La sindrome di Candida è reale?

La presenza di candida nelle feci è correlata a sintomi di “ipersensibilità alla candida” come mal di testa e stanchezza e cosa succede quando le persone vengono poste una dieta ricca di zuccheri.

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100 Risposte a “La sindrome di Candida è reale?”

  1. I am highly sensitive to brewers yeast, beer is the worst but wine not so much. Hard liquor has no effect on my digestive system. I suppose it's because beer has a lot of residual living yeast and wine has very little, hard liquor has been distilled so there is no yeast present.
    I take S. boulardii(the good yeast) when I am experiencing stomach problems and diarrhea.

  2. From the CDC(center for disease control ) to quack doctor——Healthcare facilities in several countries have reported that a type of yeast called Candida auris has been causing severe illness in hospitalized patients. In some patients, this yeast can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, causing serious invasive infections. This yeast often does not respond to commonly used antifungal drugs, making infections difficult to treat. Most C. auris infections are treatable with a class of antifungal drugs called echinocandins. However, some C. auris infections have been resistant to all three main classes of antifungal medications, making them more difficult to treat.——-keep prescribing those antibiotics bud….all you're trained to do…..

  3. Though I think Candida Syndrome is largely overblown, and can interfere with proper diagnosis of real disorders, like MS or serious food allergies, the research presented here seems to not delve deeply enough into the forms of these yeasts that aren't beneficial when large colonies form. No doctor thinks a life long thrush infection is "normal," yet these and similar cases exist, so more intensive research likely is warranted.

  4. Now this is very interesting. Just recently had bloodwork done as well as a urine and stool analysis–doctor said I have high levels of 3 strains of Candida, leaky gut syndrome, and food allergies/sensitivities. I've been fighting a staph infection for several months, and my PCP and dermatologist couldn't help me. My naturopathic doctor ordered these tests, and I'm currently supplementing to help my liver detox, kill the excess candida, and heal my intestinal walls. Staph infection is still bothering me. What on Earth can I do, Dr. Greger?!

  5. Candida syndrome? Lol, this is the first time I hear this. When I (and all the females I know) get candida I take a medicine that cleans the bad stuff in the vagina and in 5-7 days is gone. People always love to exaggerate things

  6. next you're going to make a video about how Adrenal Fatigue isn't real. There is addison's which people recognize, but what about the in between? and in every website you go to it is advised to avoid sugar. In my opinion. and for myself personally, sugar feeds candida, causes it to go wild, then my adrenal fatigue flares up. but it's not full blown addison's disease so I'm perfectly healthy right? no… there are grey areas. me and my friend have candida overgrowth, i am able to use methods to keep my under control and feel pretty normal and function. She's taken Difulcan and still can't get rid of her candida overgrowth. it's so bad to the point where it affects her vision and she says some days she feels like her hands don't work. at home she's in a high stress environment which I think contributes greatly. so what if someone said that stress contributes to candida overgrowth and crohns disease? what if subjects tested had no stress so their body could regulate things more?
    I read a book on Borderline Personality Disorder and it said people of borderline children frequently have autoimmune disorders, IBS, fibromyalgia… and I think there are correlations between stress, how you were raised to what medical conditions you have.
    Whether the science is there, I feel better not eating sugar and gluten so I do that most of the time.

  7. There's no trace of scientific proof that a black hole exists or stars are formed via nebular accretion, but we're told they do. Who to believe.

  8. No proof. I figured as much. Another dumb and dumber situation. Dumb health "professionals" with no credentials and dumber folks being convinced by the idiocy of these "professionals." Look at the comments with all the people clinging to their imaginary self diagnosis. Y'all a bunch of dummies and dupes.

  9. Hmm sounds like this is a video to sweep candida victims under the rug just like those suffering from Morgellons Disease.

    Doctors swear Morgellons Disease isn't real, but if you look it up yourself you will think differently.

  10. I think folks are confusing yeast infections/thrush (totally real) with a (mythical) systemic internal "Candida Syndrome" causing all sorts of weird symptoms not related to normal EXTERNAL yeast issues (mouth, vagina, scalp).

