Preferiti del venerdì: trattamento del diabete di tipo 1 – una dieta a base vegetale

È possibile invertire il diabete di tipo 1 se preso abbastanza presto?

Ho citato per la prima volta la nuova rivista, International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention, nel mio video Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Lupus ( Scarica il diario gratuitamente su e iscriviti al companion digest su

Ad oggi tutto quello che ho avuto sono video sulla prevenzione del diabete di tipo 1 in primo luogo:
• La paratubercolosi nella carne scatena il diabete di tipo 1? (<br/> • La paratubercolosi nel latte scatena il diabete di tipo 1? (
• Consumo di carne e sviluppo del diabete di tipo 1 (
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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20 Risposte a “Preferiti del venerdì: trattamento del diabete di tipo 1 – una dieta a base vegetale”

  1. You keep pushing vegan but none of your videos have argued for any negative effects of seafood. How about doing an honest video either saying seafood is healthy or what you (scientifically) have against it?

  2. That is fascinating and helps prove we evolved eating plants. There is an alarming movement of people who disparage eating plant based based on political events and the control of the world economic forum. Citing social engineering as their main concern. They are literally saying they want you dumbed down by eating plants and that eating meat makes you strong and think better. I kid you not.

  3. sugar free icing on the cake= cringe…icing is made with lard. walk into any walmart prep food area and you will see 5 gallon buckets of lard stacked up!

  4. Even though I paid for the webinar on hearing loss today 7-14-23 and promised to be sent copies of the Webinar – and in the past I have been sent copies to watch immediately after the webinar – (I still work during the webinar). This time I received nothing. This simply is not fair and may be illegal.


  5. Has anyone done research on whole foods plant based diets on type 1 diabetics with regard to diabetic retinopathy. My dad was an ophthalmologist and I recall how frustrated and upset he was with the course of eye disease in diabetics.

  6. It seems that you’ve been saying that diabetes had less to do with sugar and high carbohydrate and more to do with saturated fat. Seems that you very often talk about the negative affect of saturated fats on artery’s and asthma and other things. So how does sugar intake affect us? What organs does it negatively impact and if you put the two devils up against each other which would you say is the more evil (sugar/saturated fat) I always thought sugar was one of the main drivers of chronic disease. You seem to argue even amino acids pose a threat to our health. Specifically bcaa.

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