Latticini e cancro

Come si spiega l'aumento del rischio di cancro alla prostata ma il minor rischio di cancro al colon associato al consumo di latticini?

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Ecco il video che ho menzionato: È meglio bere un po' di alcol che Proprio nessuno? (
<br/> E i latticini per la salute delle ossa? Anche questo è controverso. Vedi il latte fa bene alle ossa? (

E quelli che dicono che il grasso del latte non è poi così male? Vedi Il burro è davvero tornato? Cosa dice la scienza (

E i latti vegetali? Dai un'occhiata al cancro alla prostata e al latte biologico rispetto al latte di mandorla ( milk)

Per ulteriori informazioni sul cancro in generale, vedere: Come non morire di cancro (

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100 Risposte a “Latticini e cancro”

  1. Whoa, that was a long one, but I didn’t want to break it up and lose the narrative thread. I hope it was clear enough. This may be one of those that require a second listen because I packed a bunch in there. Check out the description for other related videos you might be interested in.

  2. Dear sir, I respect your work. However, in the last few months this is your third video where I sense that you are striving for everyone to become vegetarians. There are immense clinical tests that point out that yogurt with all its fat, and raw milk, heals immense diseases. Everything depends on the quality, the processing, and also on the state of health that the individual finds himself and which can or can not assimilate the dairy.

  3. Is it the poison in vaccines, in the air from chemtrails, in the water from pesticides, herbicides, or industry pollution? Is it the synthetic fabrics and perfumes, detergents or disinfectants? No, that's a conspiracy theory. It's the cheese!

  4. You can’t deny that dairy eggs and meat smell disgusting especially in their raw state. Well depending on how addicted you are. I haven’t met a veggie, fruit, or legume that didn’t smell amazing and hypnotizing. We have noses for a reason, take a second and smell the intoxicating aromas the earth made for you 🌞🙏🏼

  5. Is there anyone more cringe than this guy? Why the hell does he talk with all these strange gaps filling them in with awkward ass mouth and gurgling noises?

    He preaches health but looks like a twig, pale, and weak.

    So bizarre people are fooled by these stupid ass one off studies that don’t take the totality of the human system into account.

  6. Does anyone else notice the scientific slight on hand here?

    Title says "Dairy and Cancer".

    Says we need to look at meta-analyses.

    Greger then goes on to talk about a demonstrated dairy and prostate cancer.

    Then goes on to talk about how dairy grows cancer.

    Problem is that every meta-analysis shows that there is no association between dairy and all-cause mortality, or dairy and increased all cancer mortality. That's a problem for your hypothesis.

    By flashing up a few sentences, you can create unnecessary fear of dairy, which is what you've done

  7. not enough vitamin K2 . Asians have more leafy greens high K1 and calcium. then Asians with possible better gut bacteria due to less antibiotics leads to more K2 in blood. K2 localises excess blood calcium to bone.  K1/K2 and calcium need to be consumed together! that's why the calcium supps are dangerous.

  8. I love how people are still bitching "do a Keto video!" when so many of these videos indirectly speak volumes about the typical Keto diet.

  9. I have a rare autoimmune disease which requires I take 2000mg of elemental calcium every day (Pseudohypoparathyroidism). From my research, it doesn't seem possible for me to get that calcium from ingestion. What are my options if I want to avoid so-called "adverse cardiovascular effects" from calcium supplementation?

  10. Egg contain (cholesterol, fat, protein and 1% carbs)
    From this egg there will be new baby chicken, think good all
    from the cholesterol, protein and fat there will be new baby, if the carbs were important then God should have put it in the egg.
    And now you tell people to not eat eggs and milk and eat just oxalate foods that will cause you kidney stones.
    The difference between real food and man made food is amino acids and the bioavailability.
    You think man made plants will make you stronger or they keep you satisfied? eat raw cheese in the morning and you will not eat anything after 4 hours, but if you eat bread or rice you will feel hungry after 1 hour.
    Think good and eat only food thats not man made, theres also plants that are not man made but very few. Just combine them with cheese and eggs and fish, also eat only 2 meals a day
    and you will never visit a docter 😉

  11. All my Grandparents drink a lot of milk – they have cows – milk was always staple food and everyone died after his 80th living in very poor condition – no one hear about cancer. The problem is not milk but this what you can get in shop.

  12. Yeah, everybody knows dairy is carcinogenic but sadly almost 99% of people consumes it, that's why we barely see old people on the street, besides the vegans obviously.

  13. This is exactly what they don't advertise or tell you in the nutrition labels they advertise. Information – the correct information is free for all. The most ironic part of it is these are the same people who carry out research and put the information out there for everyone but choose what to advertise to the public. The point is, in this day and age where information is accessible to all if people wanna remain ignorant of the truth it's on them! Happy you're here to receive this information and thank you to the person relaying it. Now go and live a healthy life!

  14. Can you maybe talk like a normal human being? Or did veganism fuck you up too much? What a goon you are.

  15. Hey gassy Greger, some dairy would help you stop shitting 40 times a day, also I was sure you would not differentiate between raw dairy and pasteurized and like a good little vegan assclown you didn’t, very deceptive and anti intellectual, anyone who listen to you deserves the malnourishment they get

  16. LIES, LIES, LIES. PURE VEGANS PROPAGANDA. People have been consuming dairy for eons. Raw, unpasteurised milk is a superfood.

    So fuck off you emaciated rat face.

  17. Did any of these very interesting studies control for the health of the immune system? I suppose a strong immune system eliminates most, if not all, cancer cells.