    C Albicans thrives in moist places especially in people whose healthy microbiome has been killed off by antibiotics or compromised by autoimmune disorders. Treatment to bring candida back into balance with other healthy bacteria includes antifungal meds like Nystatin or -izoles, but often more effective and longer-lasting treatment includes replenishing healthy bacteria with probiotics and then feeding them healthful prebiotics like whole grains.

    But candida isn't a whole-body issue.

  11. I've had those symptoms….especially headaches…but ear aches, with fungal wax overgrowth….nystatin relieved all symptoms….but they do come back. I've dealt with this since 1999….I've read nystatin can damage kidneys….

  12. Has anyone else struggled with severe tinea versicolor? I've always assumed it was due to candida overgrowth. It's hard to find solid research about it

  13. This video seems to imply candida isn't an issue but what about people who get systemic candida where they have yeast infections essentially all over their body. What is someone to do in that case? Not treat it?

  14. Candida infections and overgrowth can be due to more than diet. I was exposed to mold in my home from water damage and developed systemic candida and many symptoms that were diagnosed as candida and did have to be treated with antifungals.

  15. One test based on stool samples from people asked a few questions, doesnt begin to scratch the surface on the complexity of having candida issues. No company has any vested interest on funding better studies or long term testing because its not profitable yet, so we end up with half-assed studies and dismissive literature, rather than anyone who takes this seriously.

  16. This is real…I knew someone who got this by using " too much antibacterial soap" on their hands, one thing led to another. First on her hands, then a rash on hands and arms, she tried the highest steroid creams, her rash got worse…she got very sick. No cream worked and her dermatolgist was puzzled. Her blood pressure went very high, still many rashes and no steroids worked. A doctor then thought maybe Cushing? But it was clear she had an overall imbalance in her skin that started to infect her whole body. Another doctor suggested she had to much yeast and that the antibacterial soap and gels had to stop. You know what cured all her symptoms? She used head and shoulders as soap….everything cleared.

  17. Thank you, Doctor G! I've been telling this to friends and clients for a long time. It's great to cut out processed sugars and grains for a number of reasons, BUT I've seen people cutting out fruit too, which I think is really dangerous. No matter how much I preach, though, it does indeed seem to be so deeply ingrained now – this idea that Candida causes so many problems – that many hold onto it as the ultimate excuse. Now I can point them to this video, stat!

  18. Does that mean there is no such thing as an overgrowth of Candida? Or does it mean there are no serious side effects to an overgrowth?

  19. 9 times out of 10, tiredness is due to low functioning adrenal glands and headaches due to constipation. The adrenals also control the autonomic nervous system which controls the gut where candida overgrowth is found. There is a lot of truth to the saying that disease starts in the gut. If we take care of it by first and foremost, eating a species appropriate diet which as you have pointed out, should be comprised of raw fruit and raw vegetables and use only whole herbs which the body can also easily digest and utilize, there would be little need for drugs. First we have to recognize we've been brainwashed by BIG FOOD and BIG MEDICA about what we are supposed to be eating and in the meantime have become addicted to things that shouldn't be going anywhere near our lips let alone our stomachs.

    A slow metabolism and constipation sounds like an underactive or hypothyroid. Take your basal cell underarm temperature first thing in the morning before you even sit up in bed to make sure.

  20. Wow I'm amazed by the clear info here! I want to know if this topic is linked to low stomach acid. I have a worsening skin condition ( severe cystic acne, especially on back, chest and jawline ) and I'm so determined to fix this myself from the inside out! I've gone vegan now for about a month and have seen some improvement

  21. Dr Greger! I'm 3 years vegan now and I have had many meat eaters tell me that it's not meat that gives you disease it's the quality of it. Could this be true? I found this study and it's making me so annoyed because it might be true… I can't see if it's funded by the meat industry or not. I would love if you could look into and see if it is true…

  22. If you guys didn't know know Mercury cause Candida and many other problems so Aviod all sources of it including rice amaglam fillings and fish all fish

