Olio d'oliva e funzione delle arterie

L'olio extra vergine di oliva ha lo stesso effetto negativo sulla funzione arteriosa degli oli raffinati e dei grassi animali?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

I pasti grassi possono compromettere la funzione delle arterie (http://nutritionfacts.org/video /i-pasti-grassi-possono-alterare-la-funzione-dell-arteria) così tanto che un singolo pasto ricco di grassi può scatenare dolore al petto di angina. Ma le fonti di grassi alimentari integrali come le noci sembrano essere l'eccezione. Vedi Olio extravergine di oliva contro noci (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/extra-virgin-olive-oil-vs-nuts/) e Walnuts and Artery Function (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/walnuts-and-artery-function/).<br/>
Utilizzando lo stesso test scopri cosa possono fare gli altri alimenti:
• Uova e funzione arteriosa (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-arterial-function/)
• Cioccolato fondente e Funzione dell'arteria (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dark-chocolate-and-artery-function/)
• Funzione caffè e arteria (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/coffee-and-artery-function/)

Se l'olio d'oliva può compromettere la nostra funzione arteriosa, perché le malattie cardiache erano rare nel Mediterraneo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-was-heart-disease-rare-in-the-mediterranean/) Ho un'intera serie (http://nutritionfacts.org/?s=Mediterranean) di video sulla dieta mediterranea.

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/olive-oil-and-artery-function e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: LoveToTakePhotos tramite Pixabay, Annelise e OCAL tramite Clker.com.

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100 Risposte a “Olio d'oliva e funzione delle arterie”

  1. So when the f–k did anyone ever suggest to eat olive oil alone ???. Of course you're going to have olive oil with a green raw salad, with an acid( lemon, lime or cider vinegar). On would cancel out the other.

  2. Life expectancy is much higher here in Spain than in other vegan countries like India. And that's because we consume a bit of everything; meat, healthy fats, and vegetables.

    Start from there instead of making a biased vegan propaganda video.

  3. Keep in mind that the addition of fat (like olive oil) to your salad or greens helps absorb some vitamins (liposoluble: ADEK) and antioxidants.

  4. There's some thing called common sense, and you need to start using it. For one, get clues from historical trends, and see that moderate amounts of good olive oil in a good balanced, diversified diet are not bad for you.
    Secondly, try to understand how statistics works. Proving even an obvious statement can be extremely challenging. Conversely, there are several tools to make bogus facts look real to the unexperienced eye. Let's make 2 examples to prove to you the following statements.
    1. It took decades to ''prove'' that cigarette smoking causes cancer. Why? because although any researcher or any person with common sense knows it, how do you prove it? How can you isolate a set of people, and subject them to only cigarette smoke? there are always other factors, and you can never say with 100% certainty that it is the cigarette smoke that caused that cancer. Even if it's obvious. Statistics means gathering a bunch of data, making a model where you assume 1 or 2 or few more relevant factors, and run a regression. In reality of course, there are an infinity of factors. So it's really really hard to prove things that are even completely obvious in front of you.
    2. It's very easy to make bogus correlation. One important principle of statistics is, statistics doesn't mean jack sh it by itself. It doesn't prove anything. It does not, at all, imply casuality. That is the first thing you will learn if you study statistics. Even if you find 2 factors have an almost 100% correlation, it does not mean they cause each other. One textbook example? The increase in divorce cases is almost perfectly negatively correlated with the decrease in murders in most given areas. So, by bogus anectodal thinking, you would conclude they must be related. But they are not. The reality is obvious, as we have progressed, we are not stuck into having to live forever with the same person… we have the choice of divorcing. On the other hand, increased welfare from our progress has lead to a general decrease in murder cases. However, as you can see, it is not that the divorce cases are directly related to the decrease in murders.. although the correlation function might suggest so.

    One of the main lessons in statistics is that you must use your common sense. Some studies may show 99% correlation between two factors, and they really mean nothing. Others may show 5% correlation, and you may truly infer a 5% effect of one factor on another. By itself, a statistic means 0.

