La migliore alternativa alla sostituzione del ginocchio per il trattamento dell'artrosi

Esiste un'alternativa non chirurgica alla chirurgia sostitutiva del ginocchio che tratti invece la causa dell'osteoartrosi e offra solo benefici effetti collaterali?

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45 Risposte a “La migliore alternativa alla sostituzione del ginocchio per il trattamento dell'artrosi”

  1. Fascinating video. The WHO makes it hard to get a tonsillectomy because 1 in 20,000 patients dies from complications, but knee replacement kills 1 in 200 and nobody bats an eye.

  2. What kind of scumbag would suggest that it's up to the surgeon whether or not to tell their patients that they could possibly die from a surgery? Apparently they didn't read the oath they swore! Thank you dr. Greger and team!

  3. Which is better for the doctor's business: Suggesting surgery or a change in diet? The money motivational factor seems to be the root of the problem in medicine.

  4. Nutrition; and OA connection is a stretch!! Treat the cause? Warn out cartilage ! , not diet, diet and overweight are not the main factors, but less weight helps coping . This is poor science.

  5. I was sure it will be just another piece of nonsense. I was always underweight and very active, bloodwork of a 21 at 56 and still have problems with my knee. So, pls, what about give up to clickbait titles…🤢

  6. I always thought I couldn't run because of my arthritic knee. I developed it in my 30's because of a childhood injury. I started running at 52 and my knee just got better and better. I do run on dirt tracks, not pavement. If I can keep this up I may never need a knee replacement. Going Vegan didn't really do much for me but running has. Still Vegan.

  7. But what about the “Skinny” knee patients? In that case you can not say to them, that they should loose a lot of weight, especially if they already are underweight 🤔.

    There is another thing, that in my case showed to be very effective..
    Buy some fresh Ginger roots, then chop it up in very fine bits, then use a The-spoon 🥄 to eat it, and swallow it down with the liquid you prefer, like water, juice or whatever 😉.

    The amount you should take on a daily basis, is about one big Table spoon.

    In my Country there was some scientists, who made intensive research on the benefits of Ginger Root, and they wrote a book about it, and translated from Danish, the title is something like “ Ginger, The Root Of Everything Good”
    Among other things, they described a case where a male Mechanic where unable to do his work anymore, because of his inflamed knees, but after a few months on a daily dose of Ginger Root, he was able to work again.

    Why it works, and what the active components are, is very detailed described in the Book, and the Danish Title is “Ingefær, Roden Til Alt Godt”
    I don’t know about an English version of this, but it might be out there..🤔

    There are many other health benefits as well, but it would take too much time, to explain here..

  8. I know of an easier way, my father lowered his blood pressure and cholesterol by simply using a new Japanese technology. It’s H2 from a 2020 Lourdes hydrofix premium device. He changed nothing in his lifestyle, it was simply amazing. His arthritis and glaucoma also disappeared and the amount of science behind it is amazing. I hope dr Gregor learns about this new technology and does videos on it. If he would like to contact me, he is also welcome to. As I have tons of info on it and the Japanese hospitals are already using this technology. My email is uprising144k at gmail. Thanks for all the great videos Dr Gregor 🙏

  9. At 19 yo my doctor told me my ELBOW would soon need to be replaced. I didn’t even know they did that. My elbow always was in pain , inflamed, and the cartilage was just reducing too fast. I couldn’t even lift the remote . And they told me it was genetic . 5 years later the pain is gone. It only slightly clicks with no pain at all. And I’m weight training with 100 lbs on Elbow related movements. Thanks doctor Gregor! You saved my arm

  10. My mother had 2 knee replacements. She is an advocate to NOT HAVE IT DONE!!! She still has great pain, different, but pain nonetheless . It seems thinner people fair better, her friends that had replacements feel the same

  11. This is my favourite format. Showing the real you (not a cartoon). Not a disembodied voice only. And not on a treadmill (which is annoying to watch).
    My biggest issue is age-related urinary urge incontinence. But I don’t think diet can help with this, unfortunately.

  12. I am eating a plant based diet and I am at a healthy weight..and very active. Recently told that I have osteoarthritis in my knee. Nothing I could have done to prevent it. That it is hereditary. I also stand all day as a dog groomer. Not sure if being on my feet all day didn’t help.

  13. I have been 100% low fat vegan for 10 years, skinny 5'7 115lbs, and I developed osteoarthritis in both knees at age 28. I have worked jobs where I stand on concrete floors for 8hrs/day for the past 8 years. The US is a country where working class people are used like machines for the enrichment of the capitalist class.

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