Quattro noci una volta al mese

Una singola porzione di noci del Brasile può abbassare i livelli di colesterolo più velocemente delle statine e mantenerli bassi anche un mese dopo quella singola ingestione.

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I Sarei curioso di sapere se qualcuno riscontra risultati simili. Anche se lo studio è stato solo un colpo di fortuna, Nuts può aiutare a prevenire la morte (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-may-help-prevent-death/) migliorando la funzione delle nostre arterie (Walnuts and Artery Function http://nutritionfacts.org/video/walnuts-and-artery-function/) e combattere il cancro (Which Nut Fights Cancer? http://www.nutritionfacts.org/video/which-nut-fights- cancer-better/) e infiammazione (Fighting Inflammation in a Nut Shell http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fighting- infiammazione-in-un-guscio-di-chiocciola/).

Anche mangiare frutta secca ogni giorno non sembra comportare un aumento di peso previsto (Nuts and Obesity: The Weight of Evidence http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-obesity-the-weight-of-evidence/), quindi divertiti!

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/four-nuts-once-a-month/ e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: Allison JB via Flickr.

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100 Risposte a “Quattro noci una volta al mese”

  1. For several years I consumed a brazil nut each day to prevent prostate cancer but two weeks ago I was hit by an eighteen wheeler and was killed instantly without prostate cancer.

  2. I bought some mixed nuts and ate half a bag today. I was unaware I ate about six Brazil nuts until someone told me. I was then told that over two Brazil nuts a day was too much. I felt a bit tingly afterwards. Hopefully I don't get selenium toxicity.

  3. This is entertaining, but ridiculous. At least another "study" should be done using various other nuts, both raw and dry toasted. And when done, do yet another "study" using only selenium supplement, and no nuts.

  4. Five years ago I was a Raw Vegan. Prior to starting my cholesterol was 220 , after a few months my cholesterol came down to 164!! I also lost 35lbs, I felt great, with good energy, and my head was clear for the first n my years. This diet takes a lot of dedication and work, it's not easy. I wish I could get in the right mind set to do it again!!

  5. But Selenium is vital for Tireoide function it work with iodine check out LUGOL So no make sense it Brazilian nut or Selenium once a month?

  6. I eat 1 Raw Brazil Nut every day, you can get one pound for $ 8 on nuts.com, they taste so good and are very healthy, good to know they lower cholesterol 🙂


    Okay you crazy people who listen to these ridiculous videos…I'm here to report my results. I began eating 4 Brazil nuts on the first of the month every month since May 2016. Had my annual physical last year on 9/9 and this year on 8/22. In that period I got to the gym 4 to 7 days a week, trained VERY hard, and in January I also cut all added sugar from my diet. If it wasn't in a piece of fruit, I didn't eat any sugar. I have also been a vegetarian since 1/1/15 (so I was a vegetarian before last year's physical).

    2015: Chol/HDL ratio 3.9, Cholesterol 187, HDL 46, LDL 121, Triglycerides 99.
    2016: Chol/HDL ratio 3.1, Cholesterol 156, HDL 51, LDL 84, Triglycerides 105.

    Seriously, this Brazil nut stuff appears to be working, but I don't know how much the other changes in diet and exercise affected the numbers. I do know that the 187 last year was the lowest I had measured in Cholesterol for a number of years and that my numbers for the past five physicals were really not good. This year's numbers are excellent.

    Keep eating those Brazil nuts.

    (Also, I was just kidding about "you crazy people", so don't take that the wrong way.)

    UPDATE: Told a colleague about this in December of 2016 and just heard back from her in email (today is March 9, 2017). She says she has never tested below 200 for cholesterol in her life. Her test last year came in over 230. She ate four Brazil nuts three or four days before her test recently and tested at 199. She also said she is going to have four Brazil nuts every month, once a month, from now on.

  8. Good info. I wouldn't want to eat more than 4 per month anyway considering all the PUFAs, omega 6 etc they have. They're literally packed with PUFAs.

