La mancanza di sonno fa ingrassare?

La mancanza di sonno può causare malsane voglie di cibo. Quelli randomizzati a 8,5 ore di sonno a notte hanno perso molto più grasso corporeo rispetto a quelli che hanno ottenuto 5,5 ore.

Dovrei fare più video sul sonno. Nel frattempo, potresti essere interessato a:
• Sonno e immunità (
• Durata ottimale del sonno (
• I cellulari influiscono sul sonno? (
• Rimedio dietetico naturale per l'insonnia (<br/>
Questo video era basato sulla sezione del sonno nel mio libro How Not to Diet, che puoi vedere qui ( (tutto il ricavato in beneficenza), oppure dai un'occhiata alla mia presentazione basata sul libro : Perdita di peso basata sull'evidenza (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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29 Risposte a “La mancanza di sonno fa ingrassare?”

  1. This is some very interesting info! From an anecdotal perspective, I know that if I stay up too late, I can start to get hungry. It forces me to either eat some extra calories or try to fall asleep hungry. But the idea that sleep duration directly impacts which types of tissues are broken down is very intriguing. I can't wait to see part 2!!!

  2. I've been trying to get to bed earlier in recent months but I'm still not getting quite enough sleep. This will motivate me to try even harder!

  3. How I would love to be "randomized" to 8.5 hours of sleep per night. But losing sleep only makes you fat if you give in to your cravings for processed carbs.

  4. This isn't addressing the increases in cortisol levels from obstructive sleep apnea. Nor the adrenal fatigue. But definitely some good information here.

  5. Cravings are uncontrollable sometimes, despite having strict plant based diet. I’ve only slept 7+ hrs about 2x in the past year…just wake & cant get back to sleep. Some days I feel I just eat all day…I hate it.

  6. I can’t make myself sleep. Stress causes me to overeat and eat junk. Maybe lack of sleep is driven by chronic stress. So that stress is causing both the lack of sleep & the overeating/eating junk?

  7. can you do a video on what are greens and do peas count as greens or other veggies and is there like spinach that you can eat to much peas.. and can berries/mustard powder/ flaxseeds/ other fruits be hitted in the microwave or do they lose there health benifits? Do you have any easy meals? Have got the how not to die book and cookbook but I am a single mum IBS and have very little energy/time so are there any easy no prep meals?? Lots of love and enjoy your day. Joyce from the netherlands.

  8. If I suffer sleep deprivation, I've been known to stick a spoon in a jar of strawberry jam and eat the whole thing in one sitting – something I'd find downright repulsive in the milieu of normal sleeping conditions.

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