  23. Maria Takeuchi  Plastic Love was going to blow clouds to this, but too late don't want to mess with the REM's and the lucid dreams.    Iboga tought me the hard way about the gut microbe and immune system.  Imbalance in the gut microbe. Fiber deprivation. "The lesson we’re learning from studying the interaction of fiber, gut microbes and the intestinal barrier system is that if you don’t feed them, they can eat you,”  Eric Martens, Ph.D   anddddd antibiotics fuck wit u, they have known since the 1950's giving antibiotics to animals makes them pack on the pounds check out this article for reference  The fat drug by pagen kennedy march 8 2014peace to nor-cal 106 yesterday in SF shrooms and lsd effect your gut microbe too

  24. Doctor Greger, could you make a video talking about the findings that have been all over the news about B12 supplements causing lung cancer in men? They're pretty irritating, I tried reading the study but it doesn't make sense to me

  25. Dr Greger, I searched NutritionFacts and couldn't find anything… but do you have any information on lymphedema being controlled by diet? My mother has it and I would like to share some information with her!

  26. I battled stomach issues for most of my life, treatment for candidiasis was life changing for me. I WISH I HAD KNOWN EARLIER IN MY LIFE!!! I had excluded every food in my diet, juiced, smoothied, gone vegan, wheat free from paleo to atkins. tested and scoped by doctors repeatedly. Nothing made such a radical effect as a specifically directed round of anti-fungal / anti-microbial treatments directed at candida. was it candida? I dont know but it was the only thing that worked…

    Could you imagine the class-action lawsuit if we could link these auto-immune diseases in our stomachs directly to processed foods? Be smart.

  27. And to think there are books entirely written on treating a syndrome that doesn't even exist! It's preposterous! But it sells and oh, how it does sell!

  28. I was diagnosed HIV+ in 1987. In the absence of any knowledge to treat this disease, Candida became one of the things that came under scrutiny for what it might be contributing to the illness, especially as Candida growth tended to explode in people with HIV. Some of the now popular and effective vaginal yeast treatments were developed during the 1980s-90s in the course of treating men with Candida overgrowth.

  29. Dr. Greger, I think you must stop doing this. It's getting weird, it's starting to be a kind of orthorexic approach to health studies. Please, we are not looking for perfection, we're just looking for a healthy enough diet on which we can rely and stay. Give us that and let some debates for your community of scientists. I feel like not watching your videos anymore and I use to love them. I hope my comment makes you change again your style of approaching.

  30. if Candida is true it would not be like an infection in the same way other disease causing organisms would be. Based upon idea, one is not going to test positive or negative for a normal flora. The problem seems to be conditions that promote an over growth. I find this rather easy to believe considering that I have brewed my own hard cider from wild yeast. Its not the culture but the medium which defines the product. If I add wild yeast to a PH of 2.0 it will do poorly. However if stomach PH were to get to a 3.0 or a 3.5 PH , then I could see fermentation as a possibility. I have heard that blood alcohols can be raised in some individuals.

  31. Well they are obviously being bothered by something, trying to self diagnose because they aren't getting help or answers from the medical community. I think this idea that people have illnesses just in their head and the bullshit "placebo" effect has been used for a long time to just let patients become dead or disabled because no further true medical discovery was needed, and is the single biggest faupax committed by the medical community in the last century. That and over medicating them for "craziness". Calling people crazy is the most embarrassing thing committed against sick people in recent history. I guess it's better than trepanning, lobotomy and anal dialating but not by very damn much. Not by very damn much at all.

  32. Yea but who did the candida study? We already know one can pay for whatever result one wishes. Also pharmecutical companies profit from people feeling ill so their intrest is clear. Not saying i believe in candia. Just putting some more information to consider out here.

  33. I understand if someone thinks they have this and they do not, however, what then does the real diagnostic blood tests indicate? Why does the CDC have "Invasive Candidiasis" on their web site? Is that something different? My sister suffered with an unknown disease for a long time before my mom read about Candida, and her doctor ordered the blood test for it. The test indicated she had it. She went on a strict diet for a long time, and got much better.

