Perché tutti gli atleti dovrebbero mangiare diete a base vegetale

Migliora le prestazioni atletiche con la dieta. Perché una dieta a base vegetale è la cosa migliore per gli atleti.

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• La dieta del gladiatore: come si accumulano gli atleti vegetariani (
• I primi studi sugli atleti vegetariani ( -vegetarian-athletes/)
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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60 Risposte a “Perché tutti gli atleti dovrebbero mangiare diete a base vegetale”

  1. I used to suffer "hangovers" after big days out running or riding but since going plant based a few years ago I don't really have any of that anymore. I'm lighter, stronger and more resilient than I ever was!

  2. The day after a 100 mile bike ride I got a scheduled CRP test and it increased 10 times more than normal. Gotta remember to take it easy before a test next time.

  3. Sure seems like Health Insurance Companies and Medicare would be receptive to a WFPB vegan message.
    It would save them money on health care costs. This could off set the lobbying by food manufacturers.
    Maybe educating health Insurance Companies and Medicare administrators should be a priority.
    Health Insurance companies might even push doctors to take nutrition more seriously by paying for nutrition counseling of patients.

  4. This is further evidence against BOTH animal products AND highly processed refined foods. Vegan junk food is still void of many of the much needed anti-oxidants and can be damaging to health. Those high calorie diets mean more ROS as we metabolize. So eat WHOLE plant foods as much as possible!

  5. The end of this video kind of left me hanging, are there implications or conclusions on arterial plaque in plant-based marathon runners vs omnivore marathon runners?

  6. I feel like this answers a question I had for a while: is it bad to eat a lot of food? The answer is no as long as it’s whole plant food? Honestly it’s a challenge trying to eat just 4000 calories a day of whole plants… I have to constantly eat and if I miss a meal then I will have a deficit that day. That’s even with peanut butter! But it’s worth it

  7. I wonder if any of these health issues that athletes have, have anything to do with the seemingly excessive amount of protein they eat often 200+g (while the average non athlete only requires about 42g to maintain their muscle mass)some plant based athletes often stuff themselves with protein powders, bars, snacks and isolates as well and I've always questioned whether this is truly beneficial

  8. Remember the famous running advocate and author, Jim Fixx, who died of a heart attack in his 50's?
    "Cooper says genetics, smoking, obesity and a poor diet all contributed to the coronary blockage that stopped the flow of blood to Fixx's heart. By age 36 _ when Fixx began running _ "he may have already developed the arterial clogging," Cooper said….Since his father's death, John Fixx has made regular pilgrimages to the Cooper Institute for stress tests. He still runs and is a vegetarian now. He has come to terms with what he now sees as his father's premature death."-Tampa Bay Times

  9. How much clean whole plant based food do you have to eat to intake 7,000-10,000 calories a day as a professional athletes? They must be eating all day in between workouts.

  10. I tried it myself but it didn't work for me. Meat, especially chicken, gives me much faster recovery. On a long term vegan diet, making sure I get a lot of protein, a lot of the time it took like 3-4 days to recover, with chicken it takes maybe 1-2 days.

  11. Anyone know how to eat healthy and plant based but with high calories? I am active and eating healthy plant based diet make me lose weight that I dont want to lose. thanks

  12. Why do we still say that WFPB diets reverse the progression of CAD? Dr Ornish's study showed no change in minimal luminal diameter and actually a decrease in the reference diameter, meaning there was stll progression.

  13. Another excellent video! The Game Changers had a big effect on me and my nutrition! I haven't watched in a while but I need to go back and watch it one more time!😎

  14. As much as i love the health benefits of my WFBP diet sadly meat is still more beneficial for athletes. Obviously it's not going to matter to most people but it does provide a considerable advantage to competing athletes. Just because something is better for long-term overall health doesn't mean it's better for short term athletic performance. You could use this same argument for performance enhancing drugs, they are terrible for your long-term overall health but great for athletic performance.

  15. As always, fact based. Love you sir, thank you for all you do. Went from 242.4lbs to 165 in 7 months eating plant based and fasting, best labs in over a decade and feel fantastic!!!

  16. I agree 100%, I'm a physique bodybuilder and they doubt me when I tell them I'm a vegetarian, so I tell them if the gorilla is vegetarian and muscled why can't I be like it, lol

  17. It's definitely a leap to say the greater amounts of plaque in athletes' arteries is from the excess food intake alone. The diet may have little to do with it. Constantly stressing the heart and cardiovascular system may just lead to more high-blood pressure-like damage in the long run.

  18. Of all the videos I've watched of yours, this one hit me the hardest.
    I've decided to become flexitarian, and maybe vegan in the future.
    Thank you for being honest and straightforward.

  19. This nonsense is biased, misleading, and limited scope of literature and lack of nuance. Vegetarian athlete is light years different diet than Vegan. Didn’t mention that either. More than 50% plants is probably good diet with less meat but 0 evidence that being freaking vegan is superior athletic diet. Shameful, and a lot of sheepish fools in the comments eating this bunk up. Again to get anti inflammatory DHA, predominately from fish eggs and even high quality beef. Plants only provide inferior ALA and athletes need B12 and probably extra creatine, tyrosine, and carnosine. How’s plant athletes getting that?!,

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