Oltre alla carne, le alternative alla carne a base vegetale sono salutari?

Lo studio SWAP-MEAT mette alla prova i prodotti Beyond Meat.

Ecco la serie di parti che ho citato:
• L'impatto ambientale dei sostituti della carne a base vegetale (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-environmental-impacts-of-plant-based-meat-substitutes/)
• Beyond Meat e l'Impossible Burger sono salutari? (
• Le proteine ​​isolate dei piselli e della soia sono dannose? (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-protein-are-pea-and-soy-protein-isolates-harmful/)<br/> • Sostituti vegetali della carne messi alla prova (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-meat-substitutes-put-to-the-test/)
• Gli effetti sulla salute delle micoproteine ​​(Quor n) Prodotti contro BCAA nella carne (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-health-effects-of-mycoprotein-quorn-products/)
• Che dire dell'eme negli hamburger impossibili? (
• Il ferro eme provoca il cancro? (
• Composti N-nitroso-indotti dall'eme e ossidazione dei grassi (
• Il ferro eme è la ragione della carne È cancerogeno? (
• Gli effetti sulla salute umana della carne coltivata: sicurezza alimentare (
• Gli effetti sulla salute umana della carne coltivata: resistenza agli antibiotici (

Il video TMAO che ho citato è Come ridurre i livelli di TMAO (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-reduce-your-tmao-levels/).

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84 Risposte a “Oltre alla carne, le alternative alla carne a base vegetale sono salutari?”

  1. I use meat alternatives to help flavor some of my meals so my family will eat it too. I used impossible sausage roll iwith beans and rice in my stuffed peppers . I use beyond brats with cabbage and potatoes. I use textured vegetable protein to make a bolognese for pasta.

  2. "Nutrition Made Simple" another channel i watch said that TMAO is not as bad as we used to think. Are you aware of what your difference of opinion stems from?

  3. It’s not healthy to support Bill Gates. Beyond Meat is his baby. He has purchased more US farm land than any other individual and he’s been buying up fish farms in other countries. This in combination with his nefarious statements and other actions in the realm of putting aluminum dust in the atmosphere to reduce sunlight reaching the earth, funding robotocized mosquitoes AND the development of a malaria vaccine (when HCQ works well but he doesn’t have the patent on it) and his outrageous profiteering on covid and nonsensical, dangerous vaccinations, infliction polio on thousand of Indian and African children, means his food products are suspect, and his plan likely involves generating a food scarcity. He may intend to force sale of his patented products, speculate on grain futures or reduce population of the serfs. It was reported that his own children remain unvaccinated.His long association with Jeffrey Epstein can not be ignored. His a billionaire from violating anti-trust laws, and he’s increased his billions by posing as a “philanthropist.” He’s still intent on profiting from “health passports” overseen by the WHO which he controls and he’d openly promised upcoming pandemics. For him, it’s a money-making gimmick, but also the greatest infringement on freedom and the greatest crime against humanity known. He’s got a lot to do with the regime of censorship and fear mongering by media outlets he’s given money to, NPR and BBC to name a couple.

  4. Two days I found a meat alternative that has 26g of protein, 1100 mg of salt and like 0.4g of saturated fats for 100g and 170 calories. It is very useful for me to get adequate protein as I usually don't feel hungry but need the protein to recover and build muscle. I think I'm gonna keep using it from time to time and hope it doesn't cause blood pressure issues

  5. I avoid these processed meats for daily consumption, but when I’m at a restaurant or at a family barbecue, they’re a welcome alternative. Better is preferable to really bad.

  6. Usually you call out the industry/company funded studies for the potential bias (be it conscious or unconscious) and to take the results with caution. This one seems to get a pass.

  7. Good news! I don't feel the need to eat animals anymore, but this is great for anyone who is experimenting with a plant based diet or if someone has a craving but doesn't want to be part of the cruelty.

  8. Low grade stuff.

    Full of transformated fats, full of salt, full of Chinese soja (which is full of pesticides)

    No thanks

    I'll keep eating my legumes and whole grains

  9. No! It is processed! Vegan junk!

    Eat WHOLE FOODS plant based cannot be overly emphasized!

    Quality nutrient-dense protein is in beans/legumes/nuts/seeds/greens/tofu/endamame/soy milk.
    I am living it!
    My lab result in protein is proof. It is 7.2(optimal range is 6.1-8.2).
    Case closed.

  10. The promotion of plant consumption over meat has been a form of top-down class warfare for the past 10,000 years. Grass fed beef is the number 1 food for human beings, don't be fooled by this class warrior.

  11. Except there is no man-made climate change. It has always been changing.
    It's in the exact same bin as Covid vax that was predicted back in 80's among many other things.

