Oltre la carne e l'hamburger impossibile sono sani?

Oltre la carne, l'hamburger impossibile e la tua salute: cosa succede quando si confrontano i livelli di grassi trans, grassi saturi, sodio e colesterolo in Hamburger di origine vegetale e hamburger di origine animale?

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Se ti sei perso il primo video di questa serie sulle carni a base vegetale, dai un'occhiata a The Environmental Impacts of Plant-Based Meat Substitutes ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-environmental -impatti-dei-sostituti-della-carne-vegetali).

Restate sintonizzati per:
• Gli isolati proteici di piselli e soia sono nocivi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-pea-and-soy-protein-isolates-harmful)<br/> • Sostituti vegetali della carne messi alla prova (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-meat-substitutes-put-to -the-test)
• Gli effetti sulla salute dei prodotti a base di micoproteine ​​(Quorn) rispetto ai BCAA nella carne (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-health-effects-of-mycoprotein-quorn-products)
• Che dire dell'eme in Hamburger impossibili? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-about-the-heme-in-impossible-burgers)
• Il ferro eme causa il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-heme-iron-cause-cancer)
• Composti N-nitroso indotti da eme e ossidazione dei grassi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/heme-indotta-n- nitroso-composti-e-grasso-ossidazione)
• L'eme è il motivo per cui la carne è cancerogena? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-heme-the-reason-meat-is-cancerogenic)

Se non vuoi aspettare che tutti e nove i video di questa serie vengano pubblicati su NutritionFacts.org, puoi scaricarli subito in un download digitale (https://drgreger.org/collections/videos/products/plant-based-and-cultivated-meat-digital) dal mio webinar di qualche mese fa.

Per un hamburger vegetariano salutare e completo, dai un'occhiata alla mia ricetta per gli hamburger di fagioli neri (https://nutritionfacts.org/recipe/black-bean-burger/) dal mio primo libro di cucina (https://nutritionfacts.org/cookbook/).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-beyond-meat-and-the-impossible -burger-healthy e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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100 Risposte a “Oltre la carne e l'hamburger impossibile sono sani?”

  1. Few times in a year is ok for me, I like beyond. I worry on poisoned sesam seeds imported from Asia…and other seeds and nuts… here in Holland every few days pull out from shelves…. scary

  2. I have seen the point about sodium levels in many plant based meats as a negative relative to animal meat. I think it is a little bit of an unfair comparison. It is like if a seasoning was considered something we should limit, and a beef burger has zero seasoning… but the plant based burger has some seasoning in it. Then we cook either one and add seasoning. Do people really cook a burger from a cow and not add more salt to it? Obviously not something that would be controlled… but it would be interesting to see sodium content AFTER seasoning. If I cook with Beyond Sausages for example, I use less salt in the dish that includes them. If I grill some Impossible Burgers, I do not add salt. When I used to grill beef burgers (a decade ago!)… I would salt them on the grill.

  3. Does beef have sodium in it. Or is that just the averge of what people add. Id imagine a fast food beef patty would have a lot of sodium in it.

  4. You also need to talk about the additives like methylcellulose or additives used for preservation. Plant based mimics contain a ton of binding agents, what's the health risk in that

  5. Big fan of Greger here, BUT WHY do you make these video's play a bit faster than real-time? I don't get it, it's so unnecessary!🤷🏻‍♂️ Please fix it when editing. 🌱✌🏽🌎🐽

  6. I know the answer before watching your video. Short answer> Its not healthy to eat it everyday as its processed more or less the same way as non vegan products and it has same amount of calories and fat. However, it doesnt contain cholesterol and may be considered a healthier choicer for you, definitely for the animal and environment. Its very nice to see more of these choices on menus in restaurants. Makes it easier to be vegan. So eating it occasionally can impossibly cause any harm to my health. Now let me see what your studies says mr Gregor

  7. There are many healthy vegan options.. Everywhere you can find LOCAL fruits and vegetables.. these kind of mock meats are more like how you say maggi/indomie etc.. is healthy.. Veganism is more about empathy

  8. I think things like Beyond Meat and Impossible have been incredible for transitioning people into plant-based eating. It's opened a lot of people up to doing their own research on plant-based eating and helped get rid of the 'all you eat is lettuce and tofu' stigma that plant-based eating used to have. And plant-based options in restaurants and fast food chains is skyrocketing because of these companies. No, it's not as healthy as whole plant foods, but it's a better option than animal products (for health, animals, and the environment). It's a nice treat or emergency option at restuarants when you're out and about or on vacation. They're really helping plant-based eating go mainstream. They don't need to be eaten too often, but they are delicious. I think the goal the plant=based community needs to focus on is getting more people on board because the planet can't sustain meat and animal product consumption anymore. And these companies have quickly done what plant-based eaters haven't been able to do in the past by opening people's minds en masse.