  5. Do these studies take into account the food the olive oil is served with which could have a big impact on the outcome of the study? The first chart you showed indicated white bread was served with the olive oil. Might it not be that the bread is impacting the results? I think a study showing a green salad served with lemon and cold pressed organic olive oil dressing versus the same salad being consumed with "regular" oilve oil vs a third served without any dressing would be a more credible study of the impact of olive oil on health.

  6. We have our own olive trees and every year we make oil and soap from them, 100% natural, I rarely use it now as a food and it feels better, I am wondering about topical use of it, is it bad?

    Still there are many other uses for it, and I hear olive leaves tea is good

  7. OK, so in conjunction with other healthy foods, it appears at worst that there is a neutral effect to using a nominal amount of extra virgin olive oil. Is anyone chugging extra virgin in hopes of improving their health?

  8. Dr. Greger! Thanks for this. At some point, could you address whether these studies on olive oil differentiate between using the olive oil in it's raw extra virgin state, which as you suggested, might be protective due to it's closer proximity to plants compared to refined products. Some people who teach about the volatility of oils under heat conditions argue that these extra virgin oils are volatile and not for cooking is because they contain chlorophyll, which is very heat sensitive and can take what could be neutral or less harmful than refined oils and transform it into a highly risky form. In these studies, as in many cultural cuisines, is there any differentiation? The meditteranean diet also seems like it might be more olive oil in it's raw food form, whereas Italians might incorporate it a lot more into cooking etc, as a cultural norm. Curious to see if this has ever been empirically studied!

  9. Endothelial function is not impaired by oil. What you are calling dysfunction is nothing more than the normal physiological response to eating fat. The arteries open wide after eating a high sugar candy bar meal. Does that mean that candy bars improve endothelial function? No it doesn't. That opening of the arteries is the normal physiological response to eating high carb meals. The body is trying desperately to dump out as much glucose as possible since high levels are damaging to the body.

  10. If you listen to this guy you won’t eat anything at all. I know guys that have smoked worked in a factory and ate Bologna sandwiches every day of their life and live to be 90. While the vegan dies at 40. Enjoy life, it’s too short. 40 or 90.

  11. If you listen to this guy you won’t eat anything at all. I know guys that have smoked worked in a factory and ate Bologna sandwiches every day of their life and live to be 90. While the vegan dies at 40. Enjoy life, it’s too short. 40 or 90.

  12. Hello Doctor Greger, how about this study that came a month after your video? Would love to hear your thoughts on this, maybe an idea for a future video https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4586551/ with conclusion "The present systematic reviews provides some evidence that olive oil might exert beneficial effects on markers of inflammation and endothelial function. Since improvements in these parameters have been described in individuals adhering to a Mediterranean diet, olive oil might represent a key ingredient of this dietary pattern"

  13. Someone please elaborate on perilla oil and arterial function. It's the highest source of alpha linolenic acid so does it thin the blood or thicken the blood?

  14. I never really understand what he is saying und would like to have alsways a short explanation for dummies and what I consequently should do or stop to do. 🙂

  15. Olive oil has no taste! Just try tasting it alone you'll see…..it only adds fat to your body, is highly processed, and it does not make food taste better.

  16. Dude all of these studies what the hell do you do you give people a cup of olive oil to drink or whatever? If not how do you know if it's the actual olive oil that does the damage and not other ingredients in that meal?? And ever heard of MODERATION?? If I eat 1 kg of broccoli won't I have digestive issues ?? 50 g of olive oil per day is what should be consumed max according to Drs in S. Europe!! You overload those patients with oil and then oooh olive oil is the devil!! Veggies neutralise the damage but you even bitch about adding extra virgin olive oil in SALADS in the whole food plant based diet ?? Mediterran diets are rich in WHOLE grains ??? Have you even been to Italy or Greece?? Whole grain pizza, carbonara and gyros anyone? And let's not forget brown rice risotto, huh? You'd invent pretty much everything to prove you're right!