  12. I had plant-based hotdogs about ten years ago that tasted like plastic tubes…essentially inedible. Newer products are quite good, however their over-processed, high-sodium nature are a concern. I use Gardein products occasionally because they have a relatively short ingredient list and are relatively low in sodium. But really, I don’t eat much meat beyond fish, so if I want a hamburger once a month, I’m going to be inclined to go with a quality beef burger rather than something created in a lab and made in a factory.

  13. As compared to meat, it's a better alternative. But, every time you eat something it's a missed opportunity to eat something better. Meat analogs have their place, to be sure, but I'll stick to whole minimally processed foods. I like my homemade veggie burgers just fine. We all make our own choices of what's best for us.

  14. TLDR anyone? My guess… it's not all that great for you but in moderation every once in a while they're okay.

  15. i dont need them tho, i prefer 45 (+10 non essential) nutriment for 3$ canadian 2200 male active.
    i made the list and their source.

  16. 4:07 Weird mind strick but, you're talking about gut-microbes, bad gut-flora. Might it be that in phre-historic times where we'd still roam between pigs, cows, chickens and other species that, by eating them once in a while. We'd built resistence to their potential diseases?
    Does it cause heart-disease and other malfunctions in the body long-term, yes. But so does accidentally eating the seed of an apple long term.

  17. I don't use. If I wanted meat, I'd eat it… I don't want ultraprocessed food in my life. The "veg industry" is a industry, paying studies and marketing and not necessarily offering good food, just taste food. In a transition "meat -to-veg", maybe it's ok for someone. But I didn't in my transition.

  18. There are vegan bloggers who say vegans benefit from a small amount of exogenous arachidonic acid (supplement made by a fungus). What is your opinion?

  19. I don't know about this specific product but from what I've seen, vegan alternatives to non-vegan highly processed foods tend to have 10–20% fewer calories, so that might contribute to the minor weight loss.

  20. Beyond Meats are too salty and I became allergic after a couple of times trying it. The ingredient list is very long so I cannot pinpoint what I'm allergic to. It goes for all other plant based meat except for Field Roast which I use very sporadically.

  21. Too many strange additives in plant based meat for my liking. There's hexane, aflatoxins antibiotic resisting gmo's, lots of bacterias, pesticides. It's not healthy and I won't eat it. Do your own mixing of beans, veggies and grains to make your own burgers.

  22. When Scientists and others think they are smarter than God… Most all meat substitutes contain Soy, The famous Black chemist from Illinois who studied Soy and found it to be a Pseudo Estrogen, with a bunch of feminine hormone patents, has definitely convinced this somewhat salty 78 year old curmudgeon to not only say no way but ___ NO!

  23. I was a vegetarian for 20 years and then all of a sudden my body just started craving meat again. I have started eating meat after doing research from different sources and I am seeing from other doctors and scientists that there is nothing wrong with eating meat as long as it is grass-fed pasture raised and grass finished. I started eating meat again because I was eating beyond meat three times a day and it does make sense that to just eat the original thing. My blood pressure stayed high for years eating fake meat. From my research there is nothing wrong with eating whole food. From my understanding grains are the problem not meat and dairy. I have cut out all grains and bread and my A1C came back down to normal and my blood pressure is lower than it has been in the past 10 years. This is when I started eating meat and got rid of carbs and fake meat. So who is right and who is wrong? I think that a lot of these studies are done when people are doing other things as well as eating fake meat. How can prominent doctors and scientists be on totally different pages nowadays?

  24. So – the consortium producing the product funded research to determine the comparative health of their product……hmmmm……

    Yep – completely Safe & Effective. Nothing to see here, citizens……open wide and say 'Please!'

  25. We love eating a starch based diet and we’re ok with never eating meat again. Our life and diet is much simpler since we decided to eat only plants and vegetables. Each to their own taste though..but we are happy these things actually do not attract us at all.

  26. At 3:35 he says the words " as similar as possible ". That right there negates the study. This would introduce confounding factors that make it invalid. You need to understand that ASSOCIATION is not CAUSATION.! Burn that into your brain.

  27. I'm still not totally sold on whether Beyond Meat is healthy or not…..sure, its better than eating real meat, but again, not sold on whatever they put in it and how processed it is compared to just eating something that is directly made from a whole food…..I usually make bean burgers and it doesn't have all the strange additives you read on the ingredients label of these processes plant based meats……..

  28. These fake foods can't be good. You are confusing your digestion system because it prepares for meat while you chew it and then some aromatic processed stuff arrives.

  29. saying product sales grew by x% is both misleading and poor math. you should know better given all the studies you report on. if you want to eat way too much salt then processed fake meat is your friend. Otherwise, just throw out all the food before you go shopping and don't keep bad food in the home. ever heard half measures avail nothing? This channel is becoming more sloppy by the day.

  30. Why have people been suckered into thinking these 'Beyond Meat' and 'Impossible Burger' concoctions are anything new (let alone 'high tech')? Morningstar plant-based sausage links and patties have been in the grocery store for 30 years.