  34. I have a mucus in my mouth that when I spit into a glass of water it streaks to the bottom of the glass, this started just after a course of antibiotics, I was treated for candida by my GP as the swab test shown candida, it did not clear up the mucus, it has never got any better, my doctor is stumped, further tests haven't turned up anything but still I have this mucus and running sinuses, what should I do, I feel there is nowhere to turn.

  35. I had problems with candida causing severe stomach acid, headaches, fatigue, heart palpitations, etc. Diet changes (no carbs except a very small amount of whole grains) and natural anti-fungal products like Caprylic Acid made me better, that is enough evidence for me. It was tough going with die off symptoms but well worth being off prescription antacids. It is caused by too many antibiotics over the years.

  36. Meagan Collins- I used to stop yeast infections making a tampon putting a carefully peeled clove of garlic wrapped around cheese cloth and tied closed with a piece of string or dental floss long enough to pull to easily remove the garlic tampon. Replace with a fresh one each morning and before bed. Use as needed. I never needed it for more than a few days at a time. You'll never need to buy anymore over the counter yeast infection creams after you try this.

  37. I will give you a 100% effective cure for candida. Eating spicy chilis. Burns it right out of you! Avoid sugar and eat spicy 😉 have been on antibiotics for 3 years for Folliculitis Decalvans. I stopped them now due to Candida growing all over my tongue. gone now

  38. The people trust candida doctors as much as others trust a YouTube medic. It's other face of the same coin. The people bias and ego get involved and always tend to trust what would fit better they believes.

  39. So frustrating! Fungal infections are real. Autobrewery syndrome is real! I have had had it. Fungus turn the carbs I eat into alcohol and it makes me drunk. Crazy I know. Look it up.

  40. Mycotoxins and aflatoxins in Beans, Corn, Coffee, Nuts, especially PEANUTS, apple cider vinegar, mushrooms, grains and dried dates, prunes and raisins would make a great video. Also mold poisoning and detoxing of the cytoxins that cause CIRS chronic inflammatory response syndrome.

  41. I'm not sure about this. I had my first yeast infection ever recently. It didn't produce the usual disgusting discharge but DID have the unbearable itching. I had to go through two courses of Diflucan and reduce my diet to nothing but vegetables, low-sugar fruits, and protein (as in grass-fed meat) in order to get through it. I know this because the night before my second dose I had my normal vegan rice and beans bowl at Chipotle and the next morning I was ready to remove my skin with a blow torch because of the severity of itchiness. Had I not gone low-carb for the duration of the treatment and several days afterward with lots of probiotics, I can only imagine that I'd still be suffering. Now, this was only for the duration of the treatment until I was able to again eat plant-based and increase my intake of starchy carbs and veggies to pre-infection levels, but I would happily eat nothing but meat for a month if it meant no infection.

  42. Hes not very informed on this topic. You won't even see candida in your stool until it starts to die off, which is hard to make that happen. I literally have passed bowel movements where its almost all candida. There are pictures of it on the net.

    Candida is normal in human body, just not in a progressed form. Yeast form is normal, but it grows into a hyphae form that spreads and infects you. Its also not suppose to be on your tongue. A thin white coating on tongue is normal but if you can scrape it off and literally see small chunks of yeast that is not normal.

    He seems uneducated on the topic, but most people are until they have really suffered from it. DO NOT listen to this video just because hes a doctor and has done some research on the topic. You just don't get it unless you have experienced it. It took me years and years to understand this issue.

  43. I'm a huge fan of yours, but just bumping up my artificial sugar intake 40 grams is enough to make my tongue break out in thrush and makes my eczema get much worse. I noticed fruit does not do the same thing, it actually helps regulate the amount of whiteness and furriness on my tongue.

  44. Go tell that to Savely Yurkovsky then. He treats people tautaopathically for it and tests for it with bio resonance testing and he gets good results.

  45. My candida levels (blood test) were 11 when less than 1 is considered normal. With no vaginal yeast infection or oral thrush. I've been vegetarian for 3 years and vegan for most of that time. I was also put on prophylactic antibiotics for the first 6 YEARS of my life, something which the effect of has not been studied. My gut microbiome was wacked at a very young age, before it was even given a chance to develop. Thoughts?

