Non aspettare finché il tuo dottore non prende l'abitudine

Proprio come la maggior parte dei dottori fumava nelle 1950, la maggior parte dei medici oggi continua a consumare cibi che contribuiscono alle nostre epidemie di malattie alimentari.

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Trovo che questo sia un concetto così potente che ci sono arrivato da diverse angolazioni. Per altre riprese, controlla Assumersi la responsabilità personale per la tua salute ( e Com'è fumare a 1956 come mangiare a (è-come-mangiare-in-2017). Gli effetti sulla salute del fumo sono davvero paragonabili alla dieta, però? Scopri le proteine ​​animali rispetto al fumo di sigaretta (<br/>
L'industria alimentare utilizza certamente lo stesso tipo di tattiche di disinformazione per cercare di confondere i consumatori. Vedi ad esempio:

• Big Food Using the Tobacco Industry Playbook ( /video/big-food-using-the-tobacco-industry-playbook/)
• Collaborazione con i nuovi vettori di malattie (
• Big Food Using the Tobacco Industry Playbook ( playbook)
• The Healthy Food Movement: Strength in Unity (http:/ /

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29 Risposte a “Non aspettare finché il tuo dottore non prende l'abitudine”

  1. Just wanna say , Thank you Dr Greger for this channel . Your videos had good impact on my life desisions . I dont smoke for 4 months now and i am vegetarian for 4 months also . I know i aint goin back to old habbits becouse i see things clear now .. #StayPositive

  2. eating everyday in general I'm starting to feel is not "normal". we evolved from tribal nomads that probably didn't eat everyday never mind 3-5 meals a day. Will fasting be the new normal in the future. fasting and starvation are two different things. it's a mental game.

  3. They came for the narcotic users; I wasn't one of them so, I did nothing. They came for the tobacco smokers; I wasn't one of them so, I did nothing. They came for the super size soda pop drinkers; I wasn't one of them so, I did nothing. They came for us meat eaters; There wasn't anyone left to do anything.

  4. I work in a hospital closely with patients and what ive seen in vegetarians and vegans is the same diseases i see in meat eaters except vegans and vegetarians do look a lot younger. But apart from that, ive seen heart disease and cancer in many i have seen. I also over see what the patients eat and they do eat a whole foods plant based diet, so ive not seen one of them eating junk vegan or vegetarian foods. My partners grand parents are meater eaters and they are fit well passed their 70s and are very active still. I perosnally have followed a vegan diet for years, then vegetarian and back round to eating meat again. I have a rule now that my plate must be 90% plant based and if any animal foods, it must be organic meats, no diary or eggs. To be honest i think our environments are very polluted and this is doing more harm than anything else to our health.

  5. Still waiting for your assessment of kratom.
    I know it's hard with the amount of data so far, but new studies are being done.

  6. Thanks for another fantastic video.  I am always recommending your channel and book to people I meet.  Great, insightful and well presented information!

  7. I stopped smoking 17 years ago and I eat a plant based diet, but yesterday, I bought two rolls of Jimmy Dean pork sausage and made two patties with my brown rice. I'm giving the remaining sausage to my neighbor, but boy, sometimes it's difficult. Thank God I've haven't yet had a smoking slip.

  8. I stopped being vegetarian, started eating processed food. I gained weight and felt terrible. Now I'm back on the bandwagon. I'm not lying to myself. I know the difference. My metabolism is fine. My habits aren't. I'm also taking a in a teaspoon of amla powder a day.

  9. It makes me so frustrating whenever I see doctors smoking outside of the hospital (yes it still happens where I live). It is 2018, and will these doctors ever wake up to the truth of animal products for food? Thanks to doctors like Dr. Greger for spreading the message, they give humanity true hope.

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