  17. people swearing by vegan-ism… if Vitamin K (sourced from plants) is used in the body for clotting blood and you move to a diet in constant excess of this surely this puts a higher risk of heart disease?…. also the sun is the source of all life, surely we could just rely on the suns energy? no..why? because we dont have the mechanisms for converting that energy, plants do but specifically in a way for plants (not brains/complex systems)….. travelling animals eat these plants vastley and have body systems designed to convert and engineer the incoming energy for supporting say the classifications of a mammal…. this process from sun to the mammal chemically takes a lot of work/converting that the human body is not sufficient/unable in doing therefore to rely on plants is stupid…. and to state that in ancient times we wouldnt have access to this and that and who the fucks waiting months on a cabbage?….. there wernt no b12 supplements then…. and in the course of evolution our bodys have adapted to dealing with these diets of complex intakes meat and plant alike… it is the artificial changes to food that brings problems and plant foods are not exempt from these changes

  18. Olive oil is the most fraudulent oil on the market! Why don't you do a video on what type of olive oil is real olive oil! Cold-pressed and virgin! That would help us more

  19. does impair endothelial function mean the same thing as it clogs arteries. I'm concerned if olive oil, more specifically EVOO, will contribute to clogging of the arteries.

  20. Your studies are bogus and fake! Look who funds the study… people against olive oil.

    A better study would be to find out if olive oil is real or not since alot of it is diluted with other vegetable oils which is probably what there using in these studies.

  21. What about medium chain triglycerides, doc? Butyrate or butyric acid (C-4) produced by good gut bacteria from the fibers we consume has been know to be beneficial to health; so does C-8 (caprylic acid) beneficial in similar ways? You said that a bit of added oil is needed to guide the oil soluble nutrients from vegetables into the blood to protect the arteries; so would MCT oil on salads do the same?

  22. A very important piece of information is missing from this video….Vogel tested the effects of three different meals on a group of 10 volunteers who had normal cholesterol levels. One meal consisted of canola oil and bread. Another was olive oil and bread. The third meal was a piece of salmon. All three meals contained 50 grams of fat. The arteries didn't constrict much after the salmon meal. After the meal containing canola oil, they constricted slightly, reducing blood flow by 11%. After the olive oil and bread combination, however, blood flow plummeted 34% — exactly the effect that Vogel had seen in previous research after volunteers ate a Big Mac with fries. HOWEVER ….Vogel's own research, in fact, has shown that when olive oil is combined with foods rich in antioxidants, such as vegetables, the vessel-constricting effect disappears. All you have to do is combine olive oil with red wine vinegar, which is loaded with the same antioxidants found in wine, and it appears you can prevent the deleterious effect on blood vessels.

    Plus other results indicate an overall risk reduction of all-cause mortality (11%), cardiovascular mortality (12%), cardiovascular events (9%), and stroke (17%) when comparing the top versus bottom third of MUFA, olive oil, oleic acid, and MUFA:SFA ratio. MUFA of mixed animal and vegetable sources per se did not yield any significant effects on these outcome parameters. However, only olive oil seems to be associated with reduced risk

  23. This is why everyone should experiment on their own and run serum cholesterol test to determine the results over time. Heal thyself

  24. Dr Garth Davis just said on instgram that olive oil is good for you and that vegans saying it's bad is hurting veganism because of misinformation. Im beginning to think the guys a joke

  25. I tried the vegan keto diet for 3 weeks and totally regret it. Making oils the base of daily consumption is the worst thing you could do. So happy to be back on my regular vegan diet that is full of nutrition following Dr. Greger's daily dozen! Also, I've eliminated oils completely. 2 meals a day- a big bowl of oats with lots of healthy fruits, nuts and seeds toppings and a salad for lunch with beans, greens, cruciferous and 1 other veggie with balsamic vinegar or a lentil soup with veggies is perfect. Don't need oils for anything! No trans fats yay 🙂

  26. My first and biggest issue with this video is the screenshot of the conclusion from the study you mentioned at the end. WHY did you blank out the rest of the sentence after “vinegar”??? The full sentence reads “In terms of their postprandial effects on endothelial function, the beneficial components of the Mediterranean and Lyon Diet Heart Study diets appear to be anti-oxidant rich foods, including vegetables, fruits, and their derivatives such as vinegar, and omega 3 rich fish and canola oils.” WHY would you not quote the rest?? I am vegan as well… but I think presenting results like can come across as dishonest and can hurt our movement in the long term!