  46. Wow. Just when I'd begun enjoying the scientific nature of the other videos on this channel, I stumbled across this one. I'm taken back by it's tone, rudeness & general disrespect. It took me by surprise. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since it's socially acceptable to make fun of those who live with symptoms of mental illness likely because so few doctors are willing to collaborate with people who live with it, instead choosing to "Pat them on their head," as this doctor invites colleagues to do. Surprise! Sometimes when a doctor takes time to do an entire analysis of a patient's symptoms and medical history, they can catch things their colleagues dismiss. Multiple doctors misdiagnosed me, treating me for symptoms of severe mental illness. Nearly two decades into a living with treatment-refractory mental illness, a different doctor choose to look at my entire medical history and took a careful detailed analysis of everything–rather than just pat me on the head and push more pills. He chose to treat me based on a medical hypothesis and it worked. 22 months later and I am still symptom-free. Longest remission I have ever experienced. Ever–All without psychiatric medications.

  47. Please do avideo about smoking and candida because iam asmoker and having candida symptoms
    I read astatement that smoking is highly asociated with candida
    Iread it in the papers in this vidieo or give me the research that speak about smoking and candida

  48. The explanation that sugars only get into your gut if you're lactose intolerant…. Makes so much sense for my case in particular. I've had every candida like symptom disappear after I stopped eating dairy I was intolerant to completely, not just restricting it. Though I would like to ask the question whether that lactose really can lead to overgrowth and if so, are there other digestion issues that can lead to the same problem.

  49. I think we can only know for sure whether it's not real if more studies are done, especially in patients with digestive issues such as lactose intolerance you mentioned that cause some sugars to make their way into the gut.

  50. Candida syndrome is hype, but it's easy to see how people would get sucked in, doctors and nurses in the US are terrible. And there are plenty of authoritative sources that give unhelpful or bad information; so it's easy to image how people feel about "finally having an answer" to explain their symptoms; a lot of "mycophobia" is probably bad-doctors-iasis.

  51. Dr. Greger is wrong on this one. He is usually right on target though. Candida albicans is real and a super big problem for a lot of people.

  52. I have SD(seborric dermatatis) sorry for bad english . And i think its yeast overgrowth and does anyone know how to cure this?? Tried diet its helps but i cant eat much bread otherwise it becomes worse

  53. "Candida is a dimorphic microbe meaning it can exist in two forms. It can exist as a benign yeast or a pathogenic fungi. Every person has Candida as it is a natural and beneficial inhabitant of the body in its yeast form. Not everyone has Candida overgrowth (candidiasis) though , which occurs in Candida’s fungal form. In is fungal form Candida forms finger-like projections called hyphae that allow the Candida to dig in to and damage tissues. Whether Candida exists as yeast or a fungus depends on the pH of the terrain the Candida is in. In areas where Candida is naturally found beneficial acid forming bacteria known as flora are also found. These are primarily the colon, sinuses, skin and vaginal cavity. The acids produced by the flora turn off the Candida growth gene and keep the Candida in its benign yeast form. When the flora are destroyed from antibiotics use or certain other drugs, illness, poor diet, etc. the pH of the tissues where Candida and the flora are found shift from the normally slightly acidic pH to an alkaline pH. The shift from an acidic to an alkaline pH turns on the Candida growth gene and converts the Candida to convert in to its pathogenic fungal form. "

