L'uvetta provoca la carie?

Da tempo si pensa che la frutta secca contribuisca alla carie, ma cosa dice la scienza?

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Altro sull'uvetta nei miei video:
• Uvetta contro Jelly Beans per prestazioni atletiche (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/raisins-vs-jelly-beans-for-athletic-performance/)
• Aglio e uvetta per prevenire la nascita prematura (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Garlic-and-Raisins-to-Prevent-Premature-Birth)
• L'uvetta è uno spuntino buono per i bambini? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-raisins-good-snacks-for-kids/)<br/>
Maggiori informazioni sulla frutta secca in generale in:
• Mele secche, datteri, fichi o prugne secche per il colesterolo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dried-apples-dates-figs-or-prunes-for-cholesterol/)
• Le barrette di frutta e noci fanno aumentare di peso? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-fruit-nut-bars-cause-weight-gain/)
• Meglio delle bacche di Goji (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/better-than-goji-berries/)
• Prugne vs. Metamucil vs. Dieta Vegana (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/prunes-vs-metamucil-vs-vegan-diet/)

Ho altri video anche sulla salute orale. Vedi:
• Diete a base vegetale: salute orale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based -diete-salute-orale/)
• Diete vegetali: salute dentale (
• Qual è il miglior colluttorio? (
• Protezione dei denti dal tè all'ibisco (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Protecting-Teeth-From -Hibiscus-Tea)
• Il rovescio della medaglia dei frullati verdi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-downside-of-green-smoothies)
• Dentifricio antibatterico: nocivo, utile o innocuo ? (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-raisins-cause-cavities e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Muklinika via Pixabay.

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43 Risposte a “L'uvetta provoca la carie?”

  1. I love it when the toothpaste/mouthwash I use is verified by others to be awesome. (The only focus of it is ph balance and balancing the bacteria – not wiping it all away like store-bought stuff does). Very interesting info!

  2. Be careful, raisin high in fluoride. Idk if an organic raisin free of fluoride or not, but personally i still feel something weird on my brain and my tinnitus became worse after ate organic raisin

  3. all misleading. The question is not "what causes cavities" but "what heals them before they fully develop?" Answer: 90 nutrients essential to the nodys structure and function. Feel free to message me for more info

  4. Great, informational video, thank you. Please look into grape seed extract. It has been shown to be more effective than fluoride in "preventing" cavities and tooth remineralization.

  5. I've been wondering if natural sugar from fruits is as bad for your teeth as refined sugar from fizzy drinks etc

  6. Been vegan my entire life . Plant based minimal processed food. I have loads of cavities…… Joke

  7. This was fascinating. Also[throw arms up like Frank Costanza], Vindicatioooooooooon! Thanks for posting. Will let my dentist know. : )

  8. Can remember vividly being in fourth grade and my friend's dad (a dentist) dramatically pronouncing that raisins are worse than candy causing cavities. Thanks Dr. McGregor

  9. Extraordinary finding! Fruits and Veggies are just simply Amazing as are you Dr Greger for sharing this wonderful info with us. Major Kudos, again, to you sir!

  10. Green tea is also good for your oral health, I drink it all the time. It has high polyphenol content which can reduce plaque and inhibit further bacterial growth (to an extent). It comes in handy considering I don't brush my teeth as often as I should, not that its a substitute for proper dental hygiene. But its better than nothing. This method is used a lot in China.

  11. Dates may be good for the teeth too – I know they're an alkaline food, just like lemons/limes of which I consume at least 10/week – my teeth have improved with the lemons/limes – they turn alkaline once the enter the body

  12. Saliva production. The test should be repeated with the test group who generate saliva using a sugar free sweet to see if the ph is better or comparable to the raisin group

  13. @NutritionFacts.org any studies on vegan cavity/periodontitis reversal? Many people show protocols through eating meat/fermented dairy/duck eggs/cheese for the bioavailable A,D,K (K2 MK 7 & 9)
    They reference Weston Price and his observation of a grain based diet to promote tooth decay
    I know natto is a vegan source of K2…figuring out how to make it more palatable…

  14. When i was a teenager i once ate some chocolate covered raisins and woke up the next day with wholes on my teeth swear to god. Thats why ill never eat chocolate covered raisins again or any dried fruit especially with chocolate coated on it.

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