La Stevia fa bene?

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53 Risposte a “La Stevia fa bene?”

  1. it is now generally recognised as safe with only a note that 1% of users may experience headache,tingling,flushing,muscle tightness after a large quantity of MSG in a meal.
    News to me too, made me look into it.

  2. Can you please update your video to include recent studies that show stevia has does not have "mutagenic compounds are produced in our stomach"?

  3. Quite possibly the most annoying delivery on the planet! The manner of these voiceovers- sounding like a combo of pedantic and facetious- obscures their content, being irritatingly difficult to listen to. Maybe take a class in elocution, or public speaking?

  4. Why consume anything that becomes toxic in any amount?

    Why not just develop health adult palates and not sweeten things at all?  It's called discipline.  It only takes the taste buds a few weeks to adapt.

  5. "In a review by Brusick et al.4, it was reported that several studies have not been able to reproduce the results of Nunes et al.3, due to inconsistences in methodology and questions regarding the levels of stevia consumed.  An earlier investigation examined the ingestion of steviol (250-2,000mg/kg body weight) and found no DNA damage in the stomach, colon, liver, kidney or testis.5 The majority of studies reviewed by Brusick et al. concluded stevioside, reb A, and steviol do not induce genotoxicity or mutagenicity. The few in vitro assays that have reported mutagenic properties have not been able to be reproduced in bacteria that possess (like humans) normal reparative DNA processes4." From what I have read just about anything we eat can be carcinogenic likely half of what we consume daily contains carcinogens, coffee has about 14 possible carcinogens, but it likely has other artifacts that might offset that or prevent the damage.

  6. I have been using this product for about 10 months now 
    and i was sold on the natural stevia steeped in water as on the box
    i thought it would be helpful to cut down my sugar as i was told that i have got diabetes NOW 
    i am mad as hell to find out that this is not what i had thought it was 
    i am so thankfull to you for this exposure of the TRUTH
    i am so angry i have been tricked into consuming a GMO PRODUCT
    MADE FROM GMO CORN like this 

  7. I avoid this crap.  If I absolutely need a sweetener then a small amount of organic honey. organic maple syrup pr date sugar perhaps.

  8. What's the effect (if any) of Stevia on insulin? Is there the potential that it could still contribute to insulin resistance and diabetes?

  9. Good, because Stevia's nasty tasting! When did a little sugar become toxic? Except the fact that its GMO now I think, a half teaspoon of sugar in my morning coffee once a day won't kill me. As for the rest of day, no added sugars allowed! Just whole fruit.

  10. I know this is an old video but can you answer this question. What if you have a Stevie plant. You take leaves, wash them, and grind them up to powdered form. It looks green and is much more mild than store bought. Is it still harmful to our body?

  11. I can't believe it. I drink around 4-5 cups of tea a day each sweetened with 12-15 drops of Now stevia extract. I love stevia so much and I don't want to give it up. Am I fucked?

  12. Thank you for the info! I've been doing research on Stevia and Erythritol for about a year now – sine I quit sugar (for the most part) last year and went low carb. Fortunately I don't use Stevia a ton – not even every day. I will make sweets here and there with it (usually a product called "Swerve" that uses both of those sweeteners in powdered form) – but I eat what I make very sparingly (i.e. one baked treat a day, if even that).

    So I guess Stevia – along with most everything else – is ok, but only in small quantities.

  13. What about the method of ingestion? The herb stevia was originally used as a whole fresh or dried supplement (much like other herbs used as a tea) with other herbs like Yerba Mate… Could it be that the unnatural methods of refinery that lead to this extra toxicity? My question is unnatural refinery vs natural steeping in cold or hot water.

  14. For 3 days I put it in my morning coffee, but my gut hurt and I felt increasingly sick, until I could not get out of bed. So back to small amount of sugar.

  15. I was putting a packet of Stevia in my morning coffee every day for over a year, with no ill effects—until…one day I developed horrible explosive diarrhea, and I was away from home. It was beyond embarrassing—I had to throw out my underwear—and I haven't used stevia since for anything; after all, it doesn't even taste that good.

  16. Please. What is 4 grams per kilogram? Is it a daily intake? It is not enough data to be scientific. I calculated: for my 100 kg I can have 400 mg of stivia. I bought it in tablets. Each contains 21% of sweeter out of 60mg, where 60mg is equal to a tee spoon of sugar. It gave me around 10 mg per tea spoon sugar equivalent. Meaning the dose for me 400mg of stevia making up to 40 tea spoons of sugar. It is basically 2 times more than I can take in one go. It means that even based on half scientific data Stevia is safe for me.

  17. Is my math wrong? A 176 lb person can only eat 1/3rd of a typical small 1 gram packet of Stevia per day??? Of course it is not harmful because it is nearly nothing. What am I missing?

  18. I just realized it's in this really expensive hot chocolate drink I've been making as a treat for my 3-year-old daughter. Plus, I drank it in the first few weeks of my second pregnancy! What about in those cases?

  19. 0.4 mg per kg of body weight.
    A 110 pound woman weighs 50 kg.
    She can only take in 20mg a day.
    That's 1/5 of a gram.
    Is cocaine safer? 😆

    Does anyone realize how little 20mg is?

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