48 Risposte a “Podcast: Nutty About Nuts”

  1. Sorry Doc.
    We're not allowed to fight against the chances of Covid with diet and being healthy. That's why countries like Australia coerces us to get vaccines and wear masks everywhere then encourages more vaccines after getting Covid anyway. So there's no emphasis on natural resistance through a strong healthy immune system. None at all.

    Great video. Always learning something every day. ☺️✌️

  2. Dr. Gregor, I have had a quadruple bypass some of your plant based docs say no nuts. I have been looking for research on bypass recipients and nuts but have not found any. Your thoughts please. Thank you.

  3. Been eating copious amounts of nuts and peanut butter daily for a couple decades, and I’m shredded in my mid forties. Nuts just work!

  4. There’s nothing better than hearing good news about your good habits! Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, one Brazil nut, flax seeds and hemp seeds go into my oatmeal every morning. And I have a serious addiction to frozen blueberries. Green smoothies with kale are also part of my diet. But Goji Man got me scared about eating spinach. So I stopped.

  5. Thank you Dr. Greger. I’m grateful I can continue to enjoy nuts everyday without worry… but I will follow the “handful “ rule ( for the most part 😉😅) Keep cranking out these videos/ podcast, please . They are helping educate a lot of people who are searching for answers to their health problems.

  6. 0:20 Baru(ka) nuts, almonds and cholesterol
    3:34 Raw nuts because of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs)
    4:49 Nuts and berries for cognitive function
    7:12 Nitrate rich vegetables and cognitive function
    8:13 Nuts and longevity
    9:17 Nuts and weight-gain
    10:00 Long-term consumption of nuts
    10:25 About Nutrition Facts

  7. You've got to be careful buying nuts (and dried berries). They usually douse them in oil and salt. Sometimes preservatives. The berries are always sugared. For some reason, we can't just leave foods alone.

  8. What I wish Dr G would include is what kind of nuts and if they were roasted or raw in the studies. He briefly mentioned that raw ones are better but by how much? I’d love to see the difference in benefits between raw and roasted (and if they are roasted in oil or dry roasted, and whether they are salted or not).

  9. I don't eat most raw nuts/seeds: they taste terrible, even in a smoothie (though some raw seeds are inoffensive, like flax). Nearly all taste much better dry roasted, regardless of any additives.

  10. Thanks for this, but I’m sorry to say the audio is still over Modulated – I emailed your contact email and I’m commenting on every video with bum audio now _ hopefully I will get her one of these days??

  11. Eating plant and starch based for 6 years. Less than 10percent of fat consumption per day. NO NUTS and I still can't lose weight (10 lbs to lose per my physician.) My doctor told me to start consuming nuts and beans and cut way back on starches due to carbs. Walnuts are very healthy but avoided for 6 years. Anyone on here cut down on potatoes, grains and change to nuts and beans see your weight loss move forward? I have already cut out whole grain bread for over two weeks now. Still not seeing changes. Yes I exercise.

  12. Talking about nitric acid and all that, I picked up some Rhodiola tablets that were going cheap. Take it from me, your stamina is given a real shot in the arm by this product. I'd definitely rate it above any of the Q 10 products that I've tried, for both cognitive and muscular endurance.

  13. Dr. Greger, following your advice
    With diet.
    My prostate cancer is getting better but should l continue hormone injection?
    My doctor says it restricts testosterone.
    Does it address the problem?
    Please give advice.
    Thank God for you.

  14. and there are still nutritionists out there warning against the use of nuts because, of all things, their fat content. These people are pushing carbs in place of daily nut consumption. They're just nuts!

  15. I was once an HIV patient, but now I have finally got rid of it with the help of Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube herbal medicine you can also get yourself cured with the help of this same man, his herbal medicine works perfectly, well thanks so much


  16. Who would have thought, that a nut that looks like a brain.. is good for the brain. Nature really isn't that complicated after all. 😅

  17. You have great information. But always remember you are giving out information. Speak slowly and clearly. Don’t “Chew” your words. But thank you for the info.

  18. I've been adding raw nuts and seeds to my morning grains. Now I want to wash and soak them for a while before using them. Supposed to eliminate some other bad stuff. Hmmm.

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