  9. I know it's not the healthiest but I do enjoy having the option to even eat a burger along with everyone else. And it's only occasionally. I do enjoy making my own from scratch at home sometimes but the convenience factor wins out a lot when you can have the quick to go order from a restaurant, and I'm thankful my local burger chain even offers the Beyond patty because I live in a meat happy city in the south.

  10. They gave me heart pain. I prefer plant based burgers from organic brands which might not taste exactly like meat but don‘t make me feel bad afterwards 😀

  11. I don’t care if it’s healthy. It is healthier than meat, saves animals and the environment. I’m IN. I’m not even a healthy vegan, I’m eating vegan nachos, vegan burgers, loaded fries, vegan pizza, Oreos 😂 I am not vegan for health reasons, I’m vegan because I love animals too much to eat them



  13. I looked it up today only to find out the package has to very small burgers made of pea-proteins and coasts £4.40, twice as much as anything else.

    Obviously I didn't buy it because I bet it is going to taste like meat, which … what is the point of making a veg burger that tastes like a dead cow?

  14. The oils (like canola and sunflower) used can be problematic in excess. The answers isn’t in fake meat, but real meat- free game hunted and consumed in the smallest amount necessary for optimal health, then cooking that meat at home yourself using high smoke point oils like grape seed oil and avocado oil

  15. What about glyphosate in the impossble burger, are you cool with that? On principle I love these products, but right now I'd rather eat traditional meet until they clean them up.

  16. Cherry Picking!!! This guy is insane, he compare a chemical ultra processed food with real food and what's his conclusion?…..eat the chemical ultra processed food!! WTF!!

  17. Man I just bought some impossibly meat I’m trying to lower my cholesterol and switch from meat like have no fat in blood lower cholesterol..diabetics as well overall unclog my arteries

  18. What’s fixing to happen is the people on the left are going to try to convince people that cattle are destroying our environment in reality we are destroying it faster than anything else. Here’s my perspective if they shut down the cattle industry then people like me are going to rely on wild animals for meat. With all the hunters in the United States there will be animals that would go extinct. And then they might argue that we have state laws that would prevent that but it would be like saying gun control will stop criminals from getting guns.

  19. Beyond Meat was so salty to me that I couldn't finish it. Better off just making a homemade one with beans and such.

  20. I'e gone all in with the Daily Dozen and WFPB for 3 weeks now. Was reducing my meat consumption dramatically the last 3 years and the meat substitutes were very important in that journey, as were the vegan food markets. I knew most of the enviornmental science, a little of the health stuff but the thing that makes it easy to transition is the alternatives and markets. You can do it socially, go to nice resturants and have a beer and burger etc. It's awesome. Now I much prefer proper veggie burger patty's rather than the Beyond meat stuff

  21. I don’t need meat anymore after the beyond meat burger. It’s really good. Now I can be more a vegetarian. I haven’t tried the sausage yet, but I’m looking forward to it.

  22. The comment section is hilarious. Y’all see stuff and hear this man yet still ask “ well is it healthy?” Now you know dang well it’s not 😂. Eat the crap once a month

  23. Dr Greger, there is an article from GMO science on rats fed impossible meat that states weight gain, inflammation, kidney disease and anemia resulted . The gm yeast and soy leghemoglobin are the culprit. Trying to genetically engineer meat from plants has a long way to go before it can be considered safe for human consumption.

  24. There are lab tests now showing that six fake meat products, tested positive for a *carcinogen, acrylamide. They’re also highly processed foods, extremely high in sodium and plant based meats are genetically modified and have *Magnesium carbonate which is used in foods to retain color, but wait for it…its also used in flooring, fireproofing, and fire-extinguishing compounds.
    It has Erythosine (Red #3) added too! which is an artificial food coloring that the FDA banned the use of Red #3 in cosmetics in 1990 after the substance was linked to cancer. But yeah…it can still be used in foods like fake meat, so it appears as if a burger is “ bleeding” when cooking! There is also another cancer related chemical added
    Called *Tertiary butylhydroquinone. 
    TBHQ is a synthetic preservative that prevents discoloration in processed foods. FDA limits the amount allowed in foods because studies of lab animals has found an association with cancer.

