Noci e bulloni dell'abbassamento del colesterolo

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DESCRIZIONE: Si vede la manipolazione del disegno dello studio e l'alterazione dei risultati anche negli studi sulle bevande, dal succo di melograno al latte e alla soda. Per ulteriori informazioni sulla frutta secca, guarda video come What Women Should Eat to Live Longer ( ), Fighting Inflammation in a Nut Shell ( shell/), Preferibili proteine ​​vegetali ( e Diverticolosi e frutta a guscio ( . Ce ne sono ancora 50 altri se vuoi di più ( e centinaia di altri video su più di mille argomenti ( Nel video del giorno di lunedì tratterò parte del meccanismo di come i matti fanno quello che fanno.
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17 Risposte a “Noci e bulloni dell'abbassamento del colesterolo”

  1. Eating almonds is better for you than eating pork?… A total idiot should know that… LOL That's a hilarious comparison… These companies are as crazy as our politicians.

  2. Kangaroo scientist Dr.Greger, continues "utilizing" references to jump to a vegetarian hypothesis conclusion. If you've been watching Dr.Kangaroo for a while that should be obvious by now. I started watching for objective information but it's about as tainted as it gets.

  3. so, you think that these studies were meant to show something else, but Dr Greger distorted the truth??? If you are unsure or doubting a vegan diet, why not read the studies and judge for yourself?

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  5. "Medicine came into the world with a twin brother called charlatanism"
    That's a direct quote from Antoine Lavoisier,  the father of modern day chemistry. 

    Based upon their lectures concerning cholesterol,  these three doctors are guilty of medical malpractice:  Dr.  Greger,  Dr.  McDougal,  and Dr.  Esselstyn.

    And for what reason do those doctors indulge in this medical malpractice? 
    Money from big pharma.

    The following information is free and the real truth concerning cardiovascular health:
    Placing the blame for cardiovascular disease upon cholesterol is insane.
    Would you blame the bandages used in emergency clinics for the wounds on accident victims?

    Cardiovascular disease is triggered by a 3 step process:
    First,  you must have too many free radicals flowing through your veins and arteries;
    secondly,  you must have sores produced from those free radicals;
    lastly,  you must have no repair of the sores.

    Sores produce inflammation:
    As the result,  the liver sends out large amounts of small particulate LDL to transport cholesterol to the site of the sores (cholesterol is used as bandages upon wounds in the cardiovascular system).

    Fructose will block Vitamin C from making repairs in your cardiovascular system:
    As the result,  the liver sends out more small particulate LDL to increase the cholesterol bandages.  Furthermore,  whenever fructose is consumed,  Vitamin C is inhibited from maintaining collagen; that includes the collagen in artery walls.

    Free radicals are produced from toxins in some types of foods, e. g. , triticeae grain and potatoes.  Consumption of those simple carbohydrates (or sugar,  and especially fruit) will glycate LDL and oxidize cholesterol turning it into a concrete like sludge at the site of the sores.   As long as the sores continue producing inflammation, then the liver will produce large amounts of small particulate LDL to increase the cholesterol bandages.  Eventually, the bandages become so large they break free and lodge in the arteries of the heart, or the lungs, or the brain; thus, producing a blockage of blood flow. Result?

    Ask Tim Russert.
    That is,  if you can get him out of his grave.

    The Big Pharma Scandal:
    Statin drugs suppress the major player in preventing the production of cholesterol; and that is, glutathione.
    Whenever glutathione drops to low levels,  then more sores are produced by free radicals slamming into the bends in your arteries;  thus,  the lower your cholesterol — the greater your risk of cardiovascular disease  In other words, statin drugs are not only a total failure, they actually increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Now, if triticeae grain is unhealthy, how did it acquire this evil aspect?

    Survival of the fittest.
    That is,  as a means of self defense, many plants evolved toxins to prevent animals (or insects) from eating their leaves and/or their seeds; thus, the poison in the Hemlock that was used to kill Socrates.

    Triticeae grain evolved a very unique substance to stop animals from eating it:  Gluten.
    Contained within that substance is the protein known as gliadin; upon encountering acid in your stomach, it releases peptides known as exorphins, which have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and bind to opiate receptors in your brain to stimulate your appetite.  Why?

