Mangia più calorie al mattino per perdere peso

Una caloria non è una caloria, non dipende solo da cosa mangi, ma da quando mangi.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Non è selvaggio? Due chili di perdita di peso a settimana mangiando lo stesso numero di calorie. Ma quello era uno studio piuttosto estremo. Che ne dici di spostare una percentuale maggiore di calorie verso l'inizio della giornata? Questo è l'argomento del mio prossimo video sull'argomento, Colazione come un re, Pranzo come un principe, Cena come un povero ( -un-pranzo-da-re-come-un-principe-cena-come-un-povero). Ma prima faremo una pausa dalla cronobiologia per esaminare i benefici dell'aglio per combattere il cancro e il raffreddore ( -di-aglio-per-combattere-il-cancro-e-il-raffreddore-comune). <br/>
Quindi riprenderemo con:
• Mangia più calorie al mattino che alla sera (
• In che modo i ritmi circadiani influiscono sui livelli di zucchero nel sangue (
• Come sincronizzare l'orologio circadiano centrale con gli orologi periferici (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/how-to-sync-your-central-circadian-clock-to-your-peripheral-clocks)
• I danni metabolici della notte Turni e pasti irregolari (
• Fare luce sulla perdita di peso ( /spargere-luce-sul-peso-di-spargere)
• Perché le persone aumentano di peso in autunno ( ople-gain-weight-in-the-fall)

Se ti sei perso i primi tre video di questa serie estesa, check out:
• La colazione è il pasto più importante per dimagrire? (
• Saltare la colazione è meglio per dimagrire? (
• Cronobiologia – Come i ritmi circadiani possono controllare la tua salute e il tuo peso (http:/ /

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100 Risposte a “Mangia più calorie al mattino per perdere peso”

  1. I've had the hardest time losing 5 pounds it's so aggravating. Of course when I intermittent fast it helps, but that's because I'm basically starving myself for extended hours. I'm already WFPB so it's extra aggravating lol. I mean it could literally be lack of sleep, times you eat, toxins, the list goes on. 🤷🏻‍♀️ any advice?

  2. This is very misleading. You suggest that you should eat the majority of your calories at the beginning of each day but the research doesn’t even say that. It only says that early is better than VERY late and may somehow linked to your circadian rhythm.

    You’re misleading people here.

  3. "When you skip breakfast, you prime your metabolism to burn fat reserves as fuel." During these fasted states, drinking plenty of water and 1-2 cups of coffee/tea (helps blunt the hunger). I've been told this from many of my peers and youtube fitness dudes. If I go back to eating breakfast, will this really help for weight loss?

  4. read the books too – more info hahaha. But ya – eat breakfast people – IN THE MORNING! From 170 to 140 following this guy – at my peak weight in my 50's hahaha – love it!

  5. Maybe gaining weight for military personnel might be good. If they exercised a lot before the experiment began and they gained muscles and not fat.

  6. It's more like in Ayurveda it's written that we must not eat after 6pm because our digestive fire gets more active in presence of sun and slowly diminishes after sunset..I think that's why after breakfast ,due to active digestive fire and faster metabolism during sun time our weight loss happen..I got to test that in myslf too..

  7. So if your on 2500 calories per day. How many of those calories should you wipe off in the morning based of this information?

  8. Thank you so much! I really need to drop weight on a whole foods plant based diet for 5 years now ❤️ I always overeat whole breads, potatoes, lots of smoothies with high nut butters and lots of avocados plus coconut. I eat a lot because I love plant foods so this is amazing and great! Thank you so much again ❤️

  9. When I was a kid (in the 1960s) our family, and most of the other families I knew, used to have our mail meal of the day at midday. So I had a cooked lunch at school and my dad had a cooked lunch at his work canteen (in those days, all offices and factories had a canteen which served a cooked,two course meal at midday). Then, in the late afternoon we had a light snack and that was it until morning. Now, most families have their main meal in the early evening. Maybe that is partly why we have an obesity epidemic? Just a thought.

