Qual è il BMI ideale?

C'è una tabella unisex per vedere quale potrebbe essere il tuo peso ottimale in base alla tua altezza? Come calcolare il BMI ideale.

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Se ti sei perso i video precedenti di questa serie sull'obesità, guarda :
• La migliore alternativa alla sostituzione del ginocchio per il trattamento dell'artrosi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-knee-replacement-alternative- per il trattamento dell'artrosi)
• Gli effetti dell'obesità su mal di schiena, pressione sanguigna, cancro e diabete (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-effects-of-obesity-on-back-pain-blood-pressure-cancer-and-diabetes)<br/> • Gli effetti dell'obesità sulla demenza, sulla funzione cerebrale e sulla fertilità (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-effects-of-obesity- on-demenza-funzione-encefalica-e-fertilità)
• Gli effetti dell'obesità su calcoli biliari, reflusso acido e malattie cardiovascolari (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ gli-effetti-dell-obesità-sui-calcoli-biliari-reflusso-acido-e-malattie-cardiovascolari)
• Gli effetti dell'obesità sul sistema immunitario e Malattie renali e epatiche (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-effects-of-obesity-on-the-immune-system-and-kidney- e-malattia-epatica)
• Il paradosso dell'obesità è reale o è un mito? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-the-obesity-paradox-real-or-myth)

Ricordiamo che il BMI non tiene conto della composizione del peso (grasso vs muscolo). Mi immergo in questo argomento nel mio prossimo video:: qual è il girovita ideale? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/whats-the-ideal-waist-size).

Anche se non dovremmo sottovalutare i rischi per la salute che l'obesità comporta, che sono tutti descritti nella mia serie sull'ABC dell'obesità, riconosciamo anche gli effetti che lo stigma contro il corpo la dimensione ha sulla propria salute. Nei prossimi mesi verranno pubblicati diversi video che trattano i problemi del body shaming e di come questo influisca non solo sulla salute mentale, ma anche sull'accesso all'assistenza sanitaria.

una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/whats-the-ideal-bmi e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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100 Risposte a “Qual è il BMI ideale?”

  1. While we should not understate the health risks that obesity raises—all of which are outlined in my series on the ABCs of obesity—we also recognize the effects that stigma against body size has on one’s health. We will have several videos to be released within the next few months covering issues of body shaming and how it affects not only mental health, but also access to healthcare. And as a reminder, BMI doesn’t take composition of weight into account (fat versus muscle). I dive into this topic in my next video: What’s the Ideal Waist Size?

    -NF Team

  2. having a bmi of 24 or 25 is considered normal in the west but visually you are still fat at that range. asians use 23 as the cut off

  3. There is a difference between overweight & obesity. And Weight fluctuates A LOT sometimes, especially with the menstrual cycle of women. That being said in my point of view it is not worth splitting hairs over 5 pounds above ideal weight when it comes to health but let’s be honest the vast majority of overweight or obese people do not cary around extra pounds as lean mass.

  4. At population level, median BMI should be between 21 to 23. Towards 21 for industrialized countries and towards 23 for countries where many people have to do to physical works for living. For individuals, 18.5 to 24.9 is healthy.

  5. How is the sports star Paul Brady still at peak athletic performance and eats paleo zero carb low fat daily? (And also has zero caffeine!) 😎

  6. "Heath at any size" is more about fighting fatphobia and social acceptance; as a large part of of the community is either suffering from chronic illness, or disabilities. Us chunky folks are not saying that obesity is healthy, we are just sick of the hate thrown at us.

  7. I agree with most of what Dr Greger says, but I believe it's the case that people with extremely different body compositions can have the same BMI? While I believe BMI may be a valuable tool in assessing one's health, it'll be nice to see a video on the downsides of BMI. BMI clearly doesn't tell the whole story

  8. I switched to WFPB eating and lost 55 lbs over the course of one year without even trying. I went from a BMI of 30 to a BMI of 21.8 — without calorie restriction, additional exercise or anything else. Just whole plant foods. It works!