    In the European cohort mentioned, why didn’t you mention that they still found a modest reduction in CVD risk when adding olive oil to a Mediterranean diet even after controlling for dietary patterns? Meaning it seems to have provided an additional benefit. Not only that, but in the conclusion of the study, the authors say that their “findings back the need to preserve the culinary use of olive oil within the Mediterranean dietary tradition.” Seems misleading to have left this out of the video.
    Additionally, there was a more recent systematic review and meta analysis (higher level evidence) that included the large cohort that you brought up. It had even more participants (over 100,000) and looked at case control, cohort, and intervention studies. It found that the available studies support an inverse association of olive oil consumption with stroke (and with stroke and CVD combined) but no significant association with CVD alone.

    About endothelial function, there was another more recent meta analysis and systematic review of randomized controlled trials (again higher level evidence) that looked specifically at olive oil and it’s effects on markers of inflammation and endothelial function (and yes they measured FMD). It found evidence that olive oil might exert beneficial effects on endothelial function as well as markers of inflammation. I am just very confused as to why you chose to only bring up these individual studies when there are meta analysis and systematic reviews that pool the results of multiple studies and have higher statistical power and significance??

  27. Another issue with this video: in the screenshot of the Study at around 0:23, why did you leave out or not mention what it says right after “these high fat meals”?? The next sentence reads “This impairment, however, was also totally eliminated when vitamins C and E were given. As with antioxidant supplementation, olive oil, eaten with vinegar on a salad did not impair endothelial function”. I feel like not including or mentioning this leaves out important context

  28. I'm wondering if this would be the same for cold pressed virgin Hemp oil… or Avocado oil ?
    Which is the superior oil for making a salad dressing for example.
    Either way the take home message is to have plenty of vegetables with any oil?

  29. Came on… Lets get one simple thing clear. Any sugar at fat is going to be bad for you vascular sistem. The only food that doesnt damage is no food. Yep, stop Eating and you get the best vascular health. Why is vegetables so good, then? Because they slow down the entry of sugars and fats to your blood. That simple.

  30. He’s a cherry picker so take this and all his videos with a BIG grain of salt. I am a vegan, but I like totally sober facts period but he is very very biased pro vegan etc

  31. Interesting, but the way of presenting makes nearly impossible to get the information. Too fast, too many short blips with no time to absorb, let stand digest.
    Please consider to change your presentation style. Thanks!😃

  32. As much as I like Dr. Greger and I agree with most of his work this dogmatic approach with oils sounds very similar to the dogmatic approach of Keto supporters with carbs and starch. Looking thoroughly the research it's at least inconclusive that not saturated fats are damaging your health especially olive oil. In fact there is plenty of research to support the opposite. I am sorry when I see even the best to follow a dogmatic approach. And yes olive oil is a processed food like peanut and almond butter tofu and any cooked food like cooked beans.

  33. Somebody should tell all the 100 year olds in the blue zones of Italy and Greece that eating all that olive oil is gonna kill them someday

  34. I guess I'll throw out my expensive bottle of organic cold pressed olive oil……I guess it's all about marketing and that almighty dollar

  35. The doctor fails to include or emphasize ALL the real facts.
    The Vogel study which he shows twice…appears so briefly you'd never see the AMOUNT of oil given to the subjects 3 hour prior.
    Was it a drop? NO…. was it a tea spoon…. NO…
    They gave these people a full quarter cup of oil in their meal.
    How many of you ever use 1/4 cup of oil for one person's meal?
    BTW… the 50 grams of oil they give is according to the calculators, 1,000 times more than the "not a drop" that Esselstyn talks about.
    Why use absurd amounts to prove a point?
    Makes people skeptical of how other data is used.
    People who are so anti-oil should be aware of amounts.
    A couple of sprays of PAM to keep the pan from sticking doesn't even equal one gram of oil… AND a portion of that remains in the pan.
    The "not a drop" nuts issue foolish edicts that have no bearing on endothelial function.

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