Le pastiglie di zinco aiuterebbero con COVID-19?

Lo zinco può aiutare a rallentare la replicazione di altri coronavirus, ma le pastiglie di zinco aiutano SARS-CoV-2?

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· Il SARS Coronavirus e Wet Markets (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-sars-coronavirus-and-wet-markets)
· Dov'è finito il COVID-19 Da dove viene il coronavirus? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/where-did-the-covid-380-coronavirus-come-from)<br/> · The Last La pandemia di coronavirus potrebbe essere stata causata dal bestiame ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-last-coronavirus-pandemic-may-have-been-caused-by- -bestiame)
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· COVID-19 Sintomi vs. influenza, raffreddore o allergie (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/covid-19-sintomi-contro-l'influenza-raffreddore-o-allergie)
· Fattori di rischio e comorbidità modificabili per COVID- Infezione (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/modificabile- fattori-di-rischio-e-comorbilità-per-covid-grave-19-infezione)
· Il Sistema Immunitario e il COVID-19 Trattamento ( http://nutritionfacts.org /video/il-sistema-immunitario-e-covid-19-trattamento)

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· Come COVID- 19 Fine: vaccinazione, mutazioni e immunità di gregge (
· Il COVID-19 La pandemia potrebbe essere solo una prova generale (http://nu tritionfacts.org/video/the-covid-19 -pandemia-può-essere-solo-una-prova-vestita)
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54 Risposte a “Le pastiglie di zinco aiuterebbero con COVID-19?”

  1. Lol NO there is NOTHING anyone can do except stay in, wear a mask if you go out, and avoid close contact! /s
    Keep eating that fast food! Have another drink!
    And stay off the beaches!

  2. Are there any major downsides to supplementing with zinc? Can we get more zinc by incorporating certain foods?

  3. The only cure for Covid-19 is the Carnivore diet. With no inflammation, the body's immune system is hyper-charged and develops various antibodies at a rapid pace Eating any forms of plants slows the immune system down, which is why America is dying to this weak virus. This virus is scared of Shawn Baker, his blood would develop antibodies in less than five minutes, so stop eating plants if you wan't to survive.

  4. Vitamin D, zink and quercitin is a great combo against any virus.

    Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of death by Covid-19 more than 10 times. Depending on how deficient you are you have a 85-99% risk to die according to a new study from Indonesia. This shows how vital vitamin D is to the immune system.

  5. I would like to have had this video include more information on supplements. Doing negative findings covered about think are related directly to their lozenge delivery method.

  6. Funny how all this CO ld VI ruse D eception 19 nonsense is compared to the COMMON COLD.
    More viRUSE nonesense.
    Please do a video on all the people that have contracted AIDS that was supposed to affect every family in the US.
    AIDS, SARS, CoViD all scamdemics.

  7. More people need to watch this channel. This is where you get the real facts. Nothing is filtered. Most people don't even realize how antioxidants work, or how they can be counterproductive to immune function in excess. Thanks for keeping it real Dr. Greger.

  8. 29% of common colds are caused by coronaviruses.
    I've heard it said that a vaccine for the coronavirus will be very difficult if not impossible to make because of the fact that no vaccine has ever been found for the common cold. Maybe because there are too many different causes of the common cold, but what about this inference that coronavirus vaccines might be impossible to make, or if created might not be effective for long?

  9. I used to love i mean i still to Dr Greg but since all those reports on Covid which can be seen that is fake i kinds lose hope for now, i think good ol videos was better then this

  10. If you want bioavailable zinc without using a supplement, eat oysters. They're ultra rich in zinc. There is also a great zinc content in lean beef and organ meats, specially liver.
    Sadly zinc is missing in vegan diet, because of phytic acid presence who interferes with his bioavailability.

  11. sorry for asking out of topic question but can vegetable based diet cure or prevent fungal skin diseases. If possible, then what are those diets?

  12. This Covid is still such an enigma and unknown. Funny how back in Feb & March, they said it would taper off some when it got hot. Well, since its gotten "hot", it has only increased in Texas and Florida.

  13. I can't find zinc lozenges of zinc gluconate or zinc acetate, without glycine, citric acid, tartaric acid, mannitol or sorbitol… Somebody found it?

  14. We know the mechanism of action for hydroxychloroquine is to open up the zinc pathways into the cells, allowing zinc to flood in. The zinc then shuts down the SARS-COV2 viral replication. So the zinc acts like a bullet while the hydroxychloroquine acts like a gun. The two need each other to be effective.

  15. Intresting. Isn't hyrochloroquin a chemical that ferries zinc inside the cells? Heck it us worth a shot I guess if the alternative is simply to die.

  16. Taking zinc as soon as I feel even slightly sick usually almost always makes me feel better. It knocks the cold back if you take it early enough. Currently we don’t have the best understanding of this but it can work.

  17. Any chewable Zinc that —- does not have —- citric acid in it ?? Need some for kids, Guess you could just chew a regular tablet but just tried it and the kids won't chew it as its too bitter.

  18. Need to warn ppl not to take too many zinc pills or lozenges, as an overdose can also (besides the nasal applications) lead to not being able to taste or smell…sometimes permanently.

  19. So where are the zinc supplements that don't have any additives that interfere with absorption? I ordered 50mg Solgar tablets, but then I saw they have "vegetable magnesium stearate" as an ingredient, when sites like this [ https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/minerals/zinc ] list magnesium as an additive that possibly cancels out the benefit of zinc (is magnesium stearate different from just magnesium?)….

  20. What is your opinion about the Pfizer vaccination? I don't believe that it is vegan as I saw that it contained cholesterol. Are any of the other vaccinations on the horizon vegan friendly?

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