  9. I think the issue fat activists care about is social and medical discrimination against fat people; often fat people who are experiencing health problems are not properly evaluated, just being told to lose weight, even if the weight isn't the underlying issue. This is dangerous because then they can't get treatment for real medical issues that require treatment

  10. WFPB eating gave me the 21 BMI I now have and it only took a few months. Now is 5.5 years later. Highly recommended to all, everywhere.

  11. At about 10% body fat, I'm 182CM and 98.5Kg. I'm large/heavy framed, and naturally carry much more muscle mass than average. Does that mean I'm doomed to a short life?

  12. Wow I know this study, and the gist of it is that the ideal BMI is even a bit lower. But that's for people of all ages. For people below 40 21 or little higher is better and for above that above 21

  13. I'm disappointed he didn't talk about the flaws of the BMI—it does not discriminate between weight from fat, muscle and bone.

  14. I'd be interested in a video focusing on the implications of musculature when considering BMI. Although obesity acceptance groups do try to challenge the adoption of the BMI chart as an important tool for assessing health risks, I think the greater challenge is the large population of middling-athletic males who commonly share the notion that the BMI chart is useless due to its inability to differentiate adipose from muscle.

  15. Ok. I am at an BMI of 25 and my weight is fairly constant (within limits) for the last 20 years. Doc..how should I lose weight without fastin? you said it yourself that fasting is contraproductive. I nourish myself whole food, plant based and I have the digestive system of a compost heap because of the big quantity of fibre intake. Yet I occasionally sin with a veggie pizza (cheese) and a pint of beer (life is useless without a good pizza once in a while)…I hike and cycle and I can completely wreck people half my age on the bike let alone the ones that are my age (who whine and weep about it)….so less calories? I guess so… or less nuts

  16. How about BMI in individuals that have higher than average muscle density? I find BMI is based on individuals that do not workout, hence the lower weight scale recommended by a healthy BMI. Say a person that lifts moderate weights, does cardio and eats WFPB… that person would have higher muscle density (so, would weigh more since muscle is much denser than fat) so he or she would usually come off as overweight or even obese on the BMI scale…

  17. Question: Why can't I download the Daily Dozen app on the UK App Store? I can download it from the UK Google Play Store. Thanks in advance!

  18. Being overweight is too common today but should not be accepted as "normal" or healthy.
    Doctors hate to discuss weight loss and nutrition but it should be part of every visit.
    Doctors need to get training in nutrition in medical school and their internships.
    Insurance companies should require nutrition discussions with over weight patients.

  19. You can be overweight according to BMI and have an acceptable hip waist ratio. You can also be an ideal weight and be flabby. BMI doesn't show the full picture.

  20. I lost 27 pounds from March to September. While I normally eat less and exercise more during the warmer months of the year, the pandemic motivated me to avoid all junk foods and restaurant foods, which I will continue to do until it's over. I've gained back just 3 of the pounds I've lost. While the colder weather means a larger appetite and less exercise for me, I'm still avoiding junk food. Yes, it's possible to get through November and December without the holiday treats. I'm using my larger appetite to eat a greater quantity and variety of healthy foods.

  21. Unrelated, but Dr. Dre probably had an aneurysm because he doesn't eat meat and wasn't supplementing his diet with B12. Family, please, take your B12 if on plant based diet.

  22. Thanks for the video. I had been thinking upon this subject for quite awhile and knew that the ideal range is not so ideal but this video was really on point!

  23. Crazy info about hydrogen, it appears to help with metabolism and getting to a healthy weight. I have received many emails about people changing nothing and losing weight by simply using h2! Check out the science behind the 2020 lourdes hydrofix Japanese h2 generator! It’s amazing I wish doctor gregor would talk about it, as there is a lot of science showing it’s amazing benefits!!

  24. Just eat what you enjoy, and live your life. Stop all this stupid number crunching. How did eating ever become on over analyzed , extra stress factor?

  25. Interesting video. I'd be curious to see one that highlights the health risks associated with being underweight. I am 25 and have a BMI of 17.2, could it affect my health in the future?

