La filosofia di

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Perché così tanti video su questo sito sembrano essere prevenuti nei confronti di determinati alimenti? Per lo stesso motivo per cui il sito web dell'American Lung Association sembra probabilmente prevenuto nei confronti del tabacco. La Philip Morris Corporation ha prodotto più di cento ( -3357.html) studi che mostrano i benefici per la salute del fumo. Ad esempio, la nicotina può aiutare ( gli schizofrenici con sintomi psicotici e il fumo possono influenzare la funzione immunitaria in misura sufficiente a trarne beneficio ( colite ulcerosa. L'industria del tabacco ha utilizzato questi studi per accusare l'ex chirurgo generale C. Everett Koop di “segnalazione selettiva” ( quando sostenne che il fumo provocava il cancro.<br/>
Il motivo per cui il Dr. Koop ha scelto di concentrarsi sugli studi anti-tabacco è presumibilmente perché stava cercando di riflettere accuratamente ciò che c'era nella letteratura scientifica. Il miglior equilibrio di prove disponibile suggerisce fortemente che il fumo fa male alla salute generale delle persone e lo stesso si potrebbe dire per molti alimenti. Quindi, quando l'industria del tabacco respinge i professionisti della salute pubblica come prevenuti nei confronti del tabacco, ovviamente sono prevenuti nei confronti del tabacco! Essere prevenuti contro il fumo significa essere prevenuti contro la morte e la malattia. Questo è un po' il loro lavoro.

Nessuno deve fumare, ma tutti devono mangiare. Quindi c'è un costo opportunità aggiuntivo per mangiare cibi malsani oltre a quanto essi stessi possano essere dannosi per la nostra salute.

Questo video fa parte di un esperimento per trovare modi per attirare a chi è nuovo del sito. Tanto di quello che faccio è rivolto a chi già conosce le basi, ma nel sondaggio utenti che circa un migliaio di voi ha compilato qualche settimana fa, molti di voi mi hanno chiesto di fare un passo indietro e fare dei video più mirati verso chi è nuovo alla nutrizione basata sull'evidenza.

Così con l'aiuto volontario del videografo Grant Peacock ( Ho creato dieci video introduttivi e di tipo panoramica sia per i nuovi utenti per orientarsi, sia per gli utenti di lunga data da utilizzare per presentare persone al sito.

I primi tre sono già attivi:
• The Story of (
• Perché dovresti preoccuparti della nutrizione (
• Assumersi la responsabilità personale per la propria salute ( prendendo g-responsabilità-personale-per-la-tua-salute)

Resta sintonizzato per:
• Dietro le quinte di (
• Come non morire di malattie cardiache (http:/ /
• Come non morire di cancro (
• Come non morire di diabete ( come-non-morire-di-diabete/)
• Come non morire di malattie renali (
• Come non morire di pressione alta ( come-non-morire-da-pressione-elevata)

Quello che faremo è alt errate tra questi video più ampi di tipo panoramica e i contenuti regolarmente programmati in modo da non annoiare coloro che bramano solo l'ultima scienza.

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su org e qualcuno del team di cercherà di rispondere.

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100 Risposte a “La filosofia di”

  1. I like the info a lot, but for some very basic things, it's hard to get a straight answer.

    For example, there's a lot of videos on various vitamins and the research surrounding them, but if I had the question, "OK, well then what vitamins should I be supplementing and with what quantity and frequency?" That answer is not forthcoming from the website at all.

  2. Changing to a whole food vegan life has not only changed me physically(100% positive) but it has expanded my inner spiritual self. I am not religious at all, and that's not what I mean by spiritual. I feel connected to the Earth, a deeper understanding of how we all need one another. Once that door opens…well it's no longer an effort to be vegan, it's a joy. Thank You Doctor.

  3. Actually the number one determinate of our longevity is "lean muscle mass".

    This guy make a big deal about science, but his idea of science is more than a bit peculiar, and on the website there are discussions that the moderators will not correct because to correct the loonies that frequent the site would be to drive them off. The majority of those who listen to Greger think meat is toxic, and yet the evidence that we see everyday, or even every so often is that meat is fine when done in moderation.

    Meat eaters live every bit as long as vegetarians – but all he does is look at diet anyway. Community, stress level, toxic pollution do not enter into anything he talks about. The temporarily longest lived person on the planet is virtually never a vegetarian … doesn't that stick with you people?

