Prevenire il cancro della pelle dall'interno

Mangiare cibi ricchi di antiossidanti può rafforzare la protezione della pelle e ridurre il rossore da scottature solari di 40%, mentre l'alcol può ridurre drasticamente il livello di antiossidanti nella pelle entro 8 minuti dal consumo.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Isn non è così selvaggio? Le dinamiche antiossidanti nel corpo cambiano di minuto in minuto; quindi, assicurati di fare il pieno di:
Minima “indennità giornaliera consigliata” di antiossidanti ( -indennità-giornaliera-di-antiossidanti/)
Antiossidanti alimentari, ictus e malattie cardiache (http ://<br/> Antiossidanti alimentari e cancro (
Antiossidanti e depressione (

Cos'altro possono fare i pomodori? Scopri Inibizione dell'attivazione piastrinica con semi di pomodoro (

Altri video sulla salute della pelle includono:
Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep (
Prevenire le rughe con la dieta (
Semi di lino per pelli sensibili ( -skin/)
La cellulite può essere trattata con la dieta? (
Mangiare meglio per avere un aspetto migliore ( -to-look-better/)
Lozione all'avena per l'eruzione cutanea indotta dalla chemioterapia (

L'alcol non aumenta solo il rischio di cancro della pelle. Vedi Cancro al seno e alcol: quanto è sicuro? ( . Ma come la GU nel cacciavite, i componenti della buccia dell'uva possono aiutare a mediare gli effetti negativi. Vedi: Rischio di cancro al seno: vino rosso vs. vino bianco ( rischio-vino-rosso-vs-vino-bianco/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -inside-out e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: craig via Flickr.
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80 Risposte a “Prevenire il cancro della pelle dall'interno”

  1. funny how people in Russia where in the wintertime there's barely any sun are great intakers, and people living in deserts forbid the consumption of alcohol.

  2. Nice video. Is there any research done on the best type of sun block? There is a lot of conflicting information, some saying its harmful and some saying its better to have it than not. Thanks! I also just sent my grandpa your book, he's had a lot of health issues so hopefully he will get the point after reading it.

  3. When I roughnecked on drilling rigs, way back when, and when I was a roofer no one held me down. It was still very difficult to avoid exposure to the sun.

  4. More of this type of videos, please! Can you maybe show serious studies about astaxanthin and other foods with a high oxygen radical absorbance capacity and its effect on the skin while exposed to the sun? That would be amazing!!

  5. I found this out for myself. Before going Vegan, I would get burnt very quickly. But after becoming Vegan, eating a bit better quality of food, I was able to stay out in the sun way, way longer and if I did get a bit of a burn, it healed quickly.

  6. Been spreading this info in my nutrition program – phytochemicals build up in our tissues so that we can be protected and enjoy a little late afternoon nude sunbathing

  7. Great work, we love the research. We would like it even more and would share it if you'd stop making those obnoxious noises with your mouth and tone of voice. High projections when making a point is extremely annoying and is a telling sign of someone who sees themselves as better than others and belittles the audience. Just thought we'd point that out. Again great information and research.

  8. Calling fruits and vegetables "polypharmacy" is an insult to fruits and vegetables. Unlike drugs, fruits and vegetables have no side effects and are not responsible for killing 100K Americans every year.

  9. This explains why I don't get sunburn like I used to! I have eaten 10oz of blue berries and raspberries every morning for the last 5 years! So cool! I had no idea that what we eat and drink can affect our skin so immediately.

  10. But what if someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to drink alcohol on a daily basis? How much blueberry should I consume then to avoid alcohol damage and sun exposure damage to my skin?

  11. OH God I absolutely HATE alcohol…….its tastes like shit and destroy your whole body…..there is reason why they call it "the product of decay"       well, in the summer I will stick to my beloved Blueberries ….

  12. Misleading title… only thing that was proven in this study was that with higher levels lycopene skins takes longer to get sunburned. Hopefully, you will also make a video about anti-oxidants and their ability to actually speed up cancer progression.

  13. I'd love to know Dr Greger's views on sunblock .I believe it was Keele University that did a very interesting independent study on the effects of sunscreen on vitamin D absorption.

