La toxoplasmosi causa la schizofrenia?

Un parassita cerebrale è considerato “probabilmente uno dei più importanti fattori di rischio per la schizofrenia”.

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Questo è il terzo video di una serie in 4 parti sulla toxoplasmosi. Se ti sei perso i primi due, inizia con Toxoplasmosis: A Manipulative Foodborne Brain Parasite ( ed effetti a lungo termine dell'infezione cerebrale da toxoplasmosi ( toxoplasmosis-brain-infection).

Ho lasciato alcuni suggerimenti in questo video (ad es. infezioni nei tessuti muscolari), ma restate sintonizzati per il finale, Come prevenire la toxoplasmosi (

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56 Risposte a “La toxoplasmosi causa la schizofrenia?”

  1. My brother has schizophrenia. He is now 60 years old. I was hoping you were going to say that there was a certain vegan food one could eat to reduce the effects or reverse the disease. Something cruciferous perhaps.

  2. Gut biome and schizophrenia are linked. Would patients with toxoplasmosis suffering from schizophrenia be helped by a change in the gut biome as well?

  3. It would explain normies.

    Normies: "our PM/president is a liar, as are most in power".

    Also normies: "our government would never lie to us about vaccines".

  4. I wonder if some of our behaviors are activated similar to the toxoplasmosis pathway. We know for instance that the smell of lavender may improve test scores.  What is the sex behavior complex but a violent way to force organisms to inter breed.  Schizophrenia sufferers may be more sexually active. What will AI do to us when it manipulates these triggers.  Facebook now controls the human brainstem via apps. Nation states war for profit and control populations like they are Borg.

  5. It's almost as thought the research using the four counter-indicated anti-parasitic drugs was deliberately designed to produce unfavorable results. We wouldn't want to hinder the super-lucrative schizophrenia treatment trade by treating the disorder as a pathogenic infection, would we? It would be wrong not to speculate, as they say; the NIH features no citations as to this possible origin in their entry on schizophrenia. TFP!

  6. If I have a strong risk factor for schizophrenia and a very high chance I have toxoplasmosis (outdoor cats my entire life), what can I do? What kind of doctor should I go to?

  7. If you have an adult child diagnosed with schizophrenia, you would also appreciate some suggestion for what should be done to help that child that will not accept the standard treatment of anti-psychotic drugs. Please help.

  8. Well, if I cured my hepatitis B and C with plant based diet then the same strategy of keeping the immune system in ready mode and avoiding other pathogens and viruses should help. There is also good reason to believe that dropping dairy will stop schizophrenia…check Fuhrman. Makes sense because just as there is a link between dairy and type 1 diabetes due to immune system malfunction the same goes here. Not sure why Dr. Greger chose this topic at this time, but maybe it is good to reflect as other viewers suggested one may want to avoid domesticated or wild animals or hunting or eating animals. I know I have been much healthier without sickness since I took that path, and to a certain degree other that avoidance includes sick humans…as the flu, measles or ebola outbreaks would suggest.

  9. "The time is ripe to evaluate antiparasitic drugs in Toxoplasma infected patients with schizophrenia." Then it goes on to point out that there actually already are multiple studies of exactly that. How many with toxoplasma don't have schizo? How many with schizo don't have toxoplasma? Show me the relative overlap. Focusing on schizo patients particularly is strange since there are ethical concerns in experimenting on such mentally ill people who aren't able to give consent. How about keeping it simple stupid and just testing antiparasitic drugs on parasites. Improvements in whatever the symptoms will reveal themselves downstream if at all.

  10. That’s the pork parasite people. Most dangerous THING on earth. Never ever eat pork. Or get pork cross contamination. Doctor this is most important.
    However it me out of 5 children and adults are put on ADHD, ADD, BI POLAR, ANTI DEPRESSANT medications and or several of them. Big money maker for BIG PHARMACEUTICAL.
    COOKED PORK DOES NOT KILL THE EGGS of the pork parasite.

  11. This is genuinely very interesting, it could lead to nothing, but I'm very glad how you've gone about this video, I think everyone is fallible and guilty of flaws and I have felt that you've used a certain amount of rhetoric on some arguements, even saying that less than 50% is a small chance is a bit surprising, however, I really love that you weren't just straight claiming we can fix it through diet, but rather "Oh look at this, we need to study this more cause it could mean something" it's really nice.

  12. since tg infection can not be cured, then prevention is the way , cat free zones towns for safe minded. food from such too, will it end scitzophrenia…

  13. I'm a great candidate for this Just saying I'm toxo positive and I have bad mental break downs I don't think I want to know if I'm if I'm loosing my mind to this parasite though!

  14. Had a dream tiny black parasites were asking why I was killing it. Fat nope 👎 starting looking into the chemical effects of parasite die off (flat worm infection) might just be my Freudian brain dealing with this disaster OR it could be there is an effect humans undergo while shedding these awful things! Maybe just maybe parasites are ACTUALLY aliens 👽 using our bodies?!?

    (Haha just messing with you but what if…? Da da dum) 👽😂😂😅😵‍💫😂😂

  15. There's too much money to be made out of drugging up people lifelong, they don't want to heal anything. Therefore no further research will be done… no one cares about people with schizophrenia, unless more pressure from society is applied. Sadly, society buys the faulty narrative about the chemical imbalance.

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