    Here are some other unsavory chemicals used as well;
    Propylene glycol – is an odorless, colorless liquid used as a moisturizer. It’s also used as a liquid in *e-cigarettes and is the primary ingredient in *antifreeze.
    Ferric orthophosphate – Also called iron phosphate, this chemical is used to fortify foods. It can also be used as a pesticide to kill slugs and snails. While generally considered safe (for people) in food in small quantities, it can be a skin and eye irritant and may cause an upset stomach.

  25. I’d love to know if plant based meats increase TMAO like animal products do. I think TMAO is a serious risk factor in health. I feel like a sufficient amount of water and potassium can offset the sodium. The toxin produced by bad bacteria that eat animal protein could be produced by said bacteria eating plant based meats. I hope not, but it is my primary concern.

  26. We’re just going to ignore the fact that the impossible burger is geneticalły modįfied and tests positive for głyphosate (Monsānto RoūndUp)? Oh look, the American Bumblebee is extinct in 8 states…

  27. I'm by no means a healthy vegan, so I eat these kinds of things all the time. One thing I do not consume at all is palm oil, and these burgers don't have any of that. New studies say that it is extremely cancerous, and we all kind that it isn't great for the environment. Great content. You earned a like and a sub, buddy.

  28. What about the leghemaglobin, the artificial blood component causing inflammation and weight gain in rats, long term these man made materials might cause disease. I guess its considered "safe" as no rats died in the short period of the industry study. 🤦🏾‍♀️

  29. If you eat meat and do not want to give up meat, is better to eat vegan meats alternatives: better for health, environment and animals. If you are a vegan who wants to be healthy if once in a while you eat some vegan process food will not kill you. If you don't give a sh*t about your health, be vegan and respect the animals and the environment and still can enjoy of vegan junk food. If you want to be best level healthy do it on a vegan way with whole foods. But anyway be vegan. Watch "Dominion ", "Cowspiracy", "Seaspiracy" and "What the health". And "the best speech you will ever hear of Gary Yourofsky"

  30. Seriously, let's get real here. I wouldn't say that the plant-based burgers win hands down. The sodium will kill you and still have just as much saturated fats. ANd I'm a whole plant-based consumer. I'd rather choose a real grass-fed beef burger that has no trans fat and less sodium than these fake burgers made of everything else that you wouldn't want to eat or pronounce if I had no choice to eat anything else other than those 3 items. C'mon guys.

  31. Yes it is a no brainer. And between Impossible Burger that uses GMO soy and Beyond Meat that uses non GMO pea, it is also a no brainer to pick Beyond Meat.

  32. I had to cut red meat out of my diet, and I was pleased to say that I was impressed when I had my 1st Impossible Burger… But the problem, is its high in Calories. Cannot claim Healthier Option when the only thing an Impossible Burger can claim is its lower in Trans Fat and Cholesterol as compared to beef. I only cut red meat out due to older male health reasons, and the smugness of the Vegan Community has turned me off

  33. The way this man is moving like a Sims character practicing his speech in the mirror makes me feel like this man is selling something over explaining something.

  34. Fake meat is stupid. We just don’t eat just because it taste good. It’s also because plants can’t give us we need. It’s also because plant proteins can’t be absorb by our bodies. That’s why vegans use supplements. I’ll stick to grass fed meat from my local farm.

  35. Nope, but they taste funny , I eat plant base meats once of a while. But beyond meat will never and can not replace the real meats

  36. I decided my own home made veggie burgers are SO much more nutritionally-sound and healthier for a human body than these processed burgers. I liked how the Impossible burger tasted, but I went against my own methods and ate them BEFORE checking out what was in them. Why did I do that? Ugh.
    My veggie burger recipe has a base made from portobello mushrooms, no heme, no preservatives, etc., and I can pre-make them and freeze them for later. They bake in the oven for 30 minutes. So delicious and none of these processed ingredients. And Bill Gates makes no money off of my veggie burgers, which is a bonus.

  37. There is so much wrong with this video. Im pretty sure glyphosate is in this toxic Bill GAtes made crap. Read Mercola's article on Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger. Gregor is a sell out!!

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