  26. Well I think the core is you probably should not aim for some BMI number after all. That way you're trying to artificially drop it down against your current health "trend". These numbers are more of an observation. So if you eat veeeery healthy then your body will gravitate to this low BMI. So eating healthy should always be the first decision not, going on some restrictive diet. Just replacing foods with healthier things will probably do most of the work.
    But these numbers speak for themselves. Evolutionary speaking adding fat tissue to your body is a physiological risk you take to survive some harsh climate or event or time of lack. It comes with problems and today we basically don't need to take that risk which after all is very ineffective and just a last resort to survive famine.

  27. You should do one on how few people actually suffer from being underweight in the US. So often I see that used as fear mongering against people who are trying to make healthy changes (and are nowhere near underweight).

  28. And they don't care how much it costs the rest of us in health care premiums either.

    FWIW, at 5'11" and 174 my BMI was 21. Measured with calipers by a clinician. Don't know where that chart came from, but I can't imagine a "unisex" BMI chart having much validity. Just too much difference in muscle density/proportion between men and women. If I had lost another 16 pds I'm pretty sure I'd have been in the single digits.

  29. I'm (nearly) 70 yrs old, and have lived most of my adult life overweight (190-210 lb), but not obese. At 6 ft tall, the chart shows my weight should be closer to 160. My question is….would losing this weight this (relatively) late in life be with the effort?

  30. If I wanted a BMI of 20-22 I’d have to eat only 3 grapes a day for the rest of my life. 😂 Took me 20 years to get over disordered eating. Don’t need to starve myself for the rest of my life for some random number.

  31. That’s extremely nit-picky research you’ve shown here. Plus, the BMI is a random measure not even based on facts. It doesn’t look at the distribution of visceral and subcutaneous fat, built and muscle mass.

  32. Having gone from a BMI of nearly 27 to 22 I can testify on how much better you feel and look getting to a properly healthy weight. Aiming to drop to the option of 21 but that is very hard to do. The charts work for me. But my husband looks gaunt at the same BMI as me. He’s fit but he is not muscly. Surely men need more leeway for bigger muscles and wider heavier bones? The old insurance weight charts were better in my opinion. They allowed for larger or smaller frames and different weights for the sexes. The healthy weight range was the same but it stopped at a BMI of 22, the new charts allow us to think we are healthy at a higher weight.

  33. This "optimum" BMI is not realistic for a 5'11, 181 lbs, athlete who has good eating habits and a naturally large body frame. That chart suits better males of small or average build.

  34. Show me the BMI of Michael Phelps, Mike Tyson, top MMA fighters, Olympic Gymnasts, and that's the BMI I'll strive to obtain. Runway models are not athletes. Longevity is not the highest goal for athletes. It's strength to weight ratio, performance, and a healthy enjoyable life for as long as that life lasts.

  35. BMI doesn't take into account muscle. You could have a 6 pack and have a BMI of 25. You can also have a BMI of 20 and be skinny fat. So is it just the mass or the fat?

  36. I hate the BMI chart. It presumes that we all want to be string beans with small bone structures, not healthy humans with muscle mass and strength. i can't even imagine trying to get down to my 20-22% BMI range without removing a leg or something.

  37. I love how Dr Greger keeps his cool, even when addressing controversial topics 😎 Thank you for giving us the truth without sugarcoating 💖

  38. BMI was never meant to be used on individual people! Please do a video on this fact ! Weight watchers, a corporation for money is responsible for lowering the thresholds for over weight and obese in the the 90’s. Suspicious to me

  39. i'm into muscle building but my bmi is still under 24 and i want to make sure to keep it under 25, but i was shocked to see that a bmi as low as 18.9 being the level for optimal health…. WOW!!!!

  40. We need to stop normalising excess weight. So many people will
    Just see that they are in the ‘normal’ BMI range and believe that they are safe.

  41. I must confess that health is not my priority when comes to controling my eating. My BMI is 24.57 and I want it to be 22. I'm just terrified by the idea of being overweight. I don't think I could bear the social stigma.

  42. At 6'1" 190 lbs my body will be at peak performance with BMI of 25. That is 6-pack abs and half marathon level of fitness for me. If your body is fit with more than average muscle mass then BMI is a poor measurement.

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