Preferiti del venerdì: gli integratori di vitamina B12 causano acne, fratture ossee e cancro ai polmoni?

L'acne può essere scatenata in una persona su dieci che riceve vitamina B000 iniezioni. Cosa mostrano gli effetti degli studi randomizzati controllati sull'integrazione giornaliera di vitamina B ad alte dosi 12 sul rischio di cancro, morte e longevità?

Questo fa parte del mio sguardo esteso a B12. Per il background e le mie raccomandazioni aggiornate, vedi:
• I sintomi della vitamina B12 Carenza (
• La vitamina B ottimale380 Dosaggio per adulti ( /video/la-vitamina-B-ottimale12-dosaggio-per-adulti)
• Fonti alimentari più sane di vitamina B000 (
• L'ottimale Vitamina B12 Dosaggio per bambini, gravidanza e anziani (
• Il miglior tipo di vitamina B12: Cianocobalamina o Metilcobalamina? (

Tutti questi video possono essere trovati in un unico download digitale: Ultima Vitamina B12 Raccomandazioni (

Ho esplorato in precedenza ruolo della vitamina B12 nel rischio di ictus. Check out:
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: Vitamina B000 e Omocisteina? (
• Come testare Carenza funzionale di vitamina B12 (
• I vegetariani dovrebbero prendere la creatina per normalizzare l'omocisteina? (

56 Risposte a “Preferiti del venerdì: gli integratori di vitamina B12 causano acne, fratture ossee e cancro ai polmoni?”

  1. I have the MTHFR gene mutation (a double copy! 🫣) along with several others which affect methylation that really affect my B12 and folate levels. Any studies on how a plant based diet affects the B levels of MTHFR affected populations? I’m pregnant and taking a prenatal vitamin with methyl folate and pre methylated B12 because I don’t want to put my baby at risk.

  2. Все прыщи и высыпания на теле это буйство стафилококка, больше всего его питают белки, особенно животные.

  3. I struggle taking B12. My skin breaks out every time I take it! I've never gotten a B12 injection, I've tried the pills and sprays and I still break out 😫. Any tips will be great!

  4. Vegan for 8+ years and I take a B12 supplement once a week. I was taking it daily but my levels were so high my doctor suggested taking it only once a week. My preferred brand is Bluebonnet Sweet Earth 2000mcg Chewable Vegan. It seems to be the perfect dosage for me. Even at high doses, it never caused problems with my skin.

  5. There is a fact about b12 that most people don't know because of the mainstream doctors and media in general which is b12 is stored in the liver as the other fat soluble vitamins and that's why the old human never needed b12 supplementation because they were eating meat or other animal products like once in a month (In case they managed to get some), that time their body store b12 for the rest of their vegetarian days. Nowadays comes the vegan trend which isn't normal of course but it's better than the nutrition chaos we're living in this era, I suggest anyone on vegan lifestyle to manage to get some fish or some piece of meat (I don't mean here the commercial meat, no just go out and and hunt a bird like wild pigeons or find some farmers who got free cage chickens etc…) once in a month in case he/she isn't interested to keep taking man-made b12. Of course after this I'll be attacked by political vegans who thinks that animals should not be consumed at all and Beware that your thinking is against the all religions and never been like that on earth since the beginning of earth. so spare me your time.

  6. I think the most important factor is inflammatory vegetable seed oils. Corn , canola, cottonseed, soy, peanut, sunflower, safflower, etc.

  7. Working in the supplement retail business B12 is a supplement in great demand. B12 is critical for good brain health and left ignored can have serious consequences. People tend to take too much which is not good. Being vegan you do put yourself at risk of B12 plus other nutrients. A little meat/fish can work wonders in maintaining nutrient levels.

  8. I suffered severe acne from 15-23yrs of age. If it’s diet how come I didn’t have it before 15? Tried everything from creams to antibiotics that the doctor recommended. Nothing worked. Eventually tried Roaccutane and it worked. Wished someone had recommended it before 23. Two of my kids also suffered it and I took them immediately to a dermatologist to get roaccutaine, which worked. I didn’t want them to suffer with acne for years as I did and end up all scarred from it. Acne is the most embarrassing condition as it is on your face.

  9. Damned if you do, damned if you don't? I started reading everything in the library about diabetes after my diagnosis in 1998. There was and continues to be so much difference of opinion about diet and other things too but I'm about to hit my 25 year "diaversary" and haven't spent a night in the hospital yet so I must be doing something right they tell me. I had my first treadmill stress test at the hospital recently and the cardiologist came in shortly after for about a minute… everything looks good, c ya later masturbater! I'm not a vegan but I do listen to most of the no-brainer diet stuff most of the time. My sister is vegan or vegan leaning and she's had all kinds of problems with her insides. And she's not an ignorant vegan. She home schooled her daughter for a long stretch and she's now a graduate of Princeton U and married to a guy she met there. I don't think a vegan diet is the natural diet for homosapiens from birth to death. It might be possible but it's most definitely not ideal! Thee end, good luck

  10. I never had a lot of acne as a teen, but started breaking out with horrible lesions a few years ago. I'm old, and tested low for b12. It took a while to get a diagnosis, but turns out to be Rosacea. When I stopped washing my face with the 'gentle, for sensitive skin' bar, I'd used for years, it got better. All this to say, it might not be the b12, although I think we often take too much. Thanks for the findings.

