L'alulosio è un dolcificante salutare?

Gli zuccheri rari come l'alulosio sono una sana alternativa ai dolcificanti tradizionali? Ha benefici per le persone?

Se ti sei perso il video precedente, vedi Il dolcificante allulosio ha effetti collaterali? (

I dolcificanti più salutari sono i cibi integrali: frutta fresca, congelata o secca come i datteri. Ecco la mia semplice (e deliziosa) ricetta per lo sciroppo di datteri (https://nutritionfacts.org/recipe/date-syrup/).

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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25 Risposte a “L'alulosio è un dolcificante salutare?”

  1. If you really want to bake something sweet then dates already works great. Even if this rare sugar worked great I don't see how it would change much

  2. I've heard of Allulose before but I never paid too much attention to it, guess I didn't expect something so ultra processed could ever be healthy, but it seems this is an exception.

  3. Wow…interesting stuff….I also like how he concluded the video for a change as I'm not lost as to the final take on it as sometimes I am, but I do miss the little joke he usually throws in at the end though….. : D

  4. I wish there were short versions of these videos that just gave the conclusion. It's a bit much for me, especially with thousands of videos.
    Keep up the great work. ❤️

  5. Looking for the video Dr Gregor made a few years ago showing higher overall death rates from plant based diets vs carnivore diets. Dr said it was due to some vitamin deficiency. Was quite interesting, forwarded it to a few people. Now it doesn’t show up…appears to have been deleted … Anyone know where to find it … ? TIA

  6. The thing about allulose that kills the competition for me is that it tastes just like sugar and it behaves like sugar in baking. How you compare with that?

  7. For those persons who want to have a Sweet taste and definitely less calories I would rather try the sugar as I would use any sugar if I was going to have it very sparingly

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