  31. Interesting. I quit all meat, dairy, eggs, processed foods about 8 years ago. Quit cold turkey ( no pun ). Lost 30+ pounds, haven't been sick in years. A little exercise helps as well.
    I've learned to prepare all my meals from scratch and have amassed quite a library of recipes. I grow some of my own food and plan to expand on that. Recently discovered fermenting vegetables as a viable way to increase probiotic intake and get the most out of in-season foods. I've no cravings, no regrets.

    It's a touchy subject, and probably not for everybody, but I tried it and feel 100% better. I don't pay any attention to studies, because for every pro, there is a con and no telling who funded what study. I just go by what my body is telling me. I think perhaps that is all that really matters. Just a thought… keep it simple.

  32. Inspired me to make bean burgers from some beans I cooked a couple days ago. Still working on my recipe. These were the best yet–but still a ways to go. Mmmm I think I'll have another.

  33. What about the known carcinogens in Beyond meats that have been banned in Europe and Canada but not the US? Would love to see accurate studies on that. Processed lab grown plant meats are toxic! Let's see where the health of people who eat Beyond meats 5 days a week is in 1-2 years! I'm a hardcore vegan and won't touch anything grown in a lab. You're much better off with legumes, lentils, beans, and organic tofu that's free of anti foaming agents.

  34. Before I became a vegetarian I used to be like everyone else getting a couple colds a year and the flu every few years . I've been a vegetarian for 20 years I've never had a serious cold have never had the flu and I don't get any flu shots.. coincidence? That's what the Meatheads would have you believe..🤡

  35. When given the choice, I look for plant based meat alternatives that have less oil than Beyond Meat products. Beyond Meat and Impossible Food products were designed to appeal to meat eaters, who are used to fatty meats like greasy hamburgers. LIghtLife is often a better choice. Whole foods are ideal, of course, but I do indulge in moderation as part of my fully plant based diet which is centered around whole foods.

  36. I just watched the videos. My tastes changed all by themselves as I became educated about food. I eat whatever I want. Watching the videos changed my wants. No motivation required. Just education.

  37. Due to the fact, that vegan is not a (healthy) diet & that all processed food is unhealthy, I do not understand Videos like this. Vegan is an ethical Lifestyle to avoid animal suffer & death. It's just a bonus that it's the best way to eat against climate change & that it of course can be better for your health. If you consume processed food (which is sometimes the only food, depressed & disabled are able to feed themselves) you (should) know, that it has too much (bad) fat, too much salt, less vitamins etc. It doesn't matter if vegan or not. And supermarkets are full of processed food. Most of it for omnivors. Best is always to do everything from scratch. But there's not always time/ability.

  38. There are a lot of vegan protein sources that are extremely healthy and not processed at all.
    These meat alternatives are highly processed foods, the vegan diet isn't supposed to rely on them. They are comfort food like a pack of Kraft Mac and Cheese or a frozen pizza. That's all.

  39. We have great and inexpensive veg "meat" substitutes in England (compared to where I shopped in Florida). There are many Hindu people here. In my family, we use them maybe twice a week. Personally, I love most of them. I could live on them, but I don't 😂 I don't eat much sodium, so I'm pretty good.

  40. I come to the conclusion that a variety of foods are the best for me. I go with Beyond and impossible along with real chicken and eggs and beans, nuts and vegetables. I alternate foods day by day. I tried going vegetarian with these plant based foods and it just doesn't work, not enough bioavailability of nutrients. I think a variety of foods are best for me. My parents lived to 90 years old and they ate everything. Of course good genes and a Mediterranean ancestry does help.

  41. Guinness world record oldest bodybuilder Jim Arrington age 90, eats every day, milk, cottage cheese, beef, chicken and fish, also has raw salads with each meal, consumes about 1 liter of olive oil per week and has moderate carb intake. He does not play games or experiment with different diets as he has been doing this same thing for well over half a century. The man speaking in this video has no long term track record in anything and is not in the Guinness World Record book.

  42. 🍔 I didn't eat meat/burgers daily before becoming Vegan so no meat alternatives often now either. But I'm glad they're available should I feel like it.

  43. However, an intervention order effect was identified. Participants who consumed Plant first had TMAO concentrations that were not significantly different from Animal at the end of that phase; the significantly higher TMAO concentrations after the Animal phase were observed only among the participants who consumed Animal first and Plant second.

  44. notes: how to eat better? implementation intentions: specific if then plans that are concrete and not vague. if this food comes up, then i will eat this much or i will say no. if this is on sale, i will buy or not buy. have specific goals and thoughtful values. objectives and values depend on each other. write down if then plan. write down what foods you will buy. grocery list are big. study: plant beef sub, plant pork sub, plant chicken sub. all in one study. plant based meat lowered cholesterol cuz lower sat fat. but beans would have kept sodum down, fiber up. plant meats caused more weight loss than real meats. with similar calories. why? plants increase resting metabolic rate?

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