  11. I grew up drinking almost a gallon of cow's milk a day. My parents thought putting meat on the table every night was healthy for us, and yet I suffered regularly from earaches in grade school and horrible acne throughout high school – never made the connection until a few years ago. I've been vegan for 6 years and couldn't be happier! (and the animals are happier, too)

  12. DUUDE! The timing of this video is eerie. I was literally JUST worrying about this recent outbreak of acne I'm having and it just so happens that I've been taking 1000-1500 mcgs of B12 daily for the past three weeks. Gonna reduce my dose and see if that helps!

  13. I was having skin issues, not terrible, but I was taking way more B12 than I needed. Once I cut back, my skin cleared up. So my experience is to only take what is needed and not more.

  14. My ten month old maybe anemic. The dr who ran the blood work says she is, but we called her regular Dr and she said it just seems low but they would review it this weekend and call us back Monday. The dr who ran the blood work lectured us on how she has to eat meat, dairy and eggs now. Her diet up to this point has been breastfeed, and when she eats solids it’s usually oats, hemp hearts, nut butter, tofu, lentils, rice and beans. We have an iron supplement but we have been really bad about giving it to her. Like maybe once a week. We suggested to the dr who is pushing meat that we need to be better with the supplement and that we can introduce impossible meats since they have heme iron, and also make sure her smoothies have spinach, but she doesn’t think that is good enough.

    We do not want to switch her to a animal based diet as we are ethical vegans, but the dr who did her blood work has us very worried. We are waiting to meet with her regularly Dr next week. Anyone have suggestions

  15. You guys I can’t even watch this guy. Hearing him narrate his audio books is hard enough… but seeing him be such an awkward twitchy weirdo is unbearable

  16. Could you make a video on the possible harms of alcohol from the fermentation of yeasts and sugars naturally present in foods? I think it could be interesting.

  17. have you considered how, not one mention of cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin (or other?), kinda makes this all a bit meaningless?

  18. I've had acne my entire adult life up until I started eating only whole food plant-based and any time I stray away from it, about a month later the acne comes back something fierce. Its definitely the food for me.

  19. "Nutrition counseling as a first-line or adjunctive therapy can be suggest for individuals with mild to moderate acne."

    Bravo 🙂

  20. Actually learning a lot about skin care from this and how body operates and the microbiome on the surface of our skin … wow!

  21. Love your podcasts and videos. Thank you so much! Doing great on wfpb and love how i feel. Would you talk about lectins ( dr gundry talks about how bad they are.) I’m confused. Thanks you

  22. I lost fat weight, gained muscle, shrank my prostate, cured my celiac disease, cured my GERD, reduced my blood pressure from 160+ down to 110, improved brain fog and many want to know why I look so young, I say I feel younger too from my low carb diet, less than 50g per day, eat all the meat I want, I stopped listening to skinny neck doctors like Greger, who I doubt is a real doctor, who I believe is funded by corporations that profit from sickness and I started watching Drs Paul Mason, Ken Berry, Anthony Chaffee, Shawn Baker, Ben Bikman, Sten Ekberg, Annette Bozworth, etc, all on YouTube, who have the facts, figures, studies, data, evidence and proof, who are funded by happy healthy transformed vegan subscribers and cured diabetic subscribers and meat gives me plenty B-12, we all deserve the truth. And we only find truth when we look at both sides. Good luck in your future endeavors.

  23. This guy has problems, I don't want his drugs or diet or lifestyle. I don't take B12 and have normal levels because I eat a little meat everyday. And I don't take any injections or swallow any supplements because I get all my nutrients, minerals and vitamins from meat as no plants on earth can supply what 1/4 pound hamburger does.

  24. Other that animal products aslo high dose b12 supplements can be carcinogenic

    "Vitamin B supplementation increased the death rate due to cancer by 5%" but further worse "Vitamin B supplementation might play an important role in cancer incidence if the mean age of the participants is <62 years (RR, 1.15; 95% CI: 0.99–1.34; P = 0.074; Fig. Fig.4),4)"

    "Effect of vitamin B supplementation on cancer incidence, death due to cancer, and total mortality
    A PRISMA-compliant cumulative meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials"

  25. The mendelian randomization study showing a higher risk of cancer in patients with biologically predicated levels of elevated b12 is a bit spooky. Not sure how to explain these findings

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