  10. So how much of the weight loss is actual fat loss? I imagine with caloric deficit of 2000 calories or less in one meal a day there would some muscle mass loss contributing to the drop in weight.

  11. Ironically, Dr. Oz is championing skipping breakfast right now. I just saw him on The Today Show talking about his breakfast feud with Mark Wahlberg. I love breakfast.

  12. My waist line is bigger in the evening than the morning. Any studies on change in waist size over the course of one day in subjects who dry fast?

  13. Its great content, I have a friend that struggled to lose
    weight and a lot of it has to do with the type of food you are eating. She came
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  14. Would it not make sense that when eating all of your calories at the beginning of the day, you are simply more likely to burn off more of those calories throughout the remainder of the day – versus postponing that meal and then going to sleep shortly thereafter and storing most of them? I understand that formal exercise was not allowed in the study, but my assumptions are the subjects eating only breakfast had a greater benefit from their non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) than those eating only dinner, simply by being awake for a much longer period after the meal. Not having a meal first thing in the morning, it makes sense that your NEAT would be lower, therefore expending fewer calories throughout the day.

  15. That is so bullshit. It’s the whole caloric intake vs your caloric needs that matters! It’s a pity it’s in Italian but I do really recommend the channel called “project invictus” … not sponsored or biased by any diet, product, or such. Unfortunately not in English…

  16. At what time did the groups get weighed though? If they both get weighed in the morning the night time group would probably still have more food in their system than the morning group. Could that not easily account for the 2 pound weight loss?

  17. This channel is literally the best and I loved this video in particular, and I´m
    also grateful I found  @t , it helped me not only
    to lose weight but keep it off, hope it helps some others!

  18. more like we are optimally designed to absorb food in the evenings. in feact, in premodern times, when we didnt have fridges and were nomads, food had to be gathered or hunted first, and this takes some time (not surprisingly) so, for most of our human history, we have been consuming the lowest amount of calories directly after waking, and as a consequence, the body is not ready to absorb large amounts of calories.

  19. I do believe that every one is different, I lived on eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast every single day and had my late lunch/dinner at around 3:30pm and that would be my last meal. I lost great amount of weight without even exercising honestly,and then I followed intermittent fasting route started breaking my fast and around 12pm and 5:30pm.. Omg! It was terrible, I felt horrible, I was clumsy, annoyed, moody, started snacking of which it was something I NEVER did, actually I went CRAZY and gained all the weight back. It's been 2 weeks since I've gone back to my old routine and I'm feeling a lot better. So for ME having breakfast early at around 9 to 10am is really really important other wise I'd loose my mind! We just have to accept that every one is different and what works for me might not work for you

  20. That''s why the saying goes true. "Eat breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper."

    I followed this method. My final meal was 3pm. I lost 30 lbs since July of 2019.

  21. We are confused now the others said we muss avoid eating full calories fruit and now this vedeo is showing other thing wich one we muss trust 🙂

  22. I eat TONS of veggies and a fair amount of protein in the evening (7 – 9 PM).
    Lots of carbs/fruits between 11 AM and 1 PM and I workout fasted with water and black coffee (between 8 and 9:30 AM).
    Feels great and have tons of energy!

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  24. Hmm.. Can someone shed some light on this question: What if weight loss is not desired at all? I don't want to lose weight, I'd rather gain some. Better to eat late and skip breakfast then? Or does chronobiology point in the direction of additional health benefits beyond weight change? I understand weight loss is desirable for a lot of people who… Well have too much flesh on the bone, but I'm quite lean and I'm a night owl, so how to make sense of this. My goal would be to eat as little as possible, as healthy as possible, be as energetic as possible and not change weight except maybe weight gain due to muscle gains. Any ideas or advice? Thanks!

  25. I have lost only 2 pounds, on a good day, since I begin a plant based regime. I eat a good bowl of oatmeal with fruit and a few walnuts most mornings. Is this enough food for breakfast and could that be the reason I have not lost?

