Plants With Aspirin Aspirations

Should the active ingredient in aspirin be considered an essential vitamin?

Note: around minute 3: 40, Dr. Greger says “What happened to the other 799?” He meant “792.”

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If you missed the first two videos in this series, I discuss the pros and cons in Should We All Take Aspirin to Prevent Heart Disease? ( and Should We All Take Aspirin to Prevent Cancer? (<br />
The drug-like anti-inflammatory power of certain plant foods may make them a risky proposition during pregnancy. See Caution: Anti-inflammatory Foods in the Third Trimester (

Herbs and spices don’t just have some of the most anti-inflammatory properties, but also the most antioxidant power. See Antioxidants in a Pinch (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image Credit: Food & Function
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41 Risposte a “Plants With Aspirin Aspirations”

  1. I would love to hear you expand on the reasons for the large amount of stomach cancer in Japan. Why do you think this is? Is it because they eat large amounts of smoked meats/fish (I believe I'm correct in mentioning this?)

    Again, thanks for the informative video! If I could say one sentence to everyone in the world, it would be, "Eat a whole foods plant based diet!!!" I'd rather everyone make it their lifestyle though. Bless you for all that you & the team do. 🌱💚💪😊

  2. Thank you for sharing your information on youtube ! I'm 17 and vegan (3 years+) and it's been difficult to find reputable sources. I'm very thankful for your channel and all the information I've gathered from your videos. Thank you Dr. Greger !

  3. Great video, I am learning so much from this series. I gave up salt, refined sugars, and oils. It is amazing how much better I feel. I added more fruits, and vegetable containing beta carotene to my diet. I honestly feel years younger. This whole foods plant based diet is amazing. The magic pill everyone is looking for is not a pill, but just delicious whole plant based foods. Thanks Dr. Greger. Your videos have made a very positive impact in my life.

  4. Every bit of data supports one simple message … eat veggies, eat them raw and make them taste good … exactly what i have been doing for 17 years.

  5. my only issue is with suggestion that organic produce is better because it is not better. that's about what you said in the video – stress causing production of chemicals which have positive effects on health.. I would rather have it without the organic part in the name, which to me, translates as expensive and wasteful – while stress affects the beneficial chemistry production, it also seriously affects whether the plants are marketable, resulting in a significant amount of production being discarded. perhaps better way would be to cultivate/gene modify the plant to produce this compound without stress.

  6. Eating a teaspoon of cumin is like taking a baby aspirin. That is a lot of cumin, which has a pretty strong taste. There is a reason people don't eat that much cumin for god sake.

  7. Talking about Indian longevity is a problem here … is it due to eating plants, or the aspirin like properties of some spices The problem with most of the claims here, and I do subscribe about 75% to the WFPB agenda, but I do not think meat is bad for people – is that all these studies are all just pushing numbers around. There is no theory that has been proved out that shows the reason or direct correlation with what is said here. There are so many factors in people lifespan and health, including community, status, stress and other social factors, not to mention genetics, and environment, and there are so many thing we have perturbed statistically with the whole way we have evolved Western society that these studies don't mean much because there are no controls and they do not know what they are measuring, and cannot explain why.

  8. QUESTION would a ketosis diet that had all nutrients including 200 mg of vitamin c 150000 of vitamin a (or more) and bunch of vitamin k all from whole plant foods be healthy in your opinion (keep in mind cancer is an obligate glucose user and Alzheimer's can also be cured/helped/stopped by a ketosis diet)

  9. a review-
    More science supporting organic foods, plant based nutrition, fighting cancer, and luckily for us, eating lots of spicy Indian food! Like many important drugs, aspirin is naturally derived (from willow bark). It's salicylic acid, which is common in many plants but especially spices. Cumin is sky high, turmeric is not far behind; even mint. Aspirin has real benefits but also troubling risks caused by blood thinning side effects such as stroke, hemorrhage, damage to intestinal lining, etc. Typical of whole nutrients though, salicyate is only one phytonutrient in these plants. It's naturally accompanied by others which balance the negative effects and as it turns out, eating the whole plant has all the real benefits of taking daily aspirin and literally none of the side effects! It's not wishful thinking, it is supported by good peer reviewed research. Another fascinating discovery of the research is that salicylic acid, being a defense mechanism of plants living in naturally stressed, pest prone ecology, barely exists in commercial spices compared to organic ones due to pesticides. So called "pests" are a critical part of growing some nutritious foods, and maintaining the resilience of others.