  9. If the people knew how many nuts they were eating, can you really consider this valid?
    Maybe the ones that got more went on to decide to eat better overall?

  10. these doctors have absolutely no idea how much pesticide fungicide and herbicide is used not to mention the over application of nitrogen into the ground

  11. The idea of just 4 nuts a month he recommends i disagree with. Nuts including brazil ones can be consumed weekly or daily as part of a healthy lifestyle without the worry of toxicity. He referenced no research of brazil nuts daily or weekly consumption being toxic because none exist.

  12. I just ate like 20 just now….am I in danger of selenium overdose? am I going to pop selenium claws and have selenium coated bones? seriously though am I in danger?

  13. If only we took nuts and legumes and greens like we took medicine.. Measuring out our daily needs and taking them, we would eliminate the disease centric system big pharma loves to dominate.

  14. That's like asking me to open a fresh can of Pringles and eat JUST ONE CHIP then leave the rest until next week where I get to eat another ONE chip……damn it.

  15. This is one out of the dozens of videos that you made that i totally agree. But i eat brazil nuts on a regular basis, not 4 a month as stated.

  16. I eat one Brazil nut every day precisely because it gives you all the selenium you need for the day. Have no idea what kind of effect it's had on my cholesterol profile. [Background info: I've been vegan for almost 17 years, so I'm not worried.]

  17. I tought you should eat 2 a day because of the selenium and I was actually guilty because I did not reach that. ^^ I eat about 10 a month, guess that should be okay.

  18. I take 3 a day…that’s what all the other sources say. Usually 2-3 but very few say 4 a day. That’s interesting that he says 4 a month only

  19. 2016 (China) "Selenium has modestly beneficial effects on blood lipid levels in a population with relatively low selenium status. Our result suggests adequate dietary selenium intake as a potential prevention strategy for lowering lipid levels in selenium deplete populations."
    2008 "Elevated serum selenium was associated with elevated serum concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triacylglycerols, apo B, and apo A-I among US adults, a selenium-replete population. Experimental studies are needed to determine cause and effect relations and the potential mechanisms underlying these associations."
    2011 "Cross-sectional findings from the Young Finns study corroborate positive associations of selenium status with serum lipids. However, longitudinal evidence does not support the causality of this link."
    2008 "E-Se may be one of the possible associated factors that decrease the levels of TC and LDL-C after menopause. Further studies are needed to clarify the cause-and-effect relationship of nutritional Se status and lipid profile."

    2010 "In US adults, high serum selenium concentrations were associated with increased serum concentrations of total and LDL cholesterol. Selenium was associated with increasing HDL cholesterol only at low selenium levels. Given increasing trends in dietary selenium intake and supplementation, the causal mechanisms underlying these associations need to be fully characterized."

    So correction of both, Se depletion and Se overload may improve blood lipids.
    Anybody got selenium blood levels checked – upon which diet?

  20. Your other video suggest one brazil nut a day? Dr. Esselstyn, your colleague suggests no nuts. So now Im really confused. Is
    Caralluma Fimbriata any good for us?  THank you for being on the forefront of research.

  21. After some questionable(!) scientific research, I found Almonds to the healthiest nut, Brazil nuts in 5th place. I stand by my findings, see my channel for the definitive list of the healthiest nuts.

  22. Dr. Greger is dead wrong. Easy and harmless things need to be properly verified and validated as well. If you followed Greger's philosophy to its logical conclusion, we would be back in the dark ages with 1001 quack medical treatments and diet "cures".

  23. So which is better eating four once a month at one time or eating one Brazil nut once a week?
    This video was a little bit confusing, don’t you think?

  24. Some you tubers suggest that in order to get the most benefits from Brazil nuts they have to be soaked in water then dried. I tried this and what was left were soft chlorine tasting Brazil nuts. If you do this don’t use tap water.

  25. I heard brazil nuts had enough selenium to have an overdose but that it also helps thyroid function(selenium is recommended for thyroid).

  26. Thank you for saving so many lives like mine. BTW what do you recommend for low thyroid? I'm battling the bulge over here.

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