  26. I reckon a large part of it is due to NEAT. If you eat a big breakfast you are going to have more energy and move around more during the day, whether that be fidgeting or walking slightly more. You are going to burn a similar amount of calories in sleep regardless. The dinner group simply has less energy during the day and inadvertently moves less while they are conscious.

    Still makes sense to eat more in the morning and less in the evening though since more energy plus easier weight loss can only be a good thing.

  27. I used to eat a vegetarian diet with 18:6/OMAD fast in the morning with good results then i was convinced to eat later and it led to weight gain and worse mood and less energy, and i was very confused because it promised the opposite. Recently i went back to breakfasts but this time with vegan diet, and i feel good.

  28. Because of this video I try to keep my healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avocado, etc) limited to breakfast, bulk of carbs to breakfast and lunch, and dinners heavier on the veg… and started up evening fasting because of one of his other videos… it does seem to help a lot with weight loss and weight management

  29. Have never see a herbal doctor in Africa like DR RORPOPOR HERBAL on YouTube who cured my weight loss and hair lost totally with his herbal medication, God bless you DR RORPOPOR HERBAL 💟💟

  30. Not for people that take thyroid pills in the morning or when they get up it has to be to taken 5 hours after last meal or you as as well not take it.

  31. If You Want To Lôse Weight, Eat 5 Times Daily!

    Hello ,

    Imagine having to eat five times
    a day to burn fat.
    I mean one would think that in
    order to lose fat you
    must decrease food intake,
    starve or even skip meals.

    Hold on a second, this is exactly
    what has been pulling
    you back from achieving your fat lôss
    dreams. Yes, in order
    to burn fat, you must eat at least five
    times a day!

    The major rule is to never stuff yourself
    in one sitting.
    In other words, each eating time must be
    small portion of food.

    Not every overweight person is an overeater.
    Some people
    hardly eat at all and they still can't lôse
    weight. However,
    many people who are overweight are overeating
    and this is
    often the ONLY thing they're doing wrong.

    Fat lôss requires the discipline and willpower
    to control
    your portions at all times. The major rule
    is to never stuff yourself in one sitting.

    Instead, always spread out your calories
    throughout the day
    in smaller, more frequent meals. Small,
    frequent meals have
    an amazing effect on your metabolic
    rate (fat-burning machine of the body).

    ONE or TWO meals a day is a disaster for fat lôss.
    If you haven't been eating at least three times a day,
    you are causing serious damage to your metabolism.

    Eat THREE meals a day, properly balanced with the right
    nutritious foods, and work out hard and you'll get some
    results. But…you'll get about half the results you'd get
    from five meals a day and it will take you twice as long
    to get there.

    FIVE meals a day? Now we're getting somewhere.

    Five meals a day will give you excellent results on
    a weekly basis for females and six times for males.

    But the questions are:

    1."What type of foods do I eat 5 times in a day to
    get results"

    2."What if I have a big tummy, will this eating plan
    help me to trim my tummy?"

    Truth is, I have detailed all the answers in a special
    Electronic book that will help you get the exact
    result you need.

    In fact, this book so far has helped over
    1,000 Nigerians both men
    and women lôse weight in the tummy, thighs,
    and everywhere fat can
    be found on the body.

    What is the name of that book you ask?

    It's called the NEW YOU: 30day challenge diet plan Program.
    Get all the details you need by CLICKING on the link below


    It's NOT in hard copies, and not available in bookstores.
    You can only get it from the link above.

    If you need a quick result within the next 30 days,
    that is the book you need to fix your weight problem.

    To your health,

    O.E , Health and Fitness Coach

  32. Yup, that's why I ate 2 100g Snickers chocolate bars a 12 oz coke 6 pieces of Dunkin doughnuts 4-5x a week. sometimes I ate brownies and 2 slices of chocolate cake and chocolate drink.

  33. No matter what you choose, diet, exercise or meds. Weight loss is not easy. I recently shared my story on my channel, on how I lost 22 pounds in 5 weeks, which could be really helpful to anyone struggling with weight loss.

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