Proteine ​​vegetali: gli isolati proteici di piselli e soia sono nocivi?

Quali sono i diversi impatti delle proteine ​​vegetali rispetto a quelle animali, e i benefici delle proteine ​​vegetali si traducono in isolati proteici vegetali?

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Questo è il terzo video di una serie sulle carni vegetali. Se ti sei perso i primi due, consulta The Environmental Impacts of Plant-Based Meat Substitutes ( -sostituti della carne) e Oltre la carne e l'hamburger impossibile sono salutari? (

Ancora in arrivo:
• Sostituti vegetali della carne messi alla prova (
• Gli effetti sulla salute dei prodotti Mycoprotein (Quorn) rispetto ai BCAA nella carne (
• E l'eme in Impossible Burgers? (
• Il ferro eme causa il cancro? (
• Composti N-nitroso indotti da eme e ossidazione dei grassi ( nitroso-composti-e-grasso-ossidazione)
• L'eme è il motivo per cui la carne è cancerogena? (

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100 Risposte a “Proteine ​​vegetali: gli isolati proteici di piselli e soia sono nocivi?”

  1. When it comes to just me, I don't like to eat these replacement products any more, I'm all in on whole foods. But they help me to slowly nudge family members into a vegan diet. Good to have some knowledge to back it up!

  2. i was expecting you to go over the studies dr mcdougal did that showed birth defects from injesting soy etc, man now i really dont know who to trust, i guess ill just go with mcdougal on this one since he is more concerned about harmful effects than good effects

  3. Observational studies are not worth anything. A lot of conclusions I hear are based on these studies. These are the same surveys that had catagorized pizza as meat because it sometimes has meat on it. I thought this was on to something when it starts with, "Compared to what?" What is the cost? Where is the hard data? As T.Sowell might ask.

  4. I was listening to a very recent Dr. McDougall lecture on protein from just 2–3 weeks ago and he mentioned that too much concentrated isolated plant protein actually had harmful effects. I’m going to have to go back and listen again to see what he was citing. Lots of people I know are dumping massive amounts of protein powder into their smoothies, plus more and more protein bars during the day. Actually I see that Dr. McDougall posted a sort of protein video just three days ago, going to check that out, It’s probably a clip from the earlier lecture!

  5. Which protein isolate (soy or pea or hemp etc) is better for protein powder like the absorption rate, effectiveness, calories etc? Also would an isolate protein be better than a protein powder with a mixture. For context, my protein offer soy protein isolate, pea protein isolate whereas vivo life offer a combined concoction of proteins

  6. Great to know. You can get things like TVP or TSP at stores and make your own plant based burgers/meats. That's what I do but I leave out all the extra fat. I've been trying to perfect my fat-free alternative meats since so many of the recipes call for a ton of oils to make the 'meat' taste good!

  7. Thanks for the insight! I appreciate the explanation on how there are even differences with the proteins that we ingest, depending on the source. Getting to know that plant protein have somewhat of a different amino acid breakdown in comparison to animal protein is great to know. The comparison of IGF-1 in both sources is also something great to know, cool to know that plant protein has cancer-inhibiting properties.

  8. I have read that soy must be eaten baked, not raw. I bought some Texturized Soy Protein and it is written that it must be hydrated and cooked. However, I like to put it dry in my muesli. It makes it crushy and an easy source of protein. But is it digest or safe to eat it like that (not cooked) ?

  9. One thought that came to mind was the question of muscle-synthesis or hypertrophy. Would it be possible that animal protein sources cause a higher instance of various cancers because they promote more hypertrophy, and muscle-tissue growth (especially in elders) can be associated with a risk of cancer growth?

    I'm madly speculating here, but I was wondering about that.

    Also: what are the effects of plant and animal protein in regards to hypertrophy? If you want to build more muscle, is plant-protein going to hold you back significantly? Or is the difference not significant?

  10. How can we be sure that the healthconsequenses are done due to the Protein of animal products. These studies are done on people that don't eat lean meats or a low fat diet. They are done on people that eat regular meats.

