Melograno: un trattamento naturale per l'artrite reumatoide

Le melagrane sono sottoposte a test per la perdita di peso, il diabete, la BPCO, il cancro alla prostata, l'osteoartrite e l'artrite reumatoide.

In precedenza ho segnalato su POM Wonderful in 2011 nel mio video Is Pomegranate Juice That Wonderful? ( L'altro mio video su questo frutto è Melograno vs. Placebo per il cancro alla prostata (

Qual è un modo per mangiarli? Guarda il mio video di cucina per Cran-Chocolate Melograno BROL Bowl ( -brol-ciotola/). <br/>
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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38 Risposte a “Melograno: un trattamento naturale per l'artrite reumatoide”

  1. I’m betting like many things the sum of the parts is not equal to the whole in other words you’re not going to get the same effect from juice or extract as you would if you ate the whole pomegranate kernels.

  2. Only 6 out of 19 pomegranate supplements had authentic pomegranate! Wow! The scam in the supplements industry is mind boggling!

  3. Amazing what whole plant based food can do for you……of course, I'm sure you have to eat more than one Pomegrate in a day to see any results…….so you should try to eat them every day for two months and see what happens…..I try to drink the POM stuff, but I often wonder if they don't add sugar to it….I believe the ingredients don't indicate as such, but……sure tastes sweet to me….

  4. I wonder if these were studies done on people who eat crap diets and are praying drinking some fruit juice will somehow save them from all their bad lifestyle choices. lol. They aren't even eating the fruit, they are drinking some processed juice. That's like thinking, "I drank some apple juice with my burger, fries, and chocolate milkshake. Why do I have high blood pressure and diabetes? Apples must not be healthy."

  5. Hello i can see in the study « The intervention group received 2 capsules of 250 mg POMx » but what is it compared to the fruit ? Is it equivalent to a fruit ? To 250ml of juice ? Big up from France.

  6. The best book I know which will convince you to eat the whole fruit (or vegetable) for health benefits instead of taking a supplement is "Whole" by T. Colin Campbell (author of The China Study).

  7. I loved the POM Wonderful juices as it was 100% pomegranate, but we don't get them anymore here in Australia. It was the only pomegranate product with the highest quality we had here in Australia. It was sad they had stopped shipping it here.
    I never had rheumatoid arthritis (and other chronic diseases), so I wouldn't be able to say if it made any differences to what it claimed. I loved the rich dark maroon color of the juice, and I used to take half a glass each day…. until they disappeared from the grocery shop.

    I don't believe in the one magic fruit/vegetable that will cure all/multiple. I totally agree with what Dr.Greger presents; Food Synergy. So eating pomegranate with a rainbow diet, with good exercise and rest is the best approach.

  8. I'd like to see more studies on food synergies. Are there any videos/studies that demonstrate the power of these whole food synergies vs the reductionist approach.

  9. Can I reverse the effects of Psoriatic arthritis and plaque psoriasis with a WFPB diet without medication? I want to be pain free and use my fingers again. Thanks

  10. I have gout crystals in my big toe without having uric acid in my blood I suffer a lot what could I do? thanks in advance

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