iodine deficiency isnt the problem but its something else going on like people eating kale or milk?

  4. So interested in further information on Hashimoto's and also that being linked to Type 1.5 diabetes. Can I maintain my current c-peptide level on a plant based diet? Therefore not increasing my need for insulin? Thank you so much for all the information you provide! Life saver – literally!

  5. A whole-food plant-based diet is the anti-anti-inflammatory cureall. (Gonna start posting a comment and giving a like to every new video)

  6. Thyroid support tablets by Natra Bio for mild hypothyroidism. Good diet also for sure but you need a boost. The only supplement that worked for me without weird side effects and I tried a lot the last 15 years. I dont have Hashimoto though so keep that in mind

  7. Imagine my disappointment when I developed Hashimoto's after being WFPB for years! My doctor thinks that having two different viral illnesses in quick succession caused my Thyroiditis but I would have thought that my anti inflammatory diet would have been protective. I was prescribed Levothyroxine and my blood work quickly normalised plus within a year I had stopped making antigens so was no longer attacking my own thyroid. I would like to try reducing my medication to see if my Thyroid has recovered but my doctor would rather I just stay on the meds.

  8. I have hypothyroidism and have been taking 150mcg of thyroid meds daily for the past 5 or so years. I've been vegan now for 2 years and eat a really clean WFPB diet. Just recently had my yearly blood test and also a scan on my throat and doctor still thinks I'm on the correct dose. I generally feel pretty good so no reason to doubt the doctor.

    Hypothyroidism is hereditary in my family not sure if that makes a difference.

  9. Don’t tell me,a plant based diet is best,you’ve been called out many times for misrepresenting the science,why anyone would believe you is beyond me🤯

  10. If you have Hashimotos or Graves Disease, I highly recommend looking into Medical Medium. I was planted based over 10 years when I was diagnosed with Graves, 6 months into MM info and I'm reversing it!! It aligns a lot with what Dr. Greger teaches, just a few tweaks xo

  11. I'm tired of hearing about how a plant-based diet fixes everything, when my life experience shows it is not true. Does it help, yes, probably, but the way Dr. Greger talks you would think that all you have to do to fix genetic diseases is eat more plants.

  12. I wonder if he’s got any physicians following his channel… most doctors seem to know jack and sh@t about nutrition and the effects of diet on your health

  13. If estrogen triggers autoimmunity, could obesity also be a trigger for Hashimoto's? Is there any correlation between appendectomy and autoimmune disorders? Is there any correlation between fibroids with menorrhagia and anemia induced thyroiditis? I think AMLA might be helping reduce the size of my thyroid along with reducing systemic inflammation and menorrhagia. Is that possible?

  14. Am great fan of yours Dr., have been vegetarian (no meat, fish), 8 yrs I was hypothryroid, 3 years hypertgyroid, and since last year back to hypo again! Why ,no answer of this Q from any GP

  15. anything for thyroid nodules? I am vegetarian since birth and vegan from 5 years. I went gluten, corn and soy free from past 3 months.

  16. My specialist never said veganism would fix my Hashimotos thyroid disorder but it did, it's really a bad show that they don't tell patients this as it was really reducing my quality of life and I only discovered this cure by accident after being vegan for two years.

  17. Misleading: tons of supposition but said NOTHING about best diet for thyroid either way. Oh, but watch the NEXT video if you like being played with 🤡

  18. I’m not sure what I have.. they thought it could be hashimotos, but they ruled that out. I have slightly elevated levels of a few things but they said I’m “fine”. Mom has hypothyroidism and my sister, my only sibling, has some sort of thyroid issue. I uhh my hands and feet stopped growing around 10 years old, along with something else 😅. Fortunately, a hospital near me now offers transplants, so I’m going to go through that before finding the root of my thyroid issue. When I eat lots of veggies and cut out unprocessed foods I feel a lot better

  19. You should probably be aware that hashimoto's can also lead to hyperthyroidism if the immune system is consistently damaging the gland but not enough to kill it or cause it to atrophy. This can cause excess hormone to consistently be spilled into the bloodstream causing on and off high levels of free t3 and t4 hormone.

    I know because I have Hashimoto's hyperthyroidism as in that is my diagnosis, and actually have to restrict both iodine and b vitamin intake in order to control it.

    The idea that hashimoto's always means an underactive thyroid is a bias that is prevalent even with doctors and has actively prevented me from receiving appropriate care or treatment before.

  20. After going primarily WFPB, I haven't had to take thyroid medicine or the testosterone I was told I needed for several years now. My blood levels are all great, and I feel amazing with lots of energy and sustained significant weight loss! At 47 I feel so much better now than I ever did in my twenties or thirties! Thank you, Dr. Greger, for continuing to show us sound scientific studies as it is becoming more and more difficult for the mainstream to ignore!

  21. Based on this guy's physiognomy alone, I wouldn't trust a word he says. This guy looks like he doesn't give a crap about the health of the American population. Wonder if he may belong to any specific tribes…

    Phytonutrients produced by plants are meant to protect plant life not human health at all. Phytonutrients are a protective mechanism used by the plant at time of death or dying to disuade a creature from consuming it. It becomes toxic to the consumer. If you eat an animal, however, that ate plants, those phytonutrients are already broken down and become an immediate nutrient through the animal's flesh, say for instance grass fed beef.

    Humans are not meant to subsist on plant based diets. We have sharpened teeth. We need animal fats and proteins to grow big brains. The brain does not survive on carbs. The brain is literally made up of fat!!! Eat fats, eat meat.

  22. Well the problem is, I am vegan plant based vegan since 4 years before I was anorexic and all kinds of eating disorders i "tried" :D.. what can be imagined. Mostly I dare to eat since i am vegan, BUT I have hashimotos and I still do have this disease no matter my diet. Yes my work is very stressful and I suspect it is worsening my case. I do not have to take hormones.. yet… because my TSH is in the "normal" range but the antibodies are there and on ultrasound it can be seen that my thyroid tissue is inhomogeneous and I always feel this strange feeling in my throat when I swallow. So now what?… I seriously want to know what can do… I think if I wouldn't be vegan probably it would be worse… but it is not good now either.. I have sleeping problems I have digestive problems I have very fast heartbeat.. and noo.. it causes hypothyroidism AFTER the whole thyroid tissue is destroyed, until I have it working when it is in an inflamed state is is causing hyperthiroid symptoms. soo…. it's not good.. really not good.

  23. Why does this guy look so sickly? Google his family,he keeps his wife and his children hidden from the public? Why would he do that if he preaches this healthy diet? Can't even find his salary… hes a government paid shill . He tells everybody how to eat, but he never even finished his residency In cannot practice is a doctor….and has never coached one person to good health. And has never train or helped one person improve their diet

  24. I became a vegetarian when I was 13. I got Hashimoto's when I was 27, after having my first child. I became a vegan 2 years ago at the age of 44. So far I see no change. I'm pretty much whole food-plant based too. Maybe it will take me longer to see a difference since I've had it so long. I'm going to try the black cumin for sure though!

  25. They make it look so complicated, just improve your Iodine and selenium. Remove food that high in other metals like bromine that replace iodine. Intake more copper and boron foods avoid supplements as you increase one mineral u deplete other, such as high zinc will deplete copper. And don't believe "autoimmune, genetic" its made up so to sell treatments, remember gene expressions high impacted with trace minerals and your exposure to metals that replace these molecules that resembles them. Last but not least all glands rely on trace minerals iodine,boron,copper,manganese,silica,selenium….if you low on anyone of these you can't fix any organ that have glands. Do you're own research.

  26. I Strongly recommend Dr.Obaedo to everyone here, After been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism years back, I finally got cured of this through natural herbs, it unbelievable after spending much on medication which came with high side effect that didn't work. It an amazing miracle in my life and wishes to pass it to everyone suffering and needs help,,,,,,

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