    Is there any data on moderate protein intake (1.2 – 1.6g/kg) and disease, which cannot be atributed to other factors such as animal fat. I just wanna know if we need to be careful with lean Fish and lean Chicken. With healthoutcome data through meta analysis, RCT's or really good and large Cohorts maybe.

    I ask because most Healthprofessionals say that their is no evidence that high protein is harmful to health. High Protein goes from ~1.8 to over ~4.4g/kg. Same goes for mederate Protein intake.

  11. What I would like to know is with soybeans being sprayed with Round Up and Dicamba, how much can we take before we are concerned about cancer? Monsanto has had numerous lawsuits from cancer due to exposure to Round Up in the past. Nobody talks about this, let’s just push soy as the next best thing.

  12. Eggs aren’t processed meats either is steak . What are is hotdogs , cold cuts , sausages and frozen or packaged meals .. eat pasture raised meats .. stay away from a lab based foods and eat whole foods

  13. Except all the blue zones eat meat. Except Loma Linda which has vegetarians…. But pescatarians in Loma Linda outlive the vegetarians there.

  14. One protein manufacturer has that they can mechanically extract the protein from rice versus using chemicals. Can that be done or is that false advertising?

  15. Pea protein isolate in my experiences is the best healthy protein out there.. if you can get the organic one with affordable price that even better .. yes it maybe not max your muscle mass like whey but much healthier.. I found best mix with ur smoothies with veggies.. it curb ur hunger for snacks , when you drink it in the morning, even after 2-3 hours after lunch I dont really feel hungry or needed to eat ( usually I eat again haha ) but when I drink pea protein isolatte mix with smoothies in the morning, it curb my hunger

    Hope it helps

  16. You need to clarify if the soy you're referring to is gmo or non gmo. Neither beyond meat nor impossible is a healthy choice . If you really want a healthier tasty burger, try ground ostrich meat. it tastes very similar to ground beef but is damn expensive.

  17. This video is horribly biased… Please stop all the brainwashing and propaganda on uneducated people. There has never been a solid study that could back up cancer from meat consumption and this man claims its 18% because that was the highest number he could find in a propaganda paper… That ur pro plant doesnt mean u have to mislead people. Eggs are bad compared to Oathmeal? u cant compare a protein and fat source to a sugar and fibre source, and if u did I much rather had the protein and fat in a healthy diet. And he talks about amino acids but doesnt add that meat aminos rank higher then soy aminos? He talks about cholesterol problems from meat then says arganine brings down peoples cholesterol, like arganine is only in plants? like meat proteins dont break down into aminos? Isnt that the whole point of a protein that it breaks down into aminos? Im a nutrition student not a dietist but this stuff is full of propaganda and people that cant thing for themselves, its even in the stuff we have to learn at school but its not backed up by science… Its propaganda

  18. I weight train and eat vegan food, and I need to drink isolate protein shakes to gain muscle mass. I'm relieved to know that plant protein isolates aren't unhealthy.

  19. One fact concerning soy protein vs beef protein is that it takes about twenty pounds of soy protein to produce one pound of beef protein. A soy based diet is healthier, more efficient for human consumption, and better for our planet's environment.

  20. Soy protein increases IGF1, but decreases risk of CVD, breast cancer and prostate cancer. What about the rest of the cancers that can be due to IGF1? I think Pea Protein ftw, until research says otherwise

  21. Why about Grass Finished Beef. You didn’t explain the difference. It’s huge! Bad levels of omega 6 in most meat unless it’s grass finished. That has higher omega 3.

  22. So what qualifies as animal protien? I guess what I'm trying to ask is I always hear processed meat but what about wild caught meat or organ meat liver heart testicles bone marrow? Or maybe you already answered this do you have a link to something?

  23. The thing that intrigues me is that vegans and animal food eaters are able to find equal numbers of studies to support their diets??

  24. You can get 5 lbs of lentils for one 'impossible burger patty' (aprox $5).

    1 lb of lentils (3 cups) and make 8 lentil burger patties. so thats 40 lentil patties for the price of one 'impossible burger patty'. Thats 40 servings vs just 1. And you can store the lentils without refrigeration for years.

    Tell me again which one sounds more impossible?