    To kill you.    Kill Me?   How?
    Before man discovered a method to make fire,  he ate everything raw; however, if you eat a handful of grain with gluten in it, exorphins will stimulate your appetite to make you desire more of it.   So, you'll eat another handful, which will make you more hungry!  As the result, you'll eat it until you're stuffed!   Fantastic!   Right?  ?  Wrong.

    While absorbing the fluid in your stomach that grain will swell up to more than five times its original size;  thus,  producing a horrible,  painful death as it ruptures your guts.  Every animal avoided the consumption of that grain until man discovered how to make fire.  Nevertheless, even in this day and age there are children that are not aware of this evil aspect of triticeae grain in its raw form.  In poor countries, where there are no doctors available to cut the stomach open to get that grain out, the children die a horrible, very painful death as their parents hold them in their arms and cry in anguish over their child's ignorant mistake.

    Poison Is The Staff Of Life
    Dirty little secret the grain industry doesn't want you to know:   Whenever grain is stored in a silo,  then it accumulates one of the deadliest substances known to mankind: Aflatoxin.   Upon the consumption of triticeae grain (wheat, barley, and rye), stomach acid will cause gluten to yield a pernicious protein known as zonulin that increases permeability between the cells lining your intestines;  thus, allowing aflatoxin to enter the blood supply through the walls of your digestive system;  once it has entered the blood supply, then it will produce large amounts of free radicals that damage cells and produce inflammation of your stomach, your brain, and especially  ?  your cardiovascular system; furthermore, the enzyme transglutaminase modifies the gliadin protein, as the result,  the immune system cross-reacts with the bowel tissue,  causing an inflammatory reaction of the lower digestive system; and due to the binding of exorphins to opiate receptors,  people afflicted with a mental illness  (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and ADHD)  suffer worse symptoms whenever they eat triticeae grain.   Also noteworthy:  antibodies to gliadin are capable of binding to nervous system tissue and may contribute to immune-mediate neurological impairment  (e.g., cerebellar ataxia and gluten encephalopathy).   In Summary:
    While our consumption of grain products has gone up ten percent every decade for the past fifty years, in lock-step we have had a ten percent increase per decade of Alzheimer's disease, a ten percent increase in the weight of our children, a ten percent increase in type II diabetes, and a ten percent increase in cardiovascular disease.

    All of that said,  is there a warning for eating rice?  Yes,  if it's been grown in North America, then it contains dangerous amounts of arsenic.  Furthermore, once you have cooked any rice,  you should eat it within 24 hours; else, it may become contaminated with bacillus cereus  (a naturally occurring bacteria in the ground that can produce symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea). 

    Recommendation:  For starch in your diet eat any of the vegetables known as complex carbohydrates.

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  7. I've heard many times the International Nut Foundation was a happier group until they merged with those International Dried Fruit slugs…🐍🐍🐍

  8. Yes, nuts can reduce cholesterol. In fact, this is one of the mechanisms that helps to explain how nuts reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that around two handfuls (approx. 60g) per day can significantly reduce both total and LDL (bad) cholesterol [1, 2].

    A large analysis combining the results of 25 cholesterol lowering studies found that an average serve of nuts (around 67g, or two handfuls) each day lowered total cholesterol by about 5%, LDL cholesterol by around 7% and triglycerides by about 10%

    Cutting Out ONE Hidden Ingredient Lowers Cholesterol Level Below 100 And Clears Out 93% Clogged Arteries, click here to find out how :

    Sim, as nozes podem reduzir o colesterol. Na verdade, esse é um dos mecanismos que ajuda a explicar como as nozes reduzem o risco de doenças cardíacas. Estudos demonstraram que cerca de dois punhados (aprox. 60g) por dia podem reduzir significativamente o colesterol total e o LDL (mau) [1, 2].

    Uma grande análise combinando os resultados de 25 estudos de redução do colesterol descobriu que uma porção média de nozes (cerca de 67g, ou dois punhados) por dia reduziu o colesterol total em cerca de 5%, o colesterol LDL em cerca de 7% e os triglicerídeos em cerca de 10%

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