    If evolutionary life has a single achievement, it's the fantastic complexity and sophistication that makes organic life resilient, adaptive and balanced in effects on other organisms. It's the science-like wisdom resulting from eons of evolution- wisdom that no sane person, scientists included, should turn their back on. I've never said genetic technology itself was invalid or unscientific, only that it's application was. Genetic engineering invariably fails to simulate and match millions of years of ecologic effects. It's not comparable to the ecology it's released into, and is therefore not stable or safe in those systems, or even demonstrably beneficial over traditional hybridization.

    Ecology is a little like the mechanism of a fine Swiss watch. GMO's are like duct tape and a sledge hammer by comparison.

    Enjoy your fine Swiss organic spices!

  10. Do you have anything regarding spices and stomach upset?

    I've been vegan for 3 months now; really don't want to give up spicy foods, but I seem to be somewhat sensitive 🙁

  11. Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) : Doc, Aspirin Block COX-2 so AA dont become Inflammatory TXA2 (Thromboxane A2), Could U make Video about PGD2 and Hairloss. Latest research by Cotsarelis says that Hairloss and Asthma is cause by Inflammation of PGD2 at hair follicle and lungs, Thanks Doc.

  12. I have a question. You talk about placebos a lot. I was wondering if all the drug advertisement on tv and the radio is effecting people at all? They are really drilling this stuff in peoples minds. At the least I was thinking it's depressing people. I mean you yawn I yawn, girls who hang out together start having their periods together, a guy see's somebody he is attracted to and he has a erection, things happen without physical contact. What do you think?

  13. Some people like myself are actually extremely intolerant of Salicylates, whether from foods or Aspirin. If i overload myself with too many high Salicylate foods, it has actually put me in the ER with respiratory alkalosis. Unfortunately there is a general lack of information and support for this condition also. Personally i would suggest people not to take this video too seriously, Salicylates can be very dangerous in moderate to high doses. We have only now realised that this is what actually caused a number of unnecessary deaths during the Spanish flu, Salicylate toxicity. ( )

    We would do well to remember that Salicylates are actually toxic compounds used by plants as a defence mechanism. The studies and results on cancer and disease shown in this video could easily just be attributed to a diet generally higher in whole plant foods, naturally more Salicylate will be consumed this way, that doesn't mean it is a magical compound.

    Personally i would stick to a WFPB diet LOW in Salicylates. And leave the Aspirin on the shelf where it belongs with all the other drugs.

  14. Very interesting. Certainly this never occurred to me. But it raises an obvious question: Is there a risk of getting TOO MUCH salicylic acid from plants, especially spices?

  15. Hi Dr Greger, thank you for this informative video. I would like to ask you what are your thoughts on salicylate sensitivity? I suffer from a mix of fibro, chronic fatigue and joint pains and am trying an elimination diet to see if salicylates aggravate my symptoms. However I have read that ingesting them is not a problem as the liver can deal with it, but on the skin is where the problems can occur ie body creams etc. What do you think? I am hoping I do not have a sensitivity as i am gluten free plant based vegan and my food choices would become extremely limited. A year ago my symptoms had improved enormously following this way of eating but a year on things gave got bad again. Which is why I'm pretty convinced it's not salicylates that are my problem…any thoughts would be hugely appreciated or even a video on fibromyalgia and salicylate sensitivity?….Thank you so much

  16. I think native people used the layer under the bark of a certain tree in place of aspirin. due to its salicilates. Willow?

  17. Love and gratitude to you Dr Greger!
    Wish you never changed your website format after 2017… it was so much more responsive to searches and the videos from 2014-2018 are buried now. I shared them with SOOO many patients back then.

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