  54. Similarites Between Fungi and Cancer both can metabolize nutrient in the absense of Oxygen anaerobically both feed of go to 5 mins 37 here as a Doctor will show you Aflatoxins are hepatocarcinogenic in humans, particularly in conjunction with chronic hepatitis B virus infection, and cause aflatoxicosis in episodic poisoning outbreaks. In animals, these toxins also impair growth and are immunosuppressive; the latter effects are of increasing interest in human populations. FB have been reported to induce liver and kidney tumours in rodents and are classified as Group 2B ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’, with ecological studies implying a possible link to increased oesophageal cancer. Effects of different mycotoxins on humans, cell genome and their involvement in cancer Aflatoxin B, has been demonstrated in animal species to be the mostpotent liver carcinogen Robynne Chutkan integrative gastroenterologist and microbiome expert, assistant professor of medicine at Georgetown University Hospital, says leaky gut "is likely to emerge as one of the most significant medical concepts of our time." C. albicans has a tight association with bacterial species read the The Yeast Syndrome by John Parks Trowbridge, M.D.and The Mind-Gut connection by Emeran Mayer, & Missing Microbes by Martin Blaser and The Yeast Connection: A Medical Breakthrough Book by William G Crook Rob Knight Prof. Simon Carding, Leader of the Gut Health and Food Safety Research Programme, Institute of Food Research and Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia Biofilms – a presentation by Melissa Ponce Vitamin C flush – My First Experience and Eliminating Biofilm Modulating the Gut Microbiome – the Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics Connecting our dynamic gut microbiomes to the brain- Rob Knight, UC San Diego Giulia Enders had been working on her Ph.D in Gastroenterology when a presentation on the gut won her the Science Slam prize in her native Germany. John Parks Trowbridge, M. D. Deep Blood Fungus: Dental and Other Connections to Devastating Illnesses, Part 1 Michael Ruscio Dr. Peter Osborne Doug Kaufmann Mr. Kauffmann became certified by the American Society of Allergy Technicians (ASAT) and worked to that end with G. Howard Gottschalk, M.D. in his Los Angeles allergy clinic. Dr. Gottschalk sent Doug to the Washington University School of Medicine in 1974 for a course in Food Allergy. This course would alter his career, in that he learned of the many physical and mental symptoms that were directly linked to diet. He would later discover that food allergy surfaced when intestinal leakage occurred and allergy tests only determined the end result of this process. Intestinal fungal overgrowth after taking antibiotics could cause intestinal leakage. These findings fueled Doug's interest in food and fungal-related research, most of which is still unknown to physicians and medical researchers. The majority of people are not "very high in copper". Truth About Fermented Foods Basics on the microbiome and how home fermenting can support the growth of beneficial bacteria, and how to do it at home. Dark Side of Antibiotics Dr Robynne Chutkan integrative gastroenterologist and microbiome expert, assistant professor of medicine at Georgetown University Hospital, says leaky gut "is likely to emerge as one of the most significant medical concepts of our time." Lacto-Fermentation: The Secret of Healing C. albicans has a tight association with bacterial species The Yeast Syndrome by John Parks Trowbridge, M.D.and The Mind-Gut connection by Emeran Mayer, & Missing Microbes by Martin Blaser The Yeast Connection: A Medical Breakthrough Book by William G Crook Gut Health featuring Dr. Carolyn Dean Rob Knight Prof. Simon Carding, Leader of the Gut Health and Food Safety Research Programme, Institute of Food Research and Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia Biofilms – a presentation by Melissa Ponce Vitamin C flush – My First Experience and Eliminating Biofilm Modulating the Gut Microbiome – the Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics Connecting our dynamic gut microbiomes to the brain- Rob Knight, UC San Diego Giulia Enders had been working on her Ph.D in Gastroenterology when a presentation on the gut won her the Science Slam prize in her native Germany. What Causes Autoimmune Disease John Parks Trowbridge, M. D. Deep Blood Fungus: Dental and Other Connections to Devastating Illnesses, Part 1 Martin Blaser, New York University, „Human Gut Microbiota Perturbation and Disease Dr. Michael Ruscio Dr. Peter Osborne Doug Kaufmann Mr. Kauffmann became certified by the American Society of Allergy Technicians (ASAT) and worked to that end with G. Howard Gottschalk, M.D. in his Los Angeles allergy clinic. Dr. Gottschalk sent Doug to the Washington University School of Medicine in 1974 for a course in Food Allergy. This course would alter his career, in that he learned of the many physical and mental symptoms that were directly linked to diet. He would later discover that food allergy surfaced when intestinal leakage occurred and allergy tests only determined the end result of this process. Intestinal fungal overgrowth after taking antibiotics could cause intestinal leakage. These findings fueled Doug's interest in food and fungal-related research, most of which is still unknown to physicians and medical researchers. Fermented Foods Made Easy with Fermentation Expert Sandor Katz Lacto-Fermented Sandorkraut: A Pickle Maker ttps:// The Art of Fermentation; Science & Cooking How to Make Probiotics = Fermented Onions Probiotics ~ baby carrots Big Brain with Meat | Amber O'Hearn Fermenting Vegetables at Home KitchenSinkFarming Homemade Probiotics second ferment SCOBY from Scratch How to Make Probiotic Fermented Sauerkraut Medical Fascism Dr. Humphries challenge the corporatist medical establishment.? HERD IMMUNITY WITH DR. Humphries Herd Immunity Measles by Dr. Suzanne Humphries