    I've never used it on my children ( who are vegan ) we are very sensible in the sun though, and cover up.

  14. Dear Dr. Michael Greger, I wanted to write about your presentation and prevention from deadly diseases. Yesterday I bought the book "How Not To Die", every words that I have read so far is jewel to health, something that had always been in our practice from ancient time till modern medicine started damaging our health slowly and silently. Thank you very much for bringing the awareness in general public, and thank you for educating people around the world. You work and efforts are much appreciated, rather no words can appreciate you work and the benefits that you have given to general public. Thank you very much.

  15. I'm going to go ahead and take this one with a big grain of salt in my case. While I appreciate all these videos, and they've really helped me make some significant positive changes, with results in my life, I'm not going exposed to the sun unprotected. I'm very fair skinned, and I burn in literally 10 minutes. It's been that way my entire life, and I have memories of blisters across my entire back as a young child, every summer I'd accumulate more freckles, and sunburn so bad my skin turned purple. I was the kid at the pool wearing a t-shirt because I was allergic to the PABA additives at the time. My mother made sure my brothers and me ate very healthy. In the 80's and 90's, processed junk was more expensive than whole foods, so we always ate home-cooked meals, brought lunches to school, lots of fruits and veggies, and a diet very atypical for an American.

    When I was under 18 I noticed my first legion of Actinic Keratosis, and I had never consumed even a drop of alcohol. By the time I was 23 I was taking regular trips to the clinic (military doctor) to get more areas frozen with liquid nitrogen. When I was 27 I had been diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma on my right forearm, which was surgically removed. 3 years later I had one removed from my forehead, above my right eyebrow. I currently have several more areas that need to be addressed.

    My point is that no matter how well I eat, sun exposure for me is never smooth sailing.

  16. דר האם אתהיכול לתרגם יותר סרטונים שאתה מעלה כי אתה משתמש במילים גבוהות וזה מאוד עוזר

  17. My wife got BCC when she was for years on a proper plant based diet with 90 percent raw especially green leafy veggies (kale, broccolli, spinnach all organic), bluberries every day and no junk vegan food like white flour or any animal food at all. She didn't consume any alcohol in any amounts for many years. Never smoked. And she's got that BCC not somwhere in tropical country but in the UK after spending some time ocasionally 15-20 mins in a park for getting vitamin D. Can you imagine the diet was full of all these anti-cancer turmeric+black pepper, garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper, etc….and even alkaline water to keep pH balance which was always 7,5-8. I don't believe anymore that berries can protect. If the skin gets damaged from outside for any reason, berries with antioxidants wouldn't help from inside.

  18. Can we have more on women's health issues. I know there's already a whole playlist, but I still think there's more to explore. I'm hoping you can find some research on hormone imbalances, period lengths, PCOS, endometriosis, etc.. I'm sure fertility would also interest a lot of people.

  19. I had melanoma 3 years ago. Reading Dr. Gregory’s information I decided to load up twice a day with blueberries and cardamom. Long story short they found that the cancer had receded

  20. Such a cool thing! I definitely don't get sunburned like I used to as a meat eater. Although, I do try to limit my exposure at the hottest parts of the day, I'm sure my uptake of fruits & veggies is helping. I pretty much don't drink alcohol either.

  21. There's a flaw in this video. He shows studies that demonstrate carotenoids protect the skin from sun damage, and then flashes studies saying that berries are the best because they have the highest antioxidant content. The problem is that you're comparing carotenoids, which are fat soluble, to Anthocyanins, which are water soluble. It makes sense that fat soluble carotenoids would concentrate in the skin, but how do we know Anthocyanins from berries do the same thing, or would even have the same effect if they did concentrate in skin? It's an assumption. If it's only carotenoids that work, then oranges would be better than blueberries.

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  23. After going vegan about 6 years ago my skin is literally sunproof I work construction in hot sunny weather all summer no sunscreen and no sun burn

  24. I live outside in the south. Pasty white boy. Used to get a burn within 10 minutes. Been eating pound or more of blueberries a day for weeks because of the special antioxidants they have for the brain. I spend hours in the sun an don’t get burned! Great to understand why!!!!

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