  25. I'd eat eggs over oatmeal any day… Eggs contain vitamins and protein including choline which it hard to get from food.

    Oatmeal is carbs and fibre…

  26. In summary; eating meat shortens your life. Karma for shortening the life of others. Not recognizing animals as others. Those who don’t steal their protein, and get it from the source like the animals do (plants), get to enjoy longer healthier life. All karma means is cause and effect. Lesson; don’t be ignorant and greedy. Stop living to eat. Eat to live.

  27. Soy protein decreases cancer risk …COMPARED TO WHAT?! That's what I always ask myself with these things…not surprising that in the general population this is indeed the case..but that means it's compared to a standard diet, which means junk food.

  28. The stuff you talk about is so outdated. Saturated fat is bad? Who says? What is your evidence for that? I suggest you update yourself first before you make any more videos and propagate false information.

  29. Explain this to Gabrielle Lyon and Don Layman. All they have is mostly negativity to share about plant protein and being vegan/vegeterian(no meat only dairy and veggies). This is a propaganda by meat industry so that don't run out of the business and money. Thank you sir for the video.

  30. They don't show you absolute risk increase as it's so small that you wouldn't bother giving up meat.
    Also what they don't mention is that these 'meat eaters' in the studies are in fact Standard American Diet eaters, which is to say ultra processed food, sodas. These people are likely obese, have metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia etc. These are more likely factors in the increase cancer risk.

  31. so 16g – 25g/day of soy protein isolate is still safe?
    nice to know since it is a cheap source of protein for muscle gain

  32. lol we havent been eating soy protein burgers for the majority of our human existence, but now we hear suddenly they are better than all other protein sources because your 'data' is saying so, fool someone else..

  33. Hi Dr. Greger… Thanks to you and your website, I am going on 7-1/2 years cancer free from stage 4b endometrial cancer.
    It’s a really big deal because I also have Lynch Syndrome. Every colonoscopy has been clean. My only problem has been a hiatal hernia, gastritis and I suffer horrible migraines.
    By eating gluten-free oats I’ve been able to control my gastritis. But there are times when I just simply feel nauseous. I did read a study done by the Mayo Clinic where an un-proportional amount of omega-6 fats to omega-3 fats can be migraine causing.
    I also stay away from soy products because of their oestrogen like effects. My oncologist cannot tell me if my cancer was oestrogen related or not.
    Because I do not carry the gene for breast cancer and I have had a radical hysterectomy, do I still have to worry about excess oestrogen in my body?
    Thank you Dr. Greger, you have been my go to guru. I hope you see this comment and can answer my questions or even do a video.
    Again, thank you for my health from eating a plant based diet! I don’t think I could have followed through without you.

  34. Thank You so much for sharing this! I was wondering since my husband (to my shock and surprise) had recently changed from hard core meat eater to vegetarian (after 65 years) and loves to eat Impossible meats etc. I realize that more changes are needed in his diet but at least this makes me feel better. It’s a process, and I am hoping gradually to transition him over closer to vegan.

  35. This was the most coherent microlecture on the relative benefits and risks of plant protein vs animal products I've heard yet. I'll be sharing as widely as I can.

  36. I like you so so much. From your quirky cadence to your accurate and useful use of academic source material which renders your arguments concise and trust worthy. Side note/ request: can you do a video on RDA recommended protein intakes? I find it bizarre that it's not based on lean muscle mass. I feel as if this fact renders many studies on the effects of different protein macro intakes mute. I wish more dietary studies used an MCA 'multiple correspondence analysis) to determine key variables within the variations of findings. Anyway, thank you

  37. Im into recreational natural bodybuilding and I eat mostly a vegan diet with the only animal source I use is whey protein isolate, no meat, fish or eggs. I also use pea protein isolate as another protein source. From my research whey has health benefits in lowering blood pressure, making arteries more elastic and its the king protein source for building muscle. I just balance out the higher IGF-1 whey creates with intermittent fasting.

  38. I think it’s wild that companies put plant sterols in milk products and sell them as “healthy”. It’s even wilder that when I was eating a SAD, my doctor recommended them to me (as a first step before putting me on statins) to lower my cholesterol levels instead of vegetables and fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds

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