  55. In the 80s, the medical community was absolute about bacterias in the Stomach – "No bacteria can live in such an acidic environment!" then came 2 doctors and told everyone to shove it and prove that they were all wrong. Now the name Helicobacter pylori is well known to most of the people.

    6 years ago I had an "intimate" moment with a girl who had Candida Albicans down there… how do I know? I saw it! and felt it. Unfortunately, she told me about it after we finished everything. A days after I felt sick (fever, sickness and more…) and discovered that there is a white coating on my tongue, being all stress and stuff I went to my doctor and he decided to do a Tongue surface test – the results showed "Candida Albicans".
    For 5 years I tried to fight it, tried to get rid of it and nothing worked (not even the Medical anti fungi stuff), many doctors told me that I am imagining stuff and its not candida (even that the official test showed that it is there).

    5 years after and I have neurological problems – most likely it is MS. I'm sure that the candida was the root cause of it or that it led to leaky gut that led to the autoimmune disease.

  56. I usually find these videos very informative and straightforward but this one seemed kind of confusing. I hope they do a follow up and talk more about some of the stuff they talk about in the first half of it. Thanks.

  57. They say "Web Search" NOT "Google" Please stop promoting this mega corporations that is now threatening our pursuit of truth. I would like to see people like you still around and not silenced buy the big bucks of big beef!

  58. Candida syndrome over all isn't a thing apparently so my guess is that the cause of all the symptoms blamed on candida syndrome is basically the standard American diet. It's probably due to chronic low level inflammation from all the crap foods and all the systemic damage being caused by the diet.

  59. Nizoral, generic Ketoconazole, with a follow up of Nystatin completely solved my decades long intestinal issues.
    Typically in the past I would need at least 40 Billion CFU probiotics a day! The generic Nizoral is a one a day, 30 day prescription, 200mg. The Nystatin is specially compounded capsule form (1 MU), taken 4 times a day, and is prescribed for 3 months.

  60. I have a cross allergy. For years, I was allergic to raw potatoes. I once had a doctor tell me it was all in my head because I didn't want to peel potatoes. Fortunately, if I washed my hands right after peeling them, my hands didn't/doesn't itch. Sadly, it turns out my allergy was actually rubber. I didn't know it was rubber until years later when my allergy got worse where I could no longer wear spandex, hair ties, vinyl purse handles, and the likes.

  61. It is one thing to say "candida is not causing your symptoms," it is quite another to say what doctors too often say, which is "I cannot figure out what is causing the symptoms you report, so you must be crazy." Having a bad doctor may be the number one cause of being diagnosed with a mental illness.

  62. This video did not help at all! just talks around the issue.
    What thrush?
    what is a yeast infection?
    Are these not an overgrowth of candida? If not then what?
    If this infection can show up outside the body then its very likely that it could show up inside the body no?
    Any cell damage/irritation causes inflammation. Inflammation is the body trying to heal itself. Yet the medical establishment wants want to point to inflammation as the root cause of disease. Disease is when inflammation looses the battle but to what? Voodoo?

  63. I’ve suffered first hand from candida overgrowth and so have millions of other people. It is NOT a fake disease. Medical schools believe candida is harmless in low numbers but they are unaware of its transitional and aggressive hyphae form that allows it to spread outside the gut.
    But I’ve been doing a bit of research and a lot of MD doctors are now starting to acknowledge candida as a legitimate illness. You should check out The Candida Conundrum on YouTube narrated by 2 MDs.
    Our current medical establishment is in severe need of humbleness and must recognize they’re not always right.

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