31 Risposte a “Podcast: grassi saturi e fast food”

  1. what does "high in saturated fats" means tho… like… if i put 10g of fresh coconut in my oatmeal in the morning will i have impaired arteries fuction in the day?

  2. I've been on a plant based diet for about 45 years. I'm 67 and I'm in good health. I don't use alcohol or caffeine or sugar added foods. I don't eat any meat or dairy products. I'm not on any prescription drugs. I do take many plant based supplements. Blue-green algae amino acids, vitamins, trace and macro minerals, and plant based Omega 3. The reason for all the supplements is because I believe that the land used to grow fruits, vegetables, and grains maybe lacking the nutrients from over-farming.

  3. I was trying to be plant base for. The last 3 month s. A month ago , i went Zipplining, when i was walking uphill at the trail, it was 40 degrees C, my heart start pumping so fast, i needed it more air. I felt i was going to faint, i always workout, i am not obese, and no conditions at all. But i was having a bun and a fruit smoothie for breakfast. I cut the buns, i can breeth , with no problems now.

  4. I think some of us might want to know a little more about the supposedly more healthy saturated fats – coconut oil, dark chocolate, fish. Where do they fall into this?

  5. There is no proper sequencing of videos. The last video left us hanging, and have observed this from quite sometime now

  6. Well he answered the question of whether salt intake by itself is harmful, but it still leaves the question of how much is too much. Are the people who are prescribed salt by their doctors for serious hypotension issues (like POTs) being harmed, where their intake is around 3500 mg to 5000 mg per day, or is there a higher point at which the harm starts?

  7. Saturated fat only causes a problem if you are fat, If you are lean and muscular, and by lean, I mean a waistline that is less than 50% of your height (ideally 45% of your height), then saturated fat is fine, and in fact, beneficial because it is less likely to oxidize in your body. However, if you have even a little bit of a gut, then saturated fat becomes a major problem, because it will preferentially increase your visceral abdominal fat even more. Unsaturated fats don't do this.

  8. On and off vegetarian/vegan since the early 80s. Though I've done this plant based thing imperfectly, the damage is less than if I didn't do anything. It's been many years now since having cheese or butter, or s piece of bacon. Last time I tried them, I was repulsed. Practice makes it all better. Do your best. Eventually, you come to prefer the 100% plant based food. Plus you get addicted to feeling good. I know I did.

  9. I ate so much fast food thanks to my mother as a child and teen… 🙁 it took me a while to figure out just how bad fast food was because I was so used to it. I haven’t had fast food in roughly 6 years now.

  10. I would like to see a video of the best of the best foods to eat within a plant based diet. For example, walnuts for best nut and blueberries for best berry. I think that would be interesting.

  11. I wonder if there are any studies done on middle to older athletes and how they performed on “race days” vs what they ate prior to the race that morning? Especially the ones that had some kind of cardiac events during the race or after. Could it be this type of scenario – your middle aged, getting back in shape, still eating a predominately animal based diet, have a high fatty, salt infused breakfast prior to your fun run or bike ride and then have a cardiac event either during or after the run or ride? I think this would be an interesting observation study.

  12. Topic – hydroponic vs aquaponics vs soil farming effects on health.

    Any bacterial flora difference causes any different effects on health.

    This topic is important as more and more people are shifting to different growing methods.

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