  18. Thanks so much.
    I am a urologist in SA and tell all my patients not to consume dairy especially the biochemical recurrent prostate cancer patients
    I wish all my colleagues would promote a plant- based diet
    The young men that see me for circumcisions, etc also get informed about the dangers of dairy for their long- term health

  19. If calcium pills increase cardiovascular disease risk, why would the same calcium supplement added to soy or almond milk be expected to have any different effect?

  20. Nothing wrong with enthusiasm when speaking, but the extra little noises and inflections on every single word are becoming too much for me to continue haha

  21. The moderate-high fat/low carb diet has also been able to achieve similar results as far as improvement in metabolic profile (reduce LDL, increase HDL, reduce triglycerides), reduce BP, reduce cancer rates, as well as reduce obesity, all of which are risk factors for CVD, stroke, CKD and the like. The benefits seen with the Bernard-style diet also has some overlap with the mod-high fat/low carb diet with the exception being of course the high fat part. With so much focus on macro nutrients and no emphasis on environmental factors (ex. herbicides like glyphosate), on the surface these two theories that yield similar results seem at odds with each other. Looking deeper, by advocating the removal of processed foods such as white flour/grains, simple sugars and by emphasizing whole, fresh foods, these two dieting styles both lead to the avoidance of the most widely used herbicide in the world, glyphosate. Being an analogue of the essential amino acid glycine (a neurotransmitter, an active component of substrate binding sites on numerous enzymes, as well as essential building block of collagen), glyphosate replaces glycine in the body. It is an endocrine disruptor, mitochondrial toxin as well as a mutagen. Its widespread and unregulated use has coincided with the dramatic rise in metabolic syndrome in recent decades. As such, it is a confounder in a lot of studies that purport the benefit of dairy avoidance without specifying if the dairy came from cows that were fed glyphosate-ridden processed grains. I bet if organic, grass-fed milk was studied, the conclusions of some of these studies would be quite different.

  22. Dairy is Scary. Create a better world by going Vegan and end the unnecessary use and exploitation of other sentient beings.

  23. I was vegetarian for many years and decided to go vegan because my body started rejecting dairy. I got really bad stomach upsets and so on. So glad I made the switch!

  24. I must say that I agree with all facts and am an active vegan however the style of which the narrator speaks is the most annoying one I have ever heard and sounds condescending and simply not genuine.

  25. Sadly this guy is more interesting in writing his books to raise revenue than he is regarding giving up good studies to discuss.

  26. Could it be that those countries with more cancer heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and mostly rejected it? “But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” — Luke 14:48

  27. For people who drink Soy milk, make sure it’s non GMO organic from the beans. Pureharvest is a leading brand. Vegan cheese is delicious too.

  28. Are there any studies done on store bought soy milk? Because that is simply a supplement added to water, and calcium supplements have been shown to increase the risk of hip replacements being needed etc

  29. This is an epidemiology study tthe conclusions derived from such studies are always bogus. Anyone advocating a plant-based diet does not know what they’re talking about. Individuals on plant-based diet die at the same rates of cancer and diabetes as people on ordinary diet plans

  30. What about fermented milk? Kefir. Soy is a bit weird for your health, but fermented soy; misso and natto are good for you, right?

  31. weird..russia is in green, but in russia men consume lots of dairy in form of kefir, sour cream and butter, not so much the milk or cheeses like in western europe or us probably.. what if its cheese to blame?

  32. Masais in Africa drink alot of milk on daily basis and don't die of cancer. If anything they shpuld be wiped out by now if dairy causes cancer because they drink alot of milk and eay meat.

  33. One question, do these negative effects of consuming dairy target strictly men, because its related strictly to the prostate or is there an equivalent with the female population as well?

  34. The way you speak, the pauses, am just not sure what make of it. Is it a joke?? I lost my focus listening and just ended up listening to the strange pauses.

  35. I was accidentally given dairy coffee at a cafe and I almost puked after taking a sip of my latte with cow's milk. It really tasted like someone's breast milk and I only stopped drinking milk 3 years ago!!

  36. Those studies were done with pasteurized/homogenized dairy. Try redoing them with organic grassfed raw milk. Its a whole different animal. Raw organic grassfed milk kills cancer while pasteurized causes cancer. Look up Marc Mcafee.

  37. 1.09 RR in the highest group? are you serious doc? that is next to nothing. and the mechanism is purely conjecture. Not to mention all the studies that showed no risk and some showing negative risk

  38. Cancer is a function of many factors, including age. Western people live longer, all older people eventually have cancerous cells.. the WHO does not support dairy and cancer! Only processed meat and cancer is significant.

  39. Fact: casein is in human mothers milk, and increases over time when a mother produces the milk. Why is this fact omitted? So human ( animal) protein is inherently a human function is cancerous from day one in life?

  40. Who is this guy? Jeff Goldblum? His delivery is so transparently pretentious I can't listen for more than 10 seconds before pausing for a detox.

  41. Common sense should tell us that no adult animal should breastfeed from another species. It was just a survival strategy adopted by people way back when "more calories" was the only health goal.
    Nutritional science unsurprisingly proves that right.
    How sick and horror-movie-like is it for one super-intelligent species to masturbate and impregnate some other species in mass factories, to drink and eat breastmilk. If we weren't so used to it, and were introduced to the practice, it would be received as an alien horror show. In other words – the only thing keeping the dairy industry alive is cultural conditions, concealment of practices and an ignorant population.

  42. Los veganos serían los más saludables y también los que tienen mejor conciencia porque con lo que se alimentan no le están causando daño a ningún ser vivo.

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