    This is like a religion, based on faith that the right diet is like the fountain of youth. It is true that the wrong diet can kill you … no doubt, but there is no right diet that will let you live forever … as suggested by the title of his book … How Not To Die.

  4. My god he's hard to listen to…. he should forget all the pretentious intonations, stop trying to act like a great speaker, AND JUST TALK TO US. Phony affectations just detract from the message. (Yeah, yeah, I'll get crucified for stating this opinion… have at it.)

  5. What our world would be like without Dr Michael Greger's methodical work?
    Although I disagree on something…the FOUR most important questions in life are as he said PLUS "what time is my next running course" there is no reason preventing us to fight the top killers with 2 guns instead of 1 😀

  6. I've been doing the Caldwell Esselstein plan due to health reasons and get nothing but ridicule about it. Strange how people are so militant about food.

  7. I am dying to know whether baby greens are as nutritious as mature greens? I love the mild taste, but that also leads me to believe they must not be as good for me. I'm also skeptical because it seems like now a days all you can find is the baby version of some things (spinach and arugula are the ones I most often have trouble finding), so I'm guessing this is also a profit-driven evolution due to shorter growing periods. But is it costing us in nutrients?

  8. How come the medical system advocates eating servings of meat and fish for protein?

    I'm genuinely asking. I like this channel but I'm not sure about chicken and fish being as unhealthy as Dr. Gregor says.

  9. You are so right!! 🙂 I love your website and it helps me a lot! Thanks for all your efforts and your research! You are really helping so many people! 🙂 PS: Really looking forward to your video on intermittent fasting! x

  10. Spot on Dr. Greger. I like having the ability to dl PDF's and see the graphs of studies that have been done. Too much BS out there to take the info on "Face" value. Thank you for this important validation.

  11. And yet despite all your use of peer reviewed science, animal products are still useful, nutritious, sometimes life saving products.  Milk, eggs, and cheese are here to stay.

  12. your vids have changed my life, I prefer the science based revelations that represent some of the most valuable research regarding health which is what you provide…the info is now very easily accessible thanks to you…..avacaodo's..?

  13. Which then raises the question – can you trust the source? Was the source biased (paid off, special interest, etc.)? shakes head Never ending cycle, it seems.
    I still like the research and knowledge shared, assuming he has our "best interest" in mind, and an unbiased opinion really does come from Dr. Greger.

  14. You recommend flax seeds a lot, but the National Food Agency here in sweden recommend not eating it at all.

    "NFA believes that one should not eat crushed flaxseed at all, even if they are heat-treated . We do not yet have enough knowledge to say how much crushed flaxseed to eat without the risk of damage to health. Therefore our advice to consumers not to eat crushed flaxseed."
    "Flax seed contains substances which can give rise to hydrogen cyanide. Colloquially known as hydrogen cyanide sometimes prussic acid . Hydrogen cyanide is a poison that can cause serious symptoms in excessive doses. The amount of hydrogen cyanide which can be released by the common use of whole flaxseed , one to two tablespoons per day , are considered risk-free."
    "We do not yet have enough knowledge to say how much crushed flaxseed to eat without the risk of damage to health. Therefore, our advice is not to eat crushed flaxseed ."

    Could you comment on this?

  15. Will you please give us your opinion about coconuts? We enjoy the coconut water most days of the week and have been making yogurt and pies with the young coconut meat for awhile now. Wondering if this is as good for us as we think it is.

  16. The health stuff and valid science is all well and good, but what do you think of animals and what people put them through in treating them as products and property? Do you still ridicule those of us opposed to animal-abuse derived, risky vaccines, especially mandatory vaccines (which is the real industry goal, make no mistake)? If you've seen it, what do you think of the documentary VAXXED? Hope you'll reply, thanks.

  17. 2 points ! 1) i think what you do is brilliant and have made a lot of food/lifestyle choices based on your findings.
    2) Blue and green should never be seen ! lol.
    Keep up the good word Dr Gregor, i think you and the work you do is amazing and i just wish more people took notice.

  18. Followed Dr. Greger's advice for 6 months, to the letter, because my physician warned me about my weight and blood pressure. After 6 months of eating plants- weight same and bp higher. Got scared and went low-carb high-fat. Results- after 4 weeks have lost 12 pounds and bp back to normal. Feel better, never hungry, I'm on it for life.

  19. Would love to see you make a video for TedEd to get some science for those low-carb, high-animal product lunatics. Thousands of people are following their advice because they are supposed to educate people 🙁

  20. Hi Dr. Greger, have you ever done any research for Stearidonic acid? What is the most effective and optimal way for humans to get stearidonic acid from? Thank you for all of your videos and work, you're inspiring and interesting.

  21. Dear Dr. Gregor,

    I have been vegan for two years, and in those two years my gums have receded drastically from my front bottom teeth. Are there any studies on nutrition and receding gums? Thank you.

  22. What is your final advice on taking 2 teaspoons of vinegar 3 times a day? I have been taking Organic Balsamic Vinegar with grape musts but you also cited a study taking Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.

    Should I take 1 Tablespoon of Organic Cider Vinegar and 1 Tablespoon of Organic Balsamic Vinegar daily? Or should I just continue taking the Balsamic?

  23. I really love this video and agree with him fully. But why doesnt he practises what he preaches?

    His website is filled with 1 sided articles and acts as if it represents science, but what science says doesnt equal what 1 scientific research says. He only shows all the negative researches regarding diary and meat, yet coincidentally forgets about the larger picture.

    I would not recommend to use his website as an only source for information as it's very biased. He is not a scam artists tho so you can still learn from him.

    This is just my 2 cents, to each his/her own.

  24. The vegan story is so typical. First they become happy and feel amazing. They talk to everyone how they are cleansing their body etc. (everybody feels this way when they are oding something that they think is good. yet they dont realise its not because of them not eating healthy products)

    But then it starts getting harder and harder. Their brain is missing amino acids, vitamins, minerals, omega etc. Within a couple of years they start eating meat again and start feeling better. This happens 80-85% of the time with vegans/vegetarians. Pretty sad that the general public doesnt know that veganism is dangerous as f*ck.

    Im super energetic and feel amazing, If I start a vegan diet I will look like this Michael Greger within 3 years. LOL

  25. Dr Greger, I just want to say thank you for doing all the digging I didn't have time for. I didn't really trust you at first, but the fact that you gave me a place to start not only improved my health, but also caused me to change my major to dietetics. I want to be a part of the solution. Thank you.

  26. I am 33 years old and have spent the last year taking my health into my own hands, and feel I have come a long way in cutting out stress, smoking, junk-food and take-aways, fizzy drinks, refined carbs, salts and sugars, but I have also added vegetables, exercise, sleep, proven supplements and many other healthy habits.

    I am willing to bet that finding and Dr. Greger will add a few extra years to my lifespan, and a few extra decades to my health-span, I already feel much better and for that I am truly grateful.

  27. I think you're one of the greatest human being on the planet! I have so much respect for your work and you time you give for the plant based and vegan mouvement! Your tips is game changing and i share as much as i can with my family, friends and other people! Thank you Dr. Greger We love you !!!

  28. As a mom I never knew this information so I am trying very hard to have my adult children follow a more plant-based diet thereby providing my grandchildren with a plant-based diet to enable us to live a happy healthy life

  29. Outstanding! One little question we're trying to go vegan. But we do like to eat breakfast cereal is that a killer or not too bad since we're staying off meat and eggs

  30. Good work Dr. Greger. Google needs to follow your lead. On 12/11/18 Google's CEO Sundar Pichai testified in front of US House of Representatives that "Google does not bias their search." The representatives pointed out how poor the search quality was. It is indeed biased toward popular Internet opinion and not based on facts. Mr. Pichai also explained in his Keynote address how much work Google is doing in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Google needs to model its AI after Dr. Greger's review process. Google needs to make their search results transparent by providing the research behind the search results–i.e. how did they determine this was the highest rank result and why. At this time Google protects their search algorithm–thus hiding the process. I no longer trust Google search. Dr. Greger keep up your outstanding work!

  31. Hi Dr. Greger,

    Is it “ok” in your opinion, to drink "soy milk" with my bowl of cereal, consisting of shredded wheat, cheerio's, blueberries & sliced banana to start my day?

    Other than that, I've started a vegan plant protein diet, to hopefully reverse my 1cm non calcified plaque LAD
    30 % stenosis blockage in my arteries.

    Your thoughts comments will be greatly appreciated!

  32. Wow! The amount of work that goes into your website, then to give it away for free makes you a humanitarian